Saturday, July 31, 2010

Unsurprising News: Obamacare, the Groper, and the Gulf

Unsurprising News: Obamacare, the Groper, and the Gulf

With apologies to the Bard, some news is born worthy of being news, some becomes newsworthy as a result of misinterpretation, and some achieves newsworthiness due to wildly-inflated, distorted exaggerations.

Obamacare: Anyone who believed the Democrat-Obamian sales pitch on Obamacare has to have been an Obama-enamored African-American, a disturbed Democrat with a government sinecure, a chronic user of illicit, mind-altering drugs, or all of the above.

All the horrors of Obama’s signature legislation that its opponents warned about are either coming to pass or are in process, from rationing to death panels to higher costs to the dreaded “public option.” The truth about Obamacare will include both intended consequences, which Obamians will deny, and unintended consequences they will declare total surprises, even shocks.

As one observer wrote, ”Higher costs, longer wait times, inferior care–essentially every nightmare scenario envisioned by Obamacare critics is coming true” and, by design, Obama will be out of office or a lame duck when the major horrors kick in in 2014: . . .

Friday, July 30, 2010

Close the Doors, They're Coming Through the Windows!

Close the Doors, They're Coming through the Windows!

The antiquated expression, “Close the doors, they’re coming through the windows,” derives from a hit 1950’s song by the Stargazers; it referred to the chaos when too much happens at the same time.

We’re experiencing that superfluity today, that overkill with regard to the sound of squeaky closet doors being opened wide and gays, lesbians, homosexuals, queers, bi-sexuals, transgenders, and God knows what else emerging into the normal world and proclaiming their normality, denouncing the meanness of heterosexuals, and demanding their acceptance by one and all.

They may not yet be coming through the windows but give them time. When this new breed of gays is confronted with closed doors, they will use any avenue of ingress available in order to gain entry.

The latest ingressor is Sara Gilbert, the pasty-faced thing on the old, trailer-trashy, 80’s sitcom, “Roseann.”

As if the world cares about whom she takes to bed, or to the rafters, or to a chandelier, . . .

Mongrels in the White House!

Mongrels in the White House!

. . . “When asked about his background, which includes a black father and white mother, Obama said of African-Americans: ‘We are sort of a mongrel people.’ ” He elaborated, “I mean we’re all kinds of mixed up. That’s actually true of white people as well, but we just know more about it. “

He further added, “there’s still a reptilian side of our brain” that leads people to not trust others “if somebody sounds different or looks different.”

Huh? Mongrels? Reptiles? This is the president of the United States speaking?

Those off-the-cuff remarks are notable on a number of levels. . .

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Questions of Ethics: Charles Rangel, Bradley Manning, et al.

Questions of Ethics: Charles Rangel, Bradley Manning, et al.

Making ethical judgments is a complex business, fraught with nuances and subjectivity.

Ethics has been defined as “the study and evaluation of human conduct in the light of moral principles. . . the standard of conduct that individuals have constructed for themselves or as the body of obligations and duties that a particular society requires of its members. Ethics has developed as people have reflected on the intentions and consequences of their acts.”

That definition may be reduced to four words, doing the right thing.

There’s a narrow distinction between unethical behavior and simply lying although some form of lying is usually associated with a lack of ethics.

Thus, when Elena Kagan dissembled in her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee by saying she had merely “suggested” changes in the language of an anti-partial birth document to which she objected she was both lying and acting unethically to accomplish her goals:

On the other hand, when President Obama appeared on “The View” today and listed dealing with the H1N1 “pandemic” as one of the “thorns” of his first 18 months in office he was dramatizing, bloviating, in a word, lying. There was no H1N1 pandemic in 2009 as he well knew. It was no more a pandemic than the average year’s flu. The Center for Disease Control had grossly exaggerated the H1N1 virus danger and the manufacturers of the Swine Flu vaccine reaped a windfall in the billions.

Much more clearcut as unethical behavior were the actions of United States congressman Rep. Charles Rangel and Pfc. Bradley Manning of the 10th Mountain Division Second Brigade in Baghdad. . .

Obama,"The View," and the Boy Scouts

Obama, "The View," and the Boy Scouts

What’s next for Barack Obama? A cameo on Drew Carey’s upcoming show, “WTF!”? A plaintiff role on ”Judge Judy?” A hard-hitting interview with Larry King?

He’s already done “Oprah” and “The Young and the Restless” and “Jerry Springer” seem out of the question so where can he go now to get simpering, fawning attention from vacuous women viewers and brain-dead ”progressives” after his Thursday appearance (taped Wednesday) on ABC’s “The View?”

Obama “made history” by being the first sitting Chief Executive to appear on a daytime television talk show at the same time he further diminished the office he holds, something he does almost every day.

Any number of people, Democrats like Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell included, felt it was an inappropriate waste of time for a president of the United States to appear with the ladies. They generally spend their time chatting amiably but insubstantially, or spatting, or ganging up on Elisabeth Hasselbeck on such Earth-shaking topics as upcoming weddings, the real housewives of New Jersey, women having affairs, and teenagers giving oral sex.

Not exactly the topics a president should be dealing with, although Obama did manage to elucidate a bit on the personal ”roses” and “thorns” associated with his presidency.

No fool he, Obama knew he had a receptive audience and guesting on “The View” sure beat dealing with press . . .

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Eve of Arizona's SB1070: The Eve of Destruction?

The Eve of Arizona's SB1070: The Eve of Destruction?

On the eve of implementation of SB1070, Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law, United States District Court Judge Susan Bolton, a Clinton appointee, issued her decision on the federal government’s suit seeking an injunction against or the voiding of SB1070.

In a nutshell, illegal aliens won, the American people lost, although we haven’t lost everything. The judge gutted the principal features of the law but allowed some provisions to stand.

Also, there will be appeals, first to Bolton to re-consider her decision and then probably to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals which is the most liberal circuit court in the country but which has sided with Arizona on similar issues in the past.

There were high hopes that Judge Bolton would find for Arizona since she had voiced skepticism as to whether SB1070 actually does pre-empt federal immigration law and whether the feds should be trying to overturn Arizona’s right to be “inhospitable” to illegal aliens but politics eventually prevailed.

Okay, so what’s out and what’s still in? . . .

The Sherrods. Profiles in Black Racism?

The Sherrods. Profiles in Black Racism?

“Finally, we must stop the white man and his uncle toms from stealing our election.”

Those aren’t exactly the words of a racial healer, someone committed to effecting a reconciliation between the races, someone like Shirley Sherrod who was recently denounced as a racist, fired by her boss, Tom Vilsack at the USDA, and lambasted by Barack Obama and the NAACP, who then received apologies and accolades from Tom Vilsack, Barack Obama, and the NAACP.

Not at all! Those weren’t the words of Ms. Sherrod expressing as they do an unresolved antipathy toward whitey and toward subservient blacks, those uncle toms defined by the Urban Dictionary as ”black people [who] try to convince other black people that working, education, living well, and setting a good example for their children is selling out.”

No way would Shirley Sherrod the healer use such racially-charged language.

Those are the words of her husband, Charles Sherrod, founding member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, better known as SNCC.

See this undated video of Mr. Sherrod which classifies as one of its “Profiles in Racism:”

Far be it from me to suggest that Mr. Sherrod is in any way a racist or that, Gawd forbid, his wife Shirley in any way shares his sentiments.

Then, again, she too was a member of SNCC back in the 1960’s when it was a major player in the Civil Rights movement. Both Shirley and hubby Chuckie continued their membership in SNCC even after black supremacist Stokely Carmichael, later Kwame Ture, took over the reins and converted SNCC into a militant, black power gang along with fellow black racist, H. Rap Brown. . .

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Gruesome Commitment Of Elena Kagan Part Two

The Gruesome Commitment of Elena Kagan Part Two

Commitment can often be an admirable feature of one’s life and character. It denotes absolute dedication, strong and unshakeable beliefs, and an admirable steadfastness.

However, when that commitment leads one down the road of “disgraceful” and “unethical” conduct, words used by former Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop, to describe the actions of Solicitor General and Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, commitment becomes a markedly negative trait.

As a radical leftist–and the president has a constitutional right to nominate such a person no matter what damage she can ultimately wreak–Ms. Kagan no doubt is committed to any number of causes. Hopefully she does not lie and dissemble to accomplish her goals with respect to those causes as she did with her commitment to the gruesome practice of partial birth abortion.

Medically described as intact dilation and extraction or intact D & X, partial birth abortion involves the barbaric execution of what is often a fully-formed, intact, baby by dilating the uterus of a mother-to-be and extracting said baby. That clinical description avoids the methods of the barbarism, the details of the “extraction.”

Briefly, following dilation, the partial birth abortionist . . .

Anti-Semitism in Tinseltown

Anti-Semitism in Tinseltown

Almost exactly four years ago, director/actor Mel Gibson was pulled over by a cop in L.A. on suspicion of driving while three sheets to the wind, an ancient nautical term for being drunk as a skunk.

Mad Mel let loose a memorable, obscene tirade almost as memorable and obscene as his taped conversations with former lover Oksana Grigorieva. Back in 2006, however, the object of his disaffection was not slutty behavior on the part of his former lover but the militaristic behavior on the part of an entire people, Jews.

“Jews are responsible for all the war in the world,” he allegedly said to a police officer among other F-word-laced, no doubt slurred comments.

Gibson subsequently apologized profusely and, if not forgiven, was dismissed as yet another anti-Semite.

It must have something to do with the weather this time of year out on the Left Coast or due to something in the water supplied by the L.A. Department of Water and Power but another Hollywood type has just ripped those same people.

This time it was a liberal darling, none other than screen writer/director/iconoclast Oliver Stone, a man who has devoted much of his career to puncturing holes in American beliefs and values. Stone went much further in ripping Jews than Gibson ever dreamed of doing in his frank remarks to the Sunday London Times. Among his gems: . . .

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Gruesome Commitment of Elena Kagan Part One

The Gruesome Commitment of Elena Kagan

Not that it makes any difference at this point since Solicitor General Elena Kagan will certainly be confirmed next week by the Democrat-controlled Senate as the next associate justice of the United States Supreme Court, but Americans should fully comprehend who and what they’re getting in the person of Ms. Kagan.

I don’t just mean that she’s liberal to her core and I don’t refer to her antipathy toward the military nor to the rumors that she’s a lesbian. I refer to her commitment to murdering defenseless babies.

Now I know that such a damning statement raises the hackles of “progressives,” (liberals, leftists, and most Democrats), who tend to rise up en masse to defend a woman’s “right to choose” and deny en masse that aborting “the product of conception” is tantamount to killing babies.

However, when a fetus is 20 or more weeks old, is viable outside the womb, and possesses all of the God-given human features of an infant, when it looks like a baby, sucks its thumb like a baby, reacts to external stimuli, has a fully-formed brain, heart, lungs, and all the other organs of a tiny human being, only those deeply committed to eradicating its life at all costs can deny it is a living person.

Elena Kagan is such an individual and a female individual at that, a member of the female gender which is specially engineered to be emotional, caring, nurturing as opposed to dispassionate, detached, and murderous. . .

Obamacare Off the Radar as the NHS Implodes

Obamacare Off the Radar as the NHS Implodes

For the most part, things have quieted down a tad about Obamacare in the past few months as far as emanations from D.C. “progressives” are concerned–and with good reason. Those progressives, formerly known as liberals, leftists, and Democrats, prefer it that way.

Quiesence serves to enable them to perpetrate their sedition on the sly.

Senate Majority Leader Harry The Undertaker Reid is an exception to that quiesence but he’s gasping for breath in Nevada, fearful that he may follow the lead of former Democrat Majority Leader Tom Daschle and be dispatched back home. In Harry’s case that would be to beautiful, downtown Searchlight, NV to live out his days in obscurity and ignominy.

That is, unless he pulls a Daschle and instead milks his government contacts as a lobbyist.

Harry is desparate for November votes, especially from the disenchanted, the disenfranchisd, even the disembodied if he can figure a way to get dead people to the ballot box ala Chicago. So he has been stroking the disenchanted, the disenfranchised, the disembodied who amazingly feel that Obamacare does not go far enough, even if it was applauded and proclaimed “a miracle” by Fidel Castro.

Officially titled with the typical governmental mouthful, ”Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” Obamacare will ultimately, soon, incorporate a “public option.” Harry is promising, averring, pledging, (Mormons don’t swear), that, even if President Obama swore that was not part of the plan.

Rep. Barney Frank has been less evasive all along and considered the initial Obamacare Act just a foot in the door, a progressive camel’s nose in the tent, which would enable the neo-socialists in Congress to enact the public option which would effectively mean the end of private insurance coverage for everyone in the United States. . .

Sunday, July 25, 2010

America's Enemy Within

America's Enemy Within

Precisely who originated the term “the enemy within” is unclear. It has now become fairly commonplace in our vernacular and has been referred to in a religious context, as partial titles of some books such as Michael Savage’s, even used as a title episode in “Star Trek.”

With reference to America’s internal, domestic enemies, “the enemy within” is at once a very simple and complex term which has in the past referred to the Communist menace but has evolved of late to mean the religion of Islam or, to be PC, radical Islamic elements.

America has any number of enemies, both outside our borders and within, nations, people, and forces who despise us for one reason or other and who passively or actively work to undermine our values, national security, our very existence as a nation.

Communism is not quite dead since it lives and breathes in China, North Korea, and Cuba and a former KGB head Vladimir Putin rules the former U.S.S.R. with figurehead, Dmitry Medvedev. However, despite the natural inclinations of Communist despots to bluster threateningly, the Red Menace can’t be considered a viable threat.

As of now.

Far and away the most visible and serious external enemy America has today, as well as our most dedicated and dangerous enemy within, is extreme, radical Islam which is probably the most insidious domestic collection of foes we have ever encountered.

They are not traitors in the sense of France’s Vichy government . . .

Gay Priests and the Church that Tolerates Them Part Two

Gay Priests and the Church that Tolerates Them Part Two

In my own experience as an active Catholic, altar boy, and choir boy, I never experienced, witnessed, or heard of any untoward, sexual advances by any priest toward anyone, male or female, adult or child. That is not to say that it never happened but is mentioned only to emphasize that such occurrences had to have been rare or virtually non-existent.

The rarity seems to have ended coincidental with Vatican Council II in 1962 which not only re-introduced the vernacular to Church services and declared that marriage is of equal value to virginity. It opened the floodgates of greater secularization of the clergy–and of nuns–and eventually led to lax requisites for seminarians to fill the gaps created by a virtual collapse of religious vocations.

Today, according to The Changing Face of the Priesthood, estimates of gays in American seminaries range from 25 to 50%. As for active, gay priests, the numbers are probably similar.

All of the above is preface to the influx of homosexuals into the priesthood in the past 50 years and, specifically, to what happened recently in Rome when three gay priests were discovered, and videotaped, indulging in la dolce vita,homosexual-style, at night while acting as priests during the day. . .

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Gay Priests and the Church that Tolerates Them Part One

Gay Priests and the Church that Tolerates Them

Political comebacks are one thing. Institutional, religious comebacks are quite another.

Corruption in the Catholic Church in the fifteenth century led to Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, the effects of which are still profoundly felt by the Church five centuries later.

The Church is again moving on down that slippery slope, that thorn-filled path, in the twenty-first century due to a wholly different type of corruption: the continuing presence of gay priests.

Just as today’s lenient atmosphere allows tainted pols to worm their way back into the society’s graces, many people today are ambivalent about homosexuals even if they consider homosexual practices and lifestyles to be repugnant, even sinful.

The reason for that ambivalence, I believe, is that so many gays have exited their closets in recent years that many people now know admitted homosexuals as acquaintances, friends, even family members and so are hesitant to condemn or even criticize them.

That’s unfortunate for many reasons, chief of which for the purpose of this article is that the Catholic Church seems to have adopted a comparable collegial or familial attitude toward gay priests and refuses to expel them from the priesthood, refuses, that is, until a major, public scandal hits the tabloids. . .

The Prime Players in the Shirley Sherrod Affair

The Prime Players in the Shirley Sherrod Affair

Okay, I thought USDA official Shirley Sherrod proved herself a typical racist, black bigot based on that 20 second snippet of video tape that originally went viral. After all, she did say, “I was struggling with the fact that so many black people have lost their farmland and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land–so I didn’t give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough.”

A lot of other people thought the same including conservative publisher-commentator Andrew Breitbart, Tom Vilsack, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Benjamin Todd Jealous, CEO of the NAACP, and, most disturbingly, Barack Obama, president of the United States.

Since the truth came out on Tuesday, almost everyone has been falling all over themselves in a rush to issue apologies after their rush to judgment.

The principal actors in the Shirley Sherrod affair, none of whom is squeaky clean in this mess: . . .

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Updates: Al Gore, DOMA, JournoList

Updates: Al Gore, DOMA, JournoList

In an effort to keep abreast of rapidly-developing news events, a few updates on Albert Arnold Gore, the Defense of Marriage Act, and JournoList, that group of liberal “journalists” who conspired against the American people.

Al Gore: In the matter of the former Vice President of the United States, the term, “keeping abreast” takes on a whole new meaning. Tipper seems to have bailed just in time before the Gore Maelstrom struck.

Already in hot water on a planet he says is inconveniently getting hotter by the hour, more dirt has developed about the Goreacle.

Molly Haggerty, the 54 year old Portland, Oregon licensed massage therapist had already outed the world’s pre-eminent environmentalist as a “crazed sex poodle” who groped her and attempted to take advantage of her when they were alone in Gore’s hotel room late one night in 2006.

Molly Henneberger, editor of, subsequently identified him as a man who couldn’t keep a civil tongue in his head and instead wanted to boorishly put it down a strange woman’s throat.

See ”The Continuing Crash of the Goreacle,”

Now it turns out . . .

Blame Phoebe, Blame the Victim!

Blame Phoebe, Blame the Victim!

Leave it to, an arch-liberal website, to blame the death of 15 year old Phoebe Prince on 15 year old Phoebe Prince rather than on the predatorial atmosphere in Massachusetts’ South Hadley High School and on her sick, fellow students who drove her to go home last January 14th and hang herself.

Nine students have been indicted on various charges and some could face up to 10 years in prison; the schools superintendent has been pressured to resign.

It’s all too typical for liberals to exonerate the predators in society, whether they be the poor bastard who rapes children or the misunderstood psychopaths who murder innocents or the disenchanted morons who wreak havoc on city streets. . .

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Righty Paranoiacs vs. Lefty Conspirators

Righty Paranoiacs vs. Lefty Conspirators

Leftists have long been fond of the low tactic of dismissing rightist charges that there exists a vast left wing conspiracy to suppress negative news about liberals and liberal darlings as nothing more than conservatives manufacturing lies to undermine the mass media and its ultimate darling, Barack Hussein Obama.

That canard was largely exploded even before the last election when Rasmussen and Fox/Opinion Dynamics polls showed that large majorities of voters perceived the media as slanted toward Obama and only 11% felt the media was neutral, as it is supposed to be. referred to the media as Obama’s secret weapon.

If their slant was ever a secret, it is no more. Bernard Goldberg, a long time CBS insider, exposed the extent of that slant nine years ago in his book, Bias.

As the president’s approval ratings continue to tank, the Wall Street Journal and have just outed JournoList (sic): . . .

Glad Tidings!

Glad Tidings!

Positive, uplifting, encouraging, i.e., good, news rarely makes the wires mainly because most of the public seems to prefer to read and hear about mayhem, upheaval, and violence.

As they used to say, it sells newspapers.

Maybe such news renders the problems and turmoils in people’s private lives less oppressive and burdensome. As Tennessee Williams wrote, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desparation” and perhaps he was right and negative news tends to cheer them up because it makes their lives less desparate.

Nevertheless, positive news events do occur even if the MSM isn’t much interested in publicizing them and even if positive and upbeat are often in the eyes of the beholder.

The revelation that 74 year old Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy has no intention of leaving the Court any time soon may not have gladdened the hearts of Obama supporters or of people in the administration but has to be considered a very positive piece of news to most Republicans, conservatives, and those who cherish American tradition and values.

With 24 years on the job, Kennedy may be no John Roberts or Sam Alito or Antonin Scalia or Clarence Thomas and is often a swing vote on the Court rather than an unvarying, staunch conservative. However, more importantly, he also is no Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, or Associate Justice-to be, Elena Kagan.

As such, occasional swing voter or not, Justice Kennedy is a proven asset to conservatives on SCOTUS.

A prime reason the public won’t hear much from the mainstream media about Kennedy’s decision to hang on is Kennedy’s thinking behind that decision. . .

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Post-Racial America? Part Two

Post-Racial America? Part Two

President Obama promised Americans that if he were elected, this nation would experience “a post-racial society” for the first time in our history. As with so many other of his changes and buzz words, he never bothered to define what he meant by “post-racial.”

It was widely assumed that he meant that he would work to accomplish that which Dr. Martin Luther King only dreamed of, “a nation where men will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

More relevant today is another quotation, “When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me,” because any white person who believed Obama and his administration would strive to effect a truly color-blind society would have to be considered a total ass.

Indeed, what we have witnessed in only the first 18 months of Obama World has been the absolute antithesis of color-blindness and post-racialism. It’s been more like retribution time and payback time; reparations time can’t be too far down the road. . .

Obamacare Lies Exposed

Obamacare Lies Exposed

Like an insidious, terminal disease that invaded and is now slowly spreading throughout America’s body politic, the evil thing that is Obamacare is inexorably revealing itself for what it is and for what it was intended to be all along, in sum a pernicious usurpation of basic American rights and a government power grab and socialization of one-seventh of America’s economy.

First, they came for the auto industry, then they came for the health industry, now they’re coming for the financial industry. When Obama and Company are through with their seizures of vital sectors of American life, there will be nothing recognizable remaining.

Those millions of us who saw the deceptions, misrepresentations, and outright lies used during the grand and prolonged pitch for Obamacare aren’t to be applauded, just listened to next time!

Examples of Obamian now-exposed subterfuges:

Monday, July 19, 2010

Have Tea Partiers Stopped Beating Their Wives?

Have Tea Partiers Stopped Beating Their Wives?

A classic, deceptive rhetorical device involves asking if your opponent has stopped beating his wife yet. The question presupposes that he has beaten his wife in the past and thereby a yes or no response condemns the opponent as a wife-beater.

Nice trick.

Vice President Joe Biden used a variation on the wife-beating trick in his ostensible defense of the Tea Party movement as not a “racist organization” a cute, deceptive rhetorical device. It presupposes that at least some people believe the Tea Party is in fact a racist organization and for those who hadn’t heard that slander, it serves to get it out on the public table.

As he said on “This Week,” with typically-jumbled syntax, ”The truth is that at least elements that were involved in some of the Tea Party folks have expressed racist views. We saw that on television . . . There are individuals who are either members of or on the periphery of some of their things . . . that have expressed really unfortunate comments:”

He didn’t explain and wasn’t asked what he saw on TV.

Nor did he criticize outright racism as it exists in the administration’s own Justice Department . . .

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Obama's Rich Time Warp

Obama's Rich Time Warp

When the president tires of babbling that “Bush did it!” he now has another phony mantra: Those Rich Rascally Republicans are the problem.

In his ongoing program of promoting class warfare, Obama trotted out his latest lie on Saturday when he blamed obstructionism in Congress as being caused by that party of the rich, the Republicans, citing especially Republican opposition to extending unemployment benefits.

He conveniently omitted any reference to the multi-billion dollar cost of that addition to the already bloated federal budget. He also forgot to mention the Republican effort to seek a compromise on the issue by using stimulus monies to defray the cost, which idea Harry Reid immediately shot down.

In point of fact, the Democrat Party long ago stopped being the Party of the Common Man or the Party of the Working Class and any financial advantage Republicans had over Democrats in the past is inapplicable today. The millions in Obama’s inner city base may lower the average income disparity but factor in the number of wealthy Democrats in Congress and the power they exert and that disparity disappears.

A brilliant analysis and insightful column by Star Parker on highlights the truth about rich and poor in America and why the poor are going to stay that way. . .

Obama's Fat-Free Czar

Obama's Fat-Free Czar

This administration has more czars than you can shake a rolling pin at. It seems to give Obama a certain measure of comfort and satisfaction to bestow on a crony or a philosophical clone a prestigious title and, in many cases, a hefty raise.

Naming czars also serves to create a slew of loyal vassals faithfully beholden only to the president since czars generally escape the scrutiny of congressional oversight even though they do wield enormous power.

There is no such official title as “czar,” of course, but appointees to high level positions who have been assigned a specific policy area are routinely given the czar title for the sake of brevity. Rather than refer to the Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers, we can just say, “Auto Recovery Czar.”

There’s no limit to how many such czars a president can appoint. George W. Bush had his czar share but Obama seems out to set a czar-record with at least 31–and counting– to date, not including the most recent, Senior Policy Advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives. That’s a few steps up from Michelle’s “food initiative coordinator,” aka family chef, and Sam Kass may come to be known as the Fat-Free Czar. . .

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Neo-Democrats in Action

Neo-Democrats in Action

Oh, where oh where have real Dems gone. Oh where oh where can they be?

Beats me!

At one time not so very long ago, the Democratic Party was an outstanding American political institution, proud, patriotic and true, honorable and loyal.

What happened?

People disagreed with FDR, HST, JFK, and LBJ but, deep down, the loyal opposition respected those Democrats even if they were very wrong in what they believed and more wrong in the policies and programs they instituted and implemented.

There was rarely any question that Democrats of old were loyal and true Americans who respected and adhered to the Constitution and to American values and beliefs.

That’s not nearly as true anymore as the current breed of Dems has trampled on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and have collectively turned their backs on the most basic principles that Americans hold dear and which made our nation great.

They are in process of turning a middle-of-the-road nation into an ultra-liberal, far left entity that draws its inspiration from the likes of Saul Alinsky, Noam Chomsky, George Soros, and Bill Ayers instead of from Jefferson, Washington, Adams, and Madison. . .

Friday, July 16, 2010

More Smoke and Mirrors on the Border

More Smoke and Mirrors on the Border

California’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced on Friday that he would be sending the California National Guard to the Mexican border, thereby fulfilling his pledge to President Obama.

Hip, hip, hooray!

Well, the announcement is not quite hooray-able since the role of the 224 troops will be only supportive and the forces, while armed, “will not be deployed in a direct law enforcement role.”

In other words and following the president’s lead in May, the California Guard will constitute figurative teats on a bull, not protecting the state’s Mexican border, not apprehending illegals, not inhibiting the influx of illegal drugs, not guarding California, not defending the southern California populace from marauding invaders, murderers, thieves, and rapists.

Why the National Guardsmen even have weapons and ammunition is a bewilderment.

Schwarzenegger is just fulfilling a pledge to Obama, which is not to be confused with fulfilling his oath of office to support and defend Californians. ”The governor has largely refused to embrace aggressive measures cracking down on illegal immigrants, such as the new Arizona law that gives local law enforcement the ability to check immigration status if they reasonably believe the person may have crossed the border without documents:”

In other words, illegally.

Arnold, himself an immigrant, has a certain empathy for immigrants legal or not, especially those from Mexico, . . .

School Daze V: Sex Education Run Amuck

School Daze V: Sex Ed Run Amuck

School days, school days, dear ol’ golden rule days. Reading and writing and ‘rithmetic– and anal sex, and scrota, and sexual anxiety, and erotic art, and proper methods of oral sex.

Those latter five topics were scheduled to be in the planbooks of Helena, Montana school teachers.

Ya got a problem with that? If so, then just chill.

Definitions and identification of scrota, testicles, etc. may be part of the Helena kindergarten curriculum but the anal sex section of the curriculum won’t be taught until kids are much older, as in age 10 or so and in the 5th grade. Appreciation of “erotic art” and understanding “sexual anxiety” will be reserved for more mature students, those in the 9th grade and above.

The 62 page document which took 2 years to construct also includes teaching first graders about gay love.

The first reaction to all that news may be that it’s a curriculum devised by some deviates in NAMBLA . . .

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Continuing Crash of the Goreacle

The Continuing Crash of the Goreacle

When the mighty fall, they fall with a mighty thud.

Squeaky clean Albert Arnold Gore may have more skeletons in his attic, or bats in his belfry, than your average political bear. The Savior of the Earth, who has raked in hundreds of millions of dollars with his fraudulent global warming campaign, has had his armor more than tarnished of late; it’s been shredded.

To her credit, I guess, Tipper Gore says she doesn’t believe an iota of the scandalous tale floating around her estranged hubby about his attack of horniness in Portland a few years ago with 54 year old massage therapist, Molly Hagerty who later called him “a crazed sex poodle” and “a pervert and sexual predator.”

Good grief, Al! Is that any way for an uptight hero of environmentalists to act?

Then, again, I’m sure Elizabeth Edwards thought Johnny Edwards would never play hide the salami with some videographer and become the daddy of their love child while Liz was suffering from terminal cancer.

Or maybe she did? And maybe Tipper is covering for her husband of 40 years?

In any event, Haggerty’s tale of a lustful Al . . .

Democrat Chicanery: When Is a Banking Bill not a Banking Bill?

Democrat Chicanery: When Is a Banking Bill Not a Banking Bill?

Deceptive practices have become as commonplace in this Congress and White House as President Obama’s best friend, his trusty teleprompter without which he can’t string 3 sentences together without fouling them up.

The latest congressional outrage came today with Senate passage of the “banking bill” which is as much about payback to special interests as it is about banking. The latest White House outrage came last week with the recess appointment of Dr. Donald Berwick as Obama’s Obamacare Czar.

Question: When Is a Banking Bill Not a Banking Bill? Answer: When it becomes a Social Welfare Reform Bill.

Cobbled together over a year under the direction of Democrat Sen. Chris Dodd and Democrat Rep. Barney Frank, the 2300 or 2400 page–no one seems to have counted the pages or read the thing–”monstrosity” was largely crafted by those two principals who also happen to be two of the prime unindicted criminals in the near-collapse of the banking system.

With no new regulation or oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the 2 quasi-governmental bodies most responsible for that near-collapse, the bill squeaked through on a 60-39 vote thanks to the abdication of three Senate RINOs, Brown, Collins, and Snowe.

Obama is sure to sign the bill in short order . . .

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

When Teens Terrify Parents

When Teens Terrify Parents featured an unusual item for Instead of its usual political news and analysis, the story had to do with hickeys, young passion, and bruised lips.

Well, yes and no.

The introductory paragraph dealt with those mostly-teen activities as a lead-in to an article by Suzy Parker, “Vampire Love Bites and Lady Gaga Eyes: Teen Trends Terrify Parents,” which was somewhat more serious.

It seems the current craze of vampirism ignited by the Twilight movies rage has inspired a new passtime for the teeny set. They’ve taken the simple hickey to a whole new dimension, actually biting and drawing blood from their love-of-the-month.

As if that were not bad enough, another phenomenon named Lady Gaga has rendered many young girls so gaga over Gaga that they are buying and wearing supersized contact lenses called “circle lenses” in order to replicate their heroine’s eyes at a risk to their own.

I don’t know which is worse, deep, bloody love bites which could result in transmission of diseases, including HIV and AIDS, or circle lenses which are illegal in the United States but obtainable over the internet and which can cause serious eye infections. . .

Backpedaling, Spinning, Re-interpreting and Lying--Part Two

Backpedaling, Spinning, Re-interpreting, and Lying--Part Two

Deception is not the exclusive province of politicians, even if they have proven themselves more skilled in deceptive practices than most. Sometimes it is groups on the periphery of civilized society that “practice to deceive,” sometimes it’s the government itself that practices deception.

The NBPP Goes Mainstream? The so-called New Black Panther Party for Self Defense, the NBPP, has been virtually shunned by the old Black Panther Party, which says a great deal about the NBPP.

The old Panthers, led by such illustrious figures as Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in the ’60’s and ’70’s was merely a violent, Marxist, black racist group that engaged in murder and mayhem in its efforts to overthrow the government of the United States of America.
The NBPP hasn’t as yet been found guilty of murder but give it time; it’s barely 20 years old and is more skilled than the old Panthers in using American law and white guilt in covering its tracks. Led by Malik Zulu Shabazz and formerly headed by the late Khalid Abdul Muhammed, a renegade from the black racist hate group, the Nation of Islam, it is a formidable force.

With those bona fides, credentials, and historicity, . . .

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Backpedaling, Spinning, Re-interpreting and Lying--Part One

Backpedaling, Spinning, Re-interpreting, and Lying--Part One

Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive:” Sir Walter Scott

Politicos are very adept at changing course, denying, and outright lying when it comes to the fine art of retraction. The technique may be described as clarification but always involves backpedaling, spinning, and/or reinterpreting what had been said or done earlier.

NASA. Space or Politics: NASA chief Charles Bolden caused a brouhaha last month when he re-defined the mission of our space agency by telling the Arab language newspaper, al Jazzera, that his “perhaps foremost” priority was outreach to the Muslim community thereby standing on its head NASA’s long-established mission of space exploration.

(See “I Betcha Thought NASA Was Still NASA,”

That mission seemed eminently reasonable considering that NASA is an acronym for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

White House head flack Robert Gibbs gently reminded Bolden that he was wrong, that he had misspoken and “That [reaching out to Muslims] was not his task and that’s not the task of NASA.”

However, Charles Bolden is not a dumb bunny and didn’t unilaterally take it upon himself to change the mission of his agency: He was directed to do so by none other than his boss, President Barack Hussein Obama, . . .

Monday, July 12, 2010

Justice, Swiss-American Style: The Roman Polanski Case

Justice, Swiss-American Style: The Roman Polanski Case

At first blush, the announcement by Swiss Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf not to extradite Franco-Polish film director Roman Polanski back to the United States to face punishment for the 1977 rape and sodomy of a 13 year old would seem a miscarriage of justice on the part of the Swiss government.

In fact, it is that and more but the miscarriage was aided and abetted by none other than the United States Department of Justice, Eric Holder, Attorney General.

Apparently, the pressure exerted by the Hollywood Lobby, a prime constituency and financial supporter of the Obama administration, was too much to resist and the DOJ failed to cooperate with the Swiss in providing evidence in the case.

Polanski was originally charged with rape, sodomy, child molestation and supplying illicit drugs to a minor for seducing and brutally attacking Samantha Geimer.

Now 45, Geimer has forgiven him and doesn’t want him prosecuted. She has made no mention of hush money.

He pled guilty to unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, was convicted, . . .

Queer News Updates

Queer News Updates

An occasional series on what the homosexual community is up to:

DADT Survey Boycott: It’s no secret that the military considers the repeal of Bill Clinton’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy toward gays in the military to be the worst idea to come down the pike since women were allowed in combat.

With a few notable exceptions, such as Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who endorsed the idea with the caveat that policy changes should be contingent on military review, our armed services consider repeal of DADT would be detrimental to their mission, morale, and effectiveness.

DADT simply restricts superior officers from investigating or asking if service members are gay and restricts gay service members from advertising that fact.

Both before and after the last election, Barack Obama pledged to repeal DADT and allow homosexuals to serve openly and has been vigorously agitating for that repeal to fulfill that pledge to a major constituency. Such repeal would be a political and social change visited on the military without regard for its consequences.

In an effort to complete Admiral Mullins’ policy review on those consequences, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has authorized a survey on the thoughts of service members on the issue.

Having already surveyed the families of service members on their thoughts, Gates felt it reasonable to consult the 400,000 random opinions of those who would be forced to serve next to outed gays.

The survey forms had barely hit the mailboxes when a homosexual group, the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, called it biased and instructed gays not to participate for fear of being outed saying, ”At this time SLDN cannot recommend that lesbian, gay, or bisexual service members participate in any survey being administered by the Department of Defense, the Pentagon Working Group or any third-party contractors:”

Their reasoning is obvious. They want to discredit a survey that asks straightforward answers to questions such as: “If Don’t Ask, Don’t tell is repealed and you are working with a Service member in your immediate unit who has said he or she is gay or lesbian, how would that affect your own ability to fulfill your mission during combat?” . . .

Friday, July 9, 2010

Tweedledee and Tweedledum Share Your Wealth

Tweedledee and Tweedledum Share Your Wealth

Aside from the facts that Dr. Donald Berwick plans to pull the plug on grannie and John P. Holdren plans to dispose of useless babies, they’re both in sync on another issue near and dear to the heart of our president, namely sharing your wealth with those who haven’t any wealth, or haven’t enough wealth, or haven’t your wealth.

Berwick is the most recent Obamaczar appointed, the Obamacare czar, a stealth, recess appointment to avoid the awkwardness of Berwick’s having to testify as to his bizarre beliefs; Holdren is Obama’s science czar, his resident Mengele, whose bizarre convictions include babies being disposable until they’re full-fledged human beings.

Both concur on wealth-sharing. Ours, not theirs.

Obama first let that little gem of wealth sharing slip when he was teleprompter-less one day on the campaign trail and “Joe the Plumber” complained about taxes. He told “Joe” the plan is “to spread the wealth around.” He must have been tired after visiting all 57 states.

In any event, he now has at least two like-thinking czars on that issue. . .

Payback and Rodney King Redux in Oakland

Payback and Rodney King Redux in Oakland

The Rodney King case is almost 20 years old. King, a drunk pothead, was beaten almost senseless by both black and white LAPD cops after he resisted arrest on March 3, 1991 following a high speed chase.

King was tasered repeatedly but kept getting to his feet and resisting arrest. The ensuing beating by the LAPD to get him to cooperate was videotaped by a bystander. That videotape resulted in the deaths of 53 innocent people in the ensuing riots.

The police officers involved were exonerated by a state jury of their peers but then re-tried in federal court on charges of civil rights violations. Two of the cops were found guilty and sent to prison and two were acquitted.

Prior to the federal convictions and following the state exoneration, Los Angeles blacks erupted in what have been called the 1992 L.A. riots during which the Army, the Marines, and the National Guard were called out. Nevertheless, 53 people died, 2383 were injured, 7000 fires were set, 3100 businesses were attacked, and over a billion dollars in damages resulted.

Fast forward to 2010. . .

Thursday, July 8, 2010

School Daze IV

School Daze IV

Schools may be out for the summer but there’s always some school news to report, both good and bad.

Teacher Twit: Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School in South Yarmouth, Massachusetts staged its annual graduation ceremony last month.

Such events are always times of celebration and high spirits as schools send their graduates out into the world to colleges, to workplaces, or to the military.

With the nation involved in two long, ugly wars, those graduates headed for the military are to be specially commended for their bravery, sense of duty, and patriotism and Dennis-Yarmouth happened to be sending six of its graduates into the armed services.

The six volunteers were given a standing “O” replete with whistles and cheers by the audience who were appreciative of their choices, with one exception.

Teacher Marybeth Verani wanted to make a statement and not only didn’t rise to her feet to applaud the enlistees. She sat in silence and displayed a sign reading, “End War” as her effort, she said, to teach the grads “how to dissent:”

Ms. Verani may or may not have succeeded in teaching that lesson but certainly succeeded in demonstrating how to be an ass and how to grossly misuse a graduation venue to stage her pitiful protest.

Parent Jail: Detroit, as most people know, is a mess in every conceivable way and its school system leads the way. . .

Racism at the DOJ Part Three

Racism at the DOJ Part Three

Malik Zulu Shabazz may have been the New Black Panther thug who said to a white observer outside a Philadelphia polling place on November 4th, 2008, “Now you see what it’s like to be ruled by the black man, cracker!”

Shabazz could only hope but he hadn’t seen nothin’ yet, cracker!

His fondest wishes came true when, with his help, a fellow black man became president and named another black man, Eric Holder, to run America’s Justice Department.

Methinks yo’ ain’t seen nothin’ yet, Shabazz, to gladden the hearts of black racists everywhere.

Former election lawyer in the Civil Rights section of the DOJ, J. Christian Adams, a longtime employee of the Justice Department and a man with a conscience, testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that, in essence, Attorney General Holder’s department was a black racist entity that would only enforce civil rights laws against white people. . .

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Magnanimity in North Miami Beach

Magnanimity in North Miami Beach

In a gesture of boundless magnanimity, of selfless generosity, the mayor of North Miami Beach has extended America’s–or, at least, North Miami Beach’s–hand to the unfortunate, impoverished people of Haiti.

Mayor Mayor Andre Pierre, a Haitian immigrant, says 55,000 Haitians waiting for visas to the United States are welcome to settle in his city of 60,000 souls.

It’s gratifying to see an immigrant offering something to his adoptive community as payback for allowing him to enter our country and become a mayor.

As of the 2000 census, 38.97% of the population of North Miami Beach were African American so the influx of those 55,000 Haitians should appreciably change the demographic makeup. Other plusses for North Miami Beachians would include learning the skill of balancing water buckets and baskets on their heads and the fine art of voodoo.

As Van Helsing of points out, “Similarly, . . .

Rolling Stone and the Sacking of Stan McChrystal Part Two

Rolling Stone and the Sacking of Stan McChrystal Part Two

The oddest thing about President Obama canning General McChrystal as commander of United States forces in Afghanistan is that the general didn’t do anything grievously wrong.

When Lincoln dumped 5 generals (McLellan twice) during the Civil War, it was largely due to general incompetence.

When Truman sacked MacArthur in the midst of the Korean War, it was the last straw in the brilliant yet haughty and insubordinate general’s rocky relationship with his civilian bosses in Washington, and especially with Harry.

The fact MacArthur wanted to invade China and use nuclear weapons to subdue that Communist nation which had intervened and turned the tide in Korea by sheer force of numbers was another factor as was the fear it could ignite a Third World War.

In retrospect, MacArthur’s plan was viable, would not have started a new world war, and would have removed the threat that China poses for the United States in the twenty first century. But that’s another story.

Stanley McChrystal’s chief offense was neither incompetence nor gross insubordination. . .

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Betcha Thought NASA Was Still NASA!

I Betcha Thought NASA Was Still NASA!

I betcha thought that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, was dedicated to “pioneer the future in space exploration and aeronautics research.”

How naive of you! Just because that dedication is part of its mission statement doesn’t mean it’s true now.

We’re in the Age Of Obama when our sights are far less lofty than space exploration, aeronautics research, visiting the moon and the planets, understanding our own planet, exploring the limits of the universe, charting man’s next great adventure into the far reaches of space, going where no man has ever gone before.

What fools we all must be to believe in a mission statement when politics and Obama have radically altered that mission.

Forget all you remember and what you’ve heard about NASA, the promise of John Kennedy that we would go to the moon, the early failures and heartbreaks, July 20th, 1969, Apollo 13, the Space Shuttle, the Hubble telescope, dreams of voyages to Mars and beyond. . .

Rolling Stone and the Sacking of Stanley McChrystal

Rolling Stone and the Sacking of Stanley McChrystal

Jeffrey Carl Simpson, the somewhat acclaimed writer for Canada’s The Globe and Mail, wrote a nasty, slanted Fourth of July article sarcastically titled, “Happy Fourth of July–America Needs It.”

It was nasty because it adopts the typical Canadian superciliousness borne of Canada’s inferiority complex toward America; it was slanted because it starts from the premise of an idealized, gushing view of our president as the best thing to happen to America since the advent of Canadian bacon.

Simpson’s twisted gushing could cause the average American in the summer of 2010 to gag over his idolatrous praise of Obama and his skewed perspective of political life in the land of his birth.

He writes, “The United States gave itself the most gifted President in several generations, handed his party a majority in both houses of Congress, only to watch his presidency be swamped . . ."

Monday, July 5, 2010

Obama the Economy Slayer

Obama the Economy Slayer

Things have really been getting cooler in America, in the American economy, that is.

Not that the economy ever really warmed up in this Great Recession which doesn’t seem to want to go away despite Obama’s $787 billion stimulus which was supposed to be the cure-all for what ails us.

It hasn’t cured jacksquat. In fact, it’s made things worse and all Obama’s horses and all his men aren’t able to put the economy back together again.

His two year old mantra of “Bush did it!” is getting very old and tired and only his diehard fans believe it anymore. He continues to remind us that Bush left him with a $1.3 trillion deficit after 8 years but makes no reference to the multi-trillion dollar deficit he has dug for us in a mere 17 1/2 months.

Still, instead of admitting his errors and reversing course when the steed he rode in on is showing signs of dying, the president and his trusty Congress are obliviously still trying to spend us into prosperity. . .

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Of Bibles and Condoms

Of Bibles and Condoms

The Bible versus the condom. Pick just one.

One of those two is not like the other, one of those two is not the same. Indeed, both of those two are not like the other.

One, the Bible, ist verboten in Florida’s Collier County School District–and, no doubt in many other public school districts in America–and the other, the condom, in the Provincetown, Massachusetts–and in many other mostly inner city schools–was offered as a free treat to students.

P-Town’s innovation, as discussed here in ”Of Condoms, Teens, and Porn Part One,”, was to make condoms available to one and all, including elementary school kids. National shock and derision forced the school fathers in Provincetown to re-think that one.

In any event, the proposal has been shelved, for now. It could still become policy if P-Town can determine a way to get into the free-condoms-for-elementary-students business without nationwide scrutiny.

Consider the thought processes that inspired the idea. Someone or a number of someones in P-Town must have figured that so many fourth, fifth, and sixth graders were “doing it” that it was incumbent upon their school system to make prophylactics available to everyone.

Now, take Collier County: . . .

More Outrageous News

More Outrageous News

A few outrageous even if anticipated recent news items:

Kagan Endorses Brain Suctioning: As her senate confirmation hearings draw to a close, Elena Kagan is a sure thing to become the next Supreme Court associate justice.

She will join Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor on the liberal wing, the pro-abortion wing, the infanticide wing of the High Court. That was a given before the Senate hearings since Kagan had confirmed it during her tenure with the Clinton administration when she advocated abortion policies to the left of Bill Clinton.

Clinton was ambivalent on the subject of partial birth abortions, that procedure in which a viable, often full term baby is partially born with only its head still in the womb.

The birth is pre-empted by a doctor who thrusts a scissors or other sharp instrument into the baby’s brain and then a suction device is used to suck the brain out and collapse the head to enable easy passage through the birth canal.

The gruesome procedure, . . .

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tar Balls and Incompetence

Tar Balls and Incompetence

As tar balls wash ashore on the Florida Panhandle, as oil slicks inexorably make their way toward the Florida Keys and Miami, as experts calculate the chances of the Gulf oil spill traveling as far north as North Carolina, and beyond, the diddler-in-chief continues to diddle instead of act.

Attribute Obama’s inaction to excessive prudence, to political expediency, to ineptitude, the bottom line is that there is no earthly reason that the Gulf of Mexico disaster has become as serious as it is and that the cleanup is moving along at an oily sea turtle’s pace.

This is not to say that the Deepwater Horizon explosion was in any way the fault of the president. However, what has been done, and what has not been done, since April 20th, 76 days ago is very much a buck that stopped on Obama’s desk.

Paul H. Rubin in an article in the Wall Street Journal,, “Why Is the Gulf Cleanup So Slow,” capsulizes the reasons for the slow cleanup pace. Neither the reasons nor the results are pretty. . .

American Grafitti, aka the American Flag

American Grafitti, aka the American Flag

Shortly after 9/11, Eric Noda roller-painted a 35 foot mural of the American flag on a retaining wall overlooking busy Route 680 in Alameda County, near Silicon Valley, California.

Over the nearly nine years since the tragedy of September 11th, 2001, that flag became an inspiration to drivers on 680, a reminder of the events of that day and an inspirational display of patriotism during a dark period in America’s history.

Days before the 234th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, some schlep in the employ of the California Department of Transportation, CALTRANS, decided it was time to remove it and it was painted over with gray paint so as not to offend motorists on Route 680.

Said schlep apparently decided the American flag was just another piece of grafitti in a class with “Joanie Loves Chachi” or an obscene expression of anti-societal vulgarity.

Austrian-born, naturalized American and governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger “called the flag patriotic and meaningful. He said that to remove the flag, . . .

Friday, July 2, 2010

Robert Byrd, Grand Kliegel, R.I.P.

Robert Byrd, Grand Kliegel, R.I.P.

“He once had a fleeting association with the Ku Klux Klan, what does that mean? I’ll tell you what it means. He was a country boy from the hills and hollows from West Virginia. He was trying to get elected. And maybe he did something he shouldn’t have done and he spent the rest of his life making it up. And that’s what a good person does. There are no perfect people. There are certainly no perfect politicians.”

Thus spake the impeached and disgraced 42nd president of the United States, despoiler of the Oval Office, known predator, admitted liar William Jefferson (Blythe) Clinton at the obsequies of the late Senator Robert Carlyle Byrd of West Virginia.

We should all allow the dead to rest in peace. However, we also should not whitewash their lives with lies dismissing as “a fleeting association” KKK Byrd’s commitment to that hate group.

He joined in 1942, at age 24, was elected to lead his KKK chapter, and went on to earn the titles of Grand Kliegel and Exalted Cyclops before he says he resigned in 1943.

He wrote in 1944, . . .

Racism at the DOJ Part Two

Racism at the DOJ Part Two

“The Bush Civil Rights Division was willing to protect all Americans from racial discrimination; during the Obama years, the Holder years, only some Americans will be protected. Americans have a right to know and judge the racial policies of the administration they elected in 2008.”

Those are the words of someone who should know, a fellow by the name of J. Christian Adams who served as an election lawyer in the Civil Rights section of the Department of Justice for many years, until he witnessed what to a dedicated lawyer was a subversion of justice.

That subversion related to various cases the Obama/Holder DOJ has mishandled and especially the case of the New Black Panthers and the undisguised–and official–favoritism being extended to black defendants by our new Department of Justice.

In a resignation letter dated May 14, 2010 Adams cited the merits . . .

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Racism at the DOJ Part One

Racism at the DOJ Part One

Those of us who wanted to believe that the election of Barack Hussein Obama as president would signal the end of racial politics in America have been rudely awakened to stark reality.

Not only are racial politics alive and well in the United States but they have begun to take on the aura of racism as it exists in Zimbabwe today. It’s a modified racism but not very far removed in spirit from the black racist policies of the president of the formerly prosperous nation of Rhodesia in southern Africa.

Robert Mugabe practiced retributive, revenge, politics against the successful and productive white farmers of Rhodesia by expelling them from their lands and replacing them with inept Zimbabwean blacks with his “land reform.”

He managed to convert the new Zimbabwe into a virtual wasteland.

Barack Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder are far from accomplishing that feat in America, primarily because African Americans constitute a mere 13% of our population. Based on Holder’s actions, it’s a damned good thing for American whites that we still maintain a healthy majority, until Hispanics supersede us.

At the very end of George W. Bush’s second term, . . .