Saturday, July 17, 2010

Neo-Democrats in Action

Neo-Democrats in Action

Oh, where oh where have real Dems gone. Oh where oh where can they be?

Beats me!

At one time not so very long ago, the Democratic Party was an outstanding American political institution, proud, patriotic and true, honorable and loyal.

What happened?

People disagreed with FDR, HST, JFK, and LBJ but, deep down, the loyal opposition respected those Democrats even if they were very wrong in what they believed and more wrong in the policies and programs they instituted and implemented.

There was rarely any question that Democrats of old were loyal and true Americans who respected and adhered to the Constitution and to American values and beliefs.

That’s not nearly as true anymore as the current breed of Dems has trampled on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and have collectively turned their backs on the most basic principles that Americans hold dear and which made our nation great.

They are in process of turning a middle-of-the-road nation into an ultra-liberal, far left entity that draws its inspiration from the likes of Saul Alinsky, Noam Chomsky, George Soros, and Bill Ayers instead of from Jefferson, Washington, Adams, and Madison. . .

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