Friday, July 30, 2010

Close the Doors, They're Coming Through the Windows!

Close the Doors, They're Coming through the Windows!

The antiquated expression, “Close the doors, they’re coming through the windows,” derives from a hit 1950’s song by the Stargazers; it referred to the chaos when too much happens at the same time.

We’re experiencing that superfluity today, that overkill with regard to the sound of squeaky closet doors being opened wide and gays, lesbians, homosexuals, queers, bi-sexuals, transgenders, and God knows what else emerging into the normal world and proclaiming their normality, denouncing the meanness of heterosexuals, and demanding their acceptance by one and all.

They may not yet be coming through the windows but give them time. When this new breed of gays is confronted with closed doors, they will use any avenue of ingress available in order to gain entry.

The latest ingressor is Sara Gilbert, the pasty-faced thing on the old, trailer-trashy, 80’s sitcom, “Roseann.”

As if the world cares about whom she takes to bed, or to the rafters, or to a chandelier, . . .

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