Friday, July 16, 2010

More Smoke and Mirrors on the Border

More Smoke and Mirrors on the Border

California’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced on Friday that he would be sending the California National Guard to the Mexican border, thereby fulfilling his pledge to President Obama.

Hip, hip, hooray!

Well, the announcement is not quite hooray-able since the role of the 224 troops will be only supportive and the forces, while armed, “will not be deployed in a direct law enforcement role.”

In other words and following the president’s lead in May, the California Guard will constitute figurative teats on a bull, not protecting the state’s Mexican border, not apprehending illegals, not inhibiting the influx of illegal drugs, not guarding California, not defending the southern California populace from marauding invaders, murderers, thieves, and rapists.

Why the National Guardsmen even have weapons and ammunition is a bewilderment.

Schwarzenegger is just fulfilling a pledge to Obama, which is not to be confused with fulfilling his oath of office to support and defend Californians. ”The governor has largely refused to embrace aggressive measures cracking down on illegal immigrants, such as the new Arizona law that gives local law enforcement the ability to check immigration status if they reasonably believe the person may have crossed the border without documents:”

In other words, illegally.

Arnold, himself an immigrant, has a certain empathy for immigrants legal or not, especially those from Mexico, . . .

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