Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tar Balls and Incompetence

Tar Balls and Incompetence

As tar balls wash ashore on the Florida Panhandle, as oil slicks inexorably make their way toward the Florida Keys and Miami, as experts calculate the chances of the Gulf oil spill traveling as far north as North Carolina, and beyond, the diddler-in-chief continues to diddle instead of act.

Attribute Obama’s inaction to excessive prudence, to political expediency, to ineptitude, the bottom line is that there is no earthly reason that the Gulf of Mexico disaster has become as serious as it is and that the cleanup is moving along at an oily sea turtle’s pace.

This is not to say that the Deepwater Horizon explosion was in any way the fault of the president. However, what has been done, and what has not been done, since April 20th, 76 days ago is very much a buck that stopped on Obama’s desk.

Paul H. Rubin in an article in the Wall Street Journal,, “Why Is the Gulf Cleanup So Slow,” capsulizes the reasons for the slow cleanup pace. Neither the reasons nor the results are pretty. . .

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