Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Jurists Are Out On Obamacare

The Jurists Are Out On Obamacare

Speculation is ripe on how the United States Supreme Court will rule on the constitutionality of the Preservation of Access to Care for Medicare Beneficiaries and Pension Relief Act of 2010, the ultimate title of what most Americans know as Obamacare.

Signed by President Barack Hussein Obama on June 25th, 2010 after extensive late-night machinations, bribes, and add-ons, the bill was originally titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act by the Democrat Senate. It was apparently changed in view of the fact there were few patient protections in the 2700 page monstrosity.

Obamacare is not affordable by either patients or the nation but they had to call it something palatable. It’s not known whether any Dems ever read it before they passed it.

Anyway, nine individuals–six men and three women, (six Roman Catholics, three Jews, no Protestants)–are now empowered to secretly decide the fate of a law which applies to almost everyone in a nation of 313,274,338 souls, comprised of 51% protestants, 25% Catholics, 1.7% Mormons, 1.2% Jews, and 21% of other persuasions including Muslims and atheists.

Without suggesting that either the personal faith or gender of the justices will dictate their decision, the religion of the justices is cited here in light of the legislation’s already-obvious impact on religious beliefs of Catholics and other Christians and the widespread discussion of a presidential candidate’s religion for the first time since 1960.

Gender is relevant because the statistical reality is that far more women seek health care than do men and the new law will directly impact the practice of abortion in the country.

Not all of us are affected by Obamacare, however. It won’t be fully implemented until 2014, by design, long after this year’s election. Millions of “exemptions” have been doled out to favored special interests groups, labor unions etc., which didn’t like the legislation anymore than the rest of us but had the political pull to opt out.

Federal government employees, including the president, his family, and Congress, are also exempted, a fact which says a great deal about Obamacare, none of it good. . . (Read more at

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Whitewashing of Trayvon Martin

The Whitewashing of Trayvon Martin

Aesop’s shepherd boy cried wolf so often that villagers didn’t believe him when a very hungry wolf was really stalking his flock and the wolf ate all the sheep. Morals: Don’t lie and, when you do, you shouldn’t expect anyone to believe you when you finally tell the truth.

(See “The Trayvon Martin Bonfire,”, and “America’s One-Sided Race Card,”

Those morals should be studied by blacks agitating for the condemnation and execution of George Zimmerman for killing Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida on February 26th, 2012.

Since the case went national, we have witnessed an almost unprecedented upheaval attended by astounding lies and distortions from black leaders. Not since Rodney King was portrayed as an innocent and large areas of Los Angeles were burned to the ground in 1992 have we seen such an outpouring of organized venom and mischaracterizations designed to instigate public discord.

Any untimely death is a tragedy and the death of a young man is especially tragic. However, the circus atmosphere created by professional race-baiters, by the media, and by Martin’s parents in the wake of the shooting is a shameful disgrace which only serves to needlessly stir up racial animosity and demean Trayvon’s memory.

Contrary to initial knee-jerk media coverage but according to the Sanford Police Department’s “Incident Report,” Zimmerman, a part-hispanic, registered Democrat, shot and killed Martin after the muscular, six-foot two inch Martin ambushed the overweight neighborhood watchman and pummeled him while he was merely doing his job watching the gated neighborhood in Sanford.

There can be no reasonable doubt as to Zimmerman’s injuries. Police first attempted to resuscitate Martin and then administered first aid to Zimmerman who was bleeding from his nose and head, and a laceration is visible on the back of his head in a survellance video shot at the police station.

Statements were taken from six people who witnessed the attack in whole or part.

See the Sanford Police Department report here

That neighborhood will never be the same, not because of Zimmerman’s self-defensive actions but because Trayvon Martin has become a cause célèbre for fomentors of black rage, a dead but potent tool to stir up racial strife, the bread and butter for such people as Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, and the New Black Panther Party.

As they continue to arouse racial passions in black communities and as mostly-black high school and college students throughout the country stage misguided protests . . .


Things Our "Flexible" President May Do When He Is Re-elected

Things Our "Flexible" President May Do When He Is Re-elected

Barack Hussein Obama is so cocksure of re-election that he is making plans for 2013-2016.

Obama made that surety obvious when he pulled yet another gaffe in South Korea by not realizing he was speaking with a hot mike as he whispered to the outgoing Russian figurehead President Dmitry Medvedev.

The surreptitious exchange:

Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.

Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…

Obama: (reaching over and putting his hand on Mr. Medvedev’s knee): This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.

America’s commander-in-chief essentially promised to give away America’s European missile defense secrets to Russia after he wins in November, that he would share vital, military information with the incoming Russian fraudulent President Vladimir Putin since he will have fooled the American electorate once again.

That treasonous plot with the nation against which we waged a decades-long Cold War and which Mitt Romney called America’s “number one geopolitical foe” has raised suspicions on what else Obama has hidden up his sleeve, as if outright presidential treason were not enough.

Based on the president’s words and actions over the past four years, here are some educated guesses on what Americans can expect by 2016 or sooner should he win four more years to perpetrate more treason, wreak havoc with our economy, undermine our international standing, and convert the country into a Third World nation:

. Israel will be abandoned despite Obama’s pledges to the contrary, Venezuela will become a trusted ally, and the 50 year old sanctions against Cuba will be lifted. (Obama and his administration have frequently demonstrated an antipathy to Israel and an affinity for all things Islamic, have indicated they want Hugo Chavez to be a buddy, and have a special affection for Communism.)

. The United Nations will be recognized as the preeminent authority to dictate America’s foreign and domestic policy. (Obama is a professed “One-Worlder” who sees the U.N. as the one organization capable of insuring peace and tranquility throughout the planet.)

. Attorney General Eric Holder’s racist and corrupt DoJ . . .

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Trayvon Martin Bonfire

The Trayvon Martin Bonfire

Themes of Tom Wolfe’s blockbuster 1987 novel, The Bonfire of the Vanities, are being played out in real time in Sanford, Florida with the tragic death of Trayvon Martin serving as background and inspiration.

In Bonfire, white bond-trading “Master of the Universe” Sherman McCoy is falsely confused of killing a poor, black Bronx youth in a hit-and-run accident.

McCoy is arrested, hounded by the media, crooked politicians, and African-American activists into bankruptcy. He loses his family and contemplates suicide, not because of anything he actually did but because of what may best be described as a bizarre societal frenzy.

Henry Lamb, the dead victim in Bonfires, becomes the central character in a circus of political and racial dysfunction; Trayvon Martin has become the center of shameful exploitation of a young man’s unfortunate death.

Characterized by the MSM and his other supporters as an innocent, high school honors student who wouldn’t hurt a fly even though his death occurred late at night when he and a friend approached McCoy’s vehicle on a dark Bronx street in what most people would regard a threatening fashion, Lamb is all but canonized in the book as Martin has been in real life.

Neither was a saint anymore than Sherman McCoy or George Zimmerman were saintly.

Certainly, few comparisons can be drawn between the cocksure millionaire McCoy and Zimmerman, except for the comparably baseless campaign of villification by the media and professional black exploiters.

Based on available evidence and eyewitnesses, twenty-eight year old, half-Latino, Neighborhood Watch captain, George Zimmerman, is being unjustly crucified.

He has been painted as a murderer. The New Black Panther Party has posted “Wanted Dead or Alive” signs in Sanford. Spike Lee has tweeted his home address and he has been forced to go into hiding. The usual provocateurs have descended on Sanford to instigate hatred and discord.

Adding a farcical note, the president of the United States leapt into the fray. Barack Hussein Obama tends to do that when he scents a political advantage as he did in the Rush Limbaugh-Sandra Fluke matter. Obama ostensibly wanted to insure a fair and just investigation into Martin’s death, implying that local and state authorities would have whitewashed the incident had he not intervened.

Adding an almost comic touch to the month-old tragedy, Trayvon’s grieving mother laid out $650 to trademark “Digital materials, namely, CDs and DVDs featuring Trayvon Martin,” etc. not, mind you, so she could cash in on her son’s death. (

Aside from turning a tragedy into a travesty, Trayvon Martin’s shooting has evolved into yet another example of African-Americans turning a regrettable incident into a world-class debacle.

Much like Wolfe’s novel concerning Sherman McCoy and Henry Lamb, local and national media depicted Trayvon Martin as an innocent young man who was merely carrying a package of Skittles and a can of iced tea home to a younger sibling when he was senselessly accosted, followed, and shot by a trigger-happy Zimmerman.

However, just as Lamb turned out to be anything but an innocent victim in Bonfires, apparently Martin was not exactly what the racially-conscious, politically correct media presented him to be. . . (Read more at

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Obama's Little Mind

Obama's Little Mind

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

As the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments on the constitutionality of Obamacare, it’s fitting to consider the quality of the mind of the person who proposed and foisted that abominable legislation on the American people.

Before, during, and following the last presidential campaign, Barack Hussein Obama was presented to the American people and the planet as a scholarly, articulate, and charismatic savior who would masterfully lead and transform the nation and restore respect for America in the collective eyes of the rest of the world.

During his relatively brief tenure as the most powerful man in the universe, the president has indeed transformed the United States, although his version of change hasn’t been what most Americans expected.

Obama has transformed the economy into a virtual basket case, has created deficits and national debts which our children and grandchildren will be repaying throughout their lives, has been a simpering apologist for America’s exceptionalism, and has turned America into an international joke.

If upheld by SCOTUS, the Affordable Health Care for America Act will simply be the capstone of Obama’s socialistic policies, if not the gravestone for America’s economic viability.

And, all because Obama was misrepresented as a brilliant mind, a “constitutional scholar,” who would lead the country into the future while he leads us into Third World oblivion and ignores the Constitution.

Those millions of voters who saw through the charlatan candidate and resisted the urge to vote for him out of a sense of black pride or misplaced white guilt knew all along he was absurdly unqualified and inexperienced to serve as chief executive and commander-in-chief. We were more amazed that more foreigners seemed to be taken in by him than the 69,456,897 who cast their ballots for him in 2008.

Barack Obama may yet be re-elected in November by the same sheeple who fell for his empty promises of change last time around but many foreigners have long since seen through his vacuousness, have noticed the gaffe-prone “scholar” is even dumber than George W. Bush was reputed to be, and have come to the realization that, absent his trusty teleprompters, Obama is a braindead dolt who can only repeat hollow words and phrases.

Thomas Buch-Andersen, host of the Danish TV show Detektor, is one European who dared to buck the conventional wisdom that Obama can think on his own, devoid of scripted inanities dictated by his handlers

Buch-Anderson recently pointed out that Obama consistently uses the same trite, meaningless terminology when speaking to leaders of every ally who visits the White House. . . (Read more at

Saturday, March 24, 2012

America's One-Sided Race Card

America's One-Sided Race Card

Careful not to pull a boner as he did when he condemned Cambridge cop Joe Crowley in 2009 without a scintilla of evidence, President Barack Hussein Obama has weighed in on the tragic Sanford, Florida killing of 17 year old Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman.

The president, playing the race card for his black base as he did in the Cambridge affair, said, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon” and demanded exhaustive Sanford, Florida, and federal investigations into the case.

He declared that “some soul searching” was needed throughout the country but made no reference to why the president of the United States is involving himself in a local matter. As with Sandra Fluke and the female vote, Obama figured he could make points with his African-American constituency by telling them what his son would look like.

Despite the fact that details are still evolving on the incident, America’s leftists quickly and mindlessly sprang to a verdict of racially-inspired murder and blamed everyone from Zimmerman, who reportedly has a number of African-Americans and Latinos in his family, to Rush Limbaugh, Jeb Bush, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, George Romney, and virtually every white person in America.

At least they didn’t blame Sandra Fluke.

Professional race-mongers Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton also galloped to the Sunshine State to spread their hateful bile and called for revenge and retribution. It wasn’t clear whom they blamed but presumably it was repressive and murderous white society as well as Zimmerman.

The racist New Black Panther Party didn’t want to be left out and so circulated a poster reading, “Murdered in Cold Blood, Child Killer of Trayvon Martin, WANTED DEAD or ALIVE.”

Accused gunman Zimmerman hasn’t been arrested due to lack of concrete evidence in the case and his claim of killing Martin in self-defense after being attacked, a claim substantiated by witnesses, and various Sanford officials have stepped aside to insure a fair and just inquiry.

No one would question the necessity of a full and thorough investigation into Martin’s death, except perhaps for Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the New Black Panther Party and other racists who have rushed to judgment in order to stir the racial pot, create discord, garner donations, and grab headlines.

There may be a national need for Obama’s “soul searching” just as there was a need for a “new gentility” as preached by the president following the Tucson shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords and which never came to fruition thanks to relentless incivility from liberals.

However, there’s an equally-pressing necessity for objective crime reporting by the mainstream media with respect to black crime in America, a crying need that has frequently been addressed on this blogsite and admitted by some members of the MSM.

See “More Riotous Times in Obamaland,”

The rabble-rousing Farrakhan threatened violent retaliation . . .

Friday, March 23, 2012

Paul Harvey's "If I Were the Devil" Still Rings True

Paul Harvey's "If I Were the Devil" Still Rings True

For those not familiar with his name, Paul Harvey Aurendt who went by the professional name Paul Harvey, was a conservative radio broadcaster and newspaper columnist.

At the peak of his influence, Harvey reached some 24 million listeners to his ”Rest of the Story” comments, millions more listeners than Rush Limbaugh and with nary a single “slut” comment during his long career.

Paul Harvey News was carried on 1,200 radio stations, 400 Armed Forces Network stations, and hundreds of newspapers, and his commentaries and newspaper columns have been frequently reprinted in the Congressional Record.

He was named “Commentator of the Year,” “Person of the Year,” “Father of the Year,” “American of the Year,” elected to the National Association of Broadcasters National Radio Hall of Fame, appeared on the Gallup poll list of America’s most admired men, and was awarded eleven Freedom Foundation Awards and the Horatio Alger Award.

Perhaps none of Harvey’s contributions to broadcasting and Americana is as noteworthy as what he said 47 years ago.

Harvey died at the age of 90 in 2009. He is sorely missed in America today and will long be remembered for his prophetic “If I Were the Devil” broadcast warning to Americans on April 3rd, 1965. In that brief commentary, Harvey focused on virtually ever ill that has beset the United States since he articulated them.

Paul Harvey’s 1965 reflections in their entirety, as published by Fox News:

He said, ”If I were the Devil . . . I would of course, want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. . . so I should set about however necessary to take over the United States.

“I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: ‘Do as you please.’

“To the young, I would whisper, ‘The Bible is a myth.’ I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around.

“I would confide that what is bad is good, and what is good is ‘square’.

“In the ears of the young marrieds, I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be extreme in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct.

“And the old, I would teach to pray. I would teach them to say after me: ‘Our Father, which art in Washington.’

“If I were the devil, I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting.

“I’d threaten T.V. with dirtier movies and vice versa. . .

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Obama Changes We Can Really Believe In?

Obama Changes We Can Really Believe In?

I haven’t had the pleasure of visiting the White House in decades so I can’t personally attest to all of the following details on recent alterations in America’s executive mansion but they are interesting, to say the least.

For example, has anyone noticed that our president no longer conducts his rare press conferences with the traditional trappings of American flags in the background?

Instead, a bright yellow curtain replete with what some people believe are Arabic symbols now decorates the press room, along with Obama’s trusty teleprompters, of course, without which he tends to put his foot in his mouth.

And, has anyone noticed that the decor at the White House has radically changed since the Obama clan occupied 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

The Oval Office is now almost devoid of the traditional display of American red, white, and blue. It has been replaced with what appears to be middle eastern wallpaper, drapes, and decor and the hallway Obama uses to talk to the press now features middle eastern-style chairs, drapes, etc.

And, has anyone noticed that Obama seems more Islamic than he seems American?

It’s understandable, actually, since his paternal heritage is Muslim, all his Kenyan relatives are Muslims, his mother married two Muslims, and he spent years of his childhood in Muslim Indonesia where he was partially educated in a Muslim madrassa and he diligently studied the Quran.

Before any White House alterations were made, surely the POTUS had extensive input from his lovely, style-conscious FLOTUS who, only a few years ago discovered she was proud of her country. She must be even more proud of her husband’s Muslim roots.

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama must also be tickled pink that America’s White House now reflects both her tastes and her hubby’s documented Islamic affiliations even though those tastes and affiliations give rise to suspicions that the Obamas aren’t all we have been led to believe in.

Is Barack Hussein Obama a Muslim at heart? . . . (See pictures and read more at

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Murderers, Scapegoats, and Terrorists

Murderers, Scapegoats, and Terrorists

On its face, murder is an abominable crime. Taking another human life involves an abject surrender of one’s own humanity and a total disregard for the sanctity of human life.

Civilized societies today occasionally legally execute convicted reprobates but only after due process and often decades of appeals. Unethical societies treat accused murderers differently, as in the cases of Sgt. Robert Bales and Major Nidal Malik Hasan.

By all accounts, Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales was an outstanding, highly-decorated soldier, respected and praised by the men in his command.

Before he enlisted shortly after the Muslim terrorist attacks on 9/11, Bales was universally admired by his friends and neighbors. When he was not deployed in battle–three stints in Iraq where he sustained a traumatic brain injury and the loss of part of his foot and recently sent to Afghanistan–Bales lived life as a loving father of two at home with his wife in Washington state.

If the charges of murdering defenseless Afghans, including women and children, are sustained and he is convicted, Sgt. Bales should receive a suspended sentence on the basis of temporary insanity and extreme post-traumatic stess disorder. Better yet, he should be set free today!

Aside from political considerations, chiefly placating the Afghanis and President Hamid Karzai who considers American soldiers “demons,” there is no rational excuse for our military to further punish Bales for actions committed while he was obviously crazed by repeated and intimate exposure to the horrors of war.

He is alleged in the mainstream media to have left his Kandahar base and drunkenly slaughtering 16 innocent people, much as Iraqis and Afghanis have been soberly slaughtering thousands of American troops, many of whom are currently in Afghanistan building roads, schools, and hospitals.

Although Sgt. Bales has not yet been officially charged with the crimes and is now in solitary confinement at Fort Leavenworth, many military-hating American Leftists have already tried, convicted, and scapegoated him, mainly on the basis Bales is a courageous military man, and we all know how the Left abhors the military.

Sgt. Bales’ case stands in remarkable contrast to the matter of Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Malik Hasan who, on November 5th, 2009, allegedly, murdered 13 innocent, defenseless people and wounded 30at Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas.

Twenty-eight months later, Hasan has yet to come to trial. The carnage he caused was witnessed by dozens of objective observers and, despite evidence he was inspired by Islamist extremists such as Anwar Al-Awlaki to perpetrate the atrocity, our government chose to categorize Hasan’s actions as “workplace violence.” . . .

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kudos to Ireland and Bristol Palin, Brickbats to the Corrupt MSM

Kudos to Ireland and Bristol Palin, Brickbats to the Corrupt MSM

Some events and people receive insufficient public plaudits for outstanding contributions to the progress of humanity or to exposing political hypocrisy. Other people receive either commendation for their degradation of American culture or scant notice of their foul commentary by the mainstream media.

Following are a few examples of under-reported events and individuals and a number that exemplify the remarkably uncivil and hate-filled atmosphere that permeates America’s left wing.


IRELAND: In a stunning rebuke of the United Nations and evidence that The Land of Saints and Scholars hasn’t totally lost its soul, the government of the Republic of Ireland has refused to accede to U.N. pressure to violate Ireland’s constitution by legalizing the practice of murdering pre-born human babies.

According to National Right to Life News Today, “In rejecting the UN recommendations, Ireland stood by its sovereign right to make its own laws and uphold its constitutional protection for unborn children while assisting mothers during pregnancy and childbirth.”

In doing so, the Irish government has concurred with the Irish people who have repeatedly rejected legalizing abortion in various referenda, a decision never accorded the American people by our government.

BRISTOL PALIN: The eldest daughter of Sarah and Todd Palin has written a letter to President Barack Hussein Obama acquainting him with his hypocrisy and insensitivity toward women, his wife, and his daughters by not condemning Bill Maher for his repulsive comments about the Palins and women in general by not rejecting Maher’s million dollar gift to an Obama PAC.

In her respectful missive, the twenty-one year old Bristol admits her past mistakes in conceiving an out of wedlock child and attests she has found “forgiveness and redemption” in God, something Bill Maher will never find.

Ms. Palin cites Maher’s reference to her Down Syndrome brother saying, I was “f—-d so hard a baby fell out.” She fails to mention Maher’s description of her mother as a “c*nt” and his other misogynistic comments and wonders why the president hasn’t called her to express his indignation and support yet has accepted Maher’s million.

(In a related story, the FLOTUS, Lady O, appeared on Letterman Monday and Dirty Dave obsequiously groveled before his “lovely” guest. There were no references to Maher or to Dirty Dave’s calling Sarah Palin slutty nor to his hilarious comment that Bristol’s underage sister engaged in sex with Alex Rodriquez out in left field at Yankee Stadium.)



Brickbats should be tossed in the direction of Obama’s mainstream media which has successfully concealed our president’s radical past and radical agenda as well as condoning obscene and hateful remarks by Obama aficionados.

One recently-uncovered news item concerning the source of the mysterious funding that enabled a poor, semi-black kid from Hawaii to attend prestigious and expensive Harvard University has escaped notice by the MSM.

It turns out, as per the recollections of a humble public servant, a postman who delivered mail to the home of the parents of unrepentant terrorist, Bill Ayers, Obama got to Harvard not on his good looks but thanks to the beneficence of Ayers’ Marxist parents, Tom and Mary Ayers, who thought Obama was a foreigner.

The parents virtually adopted the young Barry Obama and bankrolled Barry’s college expenses since the future president fit the Ayers’ hopes for a communist revolution in America.

The now-retired postman, Allen Hulton, recalls Mary Ayers enthusiastically praising Obama, whom she thought might be Kenyan, and remembers once meeting Obama outside the Ayers’ home. Out of the blue, he told Hulton he planned to become president.

To determine Mr. Hulton’s credibility, see the full story and a video of an interview with the letter carrier here.

For more than four years, the mainstream media have failed to do their job by reporting on Obama’s connections with any of the Ayers, with Bernardine Dohrn, or with any other revolutionary associates of the president.

The MSM has also fumbled the “slut ball” ever since Rush Limbaugh used the derogatory term to describe leftist activist, Sandra Fluke. . . (Read more at

Monday, March 19, 2012

Can Things Get Any Worse for Teens in America?

Can Things Get Any Worse for Teens in America?

Can things get any worse for teens in America?

Sure they can. Just give it time.

Life in these United States has gotten far more complex–and disturbing–since the days of my youth in the 1950′s when most Americans liked Ike, we enjoyed relative peace, homosexuals were considered weirdos, the concept of global warming was as global cooling, and young girls were considered “loose” if they engaged in heavy “petting.”

There were racial agitators and other extremists in our midst back then, the USSR was constantly threatening to somehow bury us, and Communists had infiltrated our government but nothing so altered moral behavior as Bill Clinton’s attitude toward sexual mores and conduct.

Loose-girl petting as a social issue long preceded a president who didn’t believe oral sex constituted sex at all and thereby effectively authorized the practice as a favorite indoor–and outdoor–sport for sexually-active teens.

If the president of the United States believed oral sex wasn’t sex, what could be wrong with it?

One of the most marked changes over the past decade has been the evolution in America–more properly, the devolution–of teenage girls with regard to “non-sex” and “real sex.” Another has been teens feeling free to voice their often un-PC opinions on controversial issues for all the world to see.

Those changes have been facilitated by social media websites such as Facebook and on YouTube which have enabled teens to express themselves, often inappropriately; the internet, texting, and sexting have enabled kids to pretend act like licentious adults at the same time it has enabled pedophiles to prey on them, as seen on such television shows as NBC’s “To Catch a Predator.”

Sometimes, too often, young girls have used their new-found outlet for self-expression have taken ugly turns.

For example, two articulate kids at Gainesville High School in Florida saw fit to post a 14-minute racially-charged video on YouTube in which they voiced reprehensible views about African-Americans at their school.

Regardless of the unvarnished truth in the obscenity-laden video–saying such things as many blacks were food stamp recipients, were on welfare yet dressed in designer clothing, and didn’t speak ”normal” English–they were expelled, one permanently, the other placed on probation. They also spoke highly of hard-working blacks and they and their families issued profuse apologies, but that didn’t matter.

The two had commited a grievous, politically-incorrect offense by speaking their minds and thinking the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech was still in effect. As a result, they and their families have been harassed and threatened and the girls have had to go into hiding because of what was essentially a teenage indiscretion.

The question arises as to which was worse, the indiscreet video or the threats of physical harm and intimidation they were subjected to. Evidently, in the eyes of Gainesville High School administrators, it was the former.

So, too, did a similar racist video posted by two girls at Santaluces High School in Palm Beach County cause an uproar.

Among other negative comments about African-Americans at their school, one girl said, “It’s kinda sad cause like, I don’t like black people. They’re annoying. They stink. They’re ugly.” The other rejoined, “Some are nice. They’re pretty. Look at Tyra Banks!”

It’s very apparent that those four teens aren’t alone in their views rejecting contemporary political correctness and PC’s doctrines of diversity and inclusion. It’s also apparent that they are being subjected to concerted pressures to compromise their beliefs.

Life is much more challenging for teenagers than in the relatively-good old days. Primary challenges are resisting peer pressures, the importunings of their throbbing hormones, and the untold numbers of pedophiles eager to take advantage of them. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.coblackm/blog1/?p=14134.)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Re-birth of the Birthers

Re-birth of the Birthers

When a grinning Barack Hussein Obama finally produced his long form Hawaiian birth certificate on April 27, 2011–following years of questions fueled by strong suspicions he was born in Kenya–he felt certain all doubts that he was constitutionally-qualified to hold the office of the presidency had been laid to rest.

They hadn’t.

Principal contributing factors for the qustions related to the inexplicably inordinate delays in providing the Long Form certificate and the million or so dollars the Obama camp spent to avoid the minimalist task of simply displaying a piece of paper. Neither the delay nor the money expended made any sense.

Testimony to the lingering doubts, Arizona’s Sherrif Joe Arpaio recently launched a privately-funded 6 month investigation into the matter of exactly who and what our president was, Kenyan or American?

As he announced at a press conference, no major media source had investigated the controversy so his cold case posse of volunteers would look into the issue in order to resolve it once and for all.

Arpaio said after receiving the posse report, ”We believe probable cause exists indicating that forgery and fraud may have been committed, not only in President Obama’s long-form birth certificate, but more disturbing evidence suggests that another fraud may have been committed regarding his selected service registration card. Based on all of the evidence presented and investigated I cannot in good faith report to you that these documents are authentic.” (

Although Arpaio was convinced that both Obama’s birth certificate and draft card were forgeries, he isn’t prepared to accuse the president, yet. The investigation is continuing.

Left unmentioned by the sheriff is the issue of Obama’s Social Security card number which was originally issued to a French immigrant born in 1890 and re-issued to Obama in the state of Connecticut in 1977. The 15 year old Barry was residing in Hawaii with his maternal grandparents at the time and never resided in the Nutmeg State.

At least one blogger has suggested the grandparents’ connection with well-connected Connecticut socialite, Helen Canfield, helped grease the skids to secure a SSN for Obama since he lacked an American birth certificate.

On the other hand,, long an avid Obama defender, alleged the SSN was valid. Snopes termed the brouhaha “fantastical.” As “proof,” Snopes said Jean Paul Ludwig’s SSN was different and offered for verification a link to the Social Security Death Index which turned out to be useless and referred searchers to

Personally, I’m dubious as to all the birther allegations despite their potent arguments that Barack Hussein Obama was not born in the United States of America and thus ineligible to serve as president–and subject to prosecution as a liar and usurper.

Perhaps due to my septuagenarian naiveté, I find it difficult to accept that America’s mainstream media would not have reported those damning facts.

However, a composite, 11 minute video of the president’s statements . . . (Read more at

Thursday, March 15, 2012

News You May Not Have Seen on the MSM

News You May Not Have Seen on the MSM

It’s impossible to post incisive observations on everything President Barack Obama’s mainstream media report and don’t report on significant stories and events that reflect negatively on their anointed one.

Some stories and events become so public that the MSM is forced to mention them and then, dutifully, bury them in the journalistic graveyard as if they had never happened.

Therefore, in the interests of public service, I present a few Obama-related stories which have either been ignored by the MSM or which the mainstreamers quickly relegated to the scrapheap along with tales of Martians invading Earth and Democrats acting stupidly.

The story of Dems so enamored of their hero that they superimposed a picture of Obama in place of the 50 stars on the American flag, reflecting their total ignorance of proper flag protocols, was briefly covered by the MSM, without commentary on those time-honored protocols.

The next steps might be his face on a trillion dollar bill and Mount Rushmore.

It gets much better or much worse, depending on your political perspective.

. The MSM gave little play to the thoughts of Steven Chu, Obama’s Energy Secretary, on gas prices both before and after he was appointed. Chu, who admitted he doesn’t drive a car, had advocated for European-level gas prices of ten dollars a gallon in the U.S. and repeated that wish even after prices began to soar.

The media also ignored his backtracking in the face of Republican derision and Chu now says, “I no longer share that view. . . Of course, we don’t want the price of gasoline to go up. We want it to go down.”

But, of course!

Outside of the administration, I don’t know who else shared Chu’s view of the benefits of astronomical gas prices. I suspect the nitwit DOE secretary got a call from one of Obama’s henchmen telling him to shut up and retreat from his imbecilic position.

. On a “comedic” front in America’s culture war, black comedian Chris Rock reverted to form and exploded when asked a question by conservative author of Obama Zombies and Hollywood Hypocrites, Jason Mattera.

Last year, Rock had incoherently said in Esquire, “When I see the Tea Party and all this stuff, it actually feels like racism’s almost over. Because this is the last–this is the act up before the sleep. They’re going crazy. They’re insane. You want to get rid of them,” and Mattera asked him to explain his baseless comments.

Instead of clarifying, Rock erupted, ripped the camera out of the hands of Mattera’s camerawoman, hurled it 50 feet, and challenged Mattera to a fight–while Rock was in the protection of two bodyguards.

. Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, clearly regards the president and his immigration policies the same way he thinks of rattlesnakes and illegal aliens. . . (Read more at

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Muslims in America

Muslims in America

Notwithstanding TLC’s cancellation of the reality show, “All-American Muslim,” because it didn’t portray reality and because the Muslims depicted weren’t as much Americans as they were Islamists, Muslims have been making inroads into American society and becoming a force to be reckoned with.

Just a few examples of growing Islamic influence in America: Muslim schoolkids are given preferences over non-Muslims in New York City schools and elsewhere; the Muslim Brotherhood was "consulted" on the appointment of the Los Angeles police chief; Twitter just closed down accounts critical of Syrian dictator Assad on request of his wife; and the Black Muslim official newspaper characterized Glenn Beck as “a minion of the synagogue of Satan” for daring to intimate that President Barack Hussein Obama’s life could be in danger.

True, Islamists occasionally overstep but, for the most part, they are granted special treatment mainly due to the mainstream media’s fear of violent and bloody Muslim retaliation should the MSM report extensively on such horrors as “mercy killings” or treat Islamists with the same disdain they treat Christians.

One Muslim, the black racist leader of the subversive Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, knows no bounds when it comes to spewing his extremist views but he recently discovered that even the students and faculty at one of the most liberal universities in the country have their limits of tolerance.

Last Saturday, Farrakhan addressed an audience of some 600 at the University of California Berkeley where they are accustomed to applauding subversion and anti-Americanism. However, he crossed the PC line when he launched into a tirade against his favorite punching bag, Jews.

Why his virulently anti-Semitic rant came as a surprise to the audience is mystifying since Farrakhan has lambasted Jews for decades and has called Judaism “a gutter religion,” and worse. He has also called Obama both a “murderer” and an “assassin.”

None of that vile background bothered Berkeley . . . (Read more at

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Obamas' Race Fixation

The Obamas' Race Fixation

The release–after a quarter century–of Andrew Breitbart’s video of Barack Hussein Obama during his Harvard Law School years may or may not have been a blockbuster but it does reveal the future president’s fixation on race. Likewise, another video seems to confirm that the future FLOTUS, Michelle Robinson LaVaughn Obama, was also a racial agitator at Harvard Law.

It’s understandable that one of Obama’s closest mentors in the last campaign only now has admitted “We hid this [tape] throughout the 2008 campaign. I don’t care if they find it now."

Four years later, Harvard Law professor Charles Ogletree is confident enough that the first (semi-) African-American has sufficiently bamboozled the American people into thinking he is a president of all the people and wants a color-blind society rather than a racially-divided country.

With the black vote, the mainstream media, the 20% of liberals in America, and Hollywood in Obama’s pocket, Prof. Ogletree believes the 2012 election is a shoo-in for the president and he doesn’t give a damn anymore who knows Barack was a racial agitator at Harvard.

With MSM complicity, Obama has successfully managed to fend off the truth concerning the extent of his relationships with the radical Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the revolutionists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, his friendship with black Muslim racist Louis Farrakhan and other unseemly buddies so why fret over his demonstrations in favor of race-based hiring at Harvard?

Why get all exercised over a video depicting Obama embracing one of his role models, Prof. Derrick Bell, who notably said, “I live to harrass white people,” endorsed a controversial magazine whose official motto is “treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity,” and who preached divisive, black racist theories of endemic oppression by whites.

As student Obama said at the time, we should “open up our hearts and minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell.”

We might just as well close up our hearts and minds to President Obama’s comparable preachings of racial harmony cloaked in conciliatory words and concealing his decades-old antipathy for white people to which he confessed in Dreams of My Father: “I ceased to advertise my mother’s [white] race when I began to suspect I was ingratiating myself to whites.”

And he couldn’t allow that!

Nor could he tolerate or trust white people or, as he wrote in Dreams of a fellow Chicago community organizer: “There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And he was white.”

Harvard Law student Michelle LaVaughn Robinson was very sure of both herself and her perceived understanding that white people were out to get her. . . (Read more at

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Obama's Gas

Obama's Gas

The president of the United States is currently engaged in perpetrating the biggest fraud since the invention of the anthropogenic global warming scam.

In his weekly Saturday chat with the American people, Barack Hussein Obama vowed, “I am going to keep doing everything I can to help you save money on gas, both right now and in the future.”

He added, “We can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices–not when we consume 20 percent of the world’s oil,” as if drilling for more oil wouldn’t result in more oil and lower prices at the pump. At the same time, he was effectively accusing Americans of causing high prices by indiscriminate consumption, like driving to work and heating their homes.

Obama has an odd way of implementing his resolve to help us “save money.”

Even before he assumed office, his energy secretary Steven Chu let the cat out of the gas bag when he indicated he wanted to raise gasoline prices to European levels of $10. a gallon. Mr. Chu is now calling the gas shots in Washington, putting the lie to the president’s phony concerns.

The Obama administration has also crippled off-shore oil exploration, rejected the Keystone XL pipeline project, repeatedly refused permission for companies to pump black gold in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge, and stalled efforts at hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” to recover petroleum.

Most recently, the president said we should invest in “energy sources of the future” and phase out oil, the energy source of “the past,” which happens to be the only reliable source we have.

As for developing our most abundant energy resource, coal, the president said during the last campaign that he wanted to put the coal industry out of business since he has better ideas.

His ideas? Windmills dependent on breezes that don’t always blow. Solar power which isn’t very effective at night or during cloudy days. Hydroelectic energy which requires waterfalls. And automobiles like the Chevy Volt which have the unfortunate tendency to catch fire at the most inopportune moments.

The administration rationale for all that baloney? Preserving our pristine waters, saving the caribou and the environment in ANWR, keeping our drinking water potable throughout the land, using pond scum to alchemistically create fuel, and forcing Americans to buy matchbox cars.

And, always in the forefront of Obama’s thinking is the passage of cap and trade legislation. The Wall Street Journal has aptly called the cap and trade charade “the tax that dare not speak its name.” Voters will eventually find out that the impact of carbon credits on their wallets will dwarf ten dollar gas, but it will be too late to do anything about it.

At the heart of all that hooey is Obama’s feigned and misplaced terror of global warming, a fear eerily similar to the panic of almost forty years ago over global cooling and the looming New Ice Age. . .

The president’s vow to restrain gasoline prices has as much validity as his claim the economy is improving. . . (Read more at

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Obama Generosity, Muslim Cancellation

Obama Generosity, Muslim Cancellation

Two recent developments involving the president and his favorite religion:

No one has ever suggested our commander-in-chief was stingy.

Well, before he launched his presidential bid in 2007, his charitable contributions were comparable to pre-conversion Ebeneezer Scrooge’s but since then he has opened his wallet somewhat. Now, his good-hearted generosity almost rivals that of Winnie the Pooh.

The president is so giving that he is considering sharing “limited classified data” on our proposed European anti-missile shield with our good buddies and former sworn enemies in Moscow.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Brad Roberts explained that the adminstration is merely continuing an initiative begun by Obama’s favorite whipping-boy, George W. Bush, although Bush never followed through with the harebrained idea of providing strategic information to a potential foe.

You see, the always paranoid Russians are fearful that the missile shield could somehow be deployed against them, without clarifying how a shield could miraculously become an offensive weapon. In fact, it would serve in a defensive capacity against the rapacious and truculent Ruskies and other crazies, so they don’t like it.

Reflecting the peculiar nature of Russian thought processes, Vladimir Putin has indicated that, should the shield become operational, he would deploy missiles as a defense since shields are notoriously threatening.

Fortunately, saner heads may prevail. Republican Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Michael Turner, has said he will “vigorously resist such compromises of U.S. missile defense capabilities.”

That, of course, assumes Rep. Turner will be re-elected in November. If the president isn’t re-elected, the matter becomes moot. If Obama is re-elected, Americans will have far more to worry about than protecting Europe.

Something not moot and no longer worrisome is the fate of TLC’s reality show, “All-American Muslim,” which didn’t depict reality and certainly didn’t demonstrate that Muslims living in Dearborn, Michigan were all or mostly American.

TLC spokeswoman Laurie Goldberg announced last week that, “We decided not to renew it for a second season” because of a collapse in viewership and a loss of more than half its audience between its first and eighth, final episode.

Left unmentioned by Ms. Goldberg . . . (Read more at

America Is No Longer America!

America Is No Longer America!

Those naive souls who foolishly believe that the United States of America is still a free and independent nation, that we should be proud of who and what we are and what we have achieved, that we are one nation under God had better read the newspapers.

Thanks to America’s Left and to the United States Congress, those foolish beliefs have been undermined for decades and, since the accession to the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama on January 20th, 2009, they have been proven absurd.

A few recent instances, which have been covered by Obama’s mainstream media with its usual spin:

Obama’s Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta confirmed the reality that this administration regards American sovereignty as much a thing of the past as gasoline.

Panetta appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee and effectively declared that the congress’ constitutional responsibility to declare war and the president’s power to wage war null and void.

In reference to calls for military intervention in the newest Islamic cesspool, Syria, Panetta said that the “goal would be to seek international permission . . . Whether or not we would want to get permission from the Congress–I think those are issues we would have to discuss as we decide what to do here.”

“Whether or not?”

Translated: The USA would require the “permission” of the corrupt, Third World-infested United Nations before we interceded in Syria, which would supersede any constitutional provisions.

So much for independence and soverignty.

An even more telling incident demonstrating that our country isn’t what it used to be occurred at a basketball game in San Antonio, Texas.

The Alamo Heights boys’ basketball team trounced San Antonio Edison and the student crowd erupted with chants of “USA, USA, USA!”

That enthusiastic show of patriotism was condemned by the press, the coach, and by Alamo Heights’ administrators as “racist” on the sole basis that the Alamo Heights team is predominantly white and Edison is mostly hispanic and, therefore, the chant must have been racially inspired. reported the enthusiasm as a “racial incident” and district spokesperson, Lesley Price, said, “This is very disrespectful to our students. It is surprising and it’s disappointing to hear that anyone would be out there making those kind of remarks.”

Again, those disrespectful remarks were, “USA! USA! USA!” . . .

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Visit to "Hannity"

A Visit to "Hannity"

My wife and I recently had the privilege of meeting Sean Hannity and viewing a taping of Fox News Channel’s “Hannity.”

I don’t typically get all agog over celebrities and can’t say I was agog over Sean but I can say he wasn’t what we expected. We had expected a typical celeb–arrogant, stand-offish, obsessed with himself. Hannity was anything but. A friendly, down-to-earth guy, he sincerely welcomed us, affably thanked us for visiting his show, and treated us like family.

My son had met Sean before and wangled another invite for my wife and me, accompanied by him and his wife, to be in the audience during Thursday night’s taping during which he conducted a video interview with Governor Sarah Palin and featured my elevator buddy, Liz Cheney.

It should first be made clear in order to ward off a flood of requests to attend a taping by Hannity friends and foes that attendance is by invitation only–and the audience consisted, in our case, at least–of a total of four situated on a small platform some 20 feet away from the host and his guests.

Hannity doesn’t depend on an audience of hundreds applauding his every statement for his outstanding ratings and he doesn’t rely on sycophantic guests praising him to make him appear more popular than he is.

However, back to our visit. . . (

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Advertisers Who Dumped Rush

Advertisers Who Dumped Rush

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (Edmund Burke) gleefully and triumphantly posted a report that sponsors are bailing out in droves on conservative icon Rush Limbaugh’s nationally syndicated radio show in a kneejerk reaction to the predictable, leftist reaction to the Great Slut Controversy regarding liberal activist, Sandra Fluke.

Yesterday, Politico gleefully listed the following bailers: AccuQuote Life Insurance, Allstate Insurance, AOL, Bare Escentuals, Bethesda Sedation Dentistry, Bonobos, Carbonite, Cascades Dental, Citrix, Girl Scouts, Goodwill Industries, Hadeed Carpet, JCPenney, Legal Zoom, Matrix Direct, Philadelphia Orchestra, PolyCom, ProFlowers, Quicken Loans, Reputation Rhino, Sears, Sensa, Service Magic, Sleep Train, Sleep Number, St. Vincent’s Medical Center, Tax Resolution, Thompson Creek Windows and Vitacost.

I can’t vouch for Politico’s accuracy since that website has been in President Barack Hussein Obama’s vest pocket for years. The whole slut controversy has been concocted to destroy Limbaugh and to absurdly paint conservatives as anti-woman to lock up their votes for Obama in November.

As with every conservative I know, I love the fair sex.

A more reliable listing of companies and organizations which have succumbed to misguided political correctness out of pusillanimous fear of Obama’s wrath: Sleep Number, The Sleep Train, Quicken Loans, Legal Zoom, Citrix, Carbonite, ProFlowers, Tax Resolution, AOL, Bonobos, Sears, and Allstate Insurance.

Links to those advertisers’ home pages where we can register our opinions can be found at . . (Read more at

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Great Slut Controversy

The Great Slut Controversy

In “Fluke, Flake, Fraud–or All Three?” I laid out the case that 30 year old Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke was, by definition, both a slut and a prostitute as Rush Limbaugh alleged last week.

Limbaugh’s scathing terminology was unfortunate and he later apologized but Ms. Fluke, revelling in the limelight she purposefully created, rejected his mea culpa.

Ms. Fluke’s admission that birth control is costing her an exorbitant thousand dollars annually testifies to her sluttish promiscuity. Her demands that others pay for her to have sex without consequences satisfy the definition of a prostitute, although that description is more tenuous.

In contemporary parlance and in view of today’s loose sexual mores, Ms. Fluke may not technically be a slut and Limbaugh was clearly wrong in applying the word to her since the slut word would then be applicable to at least half the population of college and university students, and we can’t have that!

Rush’s gross indiscretion doesn’t seem to have bothered Sandra very much.

She has expressed righteous indignation in various venues and wasn’t harmed in a legal sense by the epithet. House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer wants her to sue Limbaugh: “I’d like to see her take him to court. She is not a public figure and, for that reason, she should be able to sue for slander, libel or whatever else might be involved.”

There are two problems with that line of thinking. First, the 30 year old law student defamed herself by going public about her personal life and her obviously voracious sexual drive and, second, she is indeed an activist “public figure” who has served as a former president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice and vice president of the Women’s Legal Alliance.

In any lawsuit, Ms. Fluke would have to prove both that she is not slutty and that she sustained damages as a result of Limbaugh’s invective. If anything, she has gained worshipful notoriety over the last week and the trial would devolve into a media circus.

In any event, Ms. Fluke has already won the battle of the Great Slut Controversy. . . (Read more at

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Evil of Censoring Black Crime

The Evil of Censoring Black Crime

I have frequently posted articles relating to the bias of the mainstream media when it comes to reporting incidents involving racial violence and hate crimes, which raises the question of whether commenting on black racism constitutes white racism.

I think not, although the MSM would beg to differ and unless propaganda now trumps honesty.

Various members of the MSM have even admitted their censorship of news and defended the practice on the theory that they are preserving social harmony by selectively editing news stories, not publishing the whole truth, or by totally ignoring racist crimes.

In fact, they are instilling a distrust of all media on the part of those aware of the censorship–as well as shirking their journalistic responsibility and subverting journalistic ethics.

Last week, yet another blatant instance of racially-inspired hatred occurred in Kansas City, Missouri although, based on the coverage the story has received, few people will ever hear of it.

A 13 year old, white, eighth-grade boy was heading home from classes at Kansas City’s East High School two blocks away. He almost made it safely.

He was followed by two older, black males who, according to his mother, may have been students at East Hills. They accosted him on his doorstep, poured gasoline on him and set him ablaze.

He managed to extinguish the flames but suffered first degree burns on his face and possible injury to his lungs and eyes and spent hours in a hospital burn unit.

The attack was horrendous enough, the media coverage almost worse.

The boy’s mother told police that one of the assailants said, “This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy. . .

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fluke, Flake, Fraud--or All Three?

Fluke, Flake, Fraud--or All Three?

No stranger to controversy, conservative talk radio commentator Rush Limbaugh stirred up a wasp’s nest last week when he concluded Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke had to be a slut and a prostitute.

More specifically, he said, “What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic] who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex–what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute.” Limbaugh added, ”She’s having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex.”

On Saturday, without retracting the reasons for his rant, Limbaugh apologized to Ms. Fluke on his website for his “insulting word choices.”

He needn’t have.

The derogatory term “slut” refers to a sexually-promiscuous woman, “prostitute” to someone who accepts payment for sex acts. As injudicious and inflammatory as his words were, Limbaugh was correct since, by definition, Sandra Fluke fits the definitions.

Republican Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum characterized Limbaugh as “absurd,” House Speaker Boehner termed his language ”inappropriate,” and President Barack Hussein Obama called Ms. Fluke with some encouraging words.

In what was the most outrageous defense, Jesuit Georgetown University President John DeGioa praised her: “She was respectful, sincere, and spoke with conviction. She provided a model of civil discourse. This expression of conscience was in the tradition of the deepest values we share as a people.”

What Jesuitical BS!

On the other side of the controversy, Bill O’Reilly also criticized Ms. Fluke for wanting taxpayers to pay her for her hyperactive sexual activities, Michelle Malkin called her a radical feminist tool, and Eric Bolling said, “She seems like a plant.”

Rep. Darryl Issa precipitated the Fluke controversy when he refused to allow her to testify at last month’s hearings on religious liberty and the constitutionality of Obama’s mandate that church-related institutions bury their collective consciences by providing free insurance coverage for women seeking sterilization, abortafacient drugs, and contraceptives.

Obama’s “compromise,” shifting the burden of providing “free” birth control to those institutions’ insurance companies, simply meant religious institutions would pay indirectly through increased premiums for what they regard as morally-objectionable procedures.

Issa’s decision that Ms. Fluke was unqualified to testify in a matter involving the Constitution and religious rights was totally valid.

Nevertheless, ignoring constitutional issues, Democrats used Ms. Fluke as a tool to cover Obama’s infringement on religious liberty and promptly provided her with a forum to espouse her point of view.

The next day she appeared on MSNBC’s “The Ed Show” where she told Ed Schultz that the outpouring of support ”really has meant a lot to me. And I think to women across America . . . I don’t really see why anyone would not condemn this type of language.”

She said she would testify in the future if asked and, with a blinding sense of altruism, promised, “I think what I’m going to be doing from here on out is just continuing to do what I have been, sharing the stories of the women who contact me and really trying to make sure that their voices are being heard. . . ” (Read more at

Friday, March 2, 2012

Conspiracy and Andrew Breitbart

Conspiracy and Andrew Breitbart

American conspiracy theories come in all stripes, from the goofy to the believable, from the bizarre to the likely, from the cruel to the fawning.

Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone? Was 9/11 an inside job? Did Whitney Houston intentionally kill herself?

The very untimely death of arch-conservative Andrew Breitbart promises to fuel suspicions that foul play was involved. Indeed, another arch-conservative, radio commentator Michael Savage, has already suggested Breitbart was assassinated.

The 43 year old Breitbart, who had said three weeks earlier, ”Wait til they see what happens March first,” died near his Los Angeles home on Thursday, March first. According to the Associated Press and Reuters, the conservative firebrand had a history of heart problems and his personal website,, reported he died “unexpectedly from natural causes” although no cause has yet been provided.

Indicative of official doubt as to reasons for his sudden death, the LA coroner’s office announced it would conduct an autopsy. Whatever the autopsy findings, it can be certain many will conclude Andrew Breitbart was murdered by one of his many enemies.

Aside from the deaths of Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck, no conservative’s passing would have delighted the rabid left more than Breitbart’s and his enemies began to spew their hatred in venomous articles and tweets within hours of the reports.

The taxpayer-subsidized NPR called him a “provocateur” and ”bombastic.” The Huffington Post’s Arianna Huffington was about the only prominent liberal who didn’t rip Breitbart. She couldn’t bring herself to describe his political influence but did praise him as a passionate, exuberant, and fearless friend. published a few of the earliest tweets, beginning with’s Matt Yglesias’, “Conventions around dead people are ridiculous. The world outlook is slightly improved with @AndrewBrietbart dead.”

That mean-spirited observation was gracious compared to others including, “Andrew Breitbart now enjoying afternoon tea with Hitler good riddance you hack,” ”Andrew Breitbart died? Is it wrong that I’m happier about that than when they got bin Laden and Saddam?” ”Breitbart dead? More republicans should follow his lead,” “Andrew Breitbart is dead, He was a vile excuse for a human being,” and “Andrew Breitbart haha youre dead and in hell being a gay with hitler.”

I assume those tweets were either a consequence of President Obama’s call for more national civility or a reflection of the fear Obamians are experiencing as they await Breitbart’s tapes of Barack Obama at Harvard.

Breitbart referred to the tapes at his recent 2012 CPAC speech, . . . (Read more at

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ripleyan News

Robert Ripley made his fortune with “Ripley’s Believe It or Not,” a newspaper and later a radio and television series which featured freaks and other oddities he presented as facts to be marvelled at by the public. The following news items may not measure up to Ripley’s weird standards but they are almost equally bizarre.

BURNING BODIES TO HEAT SWIMMING POOLS: In very liberal England, Brits hate waste and have hit upon a unique if offensive method to utilize the dead and, at the same time, to conserve energy and provide comfort to swimmers.

In a ghoulish, green proposal, Sir George Young suggested the 800 degree heat generated by crematoria be used to heat swimming pools and said he would “die a happier man” if he knew his cremation warmed a local pool.

That brilliant idea isn’t too far removed from the governmental practice of using human bodies as nutritional sustenance in the movie “Soylent Green.” Rumors that the Brits will turn to burning people alive for warmth if they run out of dead people are unconfirmed.

PETA KILLS MOST OF THE ANIMALS IT SAVES: The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals bills itself as the pre-eminent savior of all non-human animals and defends animal rights while remaining mute on ethically treating pre-born human beings.

PETA has often engaged in outrageous public displays of its disapproval of wearing clothing made from animal fur yet, when it is “protecting” animals, PETA executes more than 95% of them.

According to documents released by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, PETA killed virtually all the animals it was caring for last year including 1,911 cats and dogs and, since 1998, has killed more than 27,000 animals at its Norfolk headquarters alone.

I suppose PETA can defend its actions on the basis that it is saving some of the animals from being eaten in Chinese restaurants. . . (Read more at