Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Continuing Crash of the Goreacle

The Continuing Crash of the Goreacle

When the mighty fall, they fall with a mighty thud.

Squeaky clean Albert Arnold Gore may have more skeletons in his attic, or bats in his belfry, than your average political bear. The Savior of the Earth, who has raked in hundreds of millions of dollars with his fraudulent global warming campaign, has had his armor more than tarnished of late; it’s been shredded.

To her credit, I guess, Tipper Gore says she doesn’t believe an iota of the scandalous tale floating around her estranged hubby about his attack of horniness in Portland a few years ago with 54 year old massage therapist, Molly Hagerty who later called him “a crazed sex poodle” and “a pervert and sexual predator.”

Good grief, Al! Is that any way for an uptight hero of environmentalists to act?

Then, again, I’m sure Elizabeth Edwards thought Johnny Edwards would never play hide the salami with some videographer and become the daddy of their love child while Liz was suffering from terminal cancer.

Or maybe she did? And maybe Tipper is covering for her husband of 40 years?

In any event, Haggerty’s tale of a lustful Al . . .

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