Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mea Culpa, John Lennon?

Mea Culpa, John Lennon?

There’s a report afoot that the first Beatle to die, John Winston Ono Lennon, Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, MBA division, was ”a closet Republican” who admired Ronald Reagan, didn’t care for Jimmy Carter, and by the time of his death was embarrassed over how politically naive he had been earlier in life.

If the report, based on a very authoritative source, Lennon’s last personal assistant, Fred Seaman, is true I would have to retract much of what I wrote in “John Lennon, Flawed Man in Life, Demigod in Death.” (

I still can’t retract everything in that article. John Lennon was indeed a deeply-flawed human being and he was elevated to a grossly exaggerrated status of a virtual god-like figure following his fatal shooting by the deranged Mark David Chapman outside The Dakota on the fateful evening of December 8, 1980.

Lennon’s life was snuffed out at the tender age of 40 years.

I had written in “John Lennon . . .” that the singer-composer was “Jealous, possessive, violent, angry, chauvinistic, abusive, adulterous, prideful, arrogant defender of a twice-convicted murderer, buddy to the Chicago Seven and violent Yippie peace activists Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Angela Davis, and Bobby Seale of the Black Panther Party, . . .

UPDATES: Gays, Pervs, and Al Gore

UPDATES: Gays, Pervs, and Al Gore

. . . Gore would have been better off had he simply fabricated some facts to bolster his argument as he did with his “An Inconvenient Truth.” Other options to increase child survivability rates might be advising lesbians such as Elese Lebsack not to ride motorcycles in gay pride parades and suggesting to Professor David Epstein that having sexual relations with his daughter wasn’t a very good idea.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Humanity and Inhumanity of Abortion

The Humanity and Inhumanity of Abortion

The inhumanity of abortion, which has claimed in excess of 50,000,000 innocent, pre-born lives in America since Roe v. Wade, far more lives than our nation has lost in all of our wars combined, is apparent to all but the most ardent proponents of the “procedure” and to those who realize the barbarity is inhumane but who defend it on tenuous bases of privacy and personal rights of women and young girls.

Tremendous scientific and technological advances in knowledge concerning fetal surgery, embryology, (pre-natal life), have taken place in recent years. Ultrasound and other techniques now prove what pro-lifers have long claimed, that fetal viability and capacity to experience intense pain occur long before feminists, the abortion lobby, and those all-too-eager to experiment on fetuses contend.

What follows is excerpted from a story and commentary reprinted by permission from the July edition of “Life News,” P.O. Box 223, Ronkonkoma, N.Y. 11779. Both powerfully serve to illustrate the fundamental humanity of pre-born life and the inherent inhumanity of destroying it.

“Given the Chance” by Caitlin Kennedy

On October 24th 2006, a little bundle of life was brought into the world. And when I say little, I mean little.

Amillia Taylor was born at Baptist Children’s Hospital in Miami, Florida, weighing in at a mere 10 ounces. She had spent only 21 weeks in her mother’s womb and was 9 inches in length -- approximately the size of a ballpoint pen . . .

Obama's Racial Politics Are Playing in Peoria

Obama's Racial Politics Are Playing in Peoria

“Will it play in Peoria?” is a phrase dating to the 19th century, a reference to whether some idea would go over well in mainstream typical America, the premise being that if it will float in Peoria it will succeed everywhere.

One particular idea is currently playing in Peoria which regrettably is becoming all too typical in our country, young blacks rioting in the streets, threatening to “kill all white people around here,” assaulting whites, and intimidating cops, white people, and black people alike.

Peorians were advised to avoid their yards and front porches and stay indoors, as if that were a solution to the mayhem.

The real issue, however, is not only what’s been playing in Peoria but what’s also going on in the rest of America. Peoria’s violence is simply and unfortunately a microcosm of events which are largely being ignored by the mainstream media or, if reported at all, are censored.

Time and again violent incidents are occurring thoughout this great land of ours perpetrated by prople oblivious to how great it is and the MSM in large part is choosing to omit a very relevant detail, namely that African-Americans are responsible. Noted black professor and commentator Walter E. Williams has observed both the rampant chaos and the media phenomena of pretending it is committed by some amorphous, racially-unidentifiable gangs.

As Williams wrote, and substantiated, “Most racist assaults [and other crimes] are committed by blacks” and, for reasons of misguided political correctness and lack of journalistic integrity, “In many of these brutal attacks, the news media make no mention of the race of the perpetrators.” See

In Peoria, Paul Wilkinson, president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association, gave this first hand account of what he witnessed: “Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth . . . were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill all the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. . . . They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.”

If this were an isolated incident, it would still be disturbing but Wilkinson went on to say, “Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night.” (

If Peoria were an isolated city of uncontrolled black violence, it would still be scary but what’s playing out in that Illinois city is a replication of racist black attacks and lawlessness which were common in Soweto in the 1950′s but which we don’t want to believe are happening with regularity in 2011.

Former Jewish radical David Horowitz outed the black liberation movement’s inspiration for rampages . . .

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Complements to Gay Marriage and Gay Pride

Complements to Gay Marriage and Gay Pride

It seems only appropriate to complement, not compliment, Friday’s passage of New York State’s deceptively-titled Marriage Equality Act and Sunday’s New York City’s Gay Pride Parade with some related news stories, one equally-bizarre.

For those unaware–and you really should try to keep up–New York’s Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo late Friday eagerly affixed his signature to a law passed overwhelmingly by Democrat legislators, with aid, comfort, and votes furnished by four Republicans, which grants official approval for men to wed men, women to marry women, and God only knows what else in the Empire State.

The timing couldn’t have been better for homosexuals since passage of the law coincides with the annual Gay Pride Week culminating on Sunday with a parade which wrapped up in Greenwich Village where the gay liberation movement began.

As of this writing, news coverage on the parade is just coming in and what’s hit the MSM wires and local tv channels are the usual sanitized reports devoid of what goes on at such parades plus heaps of adulation poured on Cuomo for his coverage. The governor marched this year to much applause in preparation for his guaranteed run for the presidency in 2016 after locking up 2% of the electorate, the gay vote.

If the festivities were anything like previous gay parades and, after Democrats got their way and passed the Marriage Equality Act only days before, the parade probably surpassed homosexual excesses of the past.

Those excesses and what follows give added credibility to Archbishop Timothy Dolan’s dire analysis that the new law threatens “the cornerstones of civilization.”

See “Gays on Parade–Literally!” for some insight, including a video of a previous Gay Pride parade featuring, among other obscenities, Big Apple Dem politicians and a giant, green penis flailing onlookers, (

One anticipated, intended consequence of passing the Marriage Equality Act was articulated by New York’s junior senator, Kirsten Gillibrand. She was “thrilled” with the new law but cautioned that, ”Our work is not done.” Having learned well her lessons from her mentor, New York’s senior senator Chuch Schumer, she indicated that congress will renew its efforts to repeal another bulwark of civilization, the Defense of Marriage Act, DOMA. . .

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Obama's Intellectual Stammers, Gaffes, and Ignorance

Obama's Intellectual Stammers, Gaffes, and Ignorance

I recently heard a snippet from an LA Times op-ed by Obamapologist Meghan Daum titled, “Obama’s Fast Brain vs. Slow Mouth” in which Daum offered an explanation/defense/excuse for our president’s inclination to employ a multiplicity of “umms” and “uhs” when he speaks without, and sometimes with, his trusty teleprompters.

As the article title suggests, Obama is so brilliant that his sluggish mouth is simply incapable of keeping up with his stupendous brain–not a nice thing to say about anyone, least of all a president– and he is reduced to “an intellectual stammer.” She didn’t attribute the president’s oratorical ineptness to stuttering but to “stammering,” which is pretty much the same speech defect as exhibited by the future King George VI in “The King’s Speech.”

I don’t know Ms. Daum and I wouldn’t suggest she is so enthralled with Barack Hussein Obama that she would be thrilled to give him oral sex as Time writer Nina Burleigh generously offered her idol, Bubba Clinton, in 1998. She just, evidently, idolizes her hero and settled for apologizing for Obama’s speech patterns. Notably, she omits comment on his equally-annoying, constant filler ”y’know” and “ya know.”

The chief problem with Daum’s apologia is that our gifted, constitutional-scholar leader’s speech issues aren’t confined to his repetitive “umms,” “uhs,” “y’knows,” or to some fabricated “intellectual stammer.” The absurdity of her premise is only emphasized by her comparison of the president to ”the godfather of the intellectual stammer,” the late, great, and incontestably brilliant, William F. Buckley. (

Absent his handlers and their scripted, teleprompted, words of wisdom, Obama hasn’t the foggiest notion of what to say so “umms,” “uhs,” and “y’knows” afford him time to ruminate a wee bit, to intellectually stammer and fill the brain gap before he is forced to expound. He frequently does that by committing outrageous gaffes which are even more grievous than stammering.

Barack Hussein Obama’s gaffes, his often stupid, inane, inappropriate, and inarticulate statements and misstatements are legion, even if Letterman’s writers can’t bring themselves to mock them as he still does with G.W. Bush’s “Bushisms.” They and Leno’s lackeys, two and a half years after President Bush left office, are still stuck on GWB’s gaffes and oblivious to every time Obama sticks his presidential foot into his mouth.

Unlike GWB’s records–which showed he outshone Al Gore at Yale–we never have gotten the chance to peruse BHO’s college and law school transcripts so one has to wonder how smart this most brilliant president ever to occupy the White House really is. . .

Friday, June 24, 2011

Gays on Parade, Literally!

Gays on Parade, Literally!

Get your gay-est hats on, folks! There’s a big day coming up in New York City, a day you may want to put on your calendar–or maybe not.

Following on the heels of an even bigger day, the passage by the New York State legislature of a gay marriage bill Friday evening, homosexuals should be positively ecstatic and promise to make Sunday a day to remember.

The legalization of homosexual weddings in the Empire State, long-sought by Democrats and the gay lobby, was rushed to Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo who signed the Marriage Equality Act into law in the dark of night.

Finally passed after decades of gay agitation and weeks of heated debate, and after 4 Republican state senators caved under pressure, the law joins New York with just 5 other states and D.C. in the unique position of conferring a legal imprimatur on homosexual marriage.

Gay couples hugged and wept with joy in the gallery.

Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan was far less sanguine and released a statement of his concerns which included these foreboding words: “We worry that both marriage and the family will be undermined by this tragic presumption of government in passing this legislation that attempts to redefine these cornerstones of civilization. Our society must regain what it appears to have lost–a true understanding of the meaning and the place of marriage, as revealed by God, grounded in nature, and respected by America’s foundational principles.” (

However, what’s now passed is past and whether it’s prologue will be determined by the future. For now, let the gay games begin or, more precisely, continue.

There will be little if any weeping or worries about civilization this Sunday, what was once called the Lord’s Day, though there defiintely will be lots of hugging and other things.

Sunday will culminate the annual Gay Pride Week in N.Y.C., actually 8 days. but who’s counting, with a big parade and a “Pridefest” street fair starting at noon. Marchers will begin strutting their stuff at 36th Street and head down to Christopher Street in Greenwich Village for the annual Gay Pride rally and the annual “Dance on the Pier” on Hudson Street, near but not in the Hudson River.

Sad to say, at this juncture you have already missed the kick-off celebrations last Saturday with the annual rally at Central Park’s Summerstage and may have missed the annual “Rapture on the River: A Women’s Dance”. . .

Recent White House Deceptions: Transcripts, Dreams, and Muslims

Recent White House Deceptions: Transcripts, Dreams, and Muslims

In our high-speed Internet, our 24/7 cable news age, we tend to get complacent insofar as the news and information we’re getting, innocently believing that what we’re seeing and hearing is substantially everything that’s out there, that it’s relatively accurate and reliable.

That ain’t necessarily so, especially when the news and information relate to the White House and its current residents.

Cases in point: White House transcripts which aren’t transcripted as much as they are scripted, the nightmarish Dream Act which seemed dead yet is very much alive, and the prosecution of Muslim terrorists who may very well be merely misunderstood conscientious objectors. . .

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Walter E. Williams: Reverse Racist or Uncle Tom?

Walter E. Williams: Reverse Racist or Uncle Tom?

I’ve long admired Professor Walter E. Williams, a rare breed among men.

The 75 year old conservative, African-American economist, columnist, political commentator, and John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University invariably perceives the nation as it is, not as politicians and special interest groups pretend and twist it to be, which is rare, indeed.

Okay, he calls himself a libertarian rather than a conservative, but close enough.

In an article titled, “America’s New Racists,” Williams once again ruffles the feathers of his fellow black men, exposing and clearly articulating an ugly truth about American society today and cutting through liberal distortions and misleading propaganda. The truth, censored by the MSM and which only an African-American can say without being accused of rabid racism: “Most racist assaults are committed by blacks.”

If he isn’t labeled as such already, that forthright and documented observation will surely earn the professor designation by the derogatory term “Uncle Tom” which is regularly used by professional black agitators to demean African-Americans who don’t tow and spout the race line, who dare to stray off the new plantation.

Williams personally experienced the poisonous fruits of racism in America and knows whereof he writes when he observes that the racist worm has turned 360 degrees and the former victims of the poison have evolved into the evil-doers. As he says, “What’s worse is there are blacks, still alive, who lived through the times of lynching, Jim Crow laws and open racism who remain silent in the face of it.”

He recounts various recent instances of black racist crime, which have been the subjects of articles on this blogsite as well as others not covered here, including serious incidents at Skidmore College, in Denver, San Francisco, Philadelphia, and on Chicago’s beaches. All involved black gangs committing patently-obvious racist hate crimes against both whites and Asians, although the more punitive hate crime charge is rarely applied by either the police or by the media to the miscreants.

In a scathing and verified indictment of the MSM, Williams audaciously and perspicaciously writes, “In many of these brutal attacks, the news media make no mention of the race of the perpetrators. If it were white racist gangs randomly attacking blacks, the mainstream media would have no hesitation reporting the race of the perps.”

Compounding that miscarriage of journalistic ethics, he adds, “Editors for the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times and the Chicago Tribune admitted to deliberately censoring information about black crime for political reasons. Chicago Tribune Editor Gerould Kern recently said that the paper’s reason for censorship was to ‘guard against subjecting an entire group of people to suspicion.’ “ . . .

Einstein on Government Mortgages

Einstein on Government Mortgages

Albert Einstein reasonably conjectured that someone who repeats the same behavior expecting dissimilar outcomes must be insane. Based on a recent decision by President Barack Hussein Obama’s Department of Urban Affairs, HUD, everyone in that godforsaken department must be raving maniacs.

Hot on the heels of the 2008 mortgage debacle caused by the government and the resultant near-economic collapse of Western civilization caused in large part by our Democrat leadership and minions’ endorsement and insistence on the “right” of everyone to ”own” their own homes whether they could afford to own their own homes or not, whether they had the slightest inkling on what home ownership entails or not, the Obama powers-that-be are now pushing yet another billion dollar mortgage boondoggle.

Granted, a billion here, a billion there for a near-bankrupt nation doesn’t represent even a hearty spit into an overflowing cesspool but referencing the anarchic drivel espoused by the Beatles in a much different context, “When will they ever learn?” applies in spades to the Obamians.

When it came to inter-personal relationships, Einstein was a doofus but with regard to what constitutes insanity he was right on the mark.

The chubby hand of Massachusetts’ scandal-ridden, teflon-coated Rep. Barney Frank and the Connecticut slickster, retired Sen. Chris Dodd, who deftly manipulated the mortgage and bank collapses, aren’t involved in the latest taxpayer scam but HUD is taking up the slack . . .

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Public School Salutes the Troops

Public School Salutes the Troops

I have posted with some frequency criticism of the goings-on and the lack of educational focus in America’s public schools, what I believe is much-needed criticism, and the following should in no way be interpreted as a retraction of those critiques.

Something very good happened in the auditorium of a Long Island public middle school on Tuesday evening. (My grandaughter’s “graduation” and receipt of three or four awards were good but merely tangential expressions of a grampa’s pride and not the subject of this article, so don’t stop reading!)

The fact the school is located in the same district in which the horrendous quadruple, drug-motivated ”pharmacy murders” occurred last Sunday is inconsequential except insofar as it illustrates the abiding tenaciousness of the district’s residents in the face of the shocking murders. They would not be phased and they turned out in droves to watch their young sons and daughters move on up from elementary school to sixth grade, and then to support our troops.

It began as a typical school event, for the audience if not the students, with teachers and administrators hogging much too much lectern time and with anticipated minor glitches in the ceremony. Various speakers, many of whom didn’t know the kids, got the opportunity to praise and encourage them anyway while getting in plugs for their bosses, including the New York State Attorney General and others.

One of the speakers occasioned a totally unrehearsed and obviously unanticipated demonstration by the audience.

After a student rendition of all three stanzas of “The Star Spangled Banner,” two of which I’m ashamed to admit I don’t think I had ever heard, a representative of the local Veterans of Foreign Wars chapter approached the mic and introduced the young man clad in camouflage standing at his side. They were there to present meritorious service awards to deserving students.

The VFW rep gave a brief introduction to the soldier, citing his year fighting in Afghanistan where he sustained unspecified injuries. After the intro, . . .

Monday, June 20, 2011

Misery Index Doesn't Apply to Barack Obama

Misery Index Doesn't Apply to Barack Obama

It’s fully expected when Rep. Michelle Bachmann criticizes President Barack Hussein Obama but much less anticipated when representatives of two of his prime constituencies, blacks and hispanics, rip into their hero.

Bachmann cited Obama’s miserable record on economic growth and job creation and its impact on blacks and hispanics–16% black unemployment, 12% hispanic, and 40% and 26% among black and hispanic youths, respectively–as bases for concluding, “This president has failed the Hispanic community. He has failed the African-American community. He has failed us all when it comes to jobs.” (

She could easily have listed any number of additional failures on his resume but focused on jobs in her Friday speech to the Republican Leadership Conference.

Instead of demonstrating leadership and vision on employment and the myriad other crises facing the nation, the Obama administration prefers to entertain Americans with an odd brand of humor. This oddity was seen in the president cracking jokes last week about the failure of his trillion-dollar stimulus boondoggle to stimulate shovels and Press Secretary Jay Carney’s riotous yuk on Monday about paying off our multi-trillion budget deficit with the $2 he won from his new golfing buddy, Speaker John Boehner.

Unfortunately, lame jokes don’t go very far for the country or the president, especially when members of his fan club aren’t amused.

Little seems to amuse the Rev. Louis Farrakhan who expressed his displeasure with his “brother” Obama’s treatment of his friend, Libyan dictator, Moammar Qaddafi in March. Calypso Louie then totally dissed his bro, the President of the United States, with the rhetorical question, “Who the hell do you think you are?”

Farrakhan is newly incensed over Obama’s kinetic action in Libya as seen in a May video now all the rage on YouTube: ”We voted for our brother Barack, a beautiful human being with a sweet heart, and now he’s an assassin. They turned him into them.” The antecedent of “them” is unclear although the founder of the black racist Nation of Islam was vividly clear in his denunciation of the “murderer in the White House,” again because of Obama’s actions against Moammar whom Louie considers a decent man.

See the story and video of the alternately grinning and ranting entertainer . . .

Sub-Humans at GITMO

Sub-Humans at GITMO

I’ve never been in jail or prison although I have known a few people who have and I do occasionally watch A&E’s “Lock Up” series which depicts convicted felons in various jails and prisons so I know a very limited tad about how inmates act and react during their incarcerations.

Many act abominably, in ways that would make average citizens retch in disgust at their behavior but few act like the miscreants living on American taxpayers’ dime at the detention facility located on the Guantanamo Naval Base, GITMO. Four of those miscreants have committed suicide, which must count as a blessing for the facility and their Marine guards with the only regret being that the hundreds of others who reportedly attempted but failed to kill themselves didn’t succeed.

That would be a harsh commentary in most circumstances except for a notable distinction: Many of the GITMO detainees could readily be labeled more animal than human although such a description would constitute a grave insult to residents of the animal world; no zoo I know of would accept them.

A prison by definition is not a happy, fun place. A prisoner by definition is incarcerated because he has been convicted or accused with serious reason of being involved in a crime. Guantanamo prisoners are believed to have engaged in reprehensible terrorist conduct relating to efforts to maim and kill Americans, to destroy American property and infrastructure, and to effect the collapse of American society and institutions.

They have also been aptly characterized as a sub-human species. . .

Gays on the Verge of Marriage in N.Y.S..

Gays on the Verge of Marriage in New York

Call it same-sex marriage, gay marriage, or its misleading official title, the Marriage Equality Act, New York State is on the precipice of taking the plunge into the abyss of making gay marriage legal in the Empire State.

Prohibited either constitutionally or by statute in forty-one states, codified nationally by the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, aka the Respect for Marriage Act, legalization efforts by well-financed homosexual activists have been on an unprecedented campaign to pressure New York legislators not to defend but rather to disrespect marriage for decades. The agitators failed as recently as 2009 but are on the verge of having their demands met this week.

Already passed by the Democrat-controlled Assembly, with new Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo poised to affix his signature to the legislation as soon as it reaches his desk, the only stumbling block remains the Republican-controlled State Senate where intense pressure is being applied to influence the vote.

Stalling tactics succeeded last week in postponing that vote so last minute agitation to place the measure on the Senate docket is now at a crescendo with less than a week to go in the legislative session. That pressure resulted in Republicans caving on their political and moral principles; at this juncture, a single state senator stands between passage and defeat.

Before any Republican votes in favor of the “Marriage Equality Act,” a carefully-crafted euphemism for a “Marriage Debasement Act,” he or she should be required to view a video of homosexual activists in action. They are the same people now trying to scrap thousands of years of tradition and rational thought.

The video taken at a New York City “Gay Pride Parade” featured a “green devil” whipping the screaming crowd, which included children, with a giant penis, cross-dressing, buxomy transsexuals/transgenders, prancing, flower-bedecked, bra, speed-o and tutu-clad ”men” of various colors and nationalities, a float with a dozen semi-naked “men” advertising their “services” in a gay magazine, another pushing “lesbian night lifes,” yet another reputedly showed NYPD cops strutting their stuff.

Signs reading such uplifting advice as, “His Body, His Penis, His Choice,” and “Fuck safely. Use a Condom,” which condoms were liberally thrown into the adoring crowd, abounded in the parade.

Among the proud marchers were New York’s Democrat Senator Charles Schumer and the soon-to-be disgraced Dem, Rep. Anthony “Wiener” Weiner. The Dem Governor Cuomo will be there next year.

The entire 12-minute video . . .
(Read more and see the video at

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Refreshing Governor Chris Christie

Refreshing Governor Chris Christie

Democrats-Liberals-Progressives, the leftist blogworld, and their MSM are positively aghast at the impertinence of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in not exposing his four kids to unnecessary danger, for his audacity in believing a Catholic religious education was important to their upbringing and development, and for advising a Jerseyite that his choice of that parochial-school environment was irrelevant to his role as governor.

Of course, bringing harm to the young Christies or questioning the governor’s right not to send his kids to Jersey public schools was not the intent of the Thursday video caller on PBS’s “On the Line” anymore than it is the intent of Dems-Libs-Progs.

“Gail” asked Christie, “You don’t send your children to public schools. You send them to private schools, so I was wondering why you think it’s fair to be cutting funding to public schools?” The apples and wartermelon query essentially sought to pin down Christie on his rights as a parent to seek the best education for his children versus his mandate as chief executive of New Jersey to restore fiscal sanity to the virtually bankrupt Garden State.

What Christie should have said in response to “Gail” was, “Are you a nitwit? What does one have to do with the other?” Instead, he politely said, among other things, ”It’s none of your business. I don’t ask you where you send your kids to school.” The other things included citing the $38,000 a year he and his wife pay in property taxes in Mendham to support public schools there while not burdening those schools with four more kids.

See a clip of the PBS exchange captured by here:

Reactions to Christie ranged from which reported that Teaneck [NJ] “voters watched, listened and were appalled at the language coming out of the governor’s mouth,” far less appalling than that emanating from much of the blogosphere. Among many Christie accolades, others did seem very appalled.

The printable comments in that set included . . .

Tidbits on Huma Weiner, Ken Vogel, Racism

Tidbits on Huma Weiner, Ken Vogel, Racism

. . . If Michelle Alexander and Ruth Gilmore want to see “perpetual disorder,” I hope they invite each and every one of those 46,000 freed felons into their homes. I don’t hope Huma Abedin Weiner is around to reap the fruits of her terrorist connections or that Ken Vogel wins a Pulitzer for his misrepresentations. However, given the state of the American state, anything is possible.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sex Survey in Middle School

Sex Survey in Middle School

It’s hardly new to cite the failure of America’s public school system to educate kids.

Much of the world, including the “developing world,” has been running rings around our students for decades, a sad fact of education life attributable to a variety of factors including the emphasis placed on political correctness and building self-esteem in lieu of teaching the basics. Another obvious cause, and not only in inner cities but in suburbs as well is that the bulk of public school teachers are the products of public schools.

Aside from PC, self-esteem, and sex-ed successes, most public school teachers and administrators have little to brag about. Ok, many are also delighted with their salaries, and too many teachers, male and female, are very happy with the opportunities they have had to seduce students but that’s a whole other topic that has already been explored on this blogsite.

Memorial Middle School in Fitchburg, Massachusetts was interested in exploring a related subject, although how it came under the province of education is a mystery.

Acting without parental consent, a “passive consent” the school felt was implied, seventh and eighth grade middle school girls as young as 12 were surveyed on their sex lives, their “sexual behavior”–how often they engaged in sex and particularly how often they “gave” oral sex.

One outraged mother, Arlene Tessitore, described the ”Youth Risk Behavior Study” as “shocking” both because of the questions and because she never gave her consent for her daughters to participate in the survey. Her Rutherford Institute attorney called the district’s action as illegal based on federal law and Supreme Court decisions predicated on parental rights to “direct the moral and spiritual upbringing . . ."

Our Pathetic, War-Mongering White House

Our Pathetic, War-Mongering White House

The Obama White House may go down as the most corrupt administration since another Democrat, Lyndon Baines Johnson, sat in the Oval Office, setting all-time records for grasping, manipulative, overreaching conduct, actions which are matched by its tackiness.

Regarding the tacky, and disregarding Rep. Anthony Tweeterman Weiner in that category, the president exhibited his roots this week by raffling himself off for five bucks a chance. More specifically, by participating in a presidential sweepstakes, four lucky winners could win a dinner with the Chief Executive of the United States of America, time and locale to be determined.

Obama made the unique, limited time, offer in a campaign email to his millions of minions in which he appealed for financial assistance toward his re-election saying, in part, “We rely on everyday Americans giving whatever they can afford–and I want to spend time with a few of you. So if you make a donation today, you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to be one of the four supporters to sit down with me for dinner. Please donate $5 or more today.”

Winners will also receive free air fare and accommodations for the “casual meal among friends” and they aren’t even required to contribute, although that detail was hidden where all scammers hide their scam, in the fine print. (

The heart quickens at the prospect, the stomach churns at the vulgar tastelessness, not of the meal necessarily but of the lack of dignity and class.

Were lack of taste and class the only Obamian flaws, they could be overlooked, if not forgiven. Lord knows Americans are well acquainted with this crew’s crudeness by now.

We could even overlook the report on that has granted “special access” to Obama’s re-election campaign, denied to Republicans, which would provide information on Googlers for the edification of Obama’s campaigners. Google claimed to Politico that it was simply an experimental program and definitely not a “special deal” accorded to Obama. (

Heaven forbid that Google would favor the Obamians! It’s surely just an experiment, that will be concluded on or about November 6, 2012.

However, again, as with a tacky presidential lottery, Americans can overlook Google’s anti-GOP bias since we’re so used to it. What we can’t and should never become accustomed to is this president’s usurpation of power. . .

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Huma and the Tweeter

Huma and the Tweeter

It’s very much a rarity when a Jew takes a Muslim to wife. When the Jew is a well-connected congressman, Anthony David Weiner, and the Muslim is a well-connected Hillary-staffer, Huma Mahmood Abedin (هما محمود عابدين in Urdu), it’s an even greater rarity. When the Jew is self-exposed as a pervert less than a year after their nuptials while the Muslim is traveling the world, well, things could get sticky.

As new Weinergate reports keep pouring in, Huma returned home to D.C. The question now is whether she will stand by her man as her boss stood by Bubba in the face of sexual scandals before and during Clinton’s presidency or dump the disgraced congressman as his fellow Democrats are in process of doing.

It’s a tough call for the pregnant Mrs. Weiner. The latest revelations about Mr. Weiner won’t make that call any easier.

It seems the Master Tweeter has been one busy, little congressman sending texts and sexts and photos to all sorts of women and girls, including a former porn star. Ginger Lee alleged in a news conference that she and the Weinerman exchanged some hundred emails over the course of three months mostly discussing politics in which he often went off topic.

Represented by none other than the peripatetic leech and sleaze merchant Gloria Allred–which proves that poor Anthony is really in trouble now–Ms. Lee’s attorney read an emailed line from the proud Weiner: “I have wardrobe demands too. I need to highlight my package.” One assumes he wasn’t referring to a Fed-Ex delivery.

The context of the communication was not revealed but Ms. Lee insists she never reciprocated any sexual talk with Weiner . . .

What Stinks Worse? Ethanol or Sean Penn?

What Stinks Worse? Ethanol or Sean Penn?

It’s difficult to say whether ethanol or Sean Penn smells worse. It’s all dependent on your olfactory, political, and occupational sensibilities.

If you’re an American consumer of crude oil, which category would incorporate everyone who drives, consumes produce and manufactured products delivered via road and rail, wards off frigid cold with #2 heating oil in your homes, or labors in a factory/office kept functioning thanks to semi-liquid gold, you may say that ethanol takes the stink prize.

If you cook with corn oil, use masa harina, or just love tortillas, ethanol should beat Sean Penn in the stink run by at least a mile since the brainstorm of conservationists and numbnuts at the EPA which inspired the idea of converting a valuable food staple, corn, into ethyl alcohol biofuel and blending up to 10% of the stuff into gasoline has sent the price of corn into the stratosphere.

And, notice what it’s done for gas prices!

Ostensibly re-introduced, (after Henry Ford gave up on the idea almost a century ago), to curb America’s dependence on foreign oil imports, another government failure, ethanol has evolved into a typical, wasteful boondoggle. It serves to enrich farm states and has made major political capital for pols in those states while helping to impoverish those needing gasoline to survive and those dependent on corn to eat.

A remarkably slow-learner in our un-scientific survey on whether ethanol or Sean Penn stink more, the Hollywood star would be the sure winner among those who appreciate second-rate acting and off-camera demonstrations of total ignorance.

As noted here in an earlier article, “ has enumerated the numerous negatives associated with ethanol production and use. They include the explosive danger, (it’s more flammable than gasoline), its solvent, drying, and water-absorbent properties which can lead to engine contamination and the disintegration of rubber and plastic, its lower energy value, its irritant and cancer-causing potential, its greater expense, and, primarily, its effect on food production.” (

As an added ironic fillip to the ethanol controversy, in the face of Republican efforts to put an end to federal subsidies promoting increased ethanol production by decreasing food production, the United States Department of Agriculture added a dumb insult to serious injury by announcing a push for more “flex-fuel [ethanol] pumps” at filling stations. (

There’s nothing quite like enhancing the ridiculous with the totally absurd. Maybe Mexicanos and Taco Bell can learn to substitute feather grass for maize.

Sean Penn, who makes Ben Affleck and Charlie Sheen look smart, is notable as an admirer of Cuba’s Castros, hater of George W, Bush, defender of the LGBT, and savior of New Orleans and Haiti,. . .

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Presenting the Comedy Team of FLOTUS and POTUS!

Presenting the Comedy Team of FLOTUS and POTUS!

If for nothing else, credit should be given to the First Lady of the United States, our FLOTUS, and the president of the United States, our POTUS, for their ability to make jokes, real knee-slappers sometimes, and often without cracking a smile. The former Michelle LaVaughan Robinson is especially adept at amusing an audience although Barack Hussein Obama isn’t far behind.

Far and away funny has been Mrs. Obama’s bizarre sense of style, sort of a cross between Chicago-ghetto and nouveau Lady Gaga but her delivery of straight lines is remarkably riotous. The one during the campaign about never before feeling pride in her country was a real corker! It had to be a joke, right?

The FLOTUS more than ably demonstrated her ability to risibly entertain without betraying the slightest degree of irony at a Southern Cal fundraiser when she feigned concern for her overworked hubby’s work ethic. She described him as “tireless . . . [and] better prepared than the people briefing him,” which would seem to render any briefings superfluous, and then dropped her bombshell yuk when she said, “This man doesn’t take a day off.” (

Presuming “this man” referred to the POTUS, Mrs. O. should have had them rolling in the aisles at the thousand dollar a ticket Southern California Women for Obama event although, reportedly, no one laughed. Michelle’s humor is very subtle and the obtuse women may have missed her joke about a president who has vacationed more and golfed more in 27 months than any chief executive in American history.

Of course, we know that those were all working vacations to Chicago, Martha’s Vineyard, Hawaii, America’s West and Southwest, Florida, etc. as were our globetrotting prez and the family’s $200 million passage to India, trips to China, Japan, England, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Latin America, et al. And who’s to say he didn’t discuss affairs of state on his 70+ golf outings?

“This man doesn’t take a day off.” Good one, Michelle!

It should be emphasized that Barack is no slouch . . .

Monday, June 13, 2011

Adoption's Moral Implications

Adoption's Moral Implications

I’m no preacherman and less than qualified to be an arbiter of what’s moral in American society. I’m even less qualified to pass judgment and condemn immorality since that would be God’s prerogative. Is Anthony Weiner’s public display of his private parts immoral? He evidently doesn’t think so. Are gays adopting children acting morally? They seem to believe they are.

Who’s to say?

When our government takes active positions endorsing issues on which millions of Americans hold strong moral convictions, it would seem that people have both the right and responsibility to say something, to speak out. Such an issue is the question of whether children should be offered in adoption to avowed homosexuals, bi-sexuals, and transsexuals.

It’s incontestable that there are millions of American kids in desparate need of being welcomed into loving homes where they can be nurtured into adulthood as upstanding citizens who will lead happy, contented lives and contribute to society. What’s very disputable is whether those homes can be found with people whose private lives give rise to doubts as to their suitability for parenting.

Yes, we’re told that love makes a family and we’re told there are instances of gay parents who furnish stellar upbringing of adopted children but we’re told a lot of things. There is minimal information on how those kids fare later in life after growing up with two mommies or two daddies and a wealth of data that show one of each is most beneficial.

Current estimates indicate that 270,000 kids are living with same-sex couples; 65,000 are legally adopted. Would they be better off in foster care? That would depend on the gay care.

Celebrity homosexuals Neil Patrick Harris, Rosie O’Donnell, and Sir Elton John are among that latter group and they and their families get a great deal of press, and publicity, but what the future holds for those families is very much a mystery.

Less mysterious is what happens when the federal government intrudes itself into strictly local, social issues like adoption. Especially when that government is headed by the most “gay-friendly” president in American history, adoption devils are rooted in the details. . .

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The New Lost Generation

The New Lost Generation

Lost generations tend to come and go. They generally get lost, find their way and themselves, and move on in life. The most lost, of course, never do find an exit and remain in the Valley of the Lost for most or all of their existences.

At the risk of overly dramatizing the situation, America is experiencing what some are calling a new lost generation, a generation which is unique in that the plight of the affected is not only not of their own making but shows no signs it will end in their lifetimes.

The original “Lost Generation” of post-World War One, the era of the Jazz Age when writers such as Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Dos Passos and a various others began to express their jaded views of life and society in their novels, was supplanted by various lost pretenders but today we have a unique breed.

They are lost not because of emotional and physical injuries wreaked on them by war or by the drug culture or other factors but by a national economy which has yet to reflect any substantive recovery from what is now being termed the “Great Recession” chiefly as an excuse for the failed policies visited upon them by President Barack Hussein Obama and the Federal Reserve.

Nevertheless, lost or not, the young in entreprenurial America have something going for them their elders do not, their youth from which hope springs eternal.

Ron Brownstein capsulized the root issue of the dilemma facing the new lost generation in his article, “Upside Down,” subtitled, “Why millennials can’t start their careers and baby boomers can’t end theirs” in the National Journal: “It’s hard to say this spring whether it’s more difficult for the class of 2011 to enter the labor force or for the class of 1967 to leave it.” In brief, the Boomers can’t retire so the Millenials can’t take their jobs. . .

"Uptightie Righties" and Gays

"Uptightie Righties" and Gays

I enjoy getting comments here and on various websites on which I re-post. Call me a masochist but I especially enjoy getting “hate mail” commentary.

First of all, comments show people are reading my posts and the hate mail proves some are being riled up, even incensed, by what I write which is a good thing since I only write the truth and they consequently prove they can’t handle the truth, to quote Col. Nathan R. Jessep.

By far, even exceeding the multitudinous compliments I count on one hand, most of the negative comments emanate from the homosexual community which take issue with factual reflections on what gays are up to in America.

In recent articles, I pointed out that outgoing Secretary of Defense Robert Gates suffered a brain lapse when he told a Marine in Afghanistan, in effect, that it was just too damned bad but Marines couldn’t opt of their enlistment because of the repeal of DADT. In another I cited a Gallup survey which showed that gays represent only a minimal percentage of 2-4% of Americans as opposed to what many Americans think.

In a third I referred to specific proof that homosexuals are targeting America’s youth but in the interests of decorus propriety, I didn’t detail the contents of a flier distributed to kids at a Bay State “youth pride” event on May 14th. One reader latched onto that propriety in ”Gay ‘Acceptance and Inclusion,’ ” (

“Dakotahgeo” wrote what cannot technically be described as hate mail but rather something more insidious, a calculated effort to discount and ridicule references made to government-supported homosexual activities in Massachusetts and thereby reduce the truth to calculated deception.

Dakotahgeo wrote, ”What I love about this particular blogspot is that while you uptighty righties spin your negative tales and stories regarding homosexuality, the pro GLBT Progressives are teaching right from wrong at a greater rate than you ever thought possible. They are not teaching the rightness or wrongness of being gay. They are teaching tolerance and respect for all people. . . and you boys are stuck. . . in a rut! It is almost embarrassingly. . . funny.” (Ellipses were Dakotageo’s.)

GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgenders) “Progressives” are, in fact, not “teaching right from wrong” and, if “They are not teaching the rightness or wrongness of being gay,” they sure are making gay-ness seem . . .

Friday, June 10, 2011

Fiascos, Bongos, and Wars

Fiascos, Bongos, and Wars

Bongos, Fiascos, and wars have all been in the news lately but let’s deal with the last first and hold President Ali Bongo of Gabon and rapper Lupe Fiasco in abeyance since America’s wars matter far more than both of them.

Our anti-war president, who rose to the top of the presidential heap in part due to his very principled opposition to our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, is evolving into a warmongerer almost on a par with Genghis Khan and Adolph Hitler even if he hasn’t, yet, laid waste to most of Eurasia or initiated a worldwide conflagration.

The first inkling that should have been a tipoff that Barack Hussein Obama was a closet lover of war was his failure to push for closure of Gitmo despite his pledge to shut down that transparent symbol of America’s adventurous iniquities but he was so clever that few noticed he had a bloodthirst for conflict.

That inclination has become more transparent by Obama’s failure to quickly wrap up Bush’s Operation Iraqi Freedom and Afghanistan’s Operation Enduring Freedom campaigns, as he had also pledged, and has now been set in stone by his wars on the sneak in Libya and in Yemen. (

Characterizing the Libyan war as a “kinetic action” and carrying on the war in Yemen covertly doesn’t really cut it, transparently speaking, Mr. President. It’s past time that, having involved the nation in a third and fourth wars, that you fess up as a warmongerer.

Even the aptly-named rapper from Obama’s hometown, Chicago, Lupe Fiasco, is on to Obama. He descibes the president as ”the biggest terrorist,” although Fiasco didn’t stipulate compared to whom. . .

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Sad Disintegration of the Land of Saints and Scholars

The Sad Disintegration of the Land of Saints and Scholars

Probably no other country in the Western hemisphere has undergone more profound changes in terms of national identity and moral degradation as a result of its eager participation in the European Union and last decade’s economic boom.

The Republic of Ireland, the Celtic Tiger of 1995-2008 with a growth rate as high as 9.4%, precipitously devolved from a mini-financial and high-tech power into a pathetic economic basket case with an unemployment rate of 14% by 2010.

Worse, Ireland wanted to play like the Big Boys and became a nation so obsessed with shedding its reputation as a step-child of the EU that it sank into a morass of massive spending, uncontrolled corruption, and political correctness which have virtually destroyed its national soul.

Those are serious charges although statistically-based and predicated on my status as an Irish-American and a fairly-frequent visitor to the Olde Sod over the last ten years, as well as someone who knew Ireland when it was still the old Ireland, before it hooked up with the rabble of Europe by adopting their liberal, free-wheeling, PC, soul-less social phlosophies.

Lot of good it got them in the long run.

Ireland’s latest demonstration that it has become a nation more concerned with being a full European, PC partner than with common sense is the announcement by the Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan that he will institute a rule that 30 per cent of all election candidates must be women. . .

New York City's Last Best Hope, Alec Baldwin

New York City's Last Best Hope, Alec Baldwin

The good news for Big Appleites is that Democrat Rep. Anthony Weiner seems to be breathing his last as a New York congressman, unless that’s just his heavy breathing we’re hearing.

The whining wiener man is on the ropes but sticking to “principles” and his resolve, and to anything else available, and refusing to quit and turn in all his congressional perks and vain ambitions to succeed NYC Mayor Michael Boomboom Bloomberg.

Surely much to his egotistical, arrogant dismay, Weiner’s Dem close buddies have shown they are very ready, willing, and able to take his much-publicicized underpants and wrap them around his scrawny neck.

Liberal Noo Yawkers, as if there were any other kind, should not despair, though. Panting in the wings for his chance to ride into town is a new Democrat savior, none other than extreme Hollywood leftist, the totally unqualified, former Long Islander, part-time resident of NYC, Alec Rae Baldwin III.

Obviously discontented with the acting life and searching for a new gig, frustrated in his desire to become governor of New York State, Baldwin is now considering settling for mayor of New York City. If nothing else, Baldwin once had far better abs than Bloomberg and, in NYC, he could win the mayoralty on that basis alone.

Remember Jesse Ventura and Ahnold?

However, with that bod long gone, Alec has another significant plus going for him: He’s a star of stage. screen, and television and New York just loves stars, especially stars with his resume’ which includes two Emmy Awards, three Golden Globe Awards, and six Screen Actors Guild Awards. Most of his accolades came as a result of his starring role on the NBC sitcom, “30 Rock.”

Not known for being temperate, Baldwin has called former Vice President Dick Cheney a terrorist and has characterized conservative commentator Sean Hannity as ”a no-talent, ignorant fool,” . . .

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Riotous Times in America

Riotous Times in America

When is a riot not a riot? When it’s “borderline,” of course. When does civil unrest have a racial component? Hardly ever since that component is rarely reported, of course.

It’s not even summer but things are rapidly heating up in more ways than one, a year before former Clinton adviser, James “The Snake” Carville, has predicted “imminently possible” civil unrest. Feel free to translate that dire prediction as riots in the streets.

Appearing on ”Imus in the Morning,” Carville predicated his remarks on the continuing high unemployment rate and the piddling job growth and despite President Barack Hussein Obama’s efforts to paint the dismal job figures as little more than a bump on the road to recovery. The president didn’t mention VP Joe Biden’s astute description last spring–that would be 2010–that America was set to experience “Recovery Summer.” So much for Biden and recovery.

Certain segments of society are way ahead of Carville insofar as “civil unrest” is concerned but don’t dare call them rioters.

In Bessemer, Alabama, police were forced to temporarily shutter the Alabama Adventure theme park after chaos broke out with numerous fights throughout the park.

One park patron ”described it as a ‘borderline riot.’ He witnessed at least eight different fights, including chair throwing in the water park, and at least three people taken out of the park on gurneys, . . . ’Every time we turned around, there was a fight.’ “

Craig Randolph, vice president and general manager for Alabama Adventure, saw it all differently saying, “We did have a few kids get out hand. We had some scuffles here and there,” and couldn’t speculate on whether anyone was injured or arrested. (

Presumably, the ambulances and gurneys were purely precautionary and certainly not indications of injuries sustained during a “borderline riot.”

Were Bessemer the only riot locale, James Carville could be correct, that civil unrest, a euphemism for widespread, uncontrolled violence, isn’t due until next year.

In fact, though not nearly on the scale of the 6-day Watts upheaval in 1965 or the deadly mayhem that followed the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Rodney King chaos or the numerous other incidents of unrest in America’s history, smaller scale riots have been occurring with disturbing frequency of late.

They’re all the more disturbing in view of official malfeasance by indifference and distortion and because most of the current violence is being committed by black teens two plus years into President Obama’s proclaimed “post-racial America.”

(Obama also said in Dreams from My Father, pp. 99-100, that he disapproved of what he called, “half-breeds” who gravitated toward whites but that may be a whole other story.)

For example, what are being termed “random attacks” by black Chicago street gangs are becoming less and less random. . . .

Sec. Robert Gates' Brain Lapse

Sec. Robert Gates' Brain Lapse

I would never accuse retiring Secretary of Defense Robert Gates as being a hate-monger nor of harboring animus toward our country and America’s troops. However,, Gates does seem to suffer from a bad case of political correctness.

The scholarly Gates has served our nation long and well as Deputy National Security Adviser, CIA Director, Defense Secretary under two presidents, and has received numerous awards for his service, including the Presidential Citizens Medal.

All that said, Robert Gates can also be a nitwit as he showed during his farewell visit to America’s fighting men and women in the Mideast.

Addressing Marines in Afghanistan, Gates opened the forum to a Q&A which, in retrospect, I’m guessing he regretted. He was put into an apparently untenable position by a Marine sergeant who forced him to either tow the Obama administration line or to speak his mind with respect to gays in the military after the lame duck Democrat congress repealed Bill Clinton’s 17 year old “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.

I’m also guessing his mind but, whatever he really thinks, his response was beyond lame, if not ignorant.

Although Gates hasn’t shared his future plans with me, I suspect that at 67 he’s not quite ready to hit the links for the rest of his life and instead may have his eye on a job as military expert on CNN or even on FNC, although his response to that sergeant would seem to better qualify him for CNN than at Fox News.

In the interests of preserving that sergeant’s already imperiled career in the increasingly PC Marines, his name will not be divulged here. He very politely and articulately commented, “Sir, we joined the Marine Corps because the Marine Corps has a set of standards and values that is better than that of the civilian sector. And we have gone and changed those values and repealed the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy.”

The Marine then dropped his fair and reasonable, bombshell question: “We have not given the Marines a chance to decide whether they wish to continue serving under that. Is there going to be an option for those Marines that no longer wish to serve due to the fact their moral values have not changed?" . . .

Monday, June 6, 2011

Liberals Exposed, In Every Way

Liberals Exposed, In Every Way

Liberals are a sorry bunch. Since you can’t shoot ‘em, ya gotta love ‘em, sort of, and, it must be admitted they provide a much-needed entertainment factor, sort of.

You have to wonder what’s wrong with them, though. Lib politicians, especially, seem to have a screw loose somewhere when it comes to their aberrant sexual proclivities.

Whether it be the smarminess of Democrat Rep. Anthony Weiner, a story still growing, so to speak, the lustiness of Democrat Sen. Jumping Johnny Edwards or of hooker-loving Democrat Governor Eliot Spitzer, or the midnight truck-stopping of Democrat Governor Jim McGreevey, they appear unable to control themselves which, I guess, is what makes them Dem liberals.

The good news is that most of those pervs reside in the New York area. The bad news is that there are any number of lib “celebs” out there with widespread audiences to whom they spew vile liberal opinion.

Demonstrating that a lack of decorum and class isn’t confined to lib-men, one member of the distaff side, Time reporterette, Nina Burleigh, famously said back in 1998, “I would be happy to give [Bill Clinton] a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”

Like I said, classy. (It’s not known whether Bubba collected his reward.)

Pols and oral sex aside, among the sorriest of all liberal celebrities, of sorts, is Bill Maher.

Sam Wurzelbacher, aka Joe the Plumber, was once asked if he could punch someone famous who would he pick and quickly answered, “Bill Maher. It would be fun to lay that boy out. But I’d look like a bully because he’s so much smaller than I am. ” Joe/Sam’s sentiments are entirely understandable.

Maher, the least funny comedian on the planet who took up political commentary after a failed career as a stand-up comic, is notable in a variety of ways, none of them flattering. However, being an arch-liberal he gets away with doing and saying the most reprehensible things such as when he opined on Obama and the Gulf oil disaster.

Demeaning all African-Americans, the consistently foul-mouthed Maher ranted, “I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. . . a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. That’s — (in black man voice) ‘we’ve got a motherfu**ing problem here?’ Shoot somebody in the foot.”

Racism is just fine when articulated by a lib. So, too, is misogyny, when the targets are conservative women. Grossly illiberal, intemperate, hypocritical slurs hurled at former Governor Sarah Palin and Rep. Michelle Bachmann are perfectly acceptable in Liberal World. Maher called them “two bimbos,” characterized Palin as “a t*at,” and Bachmann a “c*nt.”

Not a peep emanated from the nation’s preeminent liberal women’s spokeswomen at the National Organization for Women.

The déclassé Maher . . .

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kinetic Inaction against Islam

Kinetic Inaction against Islam

Woodrow Wilson’s vice president Thomas Riley Marshall famously and snidely said, “What America needs is a good 5 cent cigar.” It’s doubtful that was so essential then and it’s even more dubious almost a century later but America is in dire need today and what we need has nothing to do with cigars.

First and foremost, America needs a new president but that will have to wait almost nineteen months. In the interim, for starters, America needs to wake up with regard to the true nature of Islam and to the obliviousness, if not the calculated deviousness, of America’s Left with regard to everything but, most specifically, regarding the true nature of Islam.

We’re told, contrary to common sense and powers of observation, that our nation and the West aren’t at war with Islam and anyone who believes we are should disabuse themselves of that absurd notion posthaste.

We should disregard 30 years of bloody assaults on Western interests throughout the world, forget the 3 conflicts in which we are engaged in Muslim countries, the 6,000–and counting–dead American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq, the subway bombings, the interdicted attacks, the obvious war footing at our airports, and we should especially stop dwelling on September 11th, 2001!

None of those realities are evidence of any war but rather of misunderstandings and a lack of communication with the Islamic world. How do we know? President Barack Hussein Obama tells us so.

It seems Muslims haven’t yet received the memo.

In a little-publicized December, 2010 commentary, America’s resident Muslim oracle/quisling Fareed Zakaria proposed, “A Smart and Resilient Approach to Terrorism.” He suggested that America “overreacted” to 9/11 and, even more chillingly, that we should be prepared to absorb terrorist nuclear attacks after which we could “bounce back.” (

Such a view could be expected from a Muslim but not from a “Christian” president. Just coincidentally but equally-unpublicized, Barack Hussein Obama also said that we can absorb a terrorist, nuclear attack, according to Bob Woodward’s book, Obama’s Wars, (p. 363).

We know our president abhors the thought of war, as do we all. Thus, we’re fighting a “kinetic action” in Libya. Anyone else feel that’s a lie? Anyone else believe the Zakaria-Obama lessons in nuclear ”resilience” or are we being set up for catastrophe in this non-war with Islam?

Unlike our current president, George W. Bush was fully aware that America and the West were involved in an unrelenting war with Islam, even if he chose to call it a “War on Terror” for purposes of not antagonizing the Muslim world. After years of worldwide economic and military harassment of Al-qaeda by the Bush administration and implementation of that policy by the Obama administration, it’s indisputable that Al-qaeda is on the run. The Navy SEAL’s summary execution of Osama bin Laden under orders from Leon Panetta converted that run into a panic.

Al-qaeda is still alive, if not well.

The Obamians may treat the latest Muslim threat as posing minuscule danger to the nation since it merely involves cherry-picking of Americans and hardly constitutes full-fledged war . . .

Herman Cain's Republican Prospects

Herman Cain's Republican Prospects

I concede little or no acquaintance with Herman Cain.

He came out of the political blue and burst into the Republican presidential sweepstakes as a nonentity, a candidate with fewer qualifications for the presidency than Barack Hussein Obama–which is saying a great deal. Because of his dearth of experience, I don’t think I could vote for him next year but, considering the rest of the GOP field, who knows?

Should Cain make a serious run, I certainly wouldn’t ignore him. Ignoring him could be interpreted as racist since Herman Cain is an African-American, an odd African-American at that since he’s a rare breed, a Republican conservative black and a Tea Party member to boot!

Liberals, however, basking in their liberality and empty professions of race equality, tend to react to black conservatives like most of us would react to the plague.

Some years ago, pre-Obama, I had hoped another black conservative, J.C. Watts, would run for president. I felt that here was a black man who was clean and articulate, as then-Senator Joe Biden later described Obama, and Watts had the added attraction of being conservative. I gave up on Watts after he proved to be a black racist by abandoning his alleged conservatism by throwing his support and his vote to the most liberal Democrat in the history of the Republic.

For the record, I would also have backed Rep. Allen West had he been around at the time or Condi Rice or Thomas Sowell had they been candidates. Alan Keyes, I’m not so sure about.

I can’t substantiate my view that Watts is a black racist so I’ll let his radical flipflop speak for itself.

Herman Cain, former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza which, like Cain, I had never heard of until recently and which title, should he get the Republican presidential or vice-presidential nomination, would be used by Democrats to beat him over the head without ever saying, “A black pizza man?”) has more going for him than pizzas.

Ballistics mathematician with the U.S. Navy, deputy chairman of the civilian Board of Directors at the Kansas City Federal Reserve, successful businessman, columnist, radio show host, the 65 year old native Georgian worked his way through Morehouse and Purdue and went on to make a name for himself.

He considers Social Security a “scam,” which it is, and he advocates major reform. He wants a reduction in corporate tax rates, which would benefit everyone, he attacks welfare as a dependency system, favors vouchers in education, off-shore drilling, repeal of Obamacare, tightening of our borders, the Defense of Marriage Act, and de-funding Planned Parenthood since he holds the radical belief that life begins at conception.

Cain also enthusiastically supported TARP, bank bailouts, the only real chink in his conservative armor. More about that below.

On foreign policy, he generally favors a hard line and, with respect to Israel, he opposes Obama’s approach of forcing Israel into the indefensible box of its 1967 borders. Cain was caught by the MSM when he muffed a response on the “Palestinian right of return,” which he now endorses but only under Israeli conditions.

That same mainstream media has yet to ask Obama about those 57 states he visited.

Cain threw his hat into the presidential ring on May 21st but seemed to know weeks earlier where his hat was going. . .

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Weiner's Wiener Ironies

Weiner's Wiener Ironies

Let’s admit it. We all encounter events in our lives of which we’re not especially proud. I, for one, failed my high school chemistry final and I was once a liberal Democrat before I came to my senses. Still, I survived.

Former Sen. John Edwards couldn’t keep his pants on and hopefully will go to jail, but he’ll also survive, even if he won’t have his hairdresser in prison.

Rep. Anthony Weiner apparently couldn’t keep his pants on, either, but he should survive, personally if not politically–IF he ever learns to keep his mouth shut. He took one, small step for Weiner down that path by withdrawing from a Milwaukee speaking engagement on Friday.

Most of us enjoy at least to some extent such scandalous news and political scandals as those enveloping Edwards and Weiner. That said, the whole, smarmy Weiner-wiener-Twitter tale has gotten very old and is fast becoming less titillating than it is absurd. Weinergate will always have a redeeming factor, though, its multitude of ironies, which make its smarminess interesting, if not palatable.

The latest fillip in the story, Rep. Weiner’s staff calling the cops on a reporter for trying to report, only adds to the irony surrounding the pathetic nature of the story of the congressman who was elected and re-elected on the bases of his liberal creds and made his rep as an outspoken, progressive proponent of all things liberal and is now ultra-conservative in his craving for a return to normality.

Thanks to Weiner and despite his continual blabbering, all the facts of the Weinergate case are still ambiguous but this much is clear: Someone took a picture of someone’s bulging privates in a pair of briefs; someone transmitted the photo to a 21 year old college student on Weiner’s Twitter account; someone ratted out that yet unidentified someone.

The ironies overfloweth and the cop feature only adds to them.

According to the CBS account, Marcia Kramer went to the congressman’s Washington office in hopes of establishing some certitude regarding Weiner’s stated incertitude as to the identity of the privates in question. Kramer announced herself and her purpose, namely to interview the six-term representative from New York’s 9th cd.

Doors slammed, she was ignored, and finally was granted a very brief audience with Weiner’s press secretary, David Arnold, the gist of which discussion was more denial. Kramer left and someone in the office sicced the police on her. (

Weiner has steadfastly refused to officially notify legal authorities of the alleged Twitter hacking/prank, opting instead to hire private legal counsel to investigate and protect his interests, whatever they may be. Yet, his office notified legal authorities over an innocuous request for an interview.

How ironic.

Also bubbling with irony is the Rep. Anthony Weiner-Sen. Chuck Schumer relationship, . . .

Friday, June 3, 2011

Gay "Acceptance and Inclusion"

Gay "Acceptance and Inclusion"

Sally Green, vice-president and COO of the Richmond (VA) Federal Reserve Bank says the bank wanted to make a statement demonstrating its “commitment” by flying the rainbow flag emblematic of the homosexual movement underneath Old Glory. More specifically, Ms. Green stated, “We are flying the pride flag as an example of our commitment to the values of acceptance and inclusion” during gay-proclaimed “Gay Pride Month.”

Aside from the propriety of the Federal Reserve making commitments other than those related to banking, money, or the United States of America, the gay flag raises another another salient issue: Does the gay pride movement merit “acceptance and inclusion”?

I’m aware that posing such a query will immediately evoke accusations of intolerance, bigotry, and, my favorite taunt, homophobia, which in turn leads us to a second question, namely, should not those accepted and included abide by basic norms of conduct and behavior, norms which are not patently offensive to the vast majority of Americans?

And, no, I don’t refer there to what homosexuals do in the privacy of their boudoirs, in the back seats of their vehicles, or in back alleys, or whether they do them swinging from the rafters. Rather, I refer to what they do in public, in front of mixed audiences, and whom they are trying most to influence by their activities.

Virginia State Delegate Robert G. Marshall directed a letter to Richmond Fed President Jeffrey M. Lacker in which he pointed out that the homosexual behavior “celebrated” by the bank is a class six felony in Virginia, which should have been reason enough not to have flown the gay flag.

Marshall’s contention that the bank’s action “undermines the American economy” is debatable but his view that, “You want the American people to trust your [judgment] in economic matters when your spokesperson celebrates an attack on public morals?” ( is well-taken but largely irrelevant.

Invoking morality and, by inference, religion, merely clouds the issues of “acceptance and inclusion” of the homosexual community since morality is open to interpretation and Americans profess a variety of religious beliefs. Even though most people would agree with Marshall and the other flag protestors and most religions condemn homosexual conduct, there are more fundamental reasons to oppose the flag, chiefly the physical and emotionally corruptive influence of gay activists on America’s youth.

I have often–too often–written about this subject and, frankly, it gets tedious. Fortunately, never gets tired monitoring and exposing legislative and private corruption in the Bay State where activities of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered, and “questioning” groups are not only condoned by the government but facilitated and financially sponsored by the commonwealth.

The latest gay news from Massachusetts is all good, for gays in Massachusetts, not so good for anyone else, especially if Massachusetts is a bellwether for other states in the union. reports that this year’s annual Youth Pride Day “celebration” in Boston outdid itself in exhibitionist gay seduction of young people. . .

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Obama's Post-Racial America

Obama's Post-Racial America

Only the New York Times could run a headline, “Is Anti-White Bias a Problem?”

Well, that’s not exactly true since the Washington Post, the LA Times, the Boston Globe, and countless other liberal-leftist “newspapers” could easily have posed the same inane question but “The Paper of Record,” until it goes defunct, is still the standard bearer which still sets the agenda and the tone of social and political discourse in America.

Based on that headline, and granting the query ran on its “Opinion” page, either the Times has doubts on whether bias against white people in the United States is problematic or, if it exists, does it matter? Otherwise, why even broach the topic for discussion?

Will the “Old Grey Lady’s” next subject be, ”Wife Beating, Good or Bad?” or, “Is Gay-Bashing Ever Profitable?”

The brief Times piece begins with, ”In what some have called the new post-racial era, what constitutes discrimination is shifting,” then cites one of many instances in which African-Americans have contested fair and equitable municipal qualification exams and have had the results of those tests overturned in courts. One of those decisions, in turn, was overruled by the U.S. Supreme Court which determined it discriminated against white people. (

“Is Anti-White Bias a Problem” cites a research study which “found that Americans think significant progress has been made in the fight against anti-black bias. But white Americans perceived that progress as coming at their expense and that anti-white bias has become a bigger societal problem than anti-black bias.”

Employing a 1-10 scale, the researchers discovered significant changes in what people have come to perceive about bias over the past 50 years: Black perceptions of anti-black bias declined from 9.7 in the fifties to 6.1 today while black views of bias against whites rose a minuscule 1.4 to 1.8. That latter number clearly shows the national, racial divide: White perceptions of anti-white bias soared from 1.8 to 4.7 in the same time period . . .

Confusions and Disillusions

Confusions and Disillusions

Confusion is often a by-product, or the direct product, of disillusion or disenchantment. Washington and most of the rest of the nation are overflowing with all of the above these days and the causes are many.

For example, new Republican Congressman Allen West, as well as most conscious, thinking Americans, is totally flummoxed by what we are doing in Libya. As he says, “For every decision there are consequences and we have to sometimes analyze what could be those consequences. Just the same with operations in Libya–I cannot understand it. I don’t know what the goal and objective are.”

Welcome to the club, Rep. West!

Americans were told the non-war in North Africa, a “kinetic action,” in Obamaspeak, would last weeks, not months. It has lasted weeks, a whole bunch of weeks so far. with no end in sight. In our eleventh week we still don’t who the rebels are or whether they’re better or worse than Moammar Gadhafi and what, in the president’s words, what he meant when he described the adventure as a “slow, steady process.”

Perhaps even worse, West believes we are “committing our Air Force and our Navy to be kind of like a ‘rent-a- force.’ ” (

I would only add to Rep. West’s observations questions such as:

. Why are we in Libya in the first place since we were never told and, since the operation began, Obama has alternated between making nice to Gadhafi and deposing him?

. Who’s really in charge since we led the assault, then deferred to NATO, yet it is American naval and air power doing the bulk of the dirty work?

. What the hell is a “kinetic action?”

I don’t expect President Obama to respond to either Rep. West or to me. We are both warmongering conservatives, we both support the Tea Party movement, and we’re both white racists despite the fact West is black.

More confusion and disenchantment with the president is emanating from, of all places, the Central Intelligence Agency, former bailywick of the man who gave the order to go get Osama bin Laden.

Veteran Democrat politician, Leon Panetta, apparently did little or nothing to interdict the witchhunt being waged by America’s Attorney General Eric Holder designed to persecute and prosecute the very people most responsible for consigning Osama to swim with the fishes until there is nothing left on his sorry carcass.

Pete Hoekstra (R,MI) former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, contends, “There is an undercurrent of ‘dissent and dislike’ for President Obama among the rank-and-file of the Central Intelligence Agency” due to Holder’s witchhunt. Holder wants to punish those CIA officers for using “enhanced interrogation techniques” to induce accused terrorists to cough up or throw up information that could protect millions of American lives.

Or, find and kill Osama, which they did.

Without using the term, hypocrisy, Hoekstra said, “And what’s really amazing is that all the things in the realm of intelligence that Obama badmouthed as a candidate in ’08, he has now embraced as President. He has been much more aggressive in the use of predator drones than the Bush Administration was. . . has acknowledged that enhanced interrogation techniques helped get the information that led to the successful raid on bin Laden’s compound. And President Obama has never closed down the U.S. operation at Guantanamo, as Candidate Obama promised to do over and over again. Under Obama, the U.S. has continued the policy of unlimited detentions and the use of military tribunals.” (

Nevertheless, Holder’s . . .

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Weiner Twitter Thicket Thickens

The Weiner Twitter Thicket Thickens

The Weiner, the Weiner plot, that is, thickens.

Anthony, Anthony, Anthony!

Rep. Anthony Weiner should have learned a few things from his years in politics and from Bubba Clinton when it comes to scandals, especially those of the sexual variety.

Clinton taught through example that the best approach is to deny, deny, deny and, eventually, it will all, or mostly go away, and whatever remains will be covered up by the Democratic MSM. Of course, some things, such as Monicas and semen stains on blue dresses, can no longer be covered up when scoundrels like Matt Drudge make them so public they can’t be ignored but even then Bubba could take refuge in the Democrats closing ranks and exonerating him.

Weiner’s scandal, now being termed Weinergate among other less family-friendly terms, is barely sexual and absent DNA stains but replete with an alleged photo of his private parts, albeit hidden beneath a pair of jockey shorts, which he allegedly Tweeted to a 21 year old college girl. Not noted for his discretion, Bubba, to his credit, never made the mistake of taking pictures or at least letting them go public.

Then, again, such social networking websites as Twitter and Facebook were unknown in Clinton’s time which is unfortunate in retrospect. Rep. Weiner has a piddling 200,000 Twitter followers and an even more minuscule 200, including at least one porn star, with whom he is in regular Twittering contact. . .

Obama's Re-Election

Obama's Re-Election

From a child’s perspective, seventeen months is a virtual eternity. From an American political perspective, it’s virtually around the corner. November 6th, 2012, when Americans will once again choose who will lead them for four long years, is little more than seventeen months down the road.

America’s choice of a leader has, literally, never been more momentous.

The economy wallows in the doldrums amost a year after Vice President Joe Biden proclaimed 2010′s “Summer of Recovery,” a recovery yet to be experienced by the 14 million jobless. Obama’s “stimulus” has chiefly stimulated government employment, a skyrocketing deficit and national debt, and impending stagflation. Americans have either lost their homes or trillions in home equity. Socialized medicine is now the law.

And, that’s only on the domestic front.

Internationally, we have lost even more, in respect from our allies, increased belligerence from our enemies, and more and more of our brave troops dying in war zones. Months ago, we took up arms under the guise of a NATO operation in the Libyan hellhole in a “kinetic action” which we were promised would involve weeks. The much-reviled terrorist prison at Guantanomo is still open.

Nevertheless, whether one is an avid supporter of Barack Hussein Obama’s re-election or one who regards that prospect as nothing less than the absolute worst eventuality since September 11th, 2001, seventeen months from now President Barack Hussein Obama will again visit Chicago’s Grant Park to announce to screaming worshippers that he had been re-elected.

It doesn’t make sense but no one ever alleged American politics made sense.

What does make sense is Obama’s successful brand of Chicago take-no-prisoners, brook-no-opposition, tell-’em-what-they-wanna-hear-then-do-whatever-you-damned-well-please technique. Couple that philosophy with endless campaigning which has now gone on for at least four years, with creation of an unprecedented national dependency and other policies designed to cement a plurality, with certain constituencies and demographic elements, Obama is a sure winner.

Compounding the challenge for Republicans next year is the fact that no viable candidate has yet emerged although that’s all but incidental in view of the Obama Machine already in full battle mode and dedicated to his re-election at all costs. In fact, too, regardless of all the other elements–although they are all interrelated–it’s those “certain constituencies and demographic elements” that will insure a Republican defeat. . .