Friday, September 30, 2011

We Are All Jews, Sort Of, on Rosh Hashanah

We Are All Jews, Sort of, on Rosh Hashanah

In a certain sense, Americans are all Jews, that is, if we only consider our Judeo-Christian heritage and disregard the millions of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, etc. who are American citizens. Semi-Jews at heart or no, it hasn’t been smooth sailing between those who adhere to the religion of Abraham and Christians.

The late Pope Pius XII and, by inference, the entire Catholic Church, have long been accused by Jews and the Jewish media of not merely sympathizing with WWII fascists and Nazis but of actual complicity in the Holocaust.

That calumny still exists three generations after the Holocaust and despite the historical record that Pope Pius condemned anti-Semitism, interceded on behalf of Rome’s Jews and Jewish people in Slovakia and other nations, and was even cited as a conspirator in the attempted assassination of Hitler in 1944. Still, he was accused of not doing nearly enough and not publicly denouncing the Nazis.

Living in Benito Mussolini’s fascist, an ally of Adolph Hitler’s Nazi Germany, it’s entirely possible that had he protested much more the Vatican could have been reduced to a mass of rubble.

Not to be forgotten either is that hundreds of Catholics protected and saved the lives of thousands of Jews and literally hundreds of thousands of Catholics surrendered their lives during the Second World War in the cause of freedom and, not incidentally, freed millions of Jews from oppression and concentration camps.

The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) marked a watershed in Catholic-Jewish relations by instituting reforms which included an outreach to Jews in an attempt to salve the wounds of centuries of antipathies, misunderstandings, and lack of inter-communication.

Whether all of Vatican II’s reforms and changes were beneficial to the Church is still a matter of conjecture although the effort to institute a dialogue with Jews and dispel age-old beliefs of Jews as Jesus-killers who subsequently committed atrocities against Christian children in the Middle Ages was clearly a step forward but, apparently, some Jewish people wanted more and bigger steps.

Some years ago, the radical Jewish Defense League adopted the slogan “Never Forget!” meaning Jews would never forget the horrors of the Holocaust and, by implication, would never tolerate its repetition. Both were eminently reasonable, if unnecessary, goals.

They were reasonable for obvious reasons but unnecessary since Jews and Jewish groups the world over have never forgotten and, in fact, all too often invoke memories of Hitler’s “Final Solution” whenever an issue arises which they perceive as somehow exhibiting anti-Semitism.

A major drawback to those repetitive, kneejerk reactions is that they serve to worsen rather than alleviate the problem, especially today when anti-Jewish sentiment and incidents are becoming increasingly common in various European nations.

In addition, when Jews use the Holocaust as an instrument to interfere with the internal affairs of the Catholic Church, they are foolishly overstepping the bounds of reconciliation.

Unfortunately, some Jewish groups have done precisely that by protesting the Vatican’s attempt to heal its own house by engaging in dialogue with the traditionalist Society of Pius X and trying to reunite that “breakaway” sect with the Church. . . .

The Curse of the Bambino Stikes Again!

The Curse of the Bambino Strikes Again!

. . . That great baseball town of Boston, with precious little to be proud of as compared with the Yanks, is suffering again in September, 2011 as a result of its heroes ignominiously executing the franchise’s most deft and practiced play, the fine art of choking under pressure.

True, they scrabbled to within a game of grabbing a post-season wild card slot–after blowing a sure invitation to that invention created by the MLB to milk more money out of baseball fans–then did their usual Boston thing by doing what they do best, gasping, surrendering, and choking by losing to the AL last-place Baltimore Orioles, 4-3.

The Bosox and their fans can always say the Yankees did them in by losing to Tampa Bay the same night but we all know the truth: The Bambino is up there somewhere in baseball heaven chomping on his cigars, chugging his beers, chortling over another Red Sox crash, and reveling in “The Curse of the Bambino.”

May the Boston Red Sox rest in peace, golf, party, and generally enjoy a carefree life in the off-season–and come back to replicate their latest failure in 2012.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Three Books, One Worth a Read, Two Worth the Trash: Kennedys and Palins

Three Books, One Worth a Read, Two Worth the Trash: Kennedy's and Palins

In recent weeks, three books have hit the literary market, one a revealing collection of the thoughts of Jackie Kennedy Onassis, the other two gossipy collections of rabid drivel written and published out of spite and animosity. . . .

When it comes to hatchet jobs and unmitigated squalor, no recent writing surpasses the venture into the arena of political and character assassination better than Joe McGinness’ salacious book about Sarah Palin and her family. With just a few tweaks and a few more graphic lies, McGinness’ The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin could rival Fanny Hill and Tropic of Cancer.

McGinness began his quest for Palin dirt two years ago by renting a house adjacent to the family property in Wasilla, Alaska, so close that the Palins had to erect an 8 foot fence to keep Peeping Joe from spying on the family and leering into their daughter Piper’s bedroom.

He denied he could even see her bedroom–meaning he must have looked for it–and Todd Palin paid him a visit.

Like any snake, McGinness reacted angrily when he was stepped on and said, “He came over to get in my face about moving in there. I said, ‘You’re not even going to know I’m there. . . . I mind my own business. I don’t care what happens on your side of the fence. That’s not why I’m here.’ “ (

Wasilla’s population is just shy of 8,000 and covers an area of almost 12 square miles but McGinness chose to rent next door to the Palins. Of course, he didn’t care what happened over at the Palins. It was simply coincidence that he ended up their neighbor and rumors of the binoculars on his windowsill are just rumors.

Apparently, Peeping Joe didn’t see nearly enough to fill a book so he proceeded to fill The Rogue with other rumors and innuendo. . . (Read more at

The Gay Seduction of 10 Year Olds

The Gay Seduction of 10 Year Olds

Some things are better left unsaid and unelucidated. Among them are details on which Hollywood starlet is sleeping with which director, why Ashton Kutcher married Demi Moore–and sensationalized tripe on the sex lives of 10 year old girls.

The Gay Lobby, however, wants everything elucidated and out there when it comes to what segment of the population it is in process of seducing lately in hopes that more kids will do it, try it, because, as per the newest homosexual catchphrase, “It gets better.”

(See for further information on the import of how life allegedly “gets better” for youngsters who are hit on by gay adult predators– as told from the vantage point of degenerate homosexual activist, Dan Savage.)

Now 10 year old tomboyish girls come to the realization, at least in the unhinged perceptions of some film writers and producers, that “it gets better.” And thus we have the multi-award-winning “Tomboys,” a French film by Parisian Celine Sciamma.
Dispense with the antiquated idea that tomboys are only young girls who reject dolls and frilly dresses in favor of footballs and dirt encrusted Levis which, nowadays, isn’t all that unusual anyway. Based on the trailers, Sciamma’s movie incorporates scenes of similar, innocuous gender-blending but merely as background for more salacious content.

Sciamma also features in her seamy yet critically-acclaimed cinematic excursion into predatory child exploitation is the story of a confused, re-located child who finds comfort and sexual release in lesbianism and a self-constructed Play-Doh dildo.

A convicted serial deviate couldn’t make this stuff up! . . .

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bill Maher and Real Time Liberal Racism

Bill Maher and Real Time Liberal Racism

“I thought when we elected a black President, we were going to get a black President. . . . I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting . . . where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants [and says] ’We’ve got a ‘mother@!#$%ing problem here.’ Shoot somebody in the foot.”

The implications in that now infamous spleen-venting were perfectly clear: Real African-Americans packed guns, had foul mouths, were prone to violence, and shoot people. The only racist insults missing are that they’re all lazy and on welfare.

Were Rick Perry or Rick Santorum to utter such slurs during a debate, with or without the mother@!#$%ing, they would be forced to end their candidacies for the Republican nomination for president before you could say mother@!#$%ing. However, the utterer wasn’t a conservative politician but a very liberal loser, Bill Maher and therefore it was perfectly okay and not because Maher wasn’t a politician but because he’s a lib.

You see, liberals aren’t racists, or so they would like us to think. In point of fact, virtually every social policy liberals have articulated, proposed, and passed over the last fifty years has been either race-based, designed to stir the racial or some other pot, or calculated to foster conditions, (unemployment and poverty for example), to exacerbate racial tensions.

The ultimate Democrat goal has been to create a dependency on government and a rock-solid black constituency despite have been the party that fought tooth and nail to defeat Civil Rights legislation in the fifties and sixties. They have largely succeeded and have paved the way for Barack Hussein Obama to carry those goals to fruition.

The chief accomplishment of the granddaddies of social manipulations–LBJ’s Great Society and his War on Poverty–was to substantially destroy once-strong African-American families yet Democrats escaped condemnation for that as well by skillfully employing smoke, mirrors, and an excellent if offensive offense that people like Bill Maher still use today.

It’s believed that the adage “The best defense is a good offense” originated with the 19th century Prussian military theorist, Carl von Clausewitz, but whatever its origins the line has become a staple of countless sports analysts as an observation on how best to win games. It assumes the defense isn’t as porous as that of this year’s Atlanta Falcons.

To be successfully employed in the political arena, the good offense strategy assumes the public won’t scratch beneath the veneer of attack rhetoric and discover all the talk is just a cover for lies and hypocrisy, as with tediously-constant liberal references to conservative racism to conceal liberal bigotry.

Maintaining the good offense while counting on viewers not to look behind the curtain of pretense, just previous to his bigoted description of blacks as gun-slinging hoods, Maher had hypocritically attacked Republicans and Bill O’Reilly . . .

Monday, September 26, 2011

Proofs that Darwin Was Right: The Iraq-Iran Hikers

Proof that Darwin Was Right: The Iraq-Iran Hikers

The ”Darwin Award” is conferred on individuals who unknowingly gave their all in the inadvertent interests of preserving humanity’s gene pool by expiring in the process of committing acts of amazing stupidity and thereby removing themselves from the danger of further corrupting the genetic makeup of the human species.

Without referencing darwinism and the survival of the fittest, Spike TV features any number of deserving Darwin Awards winners on “1000 Ways to Die,” a ghoulish series on how people meet their Maker via wooden-headed choices.

Usually conferred posthumously, exceptions should be granted for giving a “Darwin” to the recently-released Iraq, (or was it Iran?) hikers.

Most Americans were delighted when Shane Bower and Josh Fattal were finally set free by the Iranians and were able to re-join fellow hiker Sarah Shourd on American soil after what the a 2-year “saga,” a term most often reserved to describe heroic adventures rather than idiotic blunders.

America may be desperate for heroes but Bower, Fattal, and Shourd hardly fit the bill.

In an impressive display of Islamic magnanimity toward a gender customarily stoned to death for much less grievous offenses than violating Iranian territorial integrity–and alleged spying–Shourd was released in 2010.

All three had been captured the year before as they blithely traversed the Iraq-Iran border since, apparently, the millions of acres of national parkland, untrammeled mountains, woods, and deserts available to hikers throughout the United States and other civilized countries held no attraction or opportunities for adventure.

Instead Bower, Fattal, and Shourd chose what they believed to be Iraq’s Kurdish region, . . . (Read more at

Obama's Latest Gaffe: Jews and Janitors

Obama's Latest Gaffe: Jews and Janitors

There’s long been more than a sneaking suspicion that President Barack Hussein Obama is a dyed-in-the-wool anti-Semite although there’s no doubt he is more prone to gaffes than even George W. Bush. His closet anti-Semitism may have met his “gaffery” over the weekend at the Congressional Black Caucus awards in Washington.

Quickly scrubbed from the official transcript of Obama’s speech advocating class warfare–technically, he was addressing what he called a growing disparity of wealth in the United States–the president mixed up Jews and janitors before he realized his Freudian slip but he had already been caught by the tale of the (video)tape.

I guess it’s easy to confuse the two. After all, both words begin with a “J.”

Not that much of the mainstream media will make mention of Obama’s “Jews janitors” flub; they’re still more interested in Bush gaffes.

The Jewish vote is, of course, critical to his re-election, not as critical as the black, union, and homosexual votes but very significant nonetheless. He needs money from all of them to hit his goal of a billion dollar campaign chest.

Blacks, unionists, and gays are guaranteed supporters but those Jewish backers have been slip, slip, slipping away in view of the administration’s policies on the Mideast and his kowtowing to Arab potentates and catering to Muslim interests at home. The last thing he needed at this point was to demean Jews but he did so anyway, assuming that confusing Jews with janitors is demeaning.

In Obama’s talk to the CBC, he was in the middle of another rant against the rich when he blurted out, “If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax rate as a Jew uhh as a janitor . . .

Dueling Black Men: Herman Cain and Morgan Freeman

Dueling Black Men: Herman Cain and Morgan Freeman

Barack Hussein Obama hasn’t even officially declared his intent to seek a second term but his attack machine is already deployed against the Republican Party with Teamsters President James Hoffa declaring all-out war against those “sons of bitches,” Vice President Biden labeling the GOP “barbarians,” and virtually every Democrat slandering Governor Rick Perry as “dumb” and accusing the Tea Party of racism and Nazism as the Anointed One remains above the fray by playing yet another round of golf.

It’s hard to believe it will get worse over the coming months, but it will. Conservative Republican candidate for the presidency Herman Cain can attest to that.

Following Cain’s speech at CPAC some months ago, Cain got a taste of the future when characterized him as a “monkey in the window” and when MSNBC’s Janeane Garafolo called him “a person of color” whose candidacy was manipulated solely for the purpose of deflecting “the racism that is inherent in the Republican party, the conservative movement, [and] the Tea Party.”

( Just incidentally, Janeane is looking more and more dissipated lately, the consequence of either her twisted leftism or, well, of being Janeane Garafolo, or both.)

If nothing else, it must be conceded that when liberals find hooks–such as racism and those damnable, Satanic Tea Partiers–they never let go. And now actor Morgan Freeman has joined the insane free-for-all.

Herman Cain suffered from racial discrimination in Georgia, went on to graduate from Morehouse College, earned a Masters of Science degree from Purdue, worked for the Department of the Navy, served as deputy chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve, authored four books, was the CEO of a major U.S. corporation, and supports the Tea Party.

Morgan Freeman left Mississippi to become an actor and doesn’t, yet he is accorded more credibility than Cain by the liberal media.

Now, why is that?

The 84 year old Freeman proved that singer Tony “Are We the Terrorists?” Bennett isn’t the only octogenarian who seems to have slipped into the dark abyss of senility.

In the interests of preserving his career, Bennett at least apologized for suggesting we caused 9/11 by bombing Muslims while Freeman has yet to apologize for his contention that Obama made racism worse in the United States, or his election did, or something like that by opening the door to, you guessed it, the racist Tea Party movement, or something like that.

Since he tended to ramble, it’s hard to tell eactly what Freeman meant as seen in the transcript of his chat with CNN’s Piers Morgan last Friday but what’s certain is that he firmly believes the Tea Party is “going to do whatever [they] can to get this black man outta here. It is a racist thing.”

Asked by the more politic and cogent Morgan, evidently trying to provide the actor with a gentle reality check, “Is it not Republicans, wouldn’t that [sic] say that about any Democrat president?” Freeman responded with a few headshakers, first saying, ”No, they would have gotten rid of Bill Clinton if they could have.”

Told by Morgan, “They tried,” Freeman rejoined, “They did try, but still. I don’t, they’re not going to get rid of Obama either. I think they’re shooting themselves in the head,” which, as we all know is far worse than shooting themselves in the foot. . .

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bristol Palin Meets Liberal Incivility

Bristol Balin Meets Liberal Incivility

Okay, so a 20 year old girl went out with some friends last Thursday to the Saddle Ranch Restaurant in West Hollywood and, being an adventurous as well as pretty young lady, she took a ride on one of those horn-less mechanical bulls intended by management to provide some rocky entertainment for the clientele.

Bodacious but innocent enough, right?

Wrong, when the rider was Bristol Palin, eldest daughter of Sarah Palin, conservative former governor of Alaska and Republican candidate for the vice presidency of the United States three years ago and when members of her audience were foul-mouthed liberals.

Subsequently identified as Stephen Hanks, a Hollywood talent agent with little talent but with a remarkably-obscene vocabulary to his credit, the liberal proceeded to verbally attack Ms. Palin after her engagement with the mechanical bull, clearly demonstrating that stuffed bulls have more brains, class, and civility than Stephen Hanks.

The rocking, twisting bull eventually threw Bristol but Hanks didn’t.

The 47 year old Hanks, seated with his buddies at the Saddle Ranch bar, courageously peppered a 20 year old girl with the most vile, vicious invective this side of Hollywood after she got up to the applause and high-fives of the crowd. She then directly confronted the talentless talent agent.

Greeted by the bald-headed Hanks with, “Your mother is the f*cking devil,” . . .

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fox and Pew and You

Fox and Pew and You

An old friend who perceives himself a quasi-liberal since he and his family members have been labor unionists for generations once said to me, “Well, you get all your news from Fox News.” He had previously blamed Republicans for the election of Barack Hussein Obama because the GOP nominated lame John McCain.

That old union friend was wrong on the first count but probably right on the second.

The only rational explanation for Obama’s election in 2008 is no viable competition but when I do watch television news I split my time pretty equally with the left wing networks and Fox. Like they say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer, an aphorism which could be extended to the much less catchy but equivalently-insightful, Watch the truth compliments of your friends and keep your eye on the prevaricators.

As reported by the Fox News Channel in article titled, “Pew: Fox News Channel America’s No. 1 Source for TV News,” a survey conducted in July by the highly-reputable Pew Research Center revealed that 19% of respondents indicated they learned what’s going on in the nation and the world from the FNC. . .

Friday, September 23, 2011

Bullying and Teasing, Kevin Jennings and Teen Suicide

Bullying and Teasing, Kevin Jennings and Teen Suicide

I don’t remember being bullied in school and no one I know was ever “bullied” or was a “bullyer,” in the contemporary senses of those terms. Of course, in the interests of full disclosure, having attended parochial school, bullying wasn’t allowed since nuns generally attended to that duty.

I do recall, occasionally, teasing when I was the teaser without intending the teasing to in any way connote threats or intimidation and some dumb older kids sometimes asserting their age and size by being overbearing. At least one of those dumbasses ended up in prison, another became a teacher.

Our version of “bullying” typically involved vain pre- and post-adolescent efforts to gain attention from inattentive girls many of whom surreptitiously loved the attention but felt compelled to maintain the requisite façade of disinterest.

Both genders survived but times have changed.

Today, bullying is considered by the PC crowd as little short of character assassination or attempted murder–and young people are buying into that absurd hyperbole.

Okay, back in my day when we were circling the wagons and trying to survive Indian onslaughts, we had more things on our minds than Mary Jane and her persnickety uppitiness but, still, if Mary Jane had missed our subtle romantic overtures of hiding her hair ribbons, she wouldn’t have ended it all by leaping out of the stagecoach into some abyss.

As I said, times have changed.

Thanks to a super-charged media obsessed over bullying and its disturbed offshoot, cyber-bullying, the subject is front-page news. Compound that media-created awareness with the availability of Facebook and Twitter and emails, some nasty kids are now able to taunt, harass, and threaten vulnerable kids more or less anonymously and often with impunity.

Add to that supercharged hysteria and unsocial media school administrations that post strict anti-bullying guidelines which are largely unenforceable and, if enforced, are ridiculed, too many young people today now take seriously what was formerly ignored or dismissed as irrational, envious, and jealous ad hominem rants by miscreants.

Regrettably, a relatively minuscule number of teens and even pre-teens are unable to deal with the stress created by those miscreants and resort to the ultimate solution for what is invariably a passing problem.

In actuality, teen suicide rates, with one notable exception, haven’t increased appreciably over the last few decades and are in line with the overall numbers of people who opt for that final answer chosen by tens of thousands of Americans.

However, try to explain those stats to some fifteen year old girl who has been nominated for Slut of the Year by a Facebook adversary intent on snatching her boyfriend or to a fourteen year old boy called a pimply queer for all the world to see on Twitter and it’s a lost cause.

For a certain segment of young people, bullying has been catastrophic.

What is rarely noted concerning teen bullying is the above-referenced exception and that the chief impetus of the phenomenon derives not from any grassroots demand for a remedy but from the government of President Barack Obama.

More specifically but not exclusively, the man responsible for exaggerating the problem is the former Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education, Kevin Jennings. . .

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Who Was Troy Davis?

Who Was Troy Davis?

A sadistic murderer was executed on Wednesday. He deserved his execution for showing a blatant disregard for human life.

However, I’m not referring there to Troy Anthony Davis but to Lawrence Russell Brewer who dragged to death James Byrd, Jr. on a Texas road in June, 1998. He and Davis met the same fate of lethal injection, Brewer for using a pickup truck to kill, Davis for using a gun.

Both were very deserving and, in answer to the title question, Troy Davis was a murderer.

Brewer exhausted the usual appeals process although no one had protested the evils of capital punishment or contested the fairness of his trial on his behalf. He had no final statement other than a single tear.

Davis pulled out all stops enabling him to escape his just due for a decade longer than Brewer and had become a popular icon before he succumbed to the fatal brew of a barbiturate, paralytic agent, and potassium solution meant to send him blissfully to the Great Beyond. He declared his innocence to the bitter end.

If it means anything, Brewer was white, Davis was an African-American.

Based on all the blue tee shirts emblazoned with the words “I Am Troy Davis” outside Georgia courthouses, the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles and, ultimately, the Georgia State Prison near Reidsville, it would seem there were many Troy Davises but in actuality there was only one and he was a murderer as surely as was Lawrence Russell Brewer.

Davis was convicted on August 19th, 1989 by a jury of his peers on a number of charges including shooting and killimg police officer Mark MacPhail and he was executed 22 years later on September 21st, 2011, the same date as Brewer’s execution.

End of story? Not quite.

Davis’ case is reminiscent of that of Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal, another convicted cop killer who has been on Pennsylvania’s death row for almost a quarter century and who also became an international cause célèbre and for the same reasons: questions as to the equity of capital punishment, whether he received a fair trial, and whether he is guilty.

Mumia Abu-Jamal either has better lawyers or his supporters have been more vocal than Davis’ since Abu-Jamal is still alive–and writing books!–and Troy Davis isn’t.

Let’s just dispense with the death penalty controversy since executing convicted murderers has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. As for the fairness of his trial and his guilt, those issues were settled long ago.

Prosecutors called thirty four witnesses, some eyewitnesses, to the stand, the defense called six. Davis’ jury consisted of seven blacks and only five whites. His conviction was upheld in various courts, even after SCOTUS, based on alleged new evidence, ordered an evidentiary hearing last year. Clemency appeals were rejected by both the state of Georgia and none other but his fellow African-American, President Barack Hussein Obama.

However, none of that matters when Big Guns . . .

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Remembrance: Jesse Dirkhising Would Be 25

A Remembrance: Jesse Dirkhising Would Be 25

Jesse William Dirkhising of Prairie Grove, Arkansas was a child of just 13 years when he met his untimely death on September 26th, 1999at the hands of Davis Don Carpenter and Joshua Brown. The tragedy of Jesse’s unspeakably violent murder goes far beyond his passing and the ignominious nature of how he suffered in the process.

The tragedy encompasses society’s disregard for his death when it happened and its failure to remember him and his life after.

The brutality of Jesse’s sadistic torture and murder by the perverted homosexuals Carpenter and Brown wasn’t salved by their convictions and sentences of life imprisonment. The passage of 12 years hasn’t provided any degree of closure, as if that currently-popular term ever has any meaning.

If anything, the continued, studied indifference of the mainstream media toward his death only exacerbates the wounds.

I try to pay annual deference to the memory of Jesse Dirkhising not because it will arouse the MSM to accord his murder retrospective acknowledgement but because he deserves some recognition in a world which would have made him a cause célèbre had his homicide been an act which society abhorred as much as that committed against other innocent victims.

Such a cause was Matthew Shepard.

Shepard’s vicious killing the previous year by two drunken sots in Wyoming evoked media attention the likes of which has rarely been witnessed and resulted in passage of “hate crime” legislation in Washington which now bears Shepard’s name. Jesse’s far more horrific murder gained barely a mention. . .

America's Politically-Correct Gay Military

America's Politically-Correct Gay Military

. . . All that aside, and it shouldn’t be put too far aside in view of the unremitting campaign by gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, and trans-sexuals to convince America of their normality, it’s a whole new day for the armed forces of the United States of America! Gays are usually focused on children but this new day celebrates adults.

After extensive studies and a manipulated survey of the troops, despite vehement objections and compelling evidence contradicting the survey’s validity, as of September 20th, 2011 homosexuals will be permitted to openly serve in the Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard.

As Army Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnes (Ret.) pointed out, the “consequences could be significant, but the American public has no clue because because the 111th Democrat-controlled Congress repealed the ban [on gays in our military] in a “lame-duck” session without hearing a single dissenting view.”

That ban, that law, 10 U.S.C. § 654, aka the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, in place for 18 years ever since Bill Clinton followed the advice of Dick Morris and pushed for its passage in 1993 in order to appear a moderate on the issue, had grated on the homosexual community for almost two decades.

With Republicans slated to take control of the House of Representatives in 2011, gays knew it was time to call in all their Democrat chits and Democrat supporters so they could “integrate” the armed forces with homosexuals.

Maginnes, who now serves as a media national security adviser/analyst, detailed the not-unforeseen, not-unintended but ignored realities, consequences, and potential repercussions of repealing DADT in ”Congress Ignored Perils of Lifting Military’s Gay Ban.”

Primary ignored realities are the majority opposition from the troops, high rates of STDs among homosexuals, and the inherent pitfalls of gays showering and bunking with same-gender personnel, the equivalent of men and women sharing baths and bedrooms.

The consequences of that ignorance should have been apparent even to politicians, even to Democrat politicians. But there are more . . .

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Obama's Abomonible Obamanomics

Obama's Abominable Obamanomics

Ever wonder when you wake up in the morning if we’re blessed to be living in a rare age of wonderment, of great innovations and unprecedented progress? Or is ours a cursed era where little makes sense, where up is down, where truths are lies, where the formerly-understood has degenerated into massive confusion?

Our age is all of the above, though the nonsensical, falsehoods, misrepresentations, and confusions have upstaged innovative progress, taken center stage, and are evolving into the norm.

When President Barack Hussein Obama unequivocably declared in August, 2009 that the United States should never raise taxes during a recession, he seemed, even to me, sincere. When he said, “The last thing you want to do is raise taxes during a recession,” he seemed to believe what most rational people think, that the very thought of any government taxing money out of an already-reeling economy was incomprehensible.

That was then, this is now.

Two years later, with America’s economy still in pitiful shape, unemployment stuck at over 9%, poverty on the rise, the under-employed numbering some 26 million, those who hire not hiring for fear of the future, food stamps being doled out like candy at Halloween, the nation’s credit rating lower than ever before, our president is proposing $1.6 trillion in new tax levies.

Fear not, however. Those taxes, which he pledged would never be exacted during a recession, will only burden the filthy rich, i.e., anyone earning more than his constituents. The 45% of American workers who don’t pay a dime in federal income taxes now will continue to save that dime under his scheme and the wealthy would finally cough up their fair share.

Obama never lets facts intrude on his socialist ideology and intentionally ignores an Associated Press report which puts the lie to his populist soak the rich gambit.

The same AP that has twisted news to his advantage since 2007 exposed Obama for a tax charlatan by revealing the truth.

According to the CBO, ”On average, the wealthiest people in America pay a lot more taxes than the middle class or the poor . . . They pay at a higher rate, and as a group, they contribute a much larger share of the overall taxes collected by the federal government. The 10 percent of households with the highest incomes pay more than half of all federal taxes. They pay more than 70 percent of federal income taxes.”

So much for Obama-buddy multi-billionaire, Warren Buffett, so much for Obama’s wealth theories.

Regardless of his other misrepresentations, did we miss something here? Did the recession, when raising taxes was verboten, end and nobody noticed? . . .

Monday, September 19, 2011

Labor Unions and the People Who Love, and Hate, Them

Labor Unions and the People Who Love, and Hate, Them

. . . Admittedly and initially, the creation of united workers’ organizations may have served a critical function during the era when industries repressively and unconscionably dictated piddling wages and atrocious working conditions. I would like to agree with claims that the union movement in the United States established the foundations for America’s vast middle class, the indomitable engine for our progress.

I would concur with all that providing major labor union leaders and workers, Big Labor, concede the worm has turned 180 degrees and that over the past 50 years they have developed into the oppressive, greedy equals of nineteenth century businessmen and banker ”robber barons,” and worse.

Union excesses today are legion–think Wisconsin last winter–and many public unions are leading the pack, demanding and getting pay raises far beyond the inflation rate while 26 million Americans are under-employed, foreclosures are skyrocketing, and poverty is spreading wildly.

Still, the United Auto Workers, UAW, at Ford Motor Corporation take the greed cake even if the bigwigs at FoMoCo provided the incentive.

In July, Ford–the only Big 3 automaker that had the integrity to reject the 2009 Obamian bailouts which GM and Chrysler gladly accepted and have yet to pay back in full–announced it was giving tens of millions in executive bonuses while advising workers they were lucky to have jobs. In retaliation, UAW Ford authorized a strike.

Perspective is desperately needed here.

As with most major industry executives, Ford’s President and CEO Alan Mulally is grossly over-compensated for his efforts; Mulally’s July stock bonus of $56.5 million only added to the grossness level.

However, at the risk of seeming an industry shill, Mulally runs a $165 billion business, his company employs 164,000 people worldwide, and Ford earned a taxable $6.6 billion profit on $128 billion total revenue for 2010.

On the other hand, the average Ford UAW worker with perhaps a high school education earns approximately $58. per hour, almost $2400. a week, $124,000. a year, just for showing up and maybe watching robots affix rear view mirrors to Fusions. Also, in January, Ford’s hourly employees were awarded $5,000. in profit-sharing, the highest payouts in 10 years, on top of extremely generous employee and layoff benefits.

In brief, Mulally and company are rapacious SOB’s but Joe Average Ford is doing pretty damned well for himself too, . . .

Justice Delayed, Denied, Subverted

Justice Delayed, Denied, Subverted

Lady Justice can be one fickle animal, at least when courts intervene.

The application of the ancient legal maxim dating back centuries that “Justice delayed is justice denied” becomes a legal minefield when activist jurists and ignorant juries delay, deny, and subvert fairness and equity in the interests of ideology or misperceived guilt.

Convicted murderer Duane Buck is an individual currently benefiting from delayed justice.

Found guilty and sentenced to death by lethal injection in Texas, Buck ultimately appealed his sentence to the Supreme Court of the United States which finally and tersely said it would consider his appeal hours before his scheduled execution.

Buck was supposedly praying in his Death Row cell when advised of the reprieve and said, “Praise the Lord! God is worthy to be praised. God’s mercy triumphs over judgment. I feel good,” as well he should, although he made no mention of whether his former girlfriend, another man, and his stepsister felt very good when he shot all three on July 30, 1995.

Buck’s appeal was based on his lawyers’ allegation that race had been a factor . . .

. . . I don’t know if Floridians Rodolfo Santana and Ana Mejia wanted a baby but they conceived and gave birth to one.

They had consulted Dr. Marie Morel and OB/GYN Specialists of the Palm Beaches and subsequently contended they weren’t told that Bryan Santana, now three, would be born with no arms and just one leg, horrible deformities Ana admitted they would have averted by aborting Bryan had they known in advance.

They wanted $9 million in recompense for inadequate information from Dr. Morel and OB/GYN Specialists. A West Palm Beach jury gave them half, $4.5 million, for giving birth to a severely disabled child . . .

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hillary-Barry, in that Order

Hillary-Barry, in that Order

Many Americans consider the Barack Hussein Obama administration the worst of all American political worlds, the be-all-end-all epitome of the depths to which the nation could possibly sink, the ultimate catastrophe for our country.

It’s entirely possible that, as Andy Bachman warbled, “You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet.”

Consider this: Obama is wallowed in a well-deserved wallow of popular disapproval. He has declared his understanding that his could be a one-term presidency. He and his lovely bride have been milking his office for all it’s worth as if in anticipation that he too will be jobless after next year. He has offered no viable solutions to alleviate the nation’s unemployment issues nor for any other pressing domestic or international problems.

I think he wants out, at least for now.

So, what does Barry do?

(Obama, of course, could win next November with or without Joe Biden but for the purposes of this analysis–and my own sanity–I’m just examining his other options.)

He could simply resign his office within the next year, a very unlikely act which would put him in the Tricky Dickie class of loser presidents. He could continue on to the bitter end, be humiliated in an election landslide, and slink off into the dark pages of history, He could pull a Carter by spending the rest of his days trying to build a legacy predicated on fantasy. He could dump Biden in favor of Hillary Clinton, not a likelihood since it assumes Hil would agree to be his second banana.

And he could take the high road, claim he was acting in the best interests of the nation, appear as the consummate hero of the Democrat Party by accepting the nomination as vice president on a Hillary ticket to serve as her junior, seasoned adviser.

Unprecedented? Yes. Absurd? Not at all.

Is it any more inconceivable than the incredible absurdity of a two-year U.S. senator with precious little experience in anything other than functioning as a neighborhood organizer on Chicago’s mean streets and as an inconsequential Illinois state senator becoming president of the United States?

At 51, Obama will be a virtual babe in the woods next Election Day, far too young to retire into political oblivion. He is insatiably egotistical and ambitious but very unpopular outside his core black, socialist, union, and homosexual constituencies. . .

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Ambiguous Faces of Bias and Discrimination

The Ambiguous Faces of Bias and Discrimination

We all discriminate and have biases.

When we choose what color to wear, when we pick one political candidate over another, when we buy certain apples instead of other apples, we’re discriminating and exercising our biases. It’s only when discrimination relates to race, gender, national origin, religion and, lately, to sexual orientation that it becomes societally ugly and unacceptable.

To its great credit, America has evolved significantly from our bad old, bigoted days yet bias still exists in large part because people are people and don’t necessarily think their beliefs reflect bias as much as realism and they feel their views are both warranted and true. Then, too, bias and discrimination are often in the eyes of the beholder.

Complicating matters even more, some bias and discrimination are considered less vile than others.

In America’s bad old days, African-Americans were consigned to the back seats of buses, women were welcomed as corporate secretaries but not as company bosses, “Irish Need Not Apply” signs decorated doors of employers, Jews were allowed to loan us money but not own banks, and people like Chaz Bono were regarded as freaks, not dancers.

To be sure, outdated ideas haven’t all died away but whether they are all intrinsically “bad” is debatable.

The Cherokee Nation, a 300,000-strong tribe of semi-autonymous American Indians, just decided that only Cherokees are qualified to vote in their elections, which seems reasonable enough. However, that decision effectively disenfranchised some 2,800 “freedmen,” non-Cherokee descendants of slaves owned by tribesmen prior to the Civil War.

Doing what it does best, the federal government interfered in Cherokee internal affairs on behalf of the 2,800 and the tribal elections are now in Indian limbo.

Was the decision by the Cherokee Nation discriminatory? On its face, apparently so although it would seem that voting in Cherokee elections should be restricted to Cherokees, no? Was it bias? Only if tribal unity is a biased concept.

Demonstrating that the bane of political correctness is not confined to our shores, a more transparent and reprehensible discrimination with no shades of ambiguity is occurring in England. There, in the name of political correctness, children as young as three are being labeled for life with the stigma of being racists and homophobes for the sin of, well, acting like kids.

The Brits have seen fit to register over 30,000 mostly primary-school age children in a government database, a tainted record which will follow them wherever they go, due to such horrid schoolyard infractions as calling another child a “broccoli head” and for improperly using the terms “gay,” “lesbian,” and “gaylord.” . . . (Read more at

Friday, September 16, 2011

Two Perspectives on Riots, Jobs, and Poverty

Two Perspectives on Riots, Jobs, and Poverty

In case no one has noticed, there has been an increasing number of violent outbursts and riots in the streets. New York City’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg and America’s President Barack Hussein Obama have, respectively, keen insights and perspicacious cures for all that civil disruption.

The upheavals in the Mideast are somewhat explicable given the so-called Arab Spring although the violence in the United States and Great Britain can’t be explained away as easily. Fortunately, New York’s Mayor for Life Michael Bloomberg has his finger on the pulse of humanity and is fully capable of pinpointing the cause: poverty and a dearth of jobs.

Hizzonor contended on his Friday radio show, (which he skipped last week due to a scandal in his administration), ”You have a lot of kids graduating college, [who] can’t find jobs. That’s what happened in Cairo. That’s what happened in Madrid. You don’t want those kinds of riots here.”

So, if I understand the mayor correctly, Egyptians weren’t protesting against former despot Hosni Mubarak and the mobs in Spain–and London–were just staging boisterous campaigns for employment and not anarchically revolting?

I’m sorry to advise Mr. Bloomberg that he is wrong as proven by facts and slews of videotapes.

Egyptians wanted to depose Mubarak, and succeeded. The mostly Muslim English rioters would love to have toppled the regimes in that country, but their destructive efforts failed. The Spanish–and the Greeks? Who knows? They always seem annoyed at something or other.

None of this means to suggest poverty and unemployment aren’t serious issues everywhere. As of 2010, America’s national poverty rate stood at 15.1% or 46.2 million people and jobless Americans still number 9.1% of the working population, all of which are horrific figures.

Bloomberg may have analyzed the world situation with his pulsating finger but we have a man in charge of the U.S. economy who has been fingering America’s fiscal health as effectively as Mayor Bloomberg gauged world events.

Some cynics would say President Obama been flipping his finger at the nation since he hasn’t done a damned thing about poverty or unemployment over the course of his 32 months in office.

Correction: He has done a damned thing, he’s made both worse. . .

Global Warming: Scamming the Planet

Global Warming: Scamming the Planet

Merriam-Websters’s definition of a scam as “a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation” fails to do justice to the decades-long hoax, the swindle, of the American people known alternatively as global cooling, then global warming, then climate change.

The subject of that massive, international hustle has frequently been addressed in this space, most recently in “Another Climate Lie Bites the Dust,” which outlined the efforts of the climate clique to slander two distinguished American climatologists for telling the truth.

Professors Roy Spencer and William Braswell dared to expose the fallacies of alleged anthropogenic causes of changes in Earth’s weather and were summarily if indirectly dismissed as incompetents by their colleagues because of their impertinence in outing the climate-scammers.

Eminent, ethical scientists that Spencer and Braswell are, they didn’t and wouldn’t say their fellows were liars and frauds. Another warming-naysayer, Dr. Ivar Giaever, also refused to hurl those pejoratives, but I will.

Undismayed by exposure as sloppy flimflamers in the 2009 "climate-gate" scandal when email hackers of the United Nations-funded Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change facilities at Britain’s East Anglia University revealed gross misrepresentations, the IPCC has braved on.

There’s far too much money at stake for the IPCC–-or its ridiculous co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, Al Gore–-to do otherwise. Science-challenged, climate profiteer Gore continues to mindlessly beat the warming drum to stuff his pockets and is so wildly strident he is actually scaring believers with his “Climate Reality” unrealities.

Dr. Giaever, co-winner of the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for physics, RPI professor emeritus and president of Applied Biophysics, forcefully contradicted the "warmers."

Giaever effectively denounced the American Physical Society for its contention that “the evidence [of global warming] is incontrovertible” and resigned his APA membership in disgust. . .

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What Goes Around Comes Around, Sometimes

What Goes Around Comes Around, Sometimes

. . . How the ACLU construes the Ten Commandments as endorsements of any particular faith is a mystery. How it fails to find any “secular purpose” in warning kids not to murder one another, etc. is even more mysterious. That’s just what the ACLU does.

Baltimore’s Teonna Brown can readily be dismissed as a hateful twit. The ACLU seems unaware that when a country rejects the moral foundations on which it was founded, it ceases to be a moral nation.

What came around to Brown was proper justice. Virginia’s Giles County School Board administered its own justice by circumventing the ACLU and telling it where to stick its complaint. (Read more at

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Slime, Sleaze, and Levi Johnston

Slime, Sleaze, and Levi Johnston

Levi Johnston is the kind of guy a girl should bring home to meet the family–but only if the family would beat the living daylights out of him. The reader may recall Levi, the handsome, young high school student who transformed himself into a vile snake to gain fame and make a buck.

Todd and Sarah Palin of Wasilla, Alaska and their young daughter, Bristol, were evidently taken in by Johnston in more ways than one. The Levi-Bristol relationship has become common knowledge: pre-marital teen sex, pregnancy, Baby Tripp, and two engagements, both of which Bristol broke off.

Following Tripp’s birth, Bristol worked, attended school, took care of their child, became a spokeswoman for teen sexual abstinence, advocated against abortion, wrote a “memoir,” Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far, and finished as a finalist on “Dancing with the Stars.”

Johnston decided he didn’t want to get his hands dirty in the Alaskan oil fields and opted for a career as a male model/actor and, since that objective wasn’t panning out too well, embarked on a mission to smear the Palin family. He, too, wrote a book, a yet-to-be-released tome with the slanderously-loaded title, Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs.

It was hardly his first excursion into smearing, . . .

Gaffes and Gripes: Obama's "Jobs Speech" Part Two

Gaffes and Gripes: Obama's "Jobs Speech" Part Two

BULLETIN: reported on Wednesday that Americans have not only given a rousing thumbs-down to Obama’s “Job Act” but thumbed their noses at the president because of it.

As if President Barack Hussein Obama were foretelling the future at the same time he was serving up an object lesson on how he believes Americans should solemnify the memory of September 11th, 2001 by a “day of service,” he slapped up vittles in a soup kitchen on 9/11.

Most Americans disregarded, if they didn’t ridicule, his asinine idea of substituting public service in lieu of solemnity on 9/11 but they will be hard pressed to dismiss the image of soup kitchens in our future, especially in view of reports of spreading poverty and in light of the president’s lackluster performance in so-called “jobs speech” last Thursday.

Obama’s screwing up history, as in saying Lincoln “founded” the Republican Party and his gaffe-ing his way through his presidency have been more than adequately covered up by his mainstream media. (

It will be far more challenging for Obama’s MSM to provide cover for an entire speech which was essentially an hour-long whine indirectly bitching at Republicans for their intransigence in favor of preserving the Republic and avoiding national bankruptcy instead of burdening the taxpayers, their children, and grandkids with another boondoggle.

With his trillion dollar 2009 unstimulating stimulus an abject failure in putting Americans back to work, Obama’s economic wizards devised another sure-fire scheme, the piddling Son of Stimulus, a $447 billion plan incorporating many of the unpalatable elements of the original failure, features previously rejected even by Obama’s own Democrats.

This time around, the Anointed One left his ointments home and didn’t emulate Bartles and James by politely thanking Congress in advance for its support. Instead, almost churlishly, he repeatedly demanded the Congress pass the new waste now, at once, two weeks ago, if possible.

In various forms, he reiterated his demand at least 17 times, apparently fearing that if congresspeople read it before passing it, they may not like it and forgetting that he isn’t an emperor and that the legislative branch is co-equal with the executive.

All but stamping his foot, whining of the consequences of non-passage and touting the improbable benefits, Obama resembled more an petulent child than a president. My four year old grandson would be sent to time-out or, preferably, to his bed, for such infantile conduct.

To his credit, the president didn’t repeat his “shovel-ready” lie; many of his brand new shovels won’t be shovelling until 2013, coincidentally after Election Day 2012.

Early on in his unprecedented second address to a joint session of Congress and the American people within less than 32 months–this president obviously craves attention as much as my grandson–Obama declared his “Jobs Act” would be fully “paid for,” as opposed to Obamacare, for instance. . .

Monday, September 12, 2011

9/11: Allies and Abusers

9/11 Allies and Abusers

Now that the dusty rhetoric has cleared from Ground Zero, the Pentagon, and Shanksville following the politicians’ commemorative politicking at those sites, following the families of relatives of the 2,977 victims of 9/11/2001 publicly and privately expressing their grief in expectations of to closing memories that defy closure, the rats are leaving their ratholes.

To be sure, not every nation ignored 9/11.

Parts of the world paid solemn tribute to America’s incalculable losses on that day and shared our anguish on the tenth anniversary of the darkest day in American history. One of the most stirring expressions of solidarity occurred in Paris where two forty-foot replicas of the Twin Towers were erected in the shadow of the Eifel Tower displaying in two languages France’s national sentiment, “The French Will Never Forget.”

However, far from everyone abroad and at home expressed that emotion. The vermin emerged.

In London, instead of joining hands with Americans on solemn occasions dedicating memorials to the dead of September 11th, 2001 Muslims in London chose to emulate their fellow Islamists who hatefully exulted in the attacks on the World Trade Center and Washington ten years ago by spreading more hatred, compliments of Islam.

Members of the “religion of peace” set fire to an American flag outside the American embassy and disrupted a moment of silence declared in observation of that moment when Muslims crashed a Boeing 767 into the North Tower of the WTC.

Not content with Britain’s indulgences for sharia nor with British tolerance for the presence of a people on their soil dedicated to eradicating all remnants of English and Western tradition and law, Islamic crazies chanted “US Terrorists!” and carried signs condemning America and criticizing the Crusades.

One jihadist summarized all feigned Muslim grievances by declaring, “You [Americans?] will always face suffering, you [Western imperialists?] will always face humiliation, unless you [all nations not interested in a worldwide Islamic caliphate?] withdraw your troops from Muslim lands.”

Left unmentioned is any reference to September 11th, to Islam’s bloody history, or to the fact the Crusades ended in 1291 A.D. even if Muslim vengeance lingers on and most malcontented Muslim nations are still mired in the thirteenth century.

The grandson of Jewish immigrants to America, Paul Krugman, is another malcontent. . .

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Never, EVER, Again!

Never, EVER, Again!

Years ago, the extremist Jewish Defense League adopted a catchphrase to denote their refusal to ever allow a repetition of the horror of the Nazi Holocaust which claimed the lives of some 6,000,000 Jewish lives : Never again! The JDL may be extreme but that slogan is anything but.

The slogan should be adopted with equivalent vehemence by the government of the United States and, if our government refuses to publicly proclaim the motto, “Never again!” in response to potential future holocausts such as those committed against America on September 11th, 2001, Americans should rise up and demand it be incorporated into our national foreign and domestic policies.

Subsequent attacks on our homeland could make what happened to the Jews seem like a minor blip in the history of humanity’s carnage.

Extreme? In a little-publicized comment, President Barack Hussein Obama concurred with America’s resident Muslim quisling, Fareed Zakaria, that the United States could “bounce back” even from terrorist nuclear attacks on our cities since we are so “resilient.”

There exists a common, mostly Christian, belief that good people should “forgive those who trespass” against them.

“Trespassing” can mean many things from intruding on our property to violating national borders with the intent of doing us harm; forgiving can refer to pardoning those who insult us to sparing the lives of those who murder Americans either on our soil or in a just war.

General Norman Schwarzkopf, retired commander of coalition forces in the first Persian Gulf War, succinctly reflected on the latter by saying, “Forgiveness is up to God. I just hope we hurry up the meeting.”

Allah may forgive Islamists. It’s doubtful a true God would, . . .

Saturday, September 10, 2011

"Meet Me in the Stairwell," A Prayer for 9/11

"Meet Me in the Stairwell," A Prayer for 9/11

The following was received as an email in 2010 and posted here with minor editing on September 11th, 2010. It hasn’t lost any of its significance. If anything, with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s decision to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 without allowing the presence of any clergy or the expression of any prayerful invocations, “Meet Me in the Stairwell” is more valuable than ever.
(Read "Meet Me in the Stairwell, A Prayer for 9/11" at

Friday, September 9, 2011

Politically Correcting Jackie O.

Politically Correcting Jackie O.

People are sometimes tough to pigeonhole. Their public personas and statements are often at variance with their private selves and thoughts and we usually don’t learn much about the latter.

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis was such a person.

Mrs. Kennedy was one of the most beautiful, most beloved, and most discreet women ever to reign as First Lady of the United States. Properly deferring to her husband, she rarely if ever spoke out on controversial issues, as opposed to prior and succeeding graceless Democrat first ladies who have used their unelected positions as platforms to preach, harangue, and run for future office.

That is not to say Jackie didn’t hold strong opinions, she just didn’t air them.

Her views on a noted contemporary won’t get much airing or publicity since they don’t fit well with today’s mainstream media’s chronic case of political correctness and since her views contradict the prevailing attitudes toward an American “icon.” In a word, Jackie thought Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a “terrible” man, so terrible she couldn’t even look at his pictures.

That revelation is heard in long-shelved audio tapes, an “oral history,” which ABC’s Diane Sawyer is featuring on in a two-hour commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Jack Kennedy’s inauguration as president.

In “Jacqueline Kennedy: In Her Own Words,” words spoken and audiotaped in interviews in 1964 which she insisted not be made public in her lifetime, Jackie expressed a number of opinions all of which will be thought-provoking, some of which aren’t politically correct in 2011.

The rumor mill is all agog over possibilities the tapes may include salacious material on the Kennedys’ private lives although that’s improbable considering Jackie’s demure nature. However, they surely will include her conviction that LBJ was complicit in the president’s murder which will become the major media focus on the tapes.

On the other hand, what will surely get little MSM play is Jackie’s distinctly negative comments on MLK since, well, that’s just not PC.

Among other things, Mrs. Kennedy said, ”I just can’t see a picture of Martin Luther King without thinking, you know, that man’s terrible. . ."

Newsday Puffs Muslims

Newsday Puffs Muslims

Newsday, Long Island’s default daily newspaper due to its status as the only Long Island daily paper, published a commentary on Tuesday that must have been a failed attempt at twisted humor, an excursion into fantasy, an Islamic puff piece, or all of the above. (

In a few hundred words, Ibrahim Negm, described as “senior adviser to the grand mufti of Egypt, the second-highest cleric among Sunni Muslims, and a visiting scholar at the Islamic Center of Long Island,” managed to incorporate dark humor, fantastical flights of disturbed fancy, and an unabashed puffery not as much for himself as for his religion, Islam.

Practicing its typical distortions, the ultra-liberal Newsday titled the piece, “Negm: American Muslims, American Goals,” as if its readers would be familiar with the ”senior adviser to the grand mufti of Egypt,” as if they would buy into the premise of the title, as if they would accept the idea that an Egyptian could speak for Americans and believe he would speak the truth.

Published just days before the tenth anniversary of the day when Muslim terrorists screaming “Allahu akbar!” attacked the United States and murdered 2,977 innocent people, the Newsday article reached a new low–even for Newsday–in its contempt for its readership and its country.

Negm begins his piece with what has to be the most preposterously-amusing and bizarre lies that, “The Prophet Muhammad is a model for all observant Muslims, . . . Muslims not only revere the personality of the prophet, but they strive to emulate him. The Quran describes him as a ‘mercy to the world.’ His compassion and magnanimity are immortalized in Islamic culture through both poetic expression and the everyday stories parents tell their children.”

Muhammad may be a Muslim model but that doesn’t say much for Muslims.

I would pity those kids if not . . .

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Musings on the Ugly Beauty of the World Trade Center

Musings on the Ugly Beauty of the World Trade Center

Let’s face it, the World Trade Center, actually a complex of seven buildings with the centerpieces the towers which once stood majestically in Lower Manhattan, wasn’t exactly an architectural beauty.

They were even called ugly.

The two primary towers, one rising to 1,368 feet, the other to 1,362feet, dominated the landscape and were a source of boundless pride and tributes to the supremacy of American commerce for politicians and builders even as most New Yorkers regarded them as impressive but essentially unattractive oblong boxes reaching into the skies.

My family and I visited the World Trade Center in 1988 along with an aged uncle from Ireland. My uncle, terrified of heights, stood petrified against the back wall of the Top of the World observatory and understatedly remarked that the view was “very nice.”

Soaring a full hundred feet above the Empire State Building, the WTC did indeed provide a “very nice” panorama, remarkable, breathtaking views for miles in every direction, in fact, even if the design of the towers was less than pleasing. Those vistas and the pride New Yorkers and all Americans felt for the World Trade Center fully compensated for the towers’ stark severity, described by one architect as “glass-and-metal filing cabinets.”

Despite all their architectural and aesthetic flaws, I still miss the strange, symmetrical elegance of those “filing cabinets” and, despite the passage of ten years, I freely admit that I still weep over the events of September 11th, 2001.

None of us could have anticipated the devastation wreaked on America by Islamic terrorists on that brilliantly-bright morning.

What happened that day didn’t simply involve the destruction of of human life and of buildings. It didn’t merely represent a shocking, unprovoked attack on our homeland. It involved much more than the resultant phenomenal costs, disruptions, and upheavals.

Obviously, the greatest loss was the 2,753 lives snuffed out but not to be forgotten either was the loss of Americans’ illusory senses of invulnerability and indestructibility, the loss of our collective national innocence.

Those attributes were barely shaken by the failed Muslim attempt to knock down the towers in 1993 primarily because they failed. Eight years later they succeeded. What could never happen, happened.

The incomprehensibility of 9/11 was perhaps best illustrated in the reaction of a WTC survivor. . .

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

An Unanticipated Presidential Jobs Speech

An Unanticipated Presidential Jobs Speech

America, Europe, the universe are all waiting in anxious expectation for–and trepidation over–the president’s long-awaited jobs speech, THE SPEECH before a joint session of Congress.

Well, not really. The White House has been playing down its import, few people care what he has to say, and even fewer expect him to say anything we don’t already know: The economy is down, unemployment is up, and Obama will propose flushing a few hundred billion more down the toilet.

The un-momentous address was unavoidably delayed until Barack Hussein Obama could wrap up his latest vacation and figure out what to do in order to get the 26 million of unemployed and underemployed Americans back to work at jobs that pay more than Mickey D and Wal-Mart. Then those nasty Republicans threw a wrench into the presidential plans–by impertinently scheduling a debate months in advance.

It may not be an important speech but it’s almost unprecedented.

Other than States of the Union addresses, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush each commanded America’s prime-time attention via a joint session only twice each in their eight-year tenures; Obama’s address will be his second in the spanse of a mere 32 months.

The White House may have initially strategized the event as blockbuster of utmost significance but when Obama had to defer to Speaker Boehner due to Boehner’s insistence the pre-arranged Wednesday Republican debate took precedence the significance faded. Suspicions the speech would devolve into a campaign pitch and a dearth of administration employment ideas didn’t help, either. There are just so many un-shovel-ready projects.

Rebuffed by Boehner, the administration then chose to buck the NFL instead, a major mistake. You don’t mess with football in some necks of the American woods.

A few members of the GOP are doing a little bucking as well, by playing hooky and skipping the address. For one, Louisiana Senator David Vitter is opting for a New Orleans Saints party in his home state rather than attend.

There’s so little interest in the speech that, to Nancy Pelosi’s chagrin, . . .

Guns Kill People Yet Curettes Don't Kill Fetuses?

Guns Kill People Yet Curettes Don't Kill Fetuses?

The gross hypocrisy of the liberal mentality is no better demonstrated by the seemingly-unrelated issues of gun control and abortion, both of which are strongly supported by libs even though the issues are antithetical: Control of guns is endorsed in the interests of preserving human life, abortion by definition destroys human life and is considered a virtual liberal sacrament.

Liberals can be awfully confusing.

Following yet another bloody weekend in New York City, the pro-abortion, imperial Mayor Michael Bloomberg trotted out the tired, old liberal mantra, regarding guns not abortions.

In reaction to 52 shootings in the city between Friday and Labor Day, including a shoot-out at the festive West Indian parade on Monday in Crown Heights that left 3 people dead, Bloomberg again resorted to the tried and true shibolleth that people don’t kill people, guns kill people.

He didn’t phrase his explanation of the mayhem in quite those terms since it’s been logically and statistically shown that guns aren’t the cause of gun violence and that people are the cause. It’s also been proven in Florida and other states that guns–in the hands of law-abiding people–actually deter criminals. Instead, the mayor invoked the more popular if less catchy line of the anti-gun lobby by blaming the shootings on illegal guns.

Memo to Bloomberg: Legal or illegal, firearms don’t usually discharge themselves.

None of this is meant to suggest that the ubiquity of weapons on the mean streets of New York, in predominantly black Crown Heights or anywhere else, isn’t a serious problem.

Nor is it meant to imply that accidents involving legal guns never happen. They do, although those occurrences are usually attributable to carelessness and are rarities even if the media blows them out of proportion when they do occur–in the interests of promoting gun safety–and the liberal agenda of denying Second Amendment rights to Americans.

The sad truth–as illustrated by New York City which has the most stringent gun possession laws in the nation and also has, per capita, the most illegal weapons in the nation and is undergoing a rapidly rising violent crime rate–is that “gun control” doesn’t work, except to the advantage of criminal elements.

Nevertheless, Bloomberg stuck to the liberal script and ignored reality by nasally intoning, This is ”what happens when elected officials in Washington fail to take the problem of illegal guns seriously.”

Those damned guns. They keep shooting and killing people, an implicit and ridiculous claim that serves to absolve the shooters and killers of individual responsibility for their actions.

The high priest of the liberal church and most-enthusiastically anti-gun and pro-abortion president in America’s history, President Barack Hussein Obama, has said little about guns or babies lately. . .

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A True 9/11 Lowlife: Natarajan Venkataram

A True 9/11 Lowlife: Natarajan Venkataram

Call them low-lifes or low-lives, they abound in our society today and Natarajan Venkataram isn’t the first and won’t be the last. He just qualifies as being among the lowest for stealing as much as $10 million in funds intended to identify the remains of the World Trade Center’s 9/11 victims.

India-native Venkataram admits to stealing from New York City’s Medical Examiner’s office, is abjectly sorry for his acts, is currently in federal detention at the Fort Dix Army Base, and refuses to turn over what’s left of his thievery.

Compounding his gross iniquities, he’s bitching about prison conditions.

The job of identifying the remains of 1,100 of the approximately 2,780 people who died at the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001 is stupefying as evidenced by the vast number yet unidentified a decade later.

Many of the dead were vaporized in the fiery cataclysm of the attacks and relatives of the dead have suggested some remains were ignominiously dumped at the former Fresh Kills landfill in Staten Island, where an estimated two million tons of Ground Zero debris from the WTC were literally dumped to enable the rebuilding of the center complex.

The contentions of the relatives have been substantiated by the recovery of hundreds of bone and other human fragments at Fresh Kills as well as on the roof of the Deutsche Bank building.

Not that the ghoulish Venkataram cared about the horrors of 9/11 or where victims were buried or dumped. . .

Happy Holiday, S.O.B. Barbarians!

Happy Holiday, S.O.B. Barbarians!

Happy Labor Day from the Democrat Party, you barbarian S.O.B. Republicans! Where are the simple days of civility?

I thought former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had scraped the bottom of the empty Democrat barrel and her vacuous brain when she asked at a fundraiser whether Republican kids breathe air.

No, Nance, they and their parents inhale carbon dioxide straight up just to show how tough they are and they even think it’s wise to read legislation prior to passing it.

That Pelosi query can simply be classified as a typically dumb nancy-ism.

What Howard Fineman predicted on “Hardball,” that the Democratic strategy for the presidential and congressional elections will be “down and dirty,” was far from dumb and was reflected in Labor Day remarks by Teamsters President James Hoffa and America’s Vice President Joe Biden.

On a day ostensibly set aside to celebrate the contibutions of workers to the betterment of society, both Hoffa and Biden demeaned the labor movement and the nation.

Hoffa showed he had learned all there is to know about dirty campaigning and the politics of thuggery from his daddy. Biden went him one better by reducing the upcoming presidential campaign to what will probably be the “downed and dirtiest” ever, to war, and not a pretty war at that.

Appearing at a predominantly union labor rally in Detroit on Monday, Hoffa was at his bellicose, reprehensible best in declaring opposition to “a war on workers” and pledged his troops to the president: “President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march!”

For positive reinforcement, he bellowed, “Let’s take these sons of bitches out.”

Parsing that invective, it would seem Hoffa was committing the 1.4 million dues-paying members to enlist or be drafted into his “army” and the “sons of bitches” must refer to any Americans not supporting the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama.

I can almost understand Hoffa’s obvious angst over the labor movement, in view of the collapse of private sector membership from its heyday to a mere 7% of the work force, but does he mean by “taking us out” that he wants us all killed?

He should be reminded that–except for the SEIU and other crazies– the violent union days of the IWW and the UMW are long past and that, in 2011, ”The Sopranos” has been cancelled and we have entered a new age of Obamian civility.

See Jimmy Junior’s videotaped call to arms here:

Hoffa should also be reminded that his father’s body has never been recovered and he should avoid at all costs visiting the New Jersey Meadowlands and the Florida Everglades.

Joe Biden visits lots of places, most recently the Peoples Republic of China where he sucked up to America’s new owner-in-waiting, but unfortunately got back just in time to complement Hoffa’s warlike “sons of bitches” observations with his own obnoxious comments. . .
(Read more and see the videos at

Monday, September 5, 2011

Libya--the Mideast Cuba?

Libya--the Mideast Cuba?

I was just a teenager back in 1959 but I can still recall the great hullabaloo, predominantly positive hulabaloo, over Fidel Castro, with the media referring to him as the “George Washington of Cuba” and exulting over their darling’s victory over the evil Fulgencio Batista, with teachers all a-bubble with excitement since Cuba was finally free.

Not only was Batista, El Hombre, a dictator but he had illegally seized power, had consorted with gamblers and known criminals, and suffered from the severe liability (to American leftists) of being friendly toward the United States.

Similar to the 2008 hype for Barack Hussein Obama, his successor, Fidel Castro was hailed a a savior, a man of the people who would bring joy and prosperity to his island nation. Fidel couldn’t quite walk on water as Obama could but he seemed to share most other Obama qualities and oratorical skills, sans teleprompters.

Not known at the time, with the able assistance of his fellow Marxist revolutionary, Che Guevara, Fidel would imprison and murder tens of thousands of his countrymen, come close to initiating World War III, and reduce Cuba to an economic basket case.

An added bonus for leftist Castrophiles is that, unlike Batista, Fidel hates America.

Although they may not smoke cigars because Islam and Allah frown on tobacco products, the Libyan rebels now on the verge of deposing Muammar Khadaffi and hopefully doing unto him what Iraqis did unto Saddam Hussein may very well turn out to be far worse for U.S. interests than both “mad dog of the Middle East” and the mad dog of the Caribbean.

Khadaffi was certainly not one of America’s best buddies and continued to support international Islamic terrorism yet he, allegedly, abandoned his efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction in 2003, after America massively visited mass destruction on Afghanistan and Hussein’s regime.

Nevertheless, “The devil you know . . . ” and Libyan rebel devils may soon make the United States yearn for the good, old Muammar days.

Our president, peace-lover that he is, refused to concede that our war in Libya was even a war.

The White House opted to describe the conflict as a “kinetic military action” while we kinetically led NATO forces against Khadaffi loyalists, launched hundreds of kinetic Tomahawk cruise missiles against Tripoli and loyalist strongholds, and gave Syria’s equally-treacherous Bashar al-Assad a free pass.

You see, war bad, kinetic military action good in Obamaese. As for Assad, the Obamians haven’t a clue what to do.

Like Fidel Castro who was deemed good contrasted with Fulgencio Batista, the Libyan rebels are likewise considered the good guys compared to Khadaffi. Like Castro, they are likely to bite America on its collective arse, only more severely. . .

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ominous News on Our Doorstep, on Our Horizon

Ominous News on Our Doorstep, on Our Horizon

There was a time in America in the not very distant past when things were very different.

Just a few decades ago, we were respected in the international community, rarely loved, sometimes hated, but usually respected. There was a time when America had a secure border which defined us as a nation, when we felt free to voice our opinions without being condemned as bigots, when government functioned in the interests of the governed, a time when we were a free and sovereign nation not subject to the vagaries and enmities of the 191 other countries in the United Nations.

That time and those times are long past and not solely because of a single political party or one politician, although our current president has far outdone the others, busily undermining not only our economy but everything the United States of America has stood for, starting with our status as a country worthy of respect.

Last Thursday we saw a vivid example of international disrespect that would never have occurred in the past: A contingent of of Mexico’s Secretaria de Seguridad Publica federal police force perpetrated an incursion onto American soil not seen since the insolence of Santa Anna during the Mexican War.

Santa Anna was crushed in the battle of San Jacinto but last week Mexican forces showed their contempt for that American victory and for the American nation.

An El Paso witness reported that Mexican police fired at American hunters on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande and other Mexicans followed that attack “with automatic weapons into the U.S. side . . . stole hunters’ chairs and drove back into Mexico.”

Our authorities are investigating the incident but aside from the theft of a few chairs, will they investigate the temerity of Mexicans invading our nation? Not likely, since we have already granted carte blanche to them and everyone else to violate our borders, thumb their noses at the United States–and steal our chairs.

Almost worse, some Americans are now so terrified of political incorrectness that they have sacrificed lives on the PC altar.

Former-Democrat, now Independent, always-liberal Connecticut’s Senator Joe Lieberman has offered the very valid opinion that had it not been for fear of being labeled prejudiced Muslim Major Nidal Hasan wouldn’t have been able to kill and maim innocent people at Fort Hood in 2009. . .

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Another Climate Lie Bites the Dust

Another Climate Lie Bites the Dust

The opening sentence in a BBC News article titled, “Journal Editor Resigns over ‘Problematic’ Climate Paper” reads, ”The editor of a science journal has resigned after admitting that a recent paper casting doubt on man-made climate change should not have been published.” (

The title is absolutely correct, the opening sentence is absolutely deceptive.

American climatological scientists Roy Spencer and William Braswell reported in the journal Remote Sensing that climate computer models exaggerated global warming projections of temperature increase.

In other words, just as with the 2009-2010 International Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC, scandals when massive fudging was discovered at the East Anglia Climate Research Unit, the warmist clan rigged their computers to make it seem the planet was cooking. And, just as with the IPCC scandals, certain climatologists are closing ranks to preserve their reputations–and wallets.

See ”Climategate,”

Not surprisingly, the report was applauded and endorsed by so-called “global warming deniers” who had found kindred spirits in Spencer and Braswell’s reinforcement of the truth.

Equally unsurprising, so-called “mainstream” scientists whose bread is buttered with the climate change sham attacked the report as if they had, once again, been exposed as liars–which they had been. They couldn’t very well tolerate having their sham, once again, disproven by their fellow scientists and the very science they claim as their own, now could they?

Remote Sensing editor Wolfgang Wagner submitted his resignation letter as a consequence of the whole brouhaha . . .

And You STILL Don't Believe Homosexuals Are Seducing Your Kids?

And You STILL Don't Believe Homosexuals Are Seducing Your Kids?

To the point of redundancy, I’ve posted information regarding the insidious efforts of the “homosexual community,” the self-described “gay lobby,” to beguile American youths into believing the gay lifestyle, life as a homosexual, was nothing more or less than an alternative choice instead of the disturbed, aberrant life path it is.

With gay parades, gay weeks, and concerted media efforts to convince kids that they and eons of societal repugnance are wrong and that current politically-incorrect beliefs are bigoted, homosexuals and their gay and LGBT lobbies have been tirelessly attempting to seduce children as young as twelve into blind acceptance of homosexuality as merely a variation on the norm, something they should look into. has devoted years to exposing homosexual intentions and their accumulating successes including their new wrinkle, gaining acceptability under the guise of campaigning against bullying.

That wrinkle has now spread to the world of sports, particularly the Boston Red Sox.

In July, the Bosox released what the franchise described as a public service announcement in the form of a video titled, “It Gets Better.” The video features a number of Boston players, manager Terry Francona, and some professedly-gay tweens, all lecturing on the evils of bullying and intolerance and encouraging homosexual kids not to worry because it gets better.

The video itself is harmless enough on the surface, until the viewer understands some history and the import of the antecedent of the pronoun “it” as conceived by the video’s creator, a vile, homosexual activist named Dan Savage.

Savage intended “it” to refer to life as a homosexual after a youngster has been hit on and seduced by an adult gay predator such as, just perhaps, Dan Savage.

Disenchanted, dysfunctional Catholic Savage, cleansed by Wikipedia as “an American author, media pundit, journalist, and newspaper editor,” ostensibly established the “It Gets Better” project as a resource for troubled kids but it actually serves as an adjunct to his other enterprises. . .

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Curious Case of Onyango Obama, aka Uncle Omar

The Curious Case of Onyongo Obama, aka Uncle Omar

Emulating sans accent and sans the lovability of ”Hogan’s Heroes” bumbling Sgt. Schultz, Obama’s White House knew “Nothing!” about the presence on American soil of the president’s fugitive alien relative, Uncle Omar, just as it knew nothing about Obama’s “Dear Aunt Zeituni” and her defiance of American immigration law.

Following the DUI arrest of the Kenyan native, Onyango Obama, half-brother of the president’s deceased father, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney declared his boss was “completely unaware” of everything concerning his uncle, presumably including his presence in the United States as an undocumented alien and Massachusetts charges of drunk driving.

Granted, the president is a busy man what with his vacations, his crumbling poll numbers, our deteriorating economy, etc. but you would think someone should have told him his unc was in the can and in a jam. Then, again, our astute chief executive seems oblivious of many things.

His Uncle Omar, as Obama referred to him in Dreams from My Father, was certainly aware of his presidential connections after his arrest when he told Framingham police, “I think I will call the White House.” He’s obviously well-attuned to his rights and privileges since, oddly for an illegal, he was in possession of a driver’s license and a Social Security card at the time of his apprehension.

That curiosity may not be as unusual as Benjamin Buttons’ reverse aging but surely qualifies Uncle Omar as a marvel worthy of Alice’s amazement when she said, “Curiouser and curiouser.” Omar also didn’t fall down a rabbit hole; he fell into a great situation when he somehow succeeded in entering the United States. Specifics on his entry are still pending.

At the very least, he should have called his sister, fellow Bay State resident and former illegal alien, Zeituni Onyango, Obama’s aunt.

For more details on the fugitive Onyangos and their happy wanderings in America, . . .

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Updates on Thomas Jefferson and the MSM

Updates on Thomas Jefferson and the MSM

With news evolving at warp speed today, it’s challenging to keep up but I can do it, at least if the news relates to developments of some significance. When the news involves Thomas Jefferson and the mainstream media, it’s definitely in need of updating.

For example, contrary to popular African-American belief, the principal author of America’s Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, may not have authored children by his slave, Sally Hemings, and she may have been the concubine of Tom’s allegedly randy younger brother, the much less distinguished Randolph Jefferson.

No doubt the debatable Jeffersonian DNA evidence will cause widespread consternation among America’s African-American community which has claimed a Jefferson connection for a decade now, a Thomas Jefferson, not a Randolph Jefferson connection, and has to deflate their genetic pretensions.

The only definite link established by the 1998 DNA match between one of Sally Hemings’ six children, Eston Hemings, and a Jefferson was merely that, a male Jefferson match, not necessarily the Jefferson link.

Robert F. Turner, former University of Virginia professor and Chairman of the Scholars Commission, announced the release of his new book which exposes fallacies in the theory that America’s third president fathered Eston, fallacies largely predicated on circumstantial evidence.

Predictably, the new claims by 12 of the 13 members of Turner’s commission are disputed by various parties with a dog in the Jefferson paternity fight, groups and individuals with a vested interest in the matter.

Leslie G. Bowman, president of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, objectively noted that, “Like the scholars commission . . . the foundation acknowledges there is no way to fully prove or disprove the issue. Our evidence is the same as their evidence–our interpretation of it is different.”

Absent testimony by Sally, Thomas, and Randolph, we will never know the truth.

The truth about the MSM–that it is dominated by liberals, leftists, Democrats, and Obamalovers–is indisputable even as most of the mainstream media continue their absurd pretense of journalistic integrity and objectivity.

Led by the “Old, Grey Lady,” the New York Times which gets greyer and more partisan by the day and which prints all the news it sees fit to print, Obama’s media antedated Obama in their decades-long campaigns to distort news in favor of liberals and liberal points of view at the same time they disparaged, ridiculed, and denounced Republicans and conservatives.

As far back as Dwight Eisenhower whom the media often depicted as a militaristic dolt, through Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, both of whom were customarily characterized as nincompoops–and worse–the media portrayed anyone who didn’t tow the leftist line as serving far above their pay grade.

Richard Nixon and George H. W. Bush 41 escaped those characterizations, Nixon because he carried so much other baggage that attacks on his intelligence would be superfluous, Bush 41 because he was a war hero and a closet liberal. Ironically, those presidents the MSM delighted most in attacking, Ike, Ronaldus Magnus, and GWB, all won second terms.

Dutifully serving as Barack Hussein Obama’s election vanguard, the so-called mainstreamers trotted out their expected salvos early and often in their efforts to decimate Republican contenders for the presidency of every stripe before they could mount a viable threat to their tainted hero. . .