Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Betcha Thought NASA Was Still NASA!

I Betcha Thought NASA Was Still NASA!

I betcha thought that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, was dedicated to “pioneer the future in space exploration and aeronautics research.”

How naive of you! Just because that dedication is part of its mission statement doesn’t mean it’s true now.

We’re in the Age Of Obama when our sights are far less lofty than space exploration, aeronautics research, visiting the moon and the planets, understanding our own planet, exploring the limits of the universe, charting man’s next great adventure into the far reaches of space, going where no man has ever gone before.

What fools we all must be to believe in a mission statement when politics and Obama have radically altered that mission.

Forget all you remember and what you’ve heard about NASA, the promise of John Kennedy that we would go to the moon, the early failures and heartbreaks, July 20th, 1969, Apollo 13, the Space Shuttle, the Hubble telescope, dreams of voyages to Mars and beyond. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1773)

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