Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Righty Paranoiacs vs. Lefty Conspirators

Righty Paranoiacs vs. Lefty Conspirators

Leftists have long been fond of the low tactic of dismissing rightist charges that there exists a vast left wing conspiracy to suppress negative news about liberals and liberal darlings as nothing more than conservatives manufacturing lies to undermine the mass media and its ultimate darling, Barack Hussein Obama.

That canard was largely exploded even before the last election when Rasmussen and Fox/Opinion Dynamics polls showed that large majorities of voters perceived the media as slanted toward Obama and only 11% felt the media was neutral, as it is supposed to be. referred to the media as Obama’s secret weapon.

If their slant was ever a secret, it is no more. Bernard Goldberg, a long time CBS insider, exposed the extent of that slant nine years ago in his book, Bias.

As the president’s approval ratings continue to tank, the Wall Street Journal and have just outed JournoList (sic): . . .

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