Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Sherrods. Profiles in Black Racism?

The Sherrods. Profiles in Black Racism?

“Finally, we must stop the white man and his uncle toms from stealing our election.”

Those aren’t exactly the words of a racial healer, someone committed to effecting a reconciliation between the races, someone like Shirley Sherrod who was recently denounced as a racist, fired by her boss, Tom Vilsack at the USDA, and lambasted by Barack Obama and the NAACP, who then received apologies and accolades from Tom Vilsack, Barack Obama, and the NAACP.

Not at all! Those weren’t the words of Ms. Sherrod expressing as they do an unresolved antipathy toward whitey and toward subservient blacks, those uncle toms defined by the Urban Dictionary as ”black people [who] try to convince other black people that working, education, living well, and setting a good example for their children is selling out.”

No way would Shirley Sherrod the healer use such racially-charged language.

Those are the words of her husband, Charles Sherrod, founding member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, better known as SNCC.

See this undated video of Mr. Sherrod which classifies as one of its “Profiles in Racism:”

Far be it from me to suggest that Mr. Sherrod is in any way a racist or that, Gawd forbid, his wife Shirley in any way shares his sentiments.

Then, again, she too was a member of SNCC back in the 1960’s when it was a major player in the Civil Rights movement. Both Shirley and hubby Chuckie continued their membership in SNCC even after black supremacist Stokely Carmichael, later Kwame Ture, took over the reins and converted SNCC into a militant, black power gang along with fellow black racist, H. Rap Brown. . .

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