Sunday, July 18, 2010

Obama's Rich Time Warp

Obama's Rich Time Warp

When the president tires of babbling that “Bush did it!” he now has another phony mantra: Those Rich Rascally Republicans are the problem.

In his ongoing program of promoting class warfare, Obama trotted out his latest lie on Saturday when he blamed obstructionism in Congress as being caused by that party of the rich, the Republicans, citing especially Republican opposition to extending unemployment benefits.

He conveniently omitted any reference to the multi-billion dollar cost of that addition to the already bloated federal budget. He also forgot to mention the Republican effort to seek a compromise on the issue by using stimulus monies to defray the cost, which idea Harry Reid immediately shot down.

In point of fact, the Democrat Party long ago stopped being the Party of the Common Man or the Party of the Working Class and any financial advantage Republicans had over Democrats in the past is inapplicable today. The millions in Obama’s inner city base may lower the average income disparity but factor in the number of wealthy Democrats in Congress and the power they exert and that disparity disappears.

A brilliant analysis and insightful column by Star Parker on highlights the truth about rich and poor in America and why the poor are going to stay that way. . .

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