Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Glad Tidings!

Glad Tidings!

Positive, uplifting, encouraging, i.e., good, news rarely makes the wires mainly because most of the public seems to prefer to read and hear about mayhem, upheaval, and violence.

As they used to say, it sells newspapers.

Maybe such news renders the problems and turmoils in people’s private lives less oppressive and burdensome. As Tennessee Williams wrote, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desparation” and perhaps he was right and negative news tends to cheer them up because it makes their lives less desparate.

Nevertheless, positive news events do occur even if the MSM isn’t much interested in publicizing them and even if positive and upbeat are often in the eyes of the beholder.

The revelation that 74 year old Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy has no intention of leaving the Court any time soon may not have gladdened the hearts of Obama supporters or of people in the administration but has to be considered a very positive piece of news to most Republicans, conservatives, and those who cherish American tradition and values.

With 24 years on the job, Kennedy may be no John Roberts or Sam Alito or Antonin Scalia or Clarence Thomas and is often a swing vote on the Court rather than an unvarying, staunch conservative. However, more importantly, he also is no Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, or Associate Justice-to be, Elena Kagan.

As such, occasional swing voter or not, Justice Kennedy is a proven asset to conservatives on SCOTUS.

A prime reason the public won’t hear much from the mainstream media about Kennedy’s decision to hang on is Kennedy’s thinking behind that decision. . .

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