Monday, July 26, 2010

Obamacare Off the Radar as the NHS Implodes

Obamacare Off the Radar as the NHS Implodes

For the most part, things have quieted down a tad about Obamacare in the past few months as far as emanations from D.C. “progressives” are concerned–and with good reason. Those progressives, formerly known as liberals, leftists, and Democrats, prefer it that way.

Quiesence serves to enable them to perpetrate their sedition on the sly.

Senate Majority Leader Harry The Undertaker Reid is an exception to that quiesence but he’s gasping for breath in Nevada, fearful that he may follow the lead of former Democrat Majority Leader Tom Daschle and be dispatched back home. In Harry’s case that would be to beautiful, downtown Searchlight, NV to live out his days in obscurity and ignominy.

That is, unless he pulls a Daschle and instead milks his government contacts as a lobbyist.

Harry is desparate for November votes, especially from the disenchanted, the disenfranchisd, even the disembodied if he can figure a way to get dead people to the ballot box ala Chicago. So he has been stroking the disenchanted, the disenfranchised, the disembodied who amazingly feel that Obamacare does not go far enough, even if it was applauded and proclaimed “a miracle” by Fidel Castro.

Officially titled with the typical governmental mouthful, ”Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” Obamacare will ultimately, soon, incorporate a “public option.” Harry is promising, averring, pledging, (Mormons don’t swear), that, even if President Obama swore that was not part of the plan.

Rep. Barney Frank has been less evasive all along and considered the initial Obamacare Act just a foot in the door, a progressive camel’s nose in the tent, which would enable the neo-socialists in Congress to enact the public option which would effectively mean the end of private insurance coverage for everyone in the United States. . .

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