Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Backpedaling, Spinning, Re-interpreting and Lying--Part Two

Backpedaling, Spinning, Re-interpreting, and Lying--Part Two

Deception is not the exclusive province of politicians, even if they have proven themselves more skilled in deceptive practices than most. Sometimes it is groups on the periphery of civilized society that “practice to deceive,” sometimes it’s the government itself that practices deception.

The NBPP Goes Mainstream? The so-called New Black Panther Party for Self Defense, the NBPP, has been virtually shunned by the old Black Panther Party, which says a great deal about the NBPP.

The old Panthers, led by such illustrious figures as Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in the ’60’s and ’70’s was merely a violent, Marxist, black racist group that engaged in murder and mayhem in its efforts to overthrow the government of the United States of America.
The NBPP hasn’t as yet been found guilty of murder but give it time; it’s barely 20 years old and is more skilled than the old Panthers in using American law and white guilt in covering its tracks. Led by Malik Zulu Shabazz and formerly headed by the late Khalid Abdul Muhammed, a renegade from the black racist hate group, the Nation of Islam, it is a formidable force.

With those bona fides, credentials, and historicity, . . .

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