Thursday, July 1, 2010

Racism at the DOJ Part One

Racism at the DOJ Part One

Those of us who wanted to believe that the election of Barack Hussein Obama as president would signal the end of racial politics in America have been rudely awakened to stark reality.

Not only are racial politics alive and well in the United States but they have begun to take on the aura of racism as it exists in Zimbabwe today. It’s a modified racism but not very far removed in spirit from the black racist policies of the president of the formerly prosperous nation of Rhodesia in southern Africa.

Robert Mugabe practiced retributive, revenge, politics against the successful and productive white farmers of Rhodesia by expelling them from their lands and replacing them with inept Zimbabwean blacks with his “land reform.”

He managed to convert the new Zimbabwe into a virtual wasteland.

Barack Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder are far from accomplishing that feat in America, primarily because African Americans constitute a mere 13% of our population. Based on Holder’s actions, it’s a damned good thing for American whites that we still maintain a healthy majority, until Hispanics supersede us.

At the very end of George W. Bush’s second term, . . .

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