Monday, July 12, 2010

Justice, Swiss-American Style: The Roman Polanski Case

Justice, Swiss-American Style: The Roman Polanski Case

At first blush, the announcement by Swiss Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf not to extradite Franco-Polish film director Roman Polanski back to the United States to face punishment for the 1977 rape and sodomy of a 13 year old would seem a miscarriage of justice on the part of the Swiss government.

In fact, it is that and more but the miscarriage was aided and abetted by none other than the United States Department of Justice, Eric Holder, Attorney General.

Apparently, the pressure exerted by the Hollywood Lobby, a prime constituency and financial supporter of the Obama administration, was too much to resist and the DOJ failed to cooperate with the Swiss in providing evidence in the case.

Polanski was originally charged with rape, sodomy, child molestation and supplying illicit drugs to a minor for seducing and brutally attacking Samantha Geimer.

Now 45, Geimer has forgiven him and doesn’t want him prosecuted. She has made no mention of hush money.

He pled guilty to unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, was convicted, . . .

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