Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sex: The Stimulus, the UN, Sexting, and Candy Wrappers

Sex: The Stimulus, the United Nations, Sexting, and Candy Wrappers

By now, everyone and his brother-in-law have heard the amazing tale of Jaycee Lee Dugard who was allegedly kidnapped by Phillip and Nancy Garrido and held for 18 years in a dump of a backyard.

We must say allegedly until the sick bastards are convicted.

She was allegedly raped by registered sex offender Garrido, bore him 2 children, and was finally rescued by the inept police of South Lake Tahoe, CA, when the whole dang “family” accompanied the lunatic to his parole office.

Reports now are that Jaycee, under the name Alissa, worked in Garrido’s store and apparently never made any effort to escape:

That info will no doubt fuel speculation that she was perfectly contented with her lot in life whereas Garrido probably knew that by then Jaycee/Alissa and her 2 girls were as much mental/psychological captives as a physical prisoners.

As bizarre as that case is, it’s not the only weird sex situation on America’s landscape.

Case in point: Obama’s stimulus.

“Stim·u·lus (stmy-ls) n. pl. stim·u·li (-l) 1. Something causing or regarded as causing a response. 2. An agent, action, or condition that elicits or accelerates a physiological or psychological activity or response. 3. Something that incites or rouses to action; an incentive.” (

Obama’s stimulus package may have failed to stimulate jobs but it sure is helping to provide an arousal incentive for some.

The New York Post has uncovered some recipients of Obama’s taxpayer monies, namely sex, umm, “researchers.”

Among other misuses of Obama’s stimulus package are funds being generously doled out to Indiana University to study “correct condom use,” ($221,000), to Syracuse U. to investigate adolescent “hookups,” ($219,000), to the University Of Illinois, Chicago, to evaluate “drug use as a sex enhancer,” ($123,000), and to the University of Maryland, Baltimore, to examine the issue of how amphetamines influence “female rat sexual behavior,” ($28,000):

Either rat sex is considered a low priority or U. Maryland is on Obama’s chit list. However, it’s good to see that over a half million of our hard-earned dollars are being spent constructively.

Look, like a drunk with oodles of money, our government figures that it’s either use it and waste it, or lose it. After all, it’s all designed to stimulate, right? And it’s the American way amd not the bureaucrats’ money.

Second case in point, The United Nations.

Funded 22% by generous contributions from the United States, the U.N. is no slouch when it comes to wasteful spending by bureaucrats, either.

In fact, much of its profligate spending, especially but not confined to UNESCO, would be considered an immoral and unethical use of our taxes–if most of us knew about it.

Example: We have learned through song and tradition to teach our children well so it’s gratifying to know that the United Nations, ever on the alert for improving world conditions, is dead set on teaching and improving the condition of our young.

However, the Third World-dominated United Nations, thinking that Zambians, Kenyans, Uruguayans, and Cambodians share Americans’ beliefs and value system, would love to dump that system. UNESCO wants to teach our children but not exactly teach our Christian values.

Granted, it can be disconcerting to parents when their 5 year olds get discontented due to ennui. We used to tell them to dust or go out to play. The U.N. has a better solution, a different take on “play:” Teach them to masturbate!

Advocating universal access to “reproductive rights” and contending that “sexuality education is an integral component of human rights,” UNESCO has determined age-specific guidelines for children of all ages to learn and exercise their “sexual rights.”

. Children ages 5-9 also should be taught, “that all people regardless of their health status, religion, origin, race or sexual status can raise a child and give it the love it deserves.” (Note the inclusion of “sexual status,” the U.N.’s unsubtle endorsement of gay adoption; the pro-gay thread runs throughout the UNESCO report.)

. Children 9-12, among other things, should be taught about “homophobia, transphobia and abuse of power” as well as the “definition and function of orgasm.” By age 12, a kid should learn how “to be a good sexual partner.”

Children 12-15: “The report recommends discussing ‘access to safe abortion and post-abortion care’ and the ‘use and misuse of emergency contraception.’ “

UNESCO’s primary interests are a reduction in “depletion of natural resources” and teaching that, “traditional values on marriage and sex are faulty.”

The U.N.’s guiding lights? SIECUS and Planned Parenthood. (See “Homosexuality in America, Part Six: Indoctrinating Kids,”

Parents, don’t forget to get your kids out on Halloween to solicit pennies for UNICEF and maybe a few bucks for UNESCO.

Third case in point: "Sexting” . . .

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Attempted Deference to Ted Kennedy

Attempted Deference to Ted Kennedy

After being rebuked by my daughter and then by my bride over my less than respectful postings on Teddy Kennedy, I resolved to be nicer, in fact, to avoid any further commentary which did not speak well of the man.

I couldn’t find anything nice to say so, in lieu of that option, I resolved to say nothing further, nada, diddly about the life or passing of Uncle Teddy.

That resolution also failed. I had to break it after reading about Ted’s love of Chappaquiddick jokes.

Ed Klein, former Newsweek foreign editor, revealed that Jocular Ted “loved to hear and tell Chappaquiddick jokes, and was always eager to know if anyone had heard any new ones.”

Of course, Klein immediately defended Kennedy’s warped sense of humor after seeing the shock it caused. Klein then interjected that he didn’t mean to suggest Ted lacked remorse:

Uncle Ted’s kids and grandkids would probably think that so cool, even awesome, that good ol’ dad and their so very funny gramps could chuckle about a murder he committed and, thanks to his name, got away with.

It just seems to me a very odd expression of remorse.

Seriously now, are none of America’s un-crowned royalty, the Kennedys, capable of distinguishing hype from reality? Are none of them capable of experiencing empathy for Mary Jo Kopechne? Do any of them, despite their expressions of deep grief at Ted’s funeral, have souls?

Or are all well-trained in the proper demeanor and well-versed in the proper language when in public venues while they get off in private over sick Chappaquiddick jokes?

In a related development, excerpts from both the letter Uncle Teddy wrote in July to Pope Benedict XVI and the Pope’s response have now been made public:

At Kennedy’s Arlington burial, Theodore Cardinal McCarrick read extended excerpts from both letters. No mention was made of either Chappaquiddick or of Ted’s rollicking sense of humor.

As suspected, in his letter, the late senator confessed to a “deep humility to ask that you pray for me as my own health declines.” He went on to bemoan his condition, praise President Obama, defend his record, and brag about his dedication.

Kennedy concluded his missive by writing, . . .

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Reader Comments from the Dark Side

Reader Comments on the More Negative Side

In an honest effort to counterbalance previously-posted favorable observations, the following are less than complimentary comments on my articles. I post them in recognition of the axiom that one must always consider the source.

Re: “Rahm Emanuel, the Jewish Himmler:”

wacos wrote:

I think we need to take your computer away from you until you grow up and start acting like an adult. You are sick!

8/29/2009 8:51 AM EDT on

Re: “Obama Hates White People . . .”

jlb999 wrote:

Why are advetisers boycotting his show?

8/28/2009 7:30 AM EDT on

Re: “Rush Offends Gays! Gasp!”

ironmyke wrote:

Silly post.

8/21/2009 6:22 PM EDT on

Re: “Phil Spector, All Verklempt in the Snake Pit:”

Oldironsides wrote:

Who was it that said, “Genius borders on Insanity”. Phil Spector had the millions to pay for his defense and he got a hung jury in his first trial. His luck ran out at his second trial. He shouldn’t be treated a someone special.

8/21/2009 12:33 AM EDT on

Re: “Michelle Obama’s Short Shorts . . .”

geesdaddy wrote:

I bet she’s classier and far more intelligent than any woman in your family including you! Nice try 98. Pull your pointed hood down and carry on with your ranting. . . .

(Read the rest of the accolades at http://genelalorcom)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Rahm, the Jewish Himmler

The Brothers Emanuel Part Two: Rahm, the Jewish Himmler

(Please see “The Brothers Emanuel Part One: Ezekiel, the Jewish Mengele,”

If Ezekiel Emanuel is Obama’s Josef Mengele, then Rahm Emanuel is his Heinrich Himmler. Dr. Mengele was Hitler’s “Angel of Death,” Himmler his architect of merciless devastation and the Holocaust.

As Obama’s Chief of Staff and Senior Aide to the President, a heady position often termed the second most powerful in Washington, Rahm is charged with the duties of choosing and supervising the White House staff, determining who gets access to the president, and managing the flow of information the president sees and hears.

Above all, his responsibility is protecting the president’s interests and in that role he has great latitude in this administration, enabling him to set policy and to execute whatever measures as necessary to CTPA, Cover The President’s Ass.

There’s no doubt he’s been brutally efficient in the execution of his office, . .

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Tidbits: Howie, Cindy, Teddy, and Barry

Tidbits: Howie, Cindy, Teddy, and Barry

Screamin’ Howie Dean Finally Makes Some Sense: With nothing to lose, DNC Chairman Dr. Howard Dean went down a road Democratic officeholders fear to tread. Marginalized in his position by the Obama administration, he dared expose one of the principal flaws in Obamacare: the absence of any move toward tort reform. He further dared to define the reason–fear of the Trial Lawyers Association, which feeds more money into Democratic Party coffers than any other single group:

One should not bite the hand that fees one so, should Obamacare become law, even the most skilled and dilligent doctors will still order test after test, prescribe med after med, lest a rapacious lawyer, like former Senator John Edwards, descend on them.

Silly Cindy Sheehan Re-directs Fire: Poor Cindy. She gained widespread notoriety by sensationalizing the death of her son, Casey, in Iraq, with Camp Casey squatting outside George W. Bush’s Crawford, Texas compound. Now she has a new enemy, Barack Obama. Complaining that the new president isn’t much different from the old with his Iraq and Afghanistan policies, Sheehan has laid siege to Martha’s Vineyard where the Obama family is vacationing:

She’s discovered that the more things change, the more they remain the same but that life as a tool of the left in her capacity of anti-war activist just ain’t the same since the media is much more forgiving when it comes to a president they idolize as opposed to one they loathed.

Dying Teddy Kennedy Got Religion: The “Liberal Lion” sent a secret note to Pope Benedict XVI last month via delivery-boy extraordinaire, Barack Obama. . .

(Read the rest at http://genelalorcom)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Obama Hates White People and Wants Them to Die!

Obama Hates White People and Wants Them to Die!

The title of this article was borrowed, slightly altered, from what liberals were saying about President George W. Bush shortly after Katrina all but obliterated New Orleans.

Inspired by the words of Kanye West, they accused Bush and FEMA of hating black people and wanting them to die because they didn’t work a miracle in 2005.

Conservative radio talk show host and TV commentor Glenn Beck didn’t quite say that President Obama hates white people and wants them to die, although he may as well have based on the caterwauling of late.

What Beck definitely didn’t say was that Obama should commit suicide on air, a suggestion made for Beck by an illiberal. Reminiscent of the witticism enjoyed by the president that Rush Limbaugh should die of kidney failure, hear it here:

Glenn Beck is my kinda guy.

He speaks whereof he thinks and he thinks whereof he speaks.

When a guy thinks and speaks from a rightist viewpoint, he has to expect flak from the leftist ilk who infest the media.

Still, Beck is now being assailed with far more leftist bricks and brickbats than is customary.

They’re not literal bricks and brickbats as yet only because his liberal attackers lack the gonads to engage in physical combat but, if they could, his assailants would hit him with all they’ve got, including their purses, leaded boas, and rock-filled jock straps. . .

(Read the rest at http://genelalorcom)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Treasonous Teddy Kennedy

Treasonous Teddy Kennedy

I’ve been chastised! By my 29 year old daughter, no less!

She admonished me about “speaking ill of the dead” because of my previous article, “Ted Kennedy, ‘Liberal Lion’ and Murderer is Dead.”

And here I thought I was being fairly gracious in that piece, taking some pains to avoid detailing the events of 40 years ago when Ted ran his car off a bridge and into a murky tidal channel on Chappaquiddick Island and swam or walked away, leaving 29 year old Mary Jo Kopechne to drown.

I even offered the sentiment that I hoped Ted had made peace with his Maker before he succumbed to brain cancer.

Apparently, generally relating the factual and sad tale of the death of Mary Jo at this point in time is considered by some to be unkind to the memory of Senator Kennedy.

I would have to disagree and, in fact, there was much more I could have written about the personal and political life of the senator, but I chose not to.

Others have been less discreet than I and, on second thought, there were other Kennedy “incidents” which demand mention, namely his subversive machinations with the Soviet Union. They reflect dismally on the career of the senator, almost on a par with the curious circumstances surrounding the death of Mary Jo.

Indeed, from a political and perhaps moral, perspective, they were worse.

Those incidents won’t be discussed in liberal media retrospectives on Ted Kennedy which have a vested and emotional interest in the Camelot Era of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and which studiously avoid tarnishing its image in any way, including citing any negativity surrounding the last remaining Kennedy brother.

Case in point was Wednesday evening’s coverage of Ted Kennedy’s death on ABC.

No mention was made of his expulsion from Harvard for cheating, his legendary philandering, or his more legendary imbibing. Regarding Chappaquiddick, ABC merely referred, twice, to “a female” who died in his car that fateful night.

ABC cares much for Kennedy memories but when it came to according recognition to that female, her name wasn’t worth mentioning.

As for ABC and other networks referencing his treasonous activities, are you kidding?

On his own, Ted himself greatly tarnished–disgraced is a better word–the Kennedy mystique when he conspired and collaborated with the leaders of the Soviet Union against his own country.

If his actions did not constitute treason, they came damned close.

Ted didn’t like Ronald Reagan any more than he liked Jimmy Carter. He also didn’t like Reagan’s foreign policy toward the U.S.S.R. and detested Reagan’s plan for the SDI. Ted came from the rapprochement school of international relations, a variation on the peace at any price, make nice to thine enemies, school in hopes they will reciprocate in kind.

The SDI, the Strategic Defense Initiative, derided by the media as “Star Wars,” was probably the single most significant strategical move that brought down that wall in Berlin, leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The Soviets tried to counter SDI but its corrupt communist society and moribund economy couldn’t compete and the U.S.S.R. went bankrupt trying.

It was only after KGB archives were made public that it was revealed that Senator Ted Kennedy, during the height of the Cold War, had conspired against his own country. . . .

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Ted Kennedy, Icon and Murderer

Lest we forget amidst all the mournful encomia over the death of Senator Edward Moore “Ted” Kennedy and the expected idolatrous obsequies to follow that the man murdered a young girl 40 years ago.

He never, publically, admitted that murder.

I won’t prance about singing, “Ding, dong, the bastard’s dead, the bastard’s dead” as if he were the wicked warlock of Massachusetts. Nor will I scream in exultation over his passing as Blacks did over the exoneration of a murderer in California 15 years ago.

But, I do hope Teddy fessed up to his God before he expired.

After a long and no doubt painful lingering and suffering from the effects of brain cancer, at age 77, Ted, Uncle Teddy to many, succumbed to that insidious disease Tuesday night at his home in Hyannisport, Massachusetts.

His family’s statement:

I know that any negative comments about someone who has just died would be grossly inappropriate.

I come not to castigate Ted Kennedy and his life but to bury him, hoping his funeral and burial are devoid of the circus atmosphere we all recently witnessed with another American icon.

Ted Kennedy was indeed an icon to his liberal constituents and supporters and he will be missed by them.

However, if we disregard and forget his various foibles, and crimes, we do not do justice to his memory. We would then be praising a saint, something he was not, by any stretch of any imagination.

I was never privy to Ted Kennedy’s deepest thoughts, regrets, and anxieties, but I would hope that, before the end, he repented his (hopefully) most grievous crime, his merciless escape as Mary Jo Kopechne was screaming for help in his sinking Oldsmobile, vainly hoping Ted would save her from drowning:

By now, Mary Jo may have re-made her acquaintance with Teddy. By now she may have bid him adieu as he is reassigned to his proper and eternal venue.

My guess is that it will be very hot where he went.

May he rest in peace or roast in agony. That call is in the hands of God.

God will weigh Ted’s use of taxpayer dollars to subsidize the Big Dig and abortion and all his other leftist policies against Ted’s soul.

My guess is that Ted will lose any defense he may think he has.

If Mary Jo testifies for the prosecution, Uncle Ted is literally cooked.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ezekiel Emanuel--the Jewish Mengele

The Brothers Emanuel. Part One: Ezekiel–the Jewish Mengele

All successful, high achievers, all activists, all leftist ideologues in the Saul Alinsky mold, and all Chicago Democrats, the brothers Emanuel–Ezekiel, Rahm, and Ari–are easily the most politically influential trio in the history of America.

Rahm Emanuel may be the most visible as President Obama’s ruthless Chief of Staff but behind the scenes in his capacity as Obama’s “Deadly Doctor,” Ezekiel, an oncologist and “medical bioethicist,” also wields enormous power as the president’s Special Advisor for Health Policy.

Ari, the baby brother, a prominent Hollywood talent agent, is on the political periphery.

This band of brothers, all of whom studied ballet in their youth, spring from the marriage of Benjamin Emanuel and Marsha Smulevitz. Their father was an Israeli-born pediatrician and former member of Irgun, an Israeli terrorist organization, their mother the daughter of a radical union organizer.

Those nuts rarely fall far from those trees.

There’s no shortage of chutzpa in the Emanuel clan. It could also be termed Odyssian hubris or arrogance, as in, We know what’s best for you so just shut up, sit down, and keep your opinions to yourself!

According to Wikipedia and other sources, the family patriarch changed his surname from Auerbach and adopted Emanuel, meaning, God is with us. In Hebrew, Rahm means high or lofty, Ezekiel strength of God, Ari lion or eagle.

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, “architect of Obamacare” who takes issue with the Hippocratic Oath, is remarkable in that his views on health care are eerily reminiscent of Hitler and the “Angel of Death,” Josef Mengele.

For a Jew, that actually exceeds remarkable and enters the realm of bizarre.

Last month, Rep. Ron Paul posted an article on his website on Zeke’s views on his health care architecture, including a video on Obamacare’s “depopulation policy:” . . .

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Sex Stories

Sex Stories: Teachers, Disease, and Mutilation
Nothing juices public attention more than sex stories of one sort or another. Here are three unrelated sex tales which appeared in the news recently, one involving oversexed teachers, one involving sexual disease, one involving sexual mutilation.

What else could you ask for?

Teachers Are At It Again: It’s become almost commonplace to read of American teachers having affairs with American students as if it’s almost a mandated extracurricular activity.

(Do see Part One in a series, “Teachers Gone Wild,”, “Teachers Gone Wild V” et al. Having served in the education trenches, I know whereof I speak.)

Said sexual activity, once largely confined to male teachers hitting on gullible and vulnerable female students, has in the last two decades become the shared province of female teachers. It seems that, fueled by their bubbling lust and our hypersexed society, they also want in on the action and to hell with the consequences.

We’ve all heard of certain infamous “ladies” of the classroom daytime who have made the papers by providing extra help to students above and beyond school district mandates.

There was the absolutely gorgeous Debra LaFave of Florida. Debs seduced and bedded a 14 year old boy when she was 23. She was considered too pretty to serve time in a jail “hell hole” so was punished for her indiscretions with home confinement. Sort of like school detention without homework assignments.

Then there was New Hampshire’s own Pamela Smart who belied her surname by seducing a 15 year old boy and assigned him to kill her hubby. Apparently unaware of a thing called divorce court, she’s serving a life sentence.

Finally, there was Seattle’s queen of lecherous ladies, Mary Kay Schmitz Letourneau Fualauu.

Mary Kay–no relation to the cosmetics people– had 4 kids with her spouse then went on to set all kinds of nasty records in the female teacher pedophiliac history book.

She first spied her prey in 2nd grade, landed him when he was 12, got a suspended sentence, violated her parole, bore him 2 kids, and served more time. She finally made an honest man of Vili Fualauu by marrying him after her husband divorced her for some reason.

Now there’s a new contender for the teacher-lecher throne, Michelle Simonson of Michigan. She, however, has a long way to go to catch up with the leaders of the cougar pack.

Michelle got caught up in the teen sexting craze even though she was 28. She allegedly sexted some 50 sexually suggestive messages to a 14 year old special ed student, including one of herself topless. She’s been charged with sexual abuse.

The report on Michelle, written by a woman, offers a slew of reasons for female predation: (Pictures of 14 “women in trouble” can be viewed on that website.)

Usually, males apprehended in similar situations have been dispatched to prison with little concern for what made them do it.

It’s nice to see that Women’s Liberation has evened the playing field for women, so to speak.

STD’s, the Red Badge of Manhood: A Swedish study . . .

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Abortion and Obamacare

Abortion and Obamacare

Question: Do any of the various obamacare bills floating around congress specifically state, “The government of the United States of America will fund abortions?”

The short answer is, “Obviously not!”

Obviously, because even abortion-loving, leftist Democrats know that including such language or any other language suggesting government-endorsed payments for terminating the lives of the pre-born in any obamacare package would ignite a firestorm of opposition and doom it to failure.

Failure to pass health reform legislation would also doom Obama to ignominious failure and his legacy to oblivion.

However, as usual, the devil lurks hidden in the details. After all, Democrats somehow, some way must satisfy their liberal followers by making certain the United States government preserves their gory sacrament of abortion.

The quintessentially pro-abortion Obama has said repeatedly that the deadly procedure will not be part of his version of health care and that it’s just one more “myth” that obamacare would incorporate abortion.

He and his minions say a lot of things, including contradicting themselves on the public option, insisting Americans would be free to keep their current medical insurance, swearing that illegals won’t be covered, vowing there will be no rationing, and refusing to pull the plug on grandma.

Unsaid is that after private insurers have been run out of business, there won’t be any other options available and the millions of illegals will all be declared legals. As for grandma, after getting her “end of life counseling,” she’ll be so depressed she’ll pull her own plug.

At Notre Dame last spring, . . .

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The Race Deck

The Race Deck

J.J. Jackson nailed it with his piece titled, “A Deck Full of Race Cards,”

What Jackson “nailed” is a subject as tough to nail as a blob of jello: black pols using race to cover up their failures and ineptitude. It’s so tough that to even mention the issue is to incite charges of racism, by whites against blacks, of course.

Jackson’s article focused on New York State’s Democratic governor-by-default, David Patterson, who acceded to that highest office in my state by virtue of his predecessor’s virtue deficit.

You may recall disgraced Governor Eliot Spitzer, Governor Righteously Squeaky Clean. To put it delicately, Eliot valued a dally in the valley with prostitutes more highly than he valued himself, his office, his family, and the citizenry of New York.

Anyway, Eliot–not the endearing Elliot of E.T. fame but the former lecherous governor–hand-picked Patterson as his lieutenant governor in 2006. The reason is uncertain since the black vote is always in the pockets of Democrats. Maybe Patterson was chosen to cement the disabled vote since he’s legally blind.

Either way, after taking over on St. Patrick’s Day in 2007 and finally confronted with the opportunity to actually do something, Patterson, a walking, talking example of the Peter Principle in action, immediately proceded to screw up. . . .

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mabel Defends Her Turf in Florida

Mabel Defends Her Turf in Florida

“Load up the blunderbuss, Mabel! Feel free to fire whenever you want!”

“But, Zeke, the guy is vamoosing! He’s hightailing it!

“Makes no nevermind, Mabe! Dang it, he done shot the dawg and he’s runnin’ away with our chickens! Ya can at least wing the bastard if ya aim straight.”

“Watch yer mouth, Zeke.”

“Sorry, Mabes. But get him, dammit!”

“I done got him, Zeke!”

“Nice shootin’, Mabel!”

“Thanks, Zekey.”

I doubt that’s exactly the scenario envisioned by Florida’s First District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee in a recent ruling, but it’s not far from it.

The court ruled that even if a felon was movin’ on out, retreating from the scene of a crime, Florida residents would be within their rights to blow him away.

The case involved Jimmy Hair who was incarcerated for two years awaiting trial for first degree murder after killing Charles Harper. Harper had forced his way into Hair’s car outside a Tallahassee night spot following an argument in the bar.

Hair was released under the 3-judge appelate court’s unaninmous interpretation of Florida’s “stand your ground” law. The court decided that, “The statute makes no exception from immunity when the victim is in retreat.”

Now, back to Mabel and Zeke. Let’s just say the chicken-napper was already out the barn and skedaddling for all he was worth, a hen in each grimy hand. Would Mabel be justified in shooting, winging, and/or killing him?

I have no clue. I’m not a lawyer. However, that appeals court would probably rule she acted within her rights.

What I do know is that, with this ruling, chicken-napping as well as all other crime in the Sunshine State should now take a severe downturn since nappers, muggers, and other criminals will think twice before perpetrating other crimes.

It’s said by some that capital punishment laws don’t deter murderers. I would say . . .

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Michael Jackson, One Mo' Time

Michael Jackson, One Mo’ Time

I’m not one to cast aspersions on the dead who can’t readily defend themselves.

Well, I am when said dead effected extreme havoc in their lifetimes and their blind idolators continue their efforts to sanctify a sick pedophile such as pop icon, Michael Jackson.

Jackson, whose talent is not in dispute, still lies unburied as of this writing. That bizarre fact has been necessitated as much by criminal inquiries as to the cause of his death as by his family’s and his coterie’s efforts to make his funeral and interment as much a public circus as humanly possible.

The reader should feel free to visit and view the countless websites and print articles that bemoan the death of Michael Jackson and suggest all sorts of conspiracies and machinations behind his untimely demise.

Those interested should also visit and view websites which suggest Jackson was nothing short of a martyed saint.

Those readers with brains larger than a pea might want to learn some truth about the sainted, “King of Pop” by taking a look at this 2-minute YouTube video, . . .

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Rush Offends Gays! Gasp!

Rush Offends Gays! Gasp!

I’ve often said Rush Limbaugh is a bombastic, egotistical, hypocritical, disputatious blowhard. However, he’s our very conservative bombastic, egotistical, hypocritical, disputatious blowhard, and he happens to be correct virtually always in his arguments.

His negative traits may detract from Rush’s overall persona but they have no bearing on his facts and presentation of what he calls “essential truths” and are unrelated to his credibility and accuracy.

For example, as an intermittent but regular listener for 20+ years to the thrice-married Limbaugh, I have never heard him defend or deny his multi-marriages nor to badmouth his exes in any way.

In fact, he speaks very kindly of the fair gender. Whatever his difficulties with maintaining a stable marital union are beyond my ken, and beyond my interest. His prodigious ego or his various wives’ ambitions may be major factors, but what do I know?

He would be grossly hypocritical should he express support for the sanctity of marriage, which he doesn’t, even if he cannot be lauded as a paragon of marital fidelity.

His negative commentaries on gay marriages, however, though attacked by homosexuals as hypocrisy, are entirely within the realm of fair game since gay marriage is such an obvious transgression of natural law, and of common sense.

By far the favorite whipping boy of the Left, Limbaugh is under attack once again, this time for an off-hand yuk about our homosexual brethren.

In reaction to glibly-gay Rep. Barney Frank’s sarcastic response to a town haller questioner asking, “On what planet do you spend most of your time?” Rush punned that, ”Isn’t it an established fact that Barney Frank himself spends most of his time living around Uranus?”

I thought it was a pretty funny, and true, retort by Limbaugh.

As for poking fun at Rep. Frank, I’m sure Barney has been poked before, so he should be used to it. Gays, however, were offended by the joke for some reason.

Tsk, tsk.

Official and semi-official expressions of offense were amusing enough but those who commented on the Huffington Post story were positively riotous and the comments by the commenters said far more about them than they did about Rush:

Those comments included these gems: . . .

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Quickies, (in the News, that Is)

Ya Want Mercury With that?: The Washington Post reports on something pregnant women have known about for a good while.

They knew that they should avoid consuming fish and especially the garbage-eaters of the seas, shellfish, for fear of absorbing excessive amounts of mercury and damaging their pre-born babies:

Not mentioned by the Post is the fish future after billions of government-mandated, mercury-laden compact fluourescent light bulbs outlive their usefulness and are discarded and the mercury makes its way onto America’s dinner plates and into our central nervous systems.

Hey! Joe was a clunker! So bury him!: According to USA Today, more and more American families are turning to government charity to bury their dead, especially in Los Angeles and Las Vegas:

This country once upon a time was noted for its self-reliant, independent people. Not any more, thanks to decades of government handouts, bailouts, and welfare. Time was when even the poorest scraped together enough to pay the insurance man enough to ensure a proper burial.

That’s passe’ today as we have become a nation of takers rather than do-ers.

A Weekend with Bernie: Bernie Madoff was an outstanding scoundrel but somewhat less than outstanding in the sack, as reported by . . .

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Phil Spector All Verklempt in the Snake Pit

Phil Spector All Verklempt in the Snake Pit

Your heart has to go out to the pathetic Phil Spector, seen here in his glory days.

Spector was sentenced in June to 19 years for sticking a gun in the mouth of actress/model Lana Clarkson and pulling the trigger in the living room of his stately mansion.

He’s actually a pretty lucky guy since he’ll only be 88 when he’s released in 2028 whereas Bernie Madoff will be a ripe, old 221 when his term is up in the year 2249–and Bernie didn’t even kill anyone.

(For further detail on Spector’s crime and trial, see “Phil Spector, Justice Served, Justice Denied,”

In recognition of the 69 year old Spector’s specialness, prison authorities placed him in the “sensitive-needs” section of the California State Prison at Corcoran where he is isolated from the general population and need not partake of his victuals sitting elbow to elbow with criminals.

Still, the “mad genius” of rock and roll is terrified residing in that “snake pit” of a place and is, therefore and understandably, an unhappy camper-inmate in his 3X7 foot cell. . . .

(Read the rest of Phil's plight at

Barney Frank and the Indelicate Art of Sarcasm

Barney Frank and the Indelicate Art of Sarcasm

“Sarcasm: 1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain; 2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual” (

A low form of wit, sarcasm becomes, in one-on-one discussions, an angry last resort used by those devoid of substantive argument to strike out against an opponent in lieu of the ability to refute contentions of the opposition.

Most of us have used sarcasm at one time or another in adulthood. However, it’s a rhetorical device more associated with childhood repartee when a conflict erupts involving such matters as sandlot baseball disputes or girl tweens arguing over whose bff is a skank or who wears last year’s jeans.

Retorts and invective such as, Your mother wears army boots or, You suck like a Hoover, were common back in the ol’ days. I frankly don’t know what’s in vogue in the tween sarcasm department nowadays.

However, as one SCOTUS justice once said about pornography, I know it when I see it and I know it when I see Rep. Barney Frank, (D. MA), employing it often as a defense mechanism reflective of his, umm, sexual proclivities.

(For more than anyone really needs to know about Barney, please see “Here’s Barney,”

Barney, and, again, not the kid favorite purple Barney but that proud queer congressman whose constituency incorporates rampant- lesbian Wellesley College and Dartmouth, got his gay dander up when hit recently with pertinent town hall questions.

Absent his purse as a weapon, Barney’s only recourse was sarcasm to cover his butt.

He was incensed, incensed I tell you, . . .

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Swine Flu and Government-Induced Panic

Swine Flu and Swine: Government-Induced Panic

In academia, it’s called “publish or perish,” unwritten, university-imposed requisites that untenured professors publish something, virtually anything, to get the university name some publicity, and for the professors to avoid being canned.

It results in profs rushing into print some of the most godawful tripe no matter its relevance, no matter its accuracy.

Our present government, which revels in panic of all sorts, engages in similar ploys to arouse needless public “agina” over the economy, health care, and the environment hoping voters will agree on quick legislative action in lieu of enacting intelligent laws.

Get it done, “publish” it, before the electorate catches on and ousts the enactors in the next election.

The tactic was working until Obamacare hit the fan.

Last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC, got into the panic act with its dire warnings and predictions on the Swine Flu, officially known as H1N1.

A governmental agency under the Department of Health and Human Services, the CDC and its dedicated people won’t exactly perish if they don’t publish claptrap.

They’re protected under Civil Service laws and, much like meteorologists forecasting the weather, they’re aware that when their claptrap is proven woefully wrong, the average joe will have forgotten what they said.

Besides, panics afford them some limelight and may help their climb up the promotional ladder.

The CDC latched onto the Swine Flu, H1N1, in 2008 as if it represented the onset of a pandemic worse than the bubonic plague melded into the Black Plague.

Far worse than contracting H1N1 could be the vaccinations the CDC is now advocating. Some sources are alleging it is as ineffective as it is deadly: . . .

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Lefty Exposed on Facebook

A Lefty Exposed on Facebook reported on a Facebook scam involving former Alaska governor, Sarah Palin and perpetrated by a Hollywood leftist. Sorry for that redundancy.

It seems screenwriter Alex Grossman who, apparently, has a lot of time on his hands and isn’t writing much in the way of screens, got off by pretending to be a woman, Mrs. Palin, on Facebook.

He got away with it until Facebook caught him and disabled his account, although not before he posted 3 or 4 times daily since June and not until after numerous notices by those stupid, conservative Palin supporters. gave no information on whether Grossman is a cross-dresser or whether he tends to swish when he struts his stuff. We can only surmise that.

His stated purpose? He wanted “to demonstrate his theory that Sarah Palin is using people who are easily duped for her own political gain” and to show that “Palin is using these Moral Majority, holy rollers who are uneducated and lower-middle class for her own power.”

He says “those people” only care about “Jesus, salmon recipes and killing moose.” He further believes that we should “go back to [our] knitting clubs and pancake breakfasts” and forsake politics.

Grossman’s obvious, insulting implications were that Palin supporters, i.e. conservatives, were so dumb that we would best serve our purpose in life by sticking with other dummies and leave the real political thinking and involvement to his ilk.

He had other compliments for those of us who still think Mrs. Palin was the greatest thing to happen to the Republican Party since Ronald Reagan.

Grossman thinks we “know nothing about her politically” and that, “She is enflaming hatred like was done in Fascist Germany–go after the uneducated, lower class to gain political power:”

Methinks I smell another leftist elitist and a distinct, underachieving, elite, leftist bigot who may very well be orgasmic at the thought of Sarah Palin but who has to settle for Perez Hilton since that’s the way he was born.

I freely admit I am a Christian but I’m indifferent toward salmon and moose. I don’t roll much, I’m not especially holy, and I probably dupe more often than I’m duped. My wife is in a knitting club but not I and I do love pancakes.

I’d place myself in the upper middle class and probably have a better education than Mr. Grossman, even if I did, like Gen. Colin Powell, originate in the South Bronx.

I also think Perez Hilton would make an awesome match for Alex. . . .

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Disconnect Between Catholic Hierarchy and Catholics

The Disconnect Between the Catholic Hierarchy and Catholics

An article in brings to the front and center of America’s crowded social stage the aching void that exists between the Catholic Church hierarchy, the bishops and cardinals, and the mass of laity.

Titled, “Catholic Church and Health Care Reform,” the piece by Bill Claydon illustrates that Church leaders aren’t exactly on the same page as churchgoers when it comes to social issues in America:

For that matter, neither are “Catholic” American poiticians such as Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Ted Kennedy, et al. even in the same chapter as Catholic churchgoers, but I’ll save that subject for future attention.

Claydon points out that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the USCCB, enthusiastically endorses Obamacare– universal, government-run, health care–despite its tacit acceptance of two Catholic cardinal sins, abortion of innocent pre-born babies and euthanasia.

None of the Democratic-sponsored versions of Obamacare explicity mention government-paid abortions and none dare mention euthanasia. Implicit in all versions is government-endorsed, and paid for, both abominations.

Abortion is widely understood for what it is, the execution in the womb of an innocent life.

Those who object to that definition are welcome to disagree, unless they have a vested interest in abortion, as in their having had an abortion.

In that case, my heart goes out to them but it’s all but impossible for you to be objective.

Wikipedia misleadingly defines euthanasia as “the practice of ending a life in a painless manner.” That “practice” really involves much more, namely, physician-assisted suicide, mercy killing, and the eradication of lives no longer considered as contributing to society.

At this point, anyone thinking Hitler, Goebbels, or Mengele would be an intelligent thinker.

Much has been made of late as to end of life “death panels” in the Obamacare proposals and . . .

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Twistin' the Truth Away-ay

Twistin’, Twistin’, Twistin’ the Truth Away-ay!

With apologies to Sam Cooke and his 1962 hit record during the twist craze, “Twistin’, Twistin’, Twistin’ the Night Away,” almost fifty years later, President Obama has been twisting and distorting the health care debate as if he were in the manic throes of a twist competition.

With as much regard for truth as Bill Clinton had for trysting his nights, and days, away, Obama seems out to set a record for political prevarication.

In the process, he is engaging in an unprecedented demeaning of the American people, of the insurance industry, and of Americans’ right, indeed responsibility, to constitutionally make their voices heard on contentious issues before Congress.

Take, for example, his recent attack on protestors and television coverage of those protests in his staged town hall rally in Belgrade, Montana. Obama whined that, “TV loves a ruckus. . . What you haven’t seen on TV and what makes me proud are the many constructive meetings going on all over the country:”

His odd pride in virtually nonexistent “constructive meetings” notwithstanding, he must only view the Fox News Channel if all he’s seen are ruckuses.

Most of the left wing media, which means most of the media, have been forced by public opinion to cover the Obamacare protests but they do so briefly and grudgingly, always followed or preceded by more extensive coverage of his manipulated town halls such as that in Montana.

As for “constructive,” the dozens of other town halls conducted by his Democrat congressmen and senators have been exercises in stonewalling by said congressmen and senators. How could they be in any way constructive when our legislators refuse to answer pertinent questions?

Or, take his town hall last Tuesday in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, yet another instance of political manipulation where the audience was stacked with supporters who lobbed softball questions.

Is it really probable that, with all the demonstrated anger and revulsion toward Obamacare shown in other town halls throughout the country that not one truly angry questioner would show up in Portsmouth?

Apparently, our arrogant, egotistical Obamassiah thinks so or else why would he conduct such a charade in which he reiterated his blatant lie that 46 million “Americans” are deprived of health care in the United States:?

The good news is that that number shrank by a million in less than a month based on the fact he previously lied that it was 47 million. Maybe his trusty teleprompter fibbed to him again?

Today I heard on CNN that the uninsured number 48 million. It seems the precise figure is in a great state of flux as well as in a great state of exaggeration.

See the Census Bureau stats here:

They show the total of uninsured citizens to be about 36 million and the Census Bureau doesn’t break down how many of those are healthy young people who don’t care if they have health coverage and those who refuse to pay for any insurance coverage.

Illegal aliens, correctly, aren’t included in the CB numbers since they’re not Americans. Perhaps Obama can’t tell the difference?

The Sarah Palin-described “death panels” and the “single-payer,” (read “government healthcare option”), may have been back-burnered for the nonce, but both may again rear their ugly heads.

As Sen. Chuck Grassley points out, . . .

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Stealth Health?

Stealth Health?

Anytime government gets involved where it shouldn’t be involved, things usually tend to get screwed up. Indeed, anytime government gets involved in matters where it should constitutionally be involved, there’s the potential for a mess. Think United States Postal Service.

Likewise, when governmental figures campaign and campaign hard for some scheme or other and then backtrack big time on major features of that scheme, cynic that I am, I smell a rat. Think Obamacare.

In recent days, Obama surrogates seem to have backed off on two previously-essential elements of the Obama health care plan: end of life consults, aka ”death panels,” and now seem to have dumped the whole idea of “single payer,” aka government-run health care.

Today, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebellius dropped that latter bombshell in an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Nation,” saying, according to, that “government-run insurance isn’t essential to the Obama administration’s proposed overhaul of U.S. health care:”

I suspect something is awry when the Obamaites seem set to abandon that single payer, “public option,” which Obama has advocated for years while denying he has so advocated. It was the most fundamental change in his push for reform and to scrap it at this point is beyond mysterious.

Granted, other factors are in play, including . . .

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Tomorrow's Nationwide "Kiss-Ins"

Tomorrow’s Nationwide “Kiss-Ins”

Come one, come all! Skip a town hall meeting tomorrow, Saturday, August 15th, and attend a free freak show in an exhibition of exhibitionism near you! is reporting that “The Great Nationwide Kiss-in” will be staged in various venues, in some 35 cities and counties, throughout the country tomorrow. The sponsors? Who else but homosexuals?

In a methinks-thou-doth-protest-too-much declaration on their website, they write, ”This will be a fun and lighthearted event, but one with an extraordinarily strong message as well: we are human, capable of a beautiful normal love like everyone else in the world. We won’t keep being excluded. There is nothing wrong with us:”

“Beautiful?” “Normal?” It’s as if gays believe that if they chant that mantra loudly enough and often enough, straights–and they–will believe it. You can almost visualize them saying it: arms folded, stamping their feet, dangling their purses, feather boas flying in the breeze.

Like a gaggle of Stuart Smalleys, they insist, “There is nothing wrong with us!”

That, of course, depends on one’s definition of “wrong” as much as it depends on one’s definition of “normal.”

The “kiss-ins” are a protest against crackdowns on two “innocent” instances of homosexual public displays of affection in El Paso and Salt Lake City.

Based on previous protests and exhibitions, however “innocent” those kisses were or were not, the planned nationwide kiss-ins tomorrow will probably go far beyond gay smooches and far exceed norms of civil behavior.

As a legally protected species, they will no doubt get away with any and all excesses, especially in Boston. (See “Gay Pride Rights . . .”

Still, for those who enjoy freak shows, they could be entertaining. Just keep the kids away and shield the eyes of small dogs which tend to overreact in the presence of oddities.

I’m not sure how far the kiss-ins will go in the ongoing homosexual campaign to convince normal citizens that they, too, are normal.

As Forrest Gump would say, Normal is as normal does.

I'm from the Government and I'm Here to Help."

“I’m From the Government and I’m Here to Help.”

Dateline: April 30th, 2016

Freddy the Fly on the Wall remembers this scene well and, amazingly, was able to type it all out.

Mrs. Jane Average, age 84, was sitting alone with her cat, Boots, in her darkened living room on a pretty spring day in April, 2016. For the past few years, Jane had found that bright lights hurt her aged, weary eyes.

The doorbell rang. She slowly got to her aching feet and made her way toward the door and opened it to find her smiling, young, new physician, Dr. Leon Jones, on her doorstep.

“Hello, Jane! How are you?”

She had never liked him ever since she had been forced into Obamacare after Metlife had raised her private insurance rates and thereby made government insurance mandatory.

However, being a refined lady to the end, she feigned pleasantry and said, ”Dr. Jones! This is a surprise! I didn’t know you were making house calls now.”

“Well, Jane, my office left a number of messages on your machine but you never called back. There are some things I have to talk to you about.”

“Well, Doctor, you know I usually can’t get to the phone on time and I find it difficult seeing the numbers so I don’t make many calls. But, do come in. I can’t imagine what’s so important that you had to come all the way over here, but come in!”

She tottered over to her favorite chair and gingerly sat down. “Please sit. Ever since my last, umm, problem, which you said wasn’t all that bad, I always seem tired. Sit.”

“Jane, that’s really what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Oh, so you think I really should have the surgery?”

“No, no, no. I wouldn’t want to put you through all the pain and discomfort of another surgery. In fact, just the opposite.”

“I’m confused, Doctor, why are you here?”

“Umm, Jane, well you do know about the provision in the 2009 Health Care Law . . .”

“I know, I know, you explained all that in the chat we had just last year. I made my will and I have my living will and proxies and all those things you insisted I get. You said we wouldn’t have to talk about all that stuff for another 5 years.”

“No, Jane, I was referring to the provision, they call it, I think it’s in section 1233, the part that deals with what they call “Advance Care Planning Consultation. " . . .

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Sky Is Falling! On the United Nations!

The Sky Is Falling! On the United Nations!

Chicken Little, not the 2005 kid film by the same name, which I somehow missed, is apparently the mascot for many politicians today, both domestic and international.

For those who didn’t have a childhood, a synopsis of the Chicken Little tale: The classic fable features a chicken, Chicken Little by name, who is clunked on his bean by an acorn. Lil’ Miss Little immediately jumps to the inaccurate conclusion that the sky is falling and proceeds to instill panic in her barnyard buddies, including Henny Penny, Cocky Lockey, Loosey Goosey, and Turkey Lurky.

There are various endings to the tale, the most common if not the most popular with young kids being an encounter with a scoundrel, Foxy Loxey, who proceeds to gobble up all the stupid fowl.

All fables have morals and the moral of the sad story of Chicken Little and her fowl friends can be expressed in various ways: Don’t jump to conclusions, Don’t believe everything you’re told, Things are not always what they appear to be, et al.

Personally, I like the moral that if you’re a numbnut and try to spread needless hysteria, you just may end up a dinner entree for someone smarter than you.

There are a lot of smart people in this world of ours, and then there are the politicians who like to use panic to cloak the fact they have no clue of what they’re talking about.

President Obama is highly skilled in the panic technique to scare Americans into believing his cockamamie ideas on health care and on everything else.

So, too, is the current Secretary General of the United Nations an adherent to the panic theory of governing.

One prime purpose of the secretary’s misbegotten institution has evolved into unabashed America-bashing to keep our country in line so that the U.N. can merrily go about its business of sharing the wealth of our rapacious nation with the have-not nations of the Earth.

Most of those other countries have no business even calling themselves nations since they can’t govern themselves, maintain peace and tranquility within their borders, or feed their populaces. The conventional, international wisdom is to explain away those pseudo-nations’ flaws and inabilities by blaming colonialism and all things Western for their failures.

In actuality, America is keeping most of them alive with our foreign aid charity and millions of tons of free food shipments to stave off starvation. . . .

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Celebrate COGD!

Have an Unhappy Cost of Government Day!

Today, August 12th, 2009 is COGD, Cost of Government Day! As of this date, Joe and Jane Average American are free and clear, for 2009, of any further tax responsibilities to federal, state, and local governments.

COGD is 26 days later this year than last, thanks to our spendthrift representatives on all levels of government.

A special thank you should be extended to President Barack Hussein Obama and Congress . . .

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ladies' Rooms in Massachusetts

The De-Sexualization of Massachusetts’ Potties

Okay, I concede there’s a certain inequity in the availability of public bathroom facilities in America. That inequity and the pressing issue of gender-specific lavatories is being addressed by our federal, local and state governments.

To be totally frank, the public potty problem in America should be less an issue for governments than it is an issue for America’s fair sex.

Let’s be honest here. Guys use those potties almost as often as girls. But we tend to just do our business, hopefully wash and dry our hands, and then move on.

You ladies may have more “technical” challenges but you also tend to use bathroom breaks as an opportunity to gossip, apply make-up, and generally employ ladies’ rooms as venues for mini-social events.

Is it any wonder those ladies’ rooms have long lines, are backed up, (no pun intended), whereas the boys are usually back in their seats enjoying the game or show long before their dates or significant others?

Well, fear not, ladies! Equity is on the way, at least in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts which, with California out there on the Left Coast, invariably leads the way toward more liberality throughout our land.

The Bay State is definitely running with the potty ball, so to speak, outpacing the Golden State by far!

On July 14th, a hearing was held at the State House in Boston to consider a “transgender” law, aka the potty bill, which would permit people to choose which public bathrooms they would like to use regardless of their gender. . . .

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Monday, August 10, 2009

An Open Letter to Our House Democrat Leadership

An Open Letter of Rebuttal to Our House Democrat Leadership

Dear Speaker Pelosi/Rep. Hoyer:

Your joint article in USA Today on August 10th, 2009 has come to my attention. Frankly, it is extremely disturbing, offensive, and reflective of a deep-seated ignorance of who and what Americans are and what rights and privileges were endowed upon us by the Founding Fathers.

Word is, you guys are much too busy to read so in the likely event neither of you perused the article, you can catch it here:

Headlined, ” ‘Un-American’ Attacks Can’t Derail Health Care Debate,” in that article you see fit to describe sincere and honest dissent as “un-American.”

I regret that I have to inform you it is both very American and it is a sacred right guaranteed under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America to publically address issues with which the people disagree.

It is unfortunate that the Constitution does not impose term limits on our representatives and, obviously, Congress has not seen fit to self-impose such limits.

One result has been career politicians, such as yourselves, who have been too comfortably, and too long, ensconced in their positions. Another result is that you have lost touch with the pulse of the people you represent. A third and perhaps most egregious result is that you have forgotten the fundamental reality that in our democratic republic you work for us, and not vice-versa.

The widespread protests against ostensible “health care reform,” popularly known as Obamacare, are not in any way illegal, immoral, or uncalled-for.

You hypocritically state in your article that, “We believe it is healthy for such a historic effort to be subject to so much scrutiny and debate” and that, “The dialogue between elected representatives and constituents is at the heart of our democracy and plays an integral role in assuring that the legislation we write reflects the genuine needs and concerns of the people we represent.”

Words are cheap, Madame Speaker and Democratic Majority Leader Hoyer. I include those pictures as a reminder of who you are since I’m certain you rarely have the nerve to look at yourselves in a mirror.

There is indeed “an ugly campaign” . . .

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Communism in America: Mission Accomplished

Communism in America: Mission Accomplished!

“I do not believe in communism any more than you do but there is nothing wrong with the Communists in this country. Several of the best friends I have got are Communists.”

Those words, famously spoken by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, seem archaic today. In retrospect, pre-dating the Cold War against the Communist Menace, they are also fatuously naive.

A common misconception is that, largely thanks to President Ronald Reagan, we overcame that menace and won that war when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed, 1989-1991.

Here’s a newsflash. We may have won that war but we lost the “peace” that followed.

Most of us are aware that communist states are still around. Think China and the third rate countries of Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam. However, Communism is no longer seen as a viable threat even if most countries do have communist political parties and dictators such as unavowed communist, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, make a lot of noise.

It’s important to realize that China, which supplies most of our consumer goods, and Russia, now headed by the puppet Dmitry Medvedev but actually controlled by former KGB officer Vladimir Putin, have never renounced Marx’s, Lenin’s, and Mao’s ambitions to rule the planet.

That reality came to mind when I stumbled on a document that was entered into the Congressional Record some 46 years ago which detailed the aims of the old menace.

If the Reds don’t seem threatening to America anymore, it’s only because they’ve already achieved most if not all of those aims. One last obstacle remains, the economic and moral implosion of the United States of America and President Obama is well on his way to facilitating those finalities.

The referenced document was entered into the Congressional Record (appendix pp. A34-A35, January 10th, 1963), by Rep. A.S. Hurlong, Jr. of Florida. The late congressman was a Democrat, long before that party was subverted by the likes of Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi.

That entry into the CR is capsulized here

Rep. Hurlong cited 45 aims of the Communist Party in America, including:

. “Free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.”

. “Recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.”

. ”Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind.”

. “Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.“

. “Get control of the schools.”. . .

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Oddball News

Oddball News: A Touch of Levity

Five brief, semi-interrelated, stories of somewhat odd people who have done or said somewhat odd things.

First, Amy Wolfe, age 33, has been in love since she was 13.

That’s not odd at all, considering the penchant of teenage girls to have crushes. However, the plot thickens.

Amy fell head over heels when she first visited Knoebels Amusement Park in Pennsylvania and has finally decided to tie the knot, although her beloved may or may not be aware of her plans.

You see, the object of her affection is literally an object, more precisely an eighty foot high gondola ride at Knoebels which she has ridden about a thousand times. Called “100 Nachts,” (Nights in German), the gondola attracts Amy “sexually and mentally.”

Amy is afflicted with ”objectum sexuality,” an attraction to inanimate objects, which she would not call an affliction. She says 100 Nachts “is a part of who I am” and admits to sleeping with a picture of the ride on her ceiling and carries a bunch of its spare nuts and bolts with her:

Ms. Wolfe might want to hold off the nuptials pending release of the next oddball from jail.

George Vera, like Amy Wolfe, has a bit of a weight problem which he tried to use to his best advantage.

George, an inmate at Harris County Jail in Houston, serving time for “selling illegal copies of compact discs,” weighs in at about 500 lbs, and apparently wanted a gun for protection or whatever. You know how dangerous prisons can be with all those criminals around.

Inmate Vera was twice searched for contraband after being remanded and the searchers failed to turn up a gun. He then confessed to a guard during a shower at Harris that he was concealing an unloaded 9 mm pistol under his layers of flab.

He was charged with possession of a firearm in a correctional facility and no doubt now will do more time for that crime than he will for the compact discs caper.

Why he fessed up after succeeding in hiding the weapon is unknown. Maybe he just got religion or maybe he is a stupid oddball. Either way, he’d make a better catch for Ms. Wolfe than 100 Nachts. At least he’d be softer hanging above her bed and he comes with his own set of nuts and bolts:

Keith Griffin of Jensen Beach, Florida has one precocious, and horny, or skilled cat.

Keith was innocently downloading some music on his computer one day but had to leave the room for an indeterminate length of time.

That’s when his rascally feline, unbeknownst to Keith, allegedly jumped on his keyboard and “accidentally” downloaded over a thousand child porn images.

Upon his return, . . .

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Muzzling the "Mob," or How Dems Deal with Dissent

Muzzling the “Mob,” Or How Democrats Handle Dissent

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” (The First Amendment to the United States Constitution)

Seriously, now, are Americans so oblivious as to what’s going on in our country that they don’t even suspect that we are in process of seeing our most basic rights under our Consititution being trampled by the Democratic Party? Why can’t we see what’s happening at the hands of this radical Democratic regime?

Those are dumb questions. Regrettably and obviously, many are oblivious.

Indeed, thousands nationwide have been registering their dissent at townhall meetings which precisely relates to my point. There should be millions, not thousands massing at every available public venue demanding, not asking for, straight talk from their leaders on this atrocity labelled healthcare change.

Redress grievances? Good grief! We merely want information which they are reluctant to supply in fear that the American sheeple discover the machinations and subterfuges in progress to foist Obamacare on the nation.

It’s almost as if the Obamians have somehow succeeded in slipping mind-numbing drugs into our drinking water! How else to explain the sheepish acquiescence to the abnegation of their God-given and Constitutionally-guaranteed rights?

Time was, way back in 2008, that Americans who cared about our country felt free to, noisily if necessary, voice their opposition to our government infringing on their rights.

This administration, the congress, and the left wing media, acting as Obama’s puppets, have consistently and relentlessly ridiculed and attemped to reduce to nonentities those proponents of the First Amendment.

At his inauguration, President Barack Hussein Obama, who was elected to that highest office in the land and as putative leader of the Free World by virtue of an all but unanimous Black vote, and the obsequious votes of self-hating, Whites acting out of White Guilt, pretended to be the moderate he was painted to be by the mass/liberal media.

For a “legal scholar,” Obama seems to have little familiarity with the First Amendment.

Since his election, Obama and his congressional lackeys have shown their true colors, nowhere more vividly than in their reactions to the righteous protests to this horror of Obamacare.

The healthcare bill, multiple bills, actually, would use taxpayer funding to pay for abortions, transgendered sex changes, and a whole host of other irrelevant-to-healthcare, wasted programs while forcing people into a program that few want.

See “Queer News . . .” and “Can Ya Smell the Fear . . .”

The government reaction to legitimate protests? Just as with the “tea party” tax protests of April 15th, Democrats have ridiculed, dismissed, and have again pumped up the volume of their invective by demonizing the dissenters as mobs, Nazis and brownshirted Fascists in an attempt to de-legitimize all opposition.

AARP. . .

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Queer News!

Queer News To Gladden the Hearts–Of Queers

Those who are on the verge of despair over Obamanomics and Obamians directing our nation toward bankruptcy and perdition should know that the president is at least tending to one prime constituency, the homosexual community. It may not afford any solace, however.

Three queer news items, queer in every sense of the word:

. Trannies of America, Rejoice! You have nothing to lose but your private parts!

Tranny wannabes should take heart! Our benevolent government not only will include “abortion services” in the health care bill but may also include funding for “gender reassignment.”

Gender reassignment, a euphemism for attaching penises to women and digging clefts in men, and abortion, semi-euphemistic for murdering pre-born babies, seem just a tad out of place in a health bill. The rationale for incorporating either in a health law eludes me.

Abortion is terminally unhealthful for the pre-born babies who are its victims and gender reassignment, converting a man into a woman, of sorts, and vice versa, is a bizarre approach to good health:

. Gays of America, Be Confident! Stimulation is on the way!

On another front, our government is looking out for homosexuals who get into tiffs with their partners. Obama’s stimulus law, officially the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which isn’t stimulating very much, granted $36,884 to Alexandria, VA to train counselors on how best to counsel non-heterosexuals.

Apparently, counselors were assuming too much when they tried to intercede in gay disputes, like during a spat between 2 women or 2 men. We all know what happens when we assume.

That amount is on top of the other $41.6 million that Alexandria expects to reap from the generous folk in Washington:

There shall no longer be any screaming, kicking, biting, or purse throwing in Alexandria’s gay community, if Washington can help it. Virginia is one state holding true to a sense of morality and normality and does not permit gay marriage and Obama has more stimulus bucks than he knows what to do with, so why not stimulate some peace and harmony?

Disputacious heteros will just have to fend for themselves and make-do with whatever non-stimulus funding is available for their counseling.

The thinking is that gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders, and other freaks are unique, on which I would fully concur, and counselors require special training to keep them from assaulting and battery-ing their partners.

Somehow, I fail to see the stimulus effect of this extra special grant. However, what do I know? I’m just a taxpayer.

. Lesbians of America, Take Art! Your passions will be sated by more culture! . . .

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fear and Loathing in D.C.

Can Ya Smell the Fear? Fear and Loathing in D.C.

“Fear is an emotional response to threats and danger. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of pain . . . Fear should be distinguished from the related emotional state of anxiety, which typically occurs without any external threat. Additionally, fear is related to the specific behaviors of escape and avoidance, whereas anxiety is the result of threats which are perceived to be uncontrollable or unavoidable:” Wikipedia.

Fear also triggers the age-old dilemma of whether to strike out or to hightail it to safer environs, the fight or flight option.

Congressional Dems evidently have chosen to strike out and fight on the Obamacare debacle, although their fighting methods are more akin to those of a 6 year old girl who chooses to strike back by screaming hysterical lies rather than directly confronting the opposition.

Wikipedia distinguishes between fear and anxiety but there really isn’t much difference with the Democrats on this issue: Their only external threat is truth and honesty and both terrify them. Admixed with a distinct loathing for conservative principles, it’s a potent combination.

I’ve seen videos of a number of those townhall-type meetings that reflected a genuine concern and, yes, outright disgust and deep angst on the part of the citizenry. The attendees, too, are fearful but not afflicted with baseless anxiety.

See a few relevant videos here, here, here, and here

Their fear, anger, and disgust are well-founded in the belief that governmental nitwits will soon be determining what health care they get and, literally, deciding whether it’s their time to shuffle off this mortal coil.

Liberals are many things but, usually, not stupid. It will be a long, hot August for them if they continue to allow popular dissent.

Those townhalls will soon devolve into . . .

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Liar, Liar! Pants on Fire Part Two

The term, “The Big Lie” as an approach to political deception was coined by Adolph Hitler in Mein Kampf to describe the technique of telling a lie that was so huge that dumbass voters couldn’t help but believe it must be true. No one could possibly lie so stupendously and outrageously.

Most politicians dabble in lies big and small. Lying comes with their territory. However, President Obama has perfected lying and has especially perfected Hitler’s Big Lie philosophy.

One of Obama’s previous lie-biggies was explored in “Liar, Liar! Presidential Pants on Fire Part One: Obamacare,”

Amazingly, on the monumental issue of taxes on America’s middle class, he has outdone himself.

What a guy!

Lovable dolt Walter Mondale made the mistake of being honest in 1984 when he said he would have to raise taxes; he was roundly trounced by Ronald Reagan in the election. (I still love Wally’s subsequent and classic admission that he had wanted to run for president in the worst way, “And I did.”)

Presidential candidate George H. W. Bush later learned the hard way that the American people don’t take awfully kindly to a president who says one thing and does another.

Promising “No new taxes” in 1988, Bush I emphasized that pledge by adding the 3 words by which he will always be remembered: “Read my lips!” Suckered into believing Democrat pledges of reciprocal spending cuts and having to renege, he too was trounced, by the Man from Hope.

If nothing else, the Obama-Man from Chicago has learned his tax lessons well.

In conjunction with his compatriots and liars-in-arms, he has dredged up the Hitlerian Big Lie on such issues as universal health care and the timeless question of how to deceive and milk the massive middle class.

That group had to be milked to further support the many Obamian initiatives and stimuli designed to bail out his UAW idolators and ACORN and the ever-present poor. Obama knew all along that the deep pockets of the rich were only so deep.

Christ said that the poor will always be with us. He was referring to the sick, the lame, maybe the insane. I seriously doubt He was referring to the professional poor in today’s America, many of whom watch their hero on widescreen tv’s, buy their food with food stamps, and push their agenda via agitators.

Those same professional American “poor” . . .
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Patrick J. Fitzgerald Removed as U.S. Attorney?


In an unconfirmed report, conservative radio personality, Sean Hannity, announced today that Patrick J. Fitzgerald, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois had been kicked upstairs by the Obama administration.

The solid, upright, apolitical, squeaky clean Fitzgerald, who had previously been the target of Hannity criticism, had been overseeing the continuing investigation of the Antoin “Tony” Rezko relationship and dealings with ousted Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Rezko, Obama’s good buddy and financier, . . .

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Monday, August 3, 2009

Presidential Pants on Fire!

Liar, Liar! Presidential Pants on Fire! Part One: Obamacare

There may be a need for a lie dectector when Obama speaks but there’s no need to read his lips when it comes to Obamapromises.

He has clearly spoken of his intentions on two monumental issues of the day. However, the sheeple were and are still so caught up in his campaign- and media-cultivated messianic aura that they can’t or won’t listen to what the guy says.

Monumental Issue #1: Health Care versus Obamacare

Virtually everyone heard Obama promise that he would make sure every man, woman and child in the United States of America was insured for health care. That’s all well and good, even if that care won’t quite be the same as the cadillac medical/hospital coverage enjoyed by Washington politicians.

The devil is always in those pesky details and in the case of Obamacare, the details could literally kill you.

The president’s “single payer” plan, he says now, will not put private insurance companies out of business. According to the Botox Beauty, Shrieker of the House Pelosi, they’re all evil, immoral villains anyway. Juxtapose her description of private insurers with the historically virtuous, beneficent nature of government and government bureaucrats who send chills up spines when they arrive to help us.

Consider how well they have run the Post Office, Social Security, Medicare, and “Cash for Clunkers.”

But, fret not. Obama says we members of the rabble class will always have the option of sticking with our current insurers, some of which may truly suck but are still preferable to relying on Washington simple servants for our health care.

It won’t happen, can’t happen! Never! It’s absolutely impossible that we would be forced into government insurance, Obama says now, but the man is simply a liar. That has been this socialist president’s scheme all along.

Let’s look at the record, as Gov. Al Smith used to say. As the following videographed quotations from, . . . .

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Virginity, Abortion, and Homosexuality

Virginity, Abortion, and Homosexuality

Virginity, abortion, and homosexuality have to come close to topping the list of hot topics in contemporary discourse and all are discussed on, the website for a new organization of AFTAH, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality.

Its current lead article, reprinted from, concerns the first two topics only. It relates to Tim Tebow, Florida Gators’ quarterback, a “rising star” in college football who just made the cover of Sports Illustrated and is a Heisman nominee.

Tim is also a unique star in today’s America.

Home-schooled by his mom, and proud of it, Tim is a committed Christian, and proud of that as well. Those facts, though, do not fully explain his uniqueness.

He dropped a bombshell last week at a news conference when asked a totally irrelevant question by a nitwit reporter as to whether he was “saving himself” for marriage.

Rather than responding with the retort that many of us would use to an oddball query namely, “What the hell stupid question is that?” he simply said, “Yes, I am.”

Therein was the bombshell. The room was rocked and flabbergasted at Tim’s admission that a handsome, 21 year old, star football QB living in 2009 America, probably already plagued by teenage groupies, was a virgin who planned to stay that way until he married.

Today, in our sex-saturated society such a revelation by even a high school athlete would cause a media stir.

Tim is happy with the publicity he’s been getting of late not because it feeds his ego but because it has given him the opportunity to interact with many more people and spread his Christian faith.

One of the strongest tenets of that faith is a reverence for the sanctity of life and he has directly and significantly benefitted from his mother’s strong opposition to abortion: It’s the reason he is alive.

While pregnant with Tim, Mrs. Tebow contracted a life-threatening infection and was pressured by her doctors to have an abortion. She refused and both she and her son are alive and well today.

Tim tossed another bombshell at the press conference when he said, “There has been a lot of people that have been encouraged not to have an abortion because they heard the story of my mom, or they have been encouraged because they have heard me give my faith on TV or in a report.”

As I said, Tim Tebow is unique.

On the other side of the AFTAH coin are less wholesome stories and reports on recent activities in the gay world, which world is intruding more and more on the normal world. Cases in point:

. “Pro-homosexual Websites Slam AFTAH for Call To Investigate Health Risks of ‘Gay’ Sex.” Those risks are patently obvious to all but the most obtuse homosexuals and well known to the most self-destructive gays. Yet, People for the American Way is campaigning to end the ban on gays donating blood. Yet, governments nationwide refuse to regulate a chain of homosexual “bathhouses.” Steamworks even offered student discounts for spring break. . . .

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Updates: Child Rape and Trees

Updates: Child Rape and Violating Trees

It’s a challenge keeping up with continuing developments in the news and new outlooks on that news but to ignore them would be to ignore the ramifications and new perspectives that come to light. Therefore a few updates on previous articles.

Regular readers may recall the sickening story of an 8 year old Liberian immigrant girl in Phoenix who was brutally gang-raped by 4 fellow African boys, aged 9-14:

Her dad blamed his child, disowned her for bringing shame on the family, and condoned the actions of the other cherubs since it was just a cultural thing.

The shame should have been visited on the father for his failure to comfort his daughter and salve her emotional and physical wounds. Her mom didn’t utter a public word.

In a very incisive piece on,, the author brings out a significant point about that horrific event, a perspective that all Americans should be aware of and should digest and deeply consider before the next election.

As the son of a legal, Irish immigrant, it would be grossly hypocritical to take a stand against all immigration. Nevertheless, I feel free to speak out against some immigration, particularly when the new arrivals hold beliefs that not only are antithetical to established American values and principles but radically different.

Such is the case of many people who have come to our shores from the Third World. And, it’s not a question of color, something that must be stipulated nowadays to forestall the usual charges of racism. It’s a question of those values which are vastly different from American traditions.

Phillis Schesler makes a very salient point about that whole rape situation, not directly in respect to our immigration policies, disagreement with which would be deemed racist if honestly explicated, but to the history and values of many Third Worlders.

As she writes, they ”bring both their barbarism and their traumatized histories right along with them when they come to America.”

To think that even after a few generations that Third World immigrants could adapt to such beliefs that the rape of a child can be condoned in any way, after centuries of adherence to African–and Islamic–beliefs, is patently ridiculous.

It’s only a matter of time until those new arrivals expand their horizons to include white 8 year olds as their objects of affections.

In a semi-related event, the Obama White House in resident expert on science, John Holdren, is on record as believing that kids aren’t real human beings until they are “socialized,” which could take years after they are born:

My research couldn’t determine whether Mr. Holdren is or is not a flaming homosexual but I know this much: The man has never met a 2 year old and probably not an infant. He hasn’t a clue as to their innate humanity.

Further delving into Holdren’s history turns up . . .

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