Thursday, August 27, 2009

Obama Hates White People and Wants Them to Die!

Obama Hates White People and Wants Them to Die!

The title of this article was borrowed, slightly altered, from what liberals were saying about President George W. Bush shortly after Katrina all but obliterated New Orleans.

Inspired by the words of Kanye West, they accused Bush and FEMA of hating black people and wanting them to die because they didn’t work a miracle in 2005.

Conservative radio talk show host and TV commentor Glenn Beck didn’t quite say that President Obama hates white people and wants them to die, although he may as well have based on the caterwauling of late.

What Beck definitely didn’t say was that Obama should commit suicide on air, a suggestion made for Beck by an illiberal. Reminiscent of the witticism enjoyed by the president that Rush Limbaugh should die of kidney failure, hear it here:

Glenn Beck is my kinda guy.

He speaks whereof he thinks and he thinks whereof he speaks.

When a guy thinks and speaks from a rightist viewpoint, he has to expect flak from the leftist ilk who infest the media.

Still, Beck is now being assailed with far more leftist bricks and brickbats than is customary.

They’re not literal bricks and brickbats as yet only because his liberal attackers lack the gonads to engage in physical combat but, if they could, his assailants would hit him with all they’ve got, including their purses, leaded boas, and rock-filled jock straps. . .

(Read the rest at http://genelalorcom)

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