Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Treasonous Teddy Kennedy

Treasonous Teddy Kennedy

I’ve been chastised! By my 29 year old daughter, no less!

She admonished me about “speaking ill of the dead” because of my previous article, “Ted Kennedy, ‘Liberal Lion’ and Murderer is Dead.”

And here I thought I was being fairly gracious in that piece, taking some pains to avoid detailing the events of 40 years ago when Ted ran his car off a bridge and into a murky tidal channel on Chappaquiddick Island and swam or walked away, leaving 29 year old Mary Jo Kopechne to drown.

I even offered the sentiment that I hoped Ted had made peace with his Maker before he succumbed to brain cancer.

Apparently, generally relating the factual and sad tale of the death of Mary Jo at this point in time is considered by some to be unkind to the memory of Senator Kennedy.

I would have to disagree and, in fact, there was much more I could have written about the personal and political life of the senator, but I chose not to.

Others have been less discreet than I and, on second thought, there were other Kennedy “incidents” which demand mention, namely his subversive machinations with the Soviet Union. They reflect dismally on the career of the senator, almost on a par with the curious circumstances surrounding the death of Mary Jo.

Indeed, from a political and perhaps moral, perspective, they were worse.

Those incidents won’t be discussed in liberal media retrospectives on Ted Kennedy which have a vested and emotional interest in the Camelot Era of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and which studiously avoid tarnishing its image in any way, including citing any negativity surrounding the last remaining Kennedy brother.

Case in point was Wednesday evening’s coverage of Ted Kennedy’s death on ABC.

No mention was made of his expulsion from Harvard for cheating, his legendary philandering, or his more legendary imbibing. Regarding Chappaquiddick, ABC merely referred, twice, to “a female” who died in his car that fateful night.

ABC cares much for Kennedy memories but when it came to according recognition to that female, her name wasn’t worth mentioning.

As for ABC and other networks referencing his treasonous activities, are you kidding?

On his own, Ted himself greatly tarnished–disgraced is a better word–the Kennedy mystique when he conspired and collaborated with the leaders of the Soviet Union against his own country.

If his actions did not constitute treason, they came damned close.

Ted didn’t like Ronald Reagan any more than he liked Jimmy Carter. He also didn’t like Reagan’s foreign policy toward the U.S.S.R. and detested Reagan’s plan for the SDI. Ted came from the rapprochement school of international relations, a variation on the peace at any price, make nice to thine enemies, school in hopes they will reciprocate in kind.

The SDI, the Strategic Defense Initiative, derided by the media as “Star Wars,” was probably the single most significant strategical move that brought down that wall in Berlin, leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The Soviets tried to counter SDI but its corrupt communist society and moribund economy couldn’t compete and the U.S.S.R. went bankrupt trying.

It was only after KGB archives were made public that it was revealed that Senator Ted Kennedy, during the height of the Cold War, had conspired against his own country. . . .

(Read the rest at

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