Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ladies' Rooms in Massachusetts

The De-Sexualization of Massachusetts’ Potties

Okay, I concede there’s a certain inequity in the availability of public bathroom facilities in America. That inequity and the pressing issue of gender-specific lavatories is being addressed by our federal, local and state governments.

To be totally frank, the public potty problem in America should be less an issue for governments than it is an issue for America’s fair sex.

Let’s be honest here. Guys use those potties almost as often as girls. But we tend to just do our business, hopefully wash and dry our hands, and then move on.

You ladies may have more “technical” challenges but you also tend to use bathroom breaks as an opportunity to gossip, apply make-up, and generally employ ladies’ rooms as venues for mini-social events.

Is it any wonder those ladies’ rooms have long lines, are backed up, (no pun intended), whereas the boys are usually back in their seats enjoying the game or show long before their dates or significant others?

Well, fear not, ladies! Equity is on the way, at least in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts which, with California out there on the Left Coast, invariably leads the way toward more liberality throughout our land.

The Bay State is definitely running with the potty ball, so to speak, outpacing the Golden State by far!

On July 14th, a hearing was held at the State House in Boston to consider a “transgender” law, aka the potty bill, which would permit people to choose which public bathrooms they would like to use regardless of their gender. . . .

(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)

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