Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mabel Defends Her Turf in Florida

Mabel Defends Her Turf in Florida

“Load up the blunderbuss, Mabel! Feel free to fire whenever you want!”

“But, Zeke, the guy is vamoosing! He’s hightailing it!

“Makes no nevermind, Mabe! Dang it, he done shot the dawg and he’s runnin’ away with our chickens! Ya can at least wing the bastard if ya aim straight.”

“Watch yer mouth, Zeke.”

“Sorry, Mabes. But get him, dammit!”

“I done got him, Zeke!”

“Nice shootin’, Mabel!”

“Thanks, Zekey.”

I doubt that’s exactly the scenario envisioned by Florida’s First District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee in a recent ruling, but it’s not far from it.

The court ruled that even if a felon was movin’ on out, retreating from the scene of a crime, Florida residents would be within their rights to blow him away.

The case involved Jimmy Hair who was incarcerated for two years awaiting trial for first degree murder after killing Charles Harper. Harper had forced his way into Hair’s car outside a Tallahassee night spot following an argument in the bar.

Hair was released under the 3-judge appelate court’s unaninmous interpretation of Florida’s “stand your ground” law. The court decided that, “The statute makes no exception from immunity when the victim is in retreat.”

Now, back to Mabel and Zeke. Let’s just say the chicken-napper was already out the barn and skedaddling for all he was worth, a hen in each grimy hand. Would Mabel be justified in shooting, winging, and/or killing him?

I have no clue. I’m not a lawyer. However, that appeals court would probably rule she acted within her rights.

What I do know is that, with this ruling, chicken-napping as well as all other crime in the Sunshine State should now take a severe downturn since nappers, muggers, and other criminals will think twice before perpetrating other crimes.

It’s said by some that capital punishment laws don’t deter murderers. I would say . . .

(Read the rest at

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