Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Sky Is Falling! On the United Nations!

The Sky Is Falling! On the United Nations!

Chicken Little, not the 2005 kid film by the same name, which I somehow missed, is apparently the mascot for many politicians today, both domestic and international.

For those who didn’t have a childhood, a synopsis of the Chicken Little tale: The classic fable features a chicken, Chicken Little by name, who is clunked on his bean by an acorn. Lil’ Miss Little immediately jumps to the inaccurate conclusion that the sky is falling and proceeds to instill panic in her barnyard buddies, including Henny Penny, Cocky Lockey, Loosey Goosey, and Turkey Lurky.

There are various endings to the tale, the most common if not the most popular with young kids being an encounter with a scoundrel, Foxy Loxey, who proceeds to gobble up all the stupid fowl.

All fables have morals and the moral of the sad story of Chicken Little and her fowl friends can be expressed in various ways: Don’t jump to conclusions, Don’t believe everything you’re told, Things are not always what they appear to be, et al.

Personally, I like the moral that if you’re a numbnut and try to spread needless hysteria, you just may end up a dinner entree for someone smarter than you.

There are a lot of smart people in this world of ours, and then there are the politicians who like to use panic to cloak the fact they have no clue of what they’re talking about.

President Obama is highly skilled in the panic technique to scare Americans into believing his cockamamie ideas on health care and on everything else.

So, too, is the current Secretary General of the United Nations an adherent to the panic theory of governing.

One prime purpose of the secretary’s misbegotten institution has evolved into unabashed America-bashing to keep our country in line so that the U.N. can merrily go about its business of sharing the wealth of our rapacious nation with the have-not nations of the Earth.

Most of those other countries have no business even calling themselves nations since they can’t govern themselves, maintain peace and tranquility within their borders, or feed their populaces. The conventional, international wisdom is to explain away those pseudo-nations’ flaws and inabilities by blaming colonialism and all things Western for their failures.

In actuality, America is keeping most of them alive with our foreign aid charity and millions of tons of free food shipments to stave off starvation. . . .

(Read the rest at

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