Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted Kennedy, Icon and Murderer

Lest we forget amidst all the mournful encomia over the death of Senator Edward Moore “Ted” Kennedy and the expected idolatrous obsequies to follow that the man murdered a young girl 40 years ago.

He never, publically, admitted that murder.

I won’t prance about singing, “Ding, dong, the bastard’s dead, the bastard’s dead” as if he were the wicked warlock of Massachusetts. Nor will I scream in exultation over his passing as Blacks did over the exoneration of a murderer in California 15 years ago.

But, I do hope Teddy fessed up to his God before he expired.

After a long and no doubt painful lingering and suffering from the effects of brain cancer, at age 77, Ted, Uncle Teddy to many, succumbed to that insidious disease Tuesday night at his home in Hyannisport, Massachusetts.

His family’s statement:

I know that any negative comments about someone who has just died would be grossly inappropriate.

I come not to castigate Ted Kennedy and his life but to bury him, hoping his funeral and burial are devoid of the circus atmosphere we all recently witnessed with another American icon.

Ted Kennedy was indeed an icon to his liberal constituents and supporters and he will be missed by them.

However, if we disregard and forget his various foibles, and crimes, we do not do justice to his memory. We would then be praising a saint, something he was not, by any stretch of any imagination.

I was never privy to Ted Kennedy’s deepest thoughts, regrets, and anxieties, but I would hope that, before the end, he repented his (hopefully) most grievous crime, his merciless escape as Mary Jo Kopechne was screaming for help in his sinking Oldsmobile, vainly hoping Ted would save her from drowning:

By now, Mary Jo may have re-made her acquaintance with Teddy. By now she may have bid him adieu as he is reassigned to his proper and eternal venue.

My guess is that it will be very hot where he went.

May he rest in peace or roast in agony. That call is in the hands of God.

God will weigh Ted’s use of taxpayer dollars to subsidize the Big Dig and abortion and all his other leftist policies against Ted’s soul.

My guess is that Ted will lose any defense he may think he has.

If Mary Jo testifies for the prosecution, Uncle Ted is literally cooked.

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