Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Liar, Liar! Pants on Fire Part Two

The term, “The Big Lie” as an approach to political deception was coined by Adolph Hitler in Mein Kampf to describe the technique of telling a lie that was so huge that dumbass voters couldn’t help but believe it must be true. No one could possibly lie so stupendously and outrageously.

Most politicians dabble in lies big and small. Lying comes with their territory. However, President Obama has perfected lying and has especially perfected Hitler’s Big Lie philosophy.

One of Obama’s previous lie-biggies was explored in “Liar, Liar! Presidential Pants on Fire Part One: Obamacare,”

Amazingly, on the monumental issue of taxes on America’s middle class, he has outdone himself.

What a guy!

Lovable dolt Walter Mondale made the mistake of being honest in 1984 when he said he would have to raise taxes; he was roundly trounced by Ronald Reagan in the election. (I still love Wally’s subsequent and classic admission that he had wanted to run for president in the worst way, “And I did.”)

Presidential candidate George H. W. Bush later learned the hard way that the American people don’t take awfully kindly to a president who says one thing and does another.

Promising “No new taxes” in 1988, Bush I emphasized that pledge by adding the 3 words by which he will always be remembered: “Read my lips!” Suckered into believing Democrat pledges of reciprocal spending cuts and having to renege, he too was trounced, by the Man from Hope.

If nothing else, the Obama-Man from Chicago has learned his tax lessons well.

In conjunction with his compatriots and liars-in-arms, he has dredged up the Hitlerian Big Lie on such issues as universal health care and the timeless question of how to deceive and milk the massive middle class.

That group had to be milked to further support the many Obamian initiatives and stimuli designed to bail out his UAW idolators and ACORN and the ever-present poor. Obama knew all along that the deep pockets of the rich were only so deep.

Christ said that the poor will always be with us. He was referring to the sick, the lame, maybe the insane. I seriously doubt He was referring to the professional poor in today’s America, many of whom watch their hero on widescreen tv’s, buy their food with food stamps, and push their agenda via agitators.

Those same professional American “poor” . . .
(Read the rest at

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