Monday, August 17, 2009

Twistin' the Truth Away-ay

Twistin’, Twistin’, Twistin’ the Truth Away-ay!

With apologies to Sam Cooke and his 1962 hit record during the twist craze, “Twistin’, Twistin’, Twistin’ the Night Away,” almost fifty years later, President Obama has been twisting and distorting the health care debate as if he were in the manic throes of a twist competition.

With as much regard for truth as Bill Clinton had for trysting his nights, and days, away, Obama seems out to set a record for political prevarication.

In the process, he is engaging in an unprecedented demeaning of the American people, of the insurance industry, and of Americans’ right, indeed responsibility, to constitutionally make their voices heard on contentious issues before Congress.

Take, for example, his recent attack on protestors and television coverage of those protests in his staged town hall rally in Belgrade, Montana. Obama whined that, “TV loves a ruckus. . . What you haven’t seen on TV and what makes me proud are the many constructive meetings going on all over the country:”

His odd pride in virtually nonexistent “constructive meetings” notwithstanding, he must only view the Fox News Channel if all he’s seen are ruckuses.

Most of the left wing media, which means most of the media, have been forced by public opinion to cover the Obamacare protests but they do so briefly and grudgingly, always followed or preceded by more extensive coverage of his manipulated town halls such as that in Montana.

As for “constructive,” the dozens of other town halls conducted by his Democrat congressmen and senators have been exercises in stonewalling by said congressmen and senators. How could they be in any way constructive when our legislators refuse to answer pertinent questions?

Or, take his town hall last Tuesday in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, yet another instance of political manipulation where the audience was stacked with supporters who lobbed softball questions.

Is it really probable that, with all the demonstrated anger and revulsion toward Obamacare shown in other town halls throughout the country that not one truly angry questioner would show up in Portsmouth?

Apparently, our arrogant, egotistical Obamassiah thinks so or else why would he conduct such a charade in which he reiterated his blatant lie that 46 million “Americans” are deprived of health care in the United States:?

The good news is that that number shrank by a million in less than a month based on the fact he previously lied that it was 47 million. Maybe his trusty teleprompter fibbed to him again?

Today I heard on CNN that the uninsured number 48 million. It seems the precise figure is in a great state of flux as well as in a great state of exaggeration.

See the Census Bureau stats here:

They show the total of uninsured citizens to be about 36 million and the Census Bureau doesn’t break down how many of those are healthy young people who don’t care if they have health coverage and those who refuse to pay for any insurance coverage.

Illegal aliens, correctly, aren’t included in the CB numbers since they’re not Americans. Perhaps Obama can’t tell the difference?

The Sarah Palin-described “death panels” and the “single-payer,” (read “government healthcare option”), may have been back-burnered for the nonce, but both may again rear their ugly heads.

As Sen. Chuck Grassley points out, . . .

(Read the rest at

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