Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sex: The Stimulus, the UN, Sexting, and Candy Wrappers

Sex: The Stimulus, the United Nations, Sexting, and Candy Wrappers

By now, everyone and his brother-in-law have heard the amazing tale of Jaycee Lee Dugard who was allegedly kidnapped by Phillip and Nancy Garrido and held for 18 years in a dump of a backyard.

We must say allegedly until the sick bastards are convicted.

She was allegedly raped by registered sex offender Garrido, bore him 2 children, and was finally rescued by the inept police of South Lake Tahoe, CA, when the whole dang “family” accompanied the lunatic to his parole office.

Reports now are that Jaycee, under the name Alissa, worked in Garrido’s store and apparently never made any effort to escape:

That info will no doubt fuel speculation that she was perfectly contented with her lot in life whereas Garrido probably knew that by then Jaycee/Alissa and her 2 girls were as much mental/psychological captives as a physical prisoners.

As bizarre as that case is, it’s not the only weird sex situation on America’s landscape.

Case in point: Obama’s stimulus.

“Stim·u·lus (stmy-ls) n. pl. stim·u·li (-l) 1. Something causing or regarded as causing a response. 2. An agent, action, or condition that elicits or accelerates a physiological or psychological activity or response. 3. Something that incites or rouses to action; an incentive.” (

Obama’s stimulus package may have failed to stimulate jobs but it sure is helping to provide an arousal incentive for some.

The New York Post has uncovered some recipients of Obama’s taxpayer monies, namely sex, umm, “researchers.”

Among other misuses of Obama’s stimulus package are funds being generously doled out to Indiana University to study “correct condom use,” ($221,000), to Syracuse U. to investigate adolescent “hookups,” ($219,000), to the University Of Illinois, Chicago, to evaluate “drug use as a sex enhancer,” ($123,000), and to the University of Maryland, Baltimore, to examine the issue of how amphetamines influence “female rat sexual behavior,” ($28,000):

Either rat sex is considered a low priority or U. Maryland is on Obama’s chit list. However, it’s good to see that over a half million of our hard-earned dollars are being spent constructively.

Look, like a drunk with oodles of money, our government figures that it’s either use it and waste it, or lose it. After all, it’s all designed to stimulate, right? And it’s the American way amd not the bureaucrats’ money.

Second case in point, The United Nations.

Funded 22% by generous contributions from the United States, the U.N. is no slouch when it comes to wasteful spending by bureaucrats, either.

In fact, much of its profligate spending, especially but not confined to UNESCO, would be considered an immoral and unethical use of our taxes–if most of us knew about it.

Example: We have learned through song and tradition to teach our children well so it’s gratifying to know that the United Nations, ever on the alert for improving world conditions, is dead set on teaching and improving the condition of our young.

However, the Third World-dominated United Nations, thinking that Zambians, Kenyans, Uruguayans, and Cambodians share Americans’ beliefs and value system, would love to dump that system. UNESCO wants to teach our children but not exactly teach our Christian values.

Granted, it can be disconcerting to parents when their 5 year olds get discontented due to ennui. We used to tell them to dust or go out to play. The U.N. has a better solution, a different take on “play:” Teach them to masturbate!

Advocating universal access to “reproductive rights” and contending that “sexuality education is an integral component of human rights,” UNESCO has determined age-specific guidelines for children of all ages to learn and exercise their “sexual rights.”

. Children ages 5-9 also should be taught, “that all people regardless of their health status, religion, origin, race or sexual status can raise a child and give it the love it deserves.” (Note the inclusion of “sexual status,” the U.N.’s unsubtle endorsement of gay adoption; the pro-gay thread runs throughout the UNESCO report.)

. Children 9-12, among other things, should be taught about “homophobia, transphobia and abuse of power” as well as the “definition and function of orgasm.” By age 12, a kid should learn how “to be a good sexual partner.”

Children 12-15: “The report recommends discussing ‘access to safe abortion and post-abortion care’ and the ‘use and misuse of emergency contraception.’ “

UNESCO’s primary interests are a reduction in “depletion of natural resources” and teaching that, “traditional values on marriage and sex are faulty.”

The U.N.’s guiding lights? SIECUS and Planned Parenthood. (See “Homosexuality in America, Part Six: Indoctrinating Kids,”

Parents, don’t forget to get your kids out on Halloween to solicit pennies for UNICEF and maybe a few bucks for UNESCO.

Third case in point: "Sexting” . . .

(Read the rest at

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