Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sex Stories

Sex Stories: Teachers, Disease, and Mutilation
Nothing juices public attention more than sex stories of one sort or another. Here are three unrelated sex tales which appeared in the news recently, one involving oversexed teachers, one involving sexual disease, one involving sexual mutilation.

What else could you ask for?

Teachers Are At It Again: It’s become almost commonplace to read of American teachers having affairs with American students as if it’s almost a mandated extracurricular activity.

(Do see Part One in a series, “Teachers Gone Wild,” http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=370, “Teachers Gone Wild V” et al. Having served in the education trenches, I know whereof I speak.)

Said sexual activity, once largely confined to male teachers hitting on gullible and vulnerable female students, has in the last two decades become the shared province of female teachers. It seems that, fueled by their bubbling lust and our hypersexed society, they also want in on the action and to hell with the consequences.

We’ve all heard of certain infamous “ladies” of the classroom daytime who have made the papers by providing extra help to students above and beyond school district mandates.

There was the absolutely gorgeous Debra LaFave of Florida. Debs seduced and bedded a 14 year old boy when she was 23. She was considered too pretty to serve time in a jail “hell hole” so was punished for her indiscretions with home confinement. Sort of like school detention without homework assignments.

Then there was New Hampshire’s own Pamela Smart who belied her surname by seducing a 15 year old boy and assigned him to kill her hubby. Apparently unaware of a thing called divorce court, she’s serving a life sentence.

Finally, there was Seattle’s queen of lecherous ladies, Mary Kay Schmitz Letourneau Fualauu.

Mary Kay–no relation to the cosmetics people– had 4 kids with her spouse then went on to set all kinds of nasty records in the female teacher pedophiliac history book.

She first spied her prey in 2nd grade, landed him when he was 12, got a suspended sentence, violated her parole, bore him 2 kids, and served more time. She finally made an honest man of Vili Fualauu by marrying him after her husband divorced her for some reason.

Now there’s a new contender for the teacher-lecher throne, Michelle Simonson of Michigan. She, however, has a long way to go to catch up with the leaders of the cougar pack.

Michelle got caught up in the teen sexting craze even though she was 28. She allegedly sexted some 50 sexually suggestive messages to a 14 year old special ed student, including one of herself topless. She’s been charged with sexual abuse.

The report on Michelle, written by a woman, offers a slew of reasons for female predation: http://bit.ly/1aFazZ. (Pictures of 14 “women in trouble” can be viewed on that website.)

Usually, males apprehended in similar situations have been dispatched to prison with little concern for what made them do it.

It’s nice to see that Women’s Liberation has evened the playing field for women, so to speak.

STD’s, the Red Badge of Manhood: A Swedish study . . .

(Read the rest at http://genelalor.com)

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