Friday, August 21, 2009


Quickies, (in the News, that Is)

Ya Want Mercury With that?: The Washington Post reports on something pregnant women have known about for a good while.

They knew that they should avoid consuming fish and especially the garbage-eaters of the seas, shellfish, for fear of absorbing excessive amounts of mercury and damaging their pre-born babies:

Not mentioned by the Post is the fish future after billions of government-mandated, mercury-laden compact fluourescent light bulbs outlive their usefulness and are discarded and the mercury makes its way onto America’s dinner plates and into our central nervous systems.

Hey! Joe was a clunker! So bury him!: According to USA Today, more and more American families are turning to government charity to bury their dead, especially in Los Angeles and Las Vegas:

This country once upon a time was noted for its self-reliant, independent people. Not any more, thanks to decades of government handouts, bailouts, and welfare. Time was when even the poorest scraped together enough to pay the insurance man enough to ensure a proper burial.

That’s passe’ today as we have become a nation of takers rather than do-ers.

A Weekend with Bernie: Bernie Madoff was an outstanding scoundrel but somewhat less than outstanding in the sack, as reported by . . .

(Read the rest at

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