Sunday, August 16, 2009

Stealth Health?

Stealth Health?

Anytime government gets involved where it shouldn’t be involved, things usually tend to get screwed up. Indeed, anytime government gets involved in matters where it should constitutionally be involved, there’s the potential for a mess. Think United States Postal Service.

Likewise, when governmental figures campaign and campaign hard for some scheme or other and then backtrack big time on major features of that scheme, cynic that I am, I smell a rat. Think Obamacare.

In recent days, Obama surrogates seem to have backed off on two previously-essential elements of the Obama health care plan: end of life consults, aka ”death panels,” and now seem to have dumped the whole idea of “single payer,” aka government-run health care.

Today, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebellius dropped that latter bombshell in an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Nation,” saying, according to, that “government-run insurance isn’t essential to the Obama administration’s proposed overhaul of U.S. health care:”

I suspect something is awry when the Obamaites seem set to abandon that single payer, “public option,” which Obama has advocated for years while denying he has so advocated. It was the most fundamental change in his push for reform and to scrap it at this point is beyond mysterious.

Granted, other factors are in play, including . . .

(Read the rest at

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