Monday, August 3, 2009

Presidential Pants on Fire!

Liar, Liar! Presidential Pants on Fire! Part One: Obamacare

There may be a need for a lie dectector when Obama speaks but there’s no need to read his lips when it comes to Obamapromises.

He has clearly spoken of his intentions on two monumental issues of the day. However, the sheeple were and are still so caught up in his campaign- and media-cultivated messianic aura that they can’t or won’t listen to what the guy says.

Monumental Issue #1: Health Care versus Obamacare

Virtually everyone heard Obama promise that he would make sure every man, woman and child in the United States of America was insured for health care. That’s all well and good, even if that care won’t quite be the same as the cadillac medical/hospital coverage enjoyed by Washington politicians.

The devil is always in those pesky details and in the case of Obamacare, the details could literally kill you.

The president’s “single payer” plan, he says now, will not put private insurance companies out of business. According to the Botox Beauty, Shrieker of the House Pelosi, they’re all evil, immoral villains anyway. Juxtapose her description of private insurers with the historically virtuous, beneficent nature of government and government bureaucrats who send chills up spines when they arrive to help us.

Consider how well they have run the Post Office, Social Security, Medicare, and “Cash for Clunkers.”

But, fret not. Obama says we members of the rabble class will always have the option of sticking with our current insurers, some of which may truly suck but are still preferable to relying on Washington simple servants for our health care.

It won’t happen, can’t happen! Never! It’s absolutely impossible that we would be forced into government insurance, Obama says now, but the man is simply a liar. That has been this socialist president’s scheme all along.

Let’s look at the record, as Gov. Al Smith used to say. As the following videographed quotations from, . . . .

(Read the rest at

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