Monday, October 31, 2011

Tebowing, a PC No-No

Tebowing, a PC No-No

“Tebowing” in the National Football League is unrelated to elbowing, kicking, or tackling. It’s an odd phenomenon inspired by the much-disparaged, much-admired, newly-designated starting Denver Bronco quarterback, Tim Tebow.

It seems Tim has a rare quirk for an NFL player. He feels he should publicly kneel on one knee in prayer to thank God when he accomplishes great things. Other, growing, phenomena are Tebow fans who have taken to emulating his quirk and media criticism by people disturbed by his overt Christian religiosity.

Tim Tebow may be a fan fave but he isn’t exactly a big favorite in the politically-correct community mainstream media which seem very uncomfortable with the facts he’s an unreconstructed evangelical Christian who isn’t embarrassed to admit it and because he doesn’t fit the MSM mold.

From his glory days as a Florida Gator, there was just something about the 2007 Heisman Award winner that many in the PC sports media couldn’t quite articulate. Well, they could but doing so would out them as anti-Christian bigots and they couldn’t very well admit that. Beginning with complaints over his evangelizing habit of posting biblical verses in eye black, they adopted various subterfuges to ridicule him instead.

The Denver Post took an oblique swipe at the wildly popular Tebow in an article not devoted to the quarterback as much as to what it called, “Tebow Inc.,” the successful family enterprise which markets a variety of products from a Christian perspective but which, according to the Post, revolves around “All Tim, all the time.”

The Post strongly implied “Team Tebow” serves to gratify Tim’s ego as well as charitable beneficiaries and suggested Kyle Orton became the Bronco backup to Tebow due mainly to “Tebow Mania” and not to any of his debatable skills on the field.

Before the 2011 NFL season began,’s Gregg Doyel became especially exercised over Tebow’s innocuous remark that, “I’m relying as always on my faith.” A paraphrase of the comment might be that he simply meant he’s a religious guy who counts on his religion to guide and inspire him.

Not so to Doyel, who contended he really liked Tebow personally and is himself a churchgoer and, without mentioning the kneeling prayer, interpreted that profession of faith as something that “baffles” him and clear evidence that Tebow was guilty of blasphemy, a contemptuous irreverence toward God.

Without evincing any affection or Christian charity, Doyel did show he fails to understand the sin of blasphemy or the quarterback . . .

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jonathan Alter and the Scandal-Free Obama Administration

Jonathan Alter and the Scandal-Free Obama Administration recently published an article by Jonathan Alter titled, “Obama Miracle Is White House Free of Scandal.” There are very few better examples of liberal obtuseness and evidence they suffer from acute political astigmatism.

Alter, liberal author, liberal columnist, senior editor of Newsweek for 28 years who helped drive that liberal magazine into virtual bankruptcy and its sale for the tidy sum of one dollar, frequent contributor to Al Franken’s liberal Air America which filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy, still appears as a commentator on liberal MSNBC among other liberal MSM and still totally idolizes liberal president Barack Hussein Obama.

Did I mention Jonathan Alter is liberal?

Evidently flummoxed by fellow leftists’ waning support for our failing, flailing chief executive, Alter successfully attempts in his piece on Obama’s miraculous avoidance of scandal, its “scandal-less state,” to be as honest and transparent as the hero he so deeply admires.

“Obama Miracle” would be comical if not for the Halloween-y scariness of its author’s knowing commission of deceptions.

Alter skirts the dirt and completely avoids reference to what is rapidly developing into the most contemptible presidential scandal since Republican president Richard Nixon lied about Watergate and Democrat president Bill Clinton lied under sworn oath.

In fact, Obama’s scandals are far worse than Nixon’s and Clinton’s. They merely lied to protect their sorry arses and to deceive the American people but Nixon was just stupid and Clinton just a congenital liar. Obama, and his henchmen, have not only lied but have cost the country hundreds of millions of dollars and, more reprehensibly, have cost the life of a border patrol agent.

That last, deadly fiasco, the grossly-botched Department of Justice/ATF Fast and Furious gun-running operation, effectively gave some 1500 weapons to Mexican drug cartels to wreak havoc south of our border and to murder agent Brian Terry.

Government and law enforcement agencies often foul up stings like Fast and Furious. What they are not expected to do is what Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder has done, lie and obstruct congressional inquiries into what went wrong.

Jonathan Alter’s reaction to Fast and Furious and its relevance to administration scandals? Fast and Furious? What Fast and Furious? Alter would sooner air Holder’s filthy New Black Panther Party linen!

Either Alter is ignorant, obtuse, Obama’s cover-up point man, or all three.

While praising the president’s honesty, character, and integrity without sourcing any of those debatable attributes, Alter lambastes Republicans for allegedly tarnishing Obama’s reputation and attacks the Obamian favorite whipping network, Fox News, for “manufactured controversies,” also without providing any substantiation.

He criticizes GOP Rep. Darrell Issa’s contentions that Obama’s is “one of the most corrupt administrations” in history, a view predicated mainly on the White House and Justice Department consistently stonewalling on every issue Issa is trying to investigate.

He accuses Fox of manufacturing stories concerning the multitude of Obama’s extremist “policy czars,” those secretive heads of agencies recruited from the leftist fringes and put in place without congressional scrutiny.

Alter knows full well that stonewalling, refusals to cooperate with legally-constituted authorities, is invariably indicative of illegalities and unethical conduct. At the very least, they put the lie to this president’s vaunted, unfulfilled, transparency.

As for Fox, he knows that the only conservative alternative to the liberal mainstream media has exposed far more than just the czar scandals . . . (Read more at

How to Lose an Election

How to Lose an Election

Definitive results of Republican preferences for their party’s 2012 nominee for president of the United States are far from in although thousands have expressed their opinions in non-binding state straw polls. There won’t be any real results until the numbers from the January 3rd Iowa caucuses and January 1oth New Hampshire primary are tabulated.

Still, based on early polls, the debates, educated guesses, and inconsequential straw ballots, pundits and non-pundits alike have a gut feeling on who will snag the gold GOP ring and, perhaps more importantly, who should be the nominee’s choice for a running mate.

As of now, it looks like former Massachusetts governor Willard Mitt Romney for the top spot. Assuming Mitt wants to win on November 6th,2012, he will pick Florida’s Senator Marco Antonio Rubio to run with him against President Barack Hussein Obama and Person-to-be-Named-Later, after Obama tests how the fickle political winds are blowing.

Designated late night Democrat hatchetmen Leno and Letterman would have tons of idiotic fun poking ridicule at “Willard” and “Marco” while ignoring the equivalent hilarity of “Barack” and his comical gaffes and ineptitude but they won’t get the chance unless Willard and Marco share the GOP ticket.

As we all know, things can change quickly and dramatically in the world of contemporary politics. Witness New York Senator Hillary Clinton’s unexpected fade in the 2008 Democrat presidential sweepstakes and, more recently, Rep. Michelle Bachmann’s and Gov. Rick Perry’s falls from grace among Republicans.

We also know the sheer terror Rubio has struck in the liberal minds and soul-less hearts of Obama’s MSM as seen in the current campaign by the Washington Post, et al. to deconstruct Rubio based on an innocent error concerning the date of his parents’ flight from Castro’s Cuba. The lib theory seems to be, when you have nothing, go with it, the same angle they unsuccessfully used on Herman Cain.

Good man that he is, Cain can’t be elected despite his recent popularity; he’s even more inexperienced and unqualified to be president than a certain community organizer was three years ago and lacks the advantage of mainstream media backing him and concealing his flaws.

Barring some catastrophic event, a Hillary insurrection, or Obama pulling an LBJ, he will head the Democrat ticket next year and, barring a miracle, Romney will be the Republican nominee. He will then have to decide whether to beat Obama or try once again to win in 2016. . .

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Catholics, Crucifixes, and Muslims

Catholics, Crucifixes, and Muslims

Those darned papists are at it again!

It’s bad enough they established tens of thousands of Catholic elementary and high schools throughout America as alternatives to public school systems, a transparent affront to the quality of public education, but then they went and founded their own institutions of higher learning!

Now, their universities feel they have the right to display crucifixes and other fundamental symbols of Catholicism on their premises, thereby insulting, humiliating, and infuriating members of other faiths, particularly Muslims!

When will this madness end?

According to, there are over 4,000 colleges and universities in the United States in addition to 3,660 post-secondary vocational and technical institutions. Of that number, 244 are “Catholic.”

Regrettably, some of those 244 have become Catholic in name only, indeed only nominally-religious in any way. Among them is Georgetown University and the University of Notre Dame, both of which prestigious schools have “secularized” themselves in the interests of gaining acceptance as mainstream rather than being labelled “Catholic universities” which they seem to believe is a pejorative description.

In 2009, Georgetown invited avid abortion advocate President Barack Hussein Obama to speak at the school and accommodated his objections to the deeply-religious letters “IHS” (In Hoc Signo) by covering them during his speech. Georgetown observed the beginning of the holy season of Lent with “Sex Positive Week” featuring discussions on homosexuality and pornography with one hosted by a porn movie director.

For its secular part, Notre Dame abandoned the moral principles on which it was founded by proudly featuring the Abortionist in Chief as its 2009 commencement speaker despite widespread alumni and Catholic media condemnation. Notre Dame President Fr. John Jenkins won accolades from the liberal media even as he shamed the Irish and his religion.

(See “Apostate Universities,”

The one hundred twenty five year old Catholic University of America just outside Washington, D.C. hasn’t, as yet, totally succumbed to secularism and political correctness but that’s not due to a lack of effort by an infinitesimal if existent number of its student body, Muslims.

CU has seen a recent 100%+ spike in its Muslim population, from 41 in 2006 to 91 in 2011 out of a total of nearly 7,000 graduate and undergrad students. Life must be challenging for worshipers Of Allah and Muhammad in a Catholic institution . . .
. . .

Friday, October 28, 2011

Female Teachers Behaving Very Badly

Female Teachers Behaving Very Badly

In yet another in a seemingly endless line of public school teachers forgetting their calling and function, Ohio health and gym teacher Stacy Schuler has been caught with her panties down when and where they shouldn’t be.

Despite pleading insanity and victimization, the 33 year old Ms. Schuler was sentenced to four years in prison for providing unauthorized and illicit extra sex-education help to five Mason High School students. The charges included 16 counts of sexual battery and 3 counts of providing alcohol to minors.

If she was insane, she has plenty of company.

Her 17 year old, football team seductees testified Ms. Schuler plied them with booze at her home and usually initiated the sexual contacts. Their parents furnished the trial’s comic relief by suggesting their sons had been damaged for life by their experience. Lecherous teachers throughout the land rejoiced in the addition of one more convicted pervert to their ranks.

Actually, the rejoicing was not mentioned in the story anymore than it delved into the motivations and expectations of the randy teens when they repeatedly attended Ms. Schuler’s home-based sex lessons. Nor did HufPo explain how they were harmed by what will probably earn them the envy of their uninvited teammates and joint election as Mason High prom kings.

None of those observations are intended to absolve Ms. Schuler of her unprofessional iniquities but rather intended to put them and Schuler in some perspective. Neither do her gross lack of judgment, her uncontrolled lust, or her stupidity absolve her of responsibility but it should again be noted she is far from alone.

Her fellows and fellow women in America’s education community are virtually legion. . .

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Occupy Wall Street, Self-Serving Anarchy

Occupy Wall Street, Self-Serving Anarchy

Anyone who has ever had burdensome college loans to pay off, anyone who has lost a decent job and can’t find another, anyone who ever bought a house he couldn’t afford, anyone who lost a bundle in stock market downturns while banks and auto companies received billions in bailouts must have felt at least a minimal degree of empathy for the Occupy Wall Street protestors.

Anyone who still believes they deserve empathy is a damned fool.

Whoever organized the initial disorganized demonstrations over a month ago may have had valid beefs with the establishment but the protests have long since been co-opted by the most radical elements within and from outside American society.

Communists, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, skinheads, and anarchists representing extremist fringes now seem to comprise the bulk of the occupiers and are working to direct the rudderless group toward lawless chaos which promises to deliver to any sincere protestors a nation only anarchists would want.

As OWS-inspired demonstrations spread like pestilence throughout the country and the world, they grew increasingly violent and intractable after notable, wealthy liberals from President Obama and Vice President Biden on down to Michael Moore and Alec Baldwin gave them stamps of approval.

And, it’s getting worse:

. When representatives of nations such as China, Iran, and Russia where similar demonstrations would be met with repression, jail time, and worse, joined the chorus of OWS supporters, something is evidently, seriously wrong with Occupy Wall Street.

. When the disgraced and disbanded ACORN and billionaire capitalist/America-hater George Soros emerged . . .

New York City's Sex Manual for Kids

New York City's Sex Manual for Kids

“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read,” Groucho Marx once quipped.

Some books should be left inside dogs.

In the “dog book” category is the misleadingly-titled, Health Facts workbook, a box set of lesson plans the administration of New York City’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the mayor’s new Chancellor of Education Dennis Walcott want introduced into city middle and high schools for purposes yet unclear but ostensibly intended to deal with New York’s out-of-control illegitimate birth rate, STD’s, and abortions.

Titled “The Health Smart Curriculum,” were it a college class, it would best be titled, “Perversions 101, How to Encourage Childhood Sexual Perversity.”

The book, the proposed sex manual, is heartily supported by the New York Civil Liberties Union, of course, and involves instructions for kids as young as eleven on everything Bloomberg and Walcott think sixth graders have been clamoring to know about: oral sex, foot fetishes, consensual erotica, mutual masturbation, and phone sex.

More sophisticated high schoolers will be enlightened on sexual positions, porn stars, bestiality, and shopping for condoms, things every teen needs to know, in the opinions of liberal Mayor Bloomberg and his hired lackey, to insure they engage in safe sex.

Condoms would certainly help in that regard but information on how missionaries did it, Linda Lovelace’s tricks, and intercourse with animals fit in with safe sex is something of a mystery to the uninformed. . .

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Barack the Leno Clown, Barack the Hypocrite

Barack the Leno Clown, Barack the Hypocrite

President Barack Hussein Obama took some time off from his busy campaign schedule on his million dollar Canadian-built bus to pay a Tuesday visit to Jay Leno’s “Tonight Show.” He wasn’t nearly as funny as he was a few years ago when he ridiculed Special Olympics kids but he did tickle The Chin and Leno’s audience with some decent yuks.

The same night, 3000 miles away in New York City, Dave Letterman was doing his assigned shtick for the prez on the “Late Show” by abusing every Republican presidential candidate in sight, including making cracks about people with funny names like “Mitt” and “Newt” and “Herman.”

Who would want a president with a funny name, Dirty Dave asked rhetorically, apparently forgetting we currently have a chief executive with the funniest name in history. The Ed Sullivan Theater crowd seemed to have missed the irony and laughed themselves silly over “Mitt,” “Newt,” and “Herman.”

Out on the Left Coast, riskily appearing without his trusty teleprompters, a mistake he made in 2009 when he compared his poor bowling game to how Special Olympians would bowl, Barack didn’t put his foot in his mouth again although he wasn’t awfully amusing either.

Obama’s best comic line delivered in response to Leno’s anticipated question on his potential opponents in 2012 was that he was ”going to wait until everybody’s voted off the island,” an unsubtle reference to the TV show “Lost” and an unsubtle dig at his opposition as nothing more than actors.

The president also rambled on about “The fancy presidential limosine . . . smelling like waffles,” a spot on his tie, and his search for Wet Wipes to clean his teeth, far too much information and farther from entertaining.

Obama insisted he wasn’t yet paying any attention to the Republican debates and gave a few words of attention to the killing of Libya’s Col. Khadafi.

Left unsaid was that his slew of scrutineers are paying close attention to everything he and Republicans say and do, that his writers wrote that “Lost” quip, that the waffle smell was relevant to nothing, and that Khadafi was Obama’s erstwhile buddy.

Obama may have gotten grayer over the past few years but neither he nor his handlers have missed a step. . .

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Obamacare's Selective Waivers and Exemptions

Obamacare's Selective Waivers and Exemptions

There are hundreds, thousands, of problems with the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, hundreds of millions of problems, in fact, depending on America’s population at the moment.

Passed on Christmas Eve, 2009 by the Democrat Senate and by Democrats in the House on March 21, 2010 with zero Republican support in either body and signed by President Barack Hussein Obama two days later, Obamacare, as it has unaffectionately become known, was acclaimed by Vice President Joe Biden as “a big f*cking deal.”

With or without the asterisk Biden didn’t use, it was “a big f*cking deal,” and more.

Assuming the Supreme Court decrees PPACA constitutional, when it is fully implemented by 2014, Obamacare will be an even bigger deal as its tentacles reach into the lives of millions of Americans, into their homes, businessess, doctors, and hospitals with government bureaucrats sometimes literally making life or death decisions for most of us.

That’s the bad news. The good news for many is that Obamacare will have little if any impact on their lives or deaths.

Those lucking out? Democrat loyalists, principally labor unions but also certain health care providers and other entities who supported the passage of PPACA. They have been generously rewarded for their unwavering support with waivers, meaning they could maintain their own health plans and not be subject to the vagaries of Obamacare.

Understandably, the Obama administration has sought to minimize publicity surrounding those payoffs, totalling almost 1400 at last count.

The reported in June that the waiver-spigot was scheduled to be turned off by the Department of Health and Human Services as of September 22nd and speculated that low-key Friday afternoon announcement was intended to squelch the waiver controversy and protests against their inequities.

Based on how this administration operates, the waiver spigot is probably still dripping.

Unfortunately, political payoffs, aka bribery, have been a facet of politics since ancient Greek and Roman pols granted favors or slipped a few coppers into the grubby hands of commoners. With Obamacare waivers, Obamians greatly expanded and refined the corruption.

However, in the case of one particular group, bribes weren’t necessary. . . (Read more at

Monday, October 24, 2011

What Hath Obama Wrought?

What Hath Obama Wrought?

Okay, let’s give the man some credit, but not too much.

President Barack Hussein Obama is claiming his drawdown of America’s forces in Afghanistan enabled the capture and summary execution by Navy Seal Team Six of Osama bin Laden and he has announced the complete withdrawal of American troops from Iraq by year’s end.

The former is a stretch but plausible even if then-CIA Director Leon Panetta actually gave the order to get Osama while Obama went to bed. At least the president didn’t obstruct the operation.

The Iraq bug-out will constitute an accomplishment only if our departure doesn’t send a signal to neighboring Iran to fill the vacuum, a distinct possibility that terrifies many Iraqis and may make them long for the good, old days of Saddam Hussein and his sadistic sons.

When Obama concludes what he called the “necessary war” in Afghanistan and withdraws our troops from that sorry land, a comparable disaster could ensue.

Demonstrating his contempt for the nation that put him in power, Afghani President Hamid Karzai has already declared an alliance with another former U.S. friend, Pakistan, and when his government implodes under the weight of corruption, America will find itself back to square one in the region.

Yet another questionable plus in the Obama column is his non-interference with the drone that took out the terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki. Obama hasn’t boasted much about that action since al-Awlaki was an American citizen and killing him is widely interpreted as an unconstitutional abuse of power by our constitutional-scholar president.

None of those accomplishments-by-inaction will endear him to peaceniks in his Democrat Party nor to members of the committee that awarded Obama a Nobel Peace Prize but that’s a whole other story as is whether they will help him win re-election with the American economy mired in the doldrums.

After the plaudits for those questionable coups subside, the most immediate issue on Obama’s foreign policy table right now is, What has he wrought in the Mideast?

What comes to mind is the age-old aphorism that the devil you know sure beats the devil you don’t. America’s current president has rescued a number of devils at the same time he has sent some to Hell.

What hath Obama wrought?

In the Libyan non-war, the euphemestic “kinetic military action” Obama swore would last days not weeks and went on for seven months, our Tomahawk missiles and drones softened up the defenses of Col. Khadafi’s loyalists and put him on the run until rebel forces trapped him in a sewer drain and executed him.

Libya thus rid itself and the world of the mad dog, a man who had called Obama ”our son” and whose friendship was reciprocated by our president before he turned on his “dad.” In turn, Rev. Louis Farrakhan, who used to address Obama as “brother,” then asked his bro, “Who the hell do you think you are?”

More pertinent questions now would be, What have you done, who and what are taking Khadafi’s place, and what now? . . .

Sunday, October 23, 2011

School Gays Are Bustin' Out All Over!

School Gays Are Bustin' Out All Over!

I bet you thought June was “Gay Pride Month.” Well, it is, as declared by President Barack Hussein Obama originally in 2009 and re-dedicated as such in 2010 and 2011. But June is hardly the only “gay month” and should be distinguished from ”LGBT History Month,” which was first celebrated in 1994.

June was chosen as Gay Pride Month since the homosexual ascendancy in the United States began in June, 1969 with the Stonewall riots. October was selected as LGBT History Month because “National Coming Out Day” falls on October 11th and the first gay march on Washington occurred in October, 1979.

Got all that? If not, try to keep up, okay!

Union High School special ed teacher Vicki Knox couldn’t have forgotten the gay significance of October since school signs posters declaring this month ”Lesbian Gay Bi Transgender History Month” reminded her every day.

Mrs. Knox, a devout Christian, made the mistake of foolishly exercising her First Amendment right of free speech regarding her views on the evils of homosexuality on a very public venue, Facebook, and was suspended by Union High and may lose her job because of alleged homophobia.

Knox’s comments may not have provoked retaliation as much as the growing Facebook comment thread although she apparently did get more strident in expressing her unforgivable beliefs that, as she said, ”Homosexuality is a perverted spirit that has existed from the beginning of creation. I do not pretend to know ALL things. Nor do I pretend not to have biases, failings and faults. But I know sin and it breeds like cancer!”

Apparently, too, in our perverse, diverse, politically-correct society, religiosity and free speech mean nil as contrasted with the rights of homosexuals everywhere to campaign for both acceptance and recruits.

There’s no evidence dozens of students in the audience at Hartford Public High School in Connecticut gave much thought to religion or civil rights but they did react politically incorrectly when they stormed out of “Zanna, Don’t!” a musical sponsored by Greater Hartford’s Quest, an LGBT advocacy group ostensibly concerned about bullying in schools.

The Hartford Courant described the play as depicting “a reverse world in which straight people are outcasts and the most popular boy in school is the flamboyant star of the chess team . . . [and] the lowly football captain turns out to be a closet heterosexual.”

The Courant reporter, Vanessa De La Torre, also characterized the liplock between two male characters that provoked the storm-out as “a peck on the lips.” As pictures reveal, Ms. De La Torre doesn’t seem to know the difference . . .

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Deconstructing Marco Rubio

Deconstructing Marco Rubio

They’re done with Michelle Bachmann who was successfully painted as just another stupid, Republican woman like Sarah Palin despite her law degrees and stint as an IRS attorney.

They ignore Gary Johnson, Buddy Roemer, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, and Ron Paul because none of them stand a chance of snagging the GOP nomination. They buried Donald Trump under a still-suspect birth certificate and have labeled Herman Cain as nothing more than a token, a pizza store owner. They’re still in process of dismantling Rick Perry with charges of stupidity and blood lust and have made Mitt Romney an Obamacare accomplice.

However, Obama’s Democrats never feared any of them with the gut terror they experience with a 40 year old son of an immigrant, the newly-elected United States senator from the State of Florida, Marco Antonio Rubio.

Right now, Senator Rubio poses the major threat to President Barack Hussein Obama because he’s the anti-Obama, the embodiment of everything the president isn’t–pro-life, pro-balanced budget, pro-family and normal marriage, pro-charter schools, pro-drilling, pro-Second Amendment, pro-strong national defense, pro-real government and tax reform, and pro-border security.

If that were not sufficient to scare the pants off liberals, Rubio opposes Obamacare, amnesty for illegal aliens, phony economic stimuli, endless death row appeals, federal intrusions into public education, crippling cap and trade legislation, card check legislation, and punitive taxation.

Oh, and he loves his country, he’s an hispanic Catholic, and he doesn’t have Dumbo ears, a definite cosmetic plus in our looks-obsessed culture.

What Marco Rubio also has are credentials and credibility, features sorely lacking in the current White House resident.

Born in 1971 to Cuban immigrants–legal immigrants, not the kind Obama favors–graduate of the University of Florida, University of Miami School of Law (cum laude), 5-term member of the Florida House of Representatives, elected Speaker of that body in 2007, published author (without Bill Ayers’ ghostwriting), elected to the United States Senate in 2008, Rubio outshines Obama across the board but isn’t a candidate opposing him.

The reason then for the Obamian fear, terror, and loathing? . . .

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bus Bias and Basketball Bandits

Bus Bias and Basketball Bandits

Move to the back of the bus! Gimme you wallet!

The first of those directives is most often associated with the segregated South when African-Americans were ordered to make room for whites–before Rosa Parks said, “No!” The second is often the command of a mugger who wants your hard-earned cash–now!

In Brooklyn, New York, the first is an acceptable order when given to women by Hasidic Jews. To Bryant Gumbel, the second is also acceptable as a labor demand by the National Basketball Players Association.

The Hasidim represent a sect of Orthodox Judaism in which Jewish males immerse themselves daily in a mikvah for spiritual cleansing, wear distinctive clothing, rigidly adhere to a tradition of gender separation–and reserve front seats for Hasidic men, even on Brooklyn buses.

On the morning of October 12th, Melissa Franchy boarded the B110 bus, took a seat near the front, and everything was fine–until the bus began to fill up with Hasidic men. At that point, male passengers insisted she relocate to the rear. Inquiring why, she was scolded, “When God makes a rule, you don’t ask, Why make the rule?”

Apparently unbeknownst to Franchy, the bus is privately-owned though operating a public service under a New York City franchise and is still subject to anti-discrimination laws. Maybe. An un-resolved question remains as to whether an exception can be made to allow sex discrimination on this quasi-public enterprise since, as explains, “It’s a Jewish bus.”

Should this public service be exempted from anti-bias laws? I don’t know. You make the call. I’m just pretty certain God didn’t “make the rule.”

Former Today show host and current HBO sportscaster Bryant Gumbel tends to make his own rules.

Forced off Today in 1989 after sniping at fellow staffers Willard Scott and Gene Shalit, Gumbel landed a job at CBS. In 2000, he was caught on camera saying, “What a f*cking idiot” following a hostile interview with Robert Knight. Knight has headed up the Family Research Council, the Media Research Center, and other conservative religious organizations but Gumbel didn’t approve his defense of the Boy Scouts’ exclusion of homosexual troop leaders.

Nevertheless, the true f*cking idiot Gumbel landed his HBO gig where he recently proved how f*cking idiotic he is. . .

The Many Faces of Domestic Terrorism

The Many Faces of Domestic Terrorism

The incidence of domestic terrorism in America, the commission or threat of violence against civilians by political, religious, or other ideological fanatics, actually pre-dates the establishment of the United States.

Domestic terrorism has many faces, all of them ugly, all of it carried out by U.S. citizens.

Defined by the FBI in 1994 as,”the unlawful use of force or violence, committed by a group(s) of two or more individuals, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives,” that definition of domestic terrorism was expanded by the Patriot Act to incorporate actions of “mass destruction, assassination, and kidnapping occurring within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.”

The British may have construed the Boston Tea Party as domestic terrorism even before the term existed. However, most of us are more familiar with contemporary incidents, those perpetrated by the KKK, the Black Liberation Army, the Jewish Defense League, the Weather Underground, the Unabomber, the Fort Hood Muslim, and the deadliest of all, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombers.

Depending on one’s sociopolitical perspectives, almost any domestic crime can be considered an example of domestic terrorism.

Thus, the 2009 senseless murder of the abortionist Dr. George Tiller by Scott Roeder, a man crazed by the inhumanity of late term abortions, has been termed by some as domestic terrorism. Conversely and perversely, gays who proudly attack a gathering of normal people with bricks are accorded an MSM pass. (

Go figure.

On the other hand, transparent efforts at coercion by the Wall Street Occupiers, efforts clearly aimed at intimidating our government and civilian population “in furtherance of political or social objectives” aren’t being classified as terroristic by our governments or by the mainstream media.

If violence and murder constitute the requisite distinctions in determining what is and what is not domestic terrorism, what of the threat of violence and murder posed “in furtherance of political or social objectives”?

No murders by the OWS protestors have been reported so far but widespread violence has been committed against the public weal and against public sensibilities, overt threats have been directed toward individuals, institutions, and Jews in general, and rapes, thefts, and clashes with police. . . (Read more at

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Desparate Dems Denying and Lying

Desparate Dems Denying and Lying

Aside from lying and denying, reacting defensively and resorting to outlandishness are sure signs of politicians in trouble. When they lie, deny, get defensive and employ extreme rhetoric, it’s a certainty they’ve gotten a good, rancid whiff of looming defeat.

Based on their recent history, Democrats are evidently smelling electoral catastrophe. It’s one thing when the under-qualified, over-achieving Van Jones makes preposterous assertions, quite another when Democrats of consequence demonstrate palpable fear by their wild flailing.

Like former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, former Obama “Green Czar” Van Jones is expected to fabricate lies presented as truth and inanities cloaked as erudite expertise. We can readily dismiss Pelosi’s nutty declaration that women will be dying on floors in droves if House Republicans passed the Protect Life Act and disregard Jones’ praise of the “non-violent” Arab Spring as, respectively, the senseless ravings of an hysterical abortionist and the uninformed jabberings of a pretentious twit.

Less dismissible are the actions and utterances of the Senate Majority Leader and the Vice President even if we allow for their desperation.

Harry Reid has never been a guy to let reason and logic intrude on his ultra-liberal ideology.

He made his confusion vividly clear when he ignored the fact that America was not founded on the principle of public service employment but on free enterprise. The unemployment crisis won’t be solved by government hiring, as Reid believes, but by the private sector expanding and employing more people.

Someone should clue Majority Leader Reid that, contrary to current misconception, we are not yet a socialist nation dependent–and employed–by governments.

In an amazing display of detached reality, Reid said on the floor of the United States Senate, “It’s very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine; it’s the public-sector jobs where we’ve lost huge numbers, and that’s what this [jobs] legislation is all about.”

Sen. Reid’s whereabouts for the past three years must be called into question. Is he totally oblivious of his country’s rock-solid unemployment rate of 9.1% and of the State of Nevada’s 13.4%?

Has he succumbed to the Democrat Party curse of denial in the face of the obvious, is he finally admitting the only way the Obama administration can get 14 million people back to work is by putting them on government payrolls, or is he just loony?

Maybe all of the above.

Vice President Joe Biden, the uncrowned prince of flubs, fluffs, and gaffes– second only to Obama the Gaffe Machine–is showing distinct signs that his advancing years or his own impending unemployment is affecting his brain. . . (Read more at

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

MLK--Monumental Man

MLK--Monumental Man

The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. was a complex man, to say the least. Now he’s a monumental man.

Despised and investigated by J. Edgar Hoover for a variety of anti-American activities, idolized by his followers for his struggles on behalf of African-Americans, held in contempt by Jackie Kennedy, unparalled leader of the Civil Rights Movement, MLK now has an imposing monument on four acres erected in his honor on the Washington Mall.

The controversial 30 foot, 16 ton Chinese-sculpted statue, 11 feet taller than the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, was 20 years in the making at a cost of some $120 million. It was finally dedicated on October 16th after an earthquake and Hurricane Irene spoiled the planned opening on the anniversary of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

Another earthquake of controversy ensued following the dedication. Among other critics, some objected to the failure to incorporate reference to God anywhere on a memorial to a Baptist minister and poet Maya Angelou contended the main inscription on the Buddha-esque monument “makes Dr. Martin Luther King look like an arrogant twit.”

The abbreviated King quotation reads, ”I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness.” More than twittish arrogance, the words create the image of a drum and bugle corps leader.

In an startlingly frank article on the Dream speech and the monument by an African-American columnist, Robert E. Pierre observes that King might not recognize either the monument inscription or himself today based on that inscription.

Newsday titled the publication of Pierre’s piece in its printed edition, “Let Memorial Stand for the Real MLK.” Online, Newsday re-titled the article, ”Pierre: Recalling MLK the Revolutionary,” a more accurate representation, more reflective of who and what Rev. King really was. (

As Pierre points out, the “content of their character” and “table of brotherhood” parts of King’s “Dream” speech were secondary to his incitement to revolution and his ominous prediction that “The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.”

He’s right. There’s not much character content and brotherhood associated with violent revolutions nor in King’s acknowledged Communist sympathies.

Pierre does mention that little-known facet of King’s career but fails to comment on the minister’s womanizing, the reasons J. Edgar considered him a national security threat, or how MLK’s supporters pressured federal and state legislators into declaring the only national holiday honoring an individual American. (Washington and Lincoln were lumped together in “President’s Day” in 1971.)

Pierre does reveal, without apology, that King was more viscerally revolutionary and outwardly radical than most of his contemporary counterparts or subsequent idolizers would care to admit. . . (Read more at

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Things Liberals Get Away With!

The Things Liberals Get Away With!

No political party or philosophy has a monopoly on stupidity but with the stranglehold liberal Democrats have on the mainstream media most of the American public never gets to hear about ignorant, stupid, racist, and otherwise bigoted utterances and actions of Leftists and if and when they do become public knowledge, they are usually soon buried by the MSM and never resurrected again.

We heard fast and furiously when Ronald Reagan said trees caused more pollution than cars, when Dan Quayle misspelled “potatoes,” when George W. Bush committed his countless gaffes, when Sarah Palin swore she could see Russia from her porch, even when Jerry Falwell speculated that Tinky Winky must be gay because he was purple and triangulated.

We rarely if ever heard of Democrat Rep. John Conyers’ admission that he hadn’t a clue what the Obamacare bill contained before he voted for it, of Democrats Joe Biden’s or Nancy Pelosi’s numerous exercises in inserting feet into mouths, of liberal commentator Anderson Cooper slandering the Tea Party with a homosexual reference to “teabagging,” or of Democrat entertainer Sheryl Crow’s environmentalist advocacy of the one sheet of toilet paper rule.

One of President Barack Hussein Obama’s earliest gaffes, his claim to have visited 57 of America’s 58 states during the 2008 campaign, went unreported and unnoticed for almost two years before it was given grudging attention by the MSM after everyone else was aware of it thanks largely to Fox News and the conservative branch of the blogosphere.

Instances of vicious idiocy, the vile things America-hating, “freedom-loving,” diversity-plugging Leftists say, do, and get away with lately could fill volumes.

A select few:

. At Achieve Early College High School in McAllen, Texas, situated 10 miles from the Mexican border, students were required to stand and recite the Mexican national anthem and Mexican pledge of allegiance in a Spanish class.

To her enviably patriotic credit, 15 year old Brenda Brindson refused and said later, “I just thought it was out of hand, I didn’t think it was right. Reciting pledges to Mexico and being loyal to it has nothing to do with learning Spanish.”

Young Ms. Brindson deserves the Medal of Freedom. Repercussions for her Mexican native teacher? None.

. President Barack Hussein Obama, aptly characterized as “The Gaffe Machine” by Michelle Malkin, often ventures beyond mere mental and verbal lapses into the realm of downright venomous–and dumb–attacks.

Our perpetually-campaigning president on the non-campaign road again re-launched an ancient Dem canard when he said that the Republican jobs plan boiled down to “Dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance” as opposed to his plan to put people back to work.

Aside from our scholar-leader’s grammatical faux pas in saying “less” when “fewer” is the correct usage, that tired crowd-pleasing line presupposes Republicans revel in the idea of breathing foul air and drinking fetid water, want their kids and grandkids to do the same, and get off by depriving Americans of proper medical attention and unemployment lines.

Will the media rebuke Obama for his mud-slinging? That’s as likely as the MSM condemning Nancy Pelosi for saying “women can die on the floor” if House Republicans passed the Protect Life Act. (They did; no dead women on any floors, yet.)

. The full story of arch-Leftist actress Susan Sarandon may never be told although she recently displayed her extreme liberalism and bigoted anti-Catholic spleen in Long Island’s elitist Sag Harbor. . .

Monday, October 17, 2011

Obamacare and Abortion, the NHS and Catastrophe

Obamacare and Abortion, the NHS and Catastrophe

In touting what eventually came to be called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, better known as Obamacare, President Barack Hussein Obama pledged that the measure patterned after Britain’s National Health Service, the NHS, contained no provisions for federal government funding of abortions.

He lied, just as he lied when he tied Obamacare to Romneycare–coincidentally after Mitt Romney became a serious threat to his re-election next year.

The question of the constitutionality of the PPACA, the same law which then-Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi infamously said Congress had to be pass “so you can find out what’s in it,” will be taken up in the current session of the Supreme Court.

With four confirmed liberals in his corner, including a ringer–Associate Justice Elena Kagan who was deeply involved in creating a defense of Obamacare as his Solicitor General and who so far has refused to recuse herself in the matter–Obama must be fairly confident in the PPACA being upheld as constitutional.

Until today, it was doubtful government lawyers would push for a separate ruling on Obamacare’s CLASS feature, the long-term insurance proposal which was effectively scrapped on Friday by HHS Secretary Sebellius due to doubts as to its fiscally solvency. CLASS was revived on Monday when the president revealed he was still committed to it.

Aside from the question of whether this administration knows what it’s doing, the long-term solvency and the sanity of the entire 2,409 page PPACA monstrosity have been as dubious from the outset, as dubious as the merits of our democratic republican government seizing control of one-sixth of the national economy and establishing itself as the arbiter of life and death.

Nancy Pelosi may still be in love with the president’s legacy issue but few others are confident in his pledges especially regarding abortion and even fewer comprehend the weird rationale of using the crumbling, antiquated NHS as the Obamacare model.

In what must have been a stinging no-confidence vote, 15 members of the Democrat Party joined 236 Republicans in the House last week to pass the Protect Life Act to amend the PPACA. The legislation would prohibit expenditure of any funds for abortion and would hold harmless health care providers who refuse to provide abortion services on moral grounds.

As much as it is pro-life legislation, the Protect Life Act is a no-trust measure. It merely re-inforces Obama’s hollow promise which was as trustworthy as his multiple other pledges. Notwithstanding statistics showing 67% of Americans oppose abortion funding, the pro-abortion Democrat Senate will surely kill it or, should Senate Democrats have an unlikely attack of conscience, Obama will certainly veto it.

It was anticipated that the most pro-abortion president in America’s history would continue his killing ways and, as bizarre as it was, developing Obamacare based on Britain’s socialized medical program fits tidily with the NHS in that respect: The NHS goes out of its way to make abortion available to all comers, consciences be damned.

The National Health Service is flawed in so many ways that it makes one wonder whether the president chose it to emulate as some sort of macabre joke on America. . .

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wall Street Occupiers Bare Their Fangs

Wall Street Occupiers Bare Their Fangs

I was roundly chastised on October 8th by an indignant critic who took great umbrage at my early criticism of the self-proclaimed Wall Street Occupiers.

I must admit that my preliminary observations on the WSO were premature and only semi-accurate. I had suggested they were out of touch with reality whereas the truth could be that they are in close touch although their view of reality doesn’t approximate the beliefs of the 99% of Americans they claim to represent.

Kheaven1942 acerbically commented on my article, “Wall Street, the Numbnuts not the Movie” ( by saying, “Congratulations, this is the most delicately fabricated story I have ever read. It’s amazing to what lengths you went to make sure you capture only the very, very few in this movement who make it look uneducated and stupid. You, and everyone else following this story know very well how much more organized this is than what you are trying to portray in this sad excuse for journalism.”

In rebuttal, I would like to thank Kheaven for calling my writing “delicately fabricated” since I’m rarely delicate about anything but I have to correct him on his fabricated fabrication.

Kheaven went on to explain, “The movement is only a few weeks old. It is completely normal that it is still growing with no concise and clear direction and motivation–that would be asking too much. Give it a few more weeks, months, maybe even years, and this could be the new face of democracy.”

On that, I would have to agree and disagree. The demonstrations on Wall Street and yesterday in Times Square and across the nation may be growing without clarity of purpose but are “normal” only if normality is now defined by gross abnormality despite efforts by the mainstream media to depict them as a grassroots movement akin to the Tea Party.

For one important thing, Tea Partiers are law abiding people who respect the law, the rights of others, and common decency.

Sorry, Kheaven, but thousands of people exhibiting placards declaring hatred for and supporting the violent overthrow of my country, copulating in a public park, trampling on American flags, disrupting commerce and civil order, defying and intimidating legal authority, endorsing Nazism, Marxism, and anti-Semitism, and defecating on patrol cars among other outrages do not constitute the norm in any normal context.

Did I focus on the ”very, very few in this movement who make it look uneducated and stupid”? Hardly. The vast majority seem relatively educated but educated in public schools . . . (Read more at

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Joy of Creeping Corruption

The Joy of Creeping Corruption

When the late economist-philosopher Friedrich Hayek coined the term “creeping socialism” in The Road to Serfdom, he couldn’t have envisioned the great socialist leap forward this America has witnessed under President Barack Hussein Obama. To complement the soaring socialism, Obama and his administration are now proving they are as guilty of creeping corruption as they are of perpetrating socialistic schemes.

It may all be a good thing.

In 2008, Obama was painted by his mainstream media as Mr. Clean, free of political contamination perhaps in part because he was so inexperienced in politics, and in everything else except community organizing. Perhaps, too, that cleanliness feature was on the mind of then-Senator Joe Biden when he described his future boss as “bright and clean.”

For the most part, the president somehow eluded significant scandal for two years but in the third year of his reign the dirt has hit the executive fan big time.

To be sure, there were relatively minor dings in Obama’s armor during his first two years. However, the out-of-control EPA and TSA, the WikiLeaks leaks, the black racism demonstrated at Eric Holder’s Justice Department, etc. and Obama’s scandalous mishandling of the economy weren’t comparable in gravity to the overt instances of corruption playing out now in both the White House and DoJ.

First came the “Fast and Furious” fiasco, the botched gun-running sting which resulted in the ATF furnishing some 1500 weapons to Mexican cartels which were then used to kill a U.S. border patrol agent and in countless crimes south of the border rather than achieving the planned aim of arresting Mexican criminals.

Close on the heels of Operation Fast and Furious came the Solyndra and LightSquared messes, the administration’s favoritism toward so-called “green” companies. Playing favorites is a time-honored if sleazy feature of politics but when the administration wasted hundreds of millions of dollars of scarce taxpayer money and the good buddies repaid that largesse by generously funneling millions back to Obama’s campaign war chest, favoritism entered the realm of impeachable corruption.

If anything, the corruptive nature of the LightSquared seamy involvement with the presidency actually eclipsed the Solyndra boondoggle.

What may turn out to be the ultimate irony in the deceit, misrepresentations, and outright lies of Eric Holder and Barack Obama relating to the administration’s growing record of corruption is the fact that most of it was avoidable had the president not adopted the Nixonian approach to being caught: deny, deny, and deny again. . .

Explicating Pat Buchanan's "Suicide"

Explicating Pat Buchanan's "Suicide"

Pat Buchanan, former presidential candidate, adviser to Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Reagan, prolific author, and paleoconservative political commentator, knows whereof he speaks and writes. He has written a new book, a book deeply-disturbing to anyone who loves the United States of America and fears for our future.

Titled, Suicide of a Superpower, its subtitle, the question, Will America Survive to 2025? is even more disconcerting.

Scheduled to be officially released by Macmillan on October 18th, obtained a pre-publication copy of Suicide and outlined its contents which are not for the fainthearted. Or, for those smugly confident that, since America is the only superpower now and since we are the richest, most potent force on the planet, we will always be.

To anyone who has closely followed international and national developments over the course of the past few decades and especially of the last three years or even to casual observers, what Buchanan coalesces in the 496 pages of Suicide will strike many chords.

All the chords lead to the inexorable conclusion that the days of America’s greatness, if not to our days of existence as a nation, are numbered with very few numbers.

The Muslim world, which at this juncture stands to inherit what remains of Western civilization, will love Buchanan’s book. So, too, will the Left, which has been working tirelessly for decades to destroy the foundations of that civilization.

A few of the points noted by Buchanan, with this writer’s bracketed observations:

. We have created an totally dependent underclass ”who cannot cope” and who rely on government to provide their daily necessities. [I would add that they also cannot think. Testimony to both is the burgeoning welfare and food stamp programs and the fact that over 40% of Americans still support President Barack Hussein Obama.]

. Successful efforts to “de-Christianize” America and Europe “will prove culturally and socially suicidal,” as will the disintegration of Catholic schools and the abandonment by Catholic colleges and universities of Catholic principles on such issues as abortion. [Buchanan, a Roman Catholic, is right on the mark, not because Christians or Catholics are flawless but because ours was a Christian nation from its inception and because Catholics have been the primary advocates for the central moral issue of our time, the sanctity of life.]

. “White America is an endangered species,” . . . (Read more at

Friday, October 14, 2011

Only Some Deaths Diminish the MSM

Only Some Deaths Diminish the MSM

“Any man’s death diminishes me,” wrote the poet John Donne, generically and appropriately mourning the death of any person, man, woman, or child. Today, in the mainstream media, expressions of diminishment and recognition are far more selective and politically correct than Donne could have envisioned.

For example, this week and various other liberal media observed the thirteenth anniversary of the senseless murder of 21 year old Wyoming college Matthew Shepard and a like number of media noted the quiet passing of 86 year old Frank Kameny. Last month, virtually none of the MSM made mention of the twelfth anniversary of the death of 13 year old Arkansan, Jesse Dirkhising, about the same media coverage accorded his torture and murder when it happened.

Dare I mention that Shepard and Kameny were committed homosexuals and that Jesse was an innocent, straight victim of homicidal, gay sadists? I will mention it since those facts remain the only distinctions to account for the media ignoring Jesse and lauding Shepard and Kameny.

Matthew Shepard accomplished significantly more by his death at the hands of two drunken sots outside Laramie, Wyoming than he did during his brief life. He became the poster boy for the LGBT community and eventually the cause célèbre in their successful campaign for national hate crime legislation.

Though those laws ostensibly targeted any hate-thought crimes, they were primarily focused on allegations of discrimination against homosexuals, an ironic detail since hatred of gays was never proven as the motive in the trials of Shepard’s murderers.

Frank Kameny was a gay of a whole different color than Matthew Shepard. . .

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Occupiers: Pathetic Becomes Perilous

The Occupiers: Pathetic Becomes Perilous

Choose your variation: There’s nothing surer: The rich get richer and the poor get—poorer/children/laid off. Whatever you pick, the line may be considered one of the slogans of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators.

When those protests against everything began a month ago, most outside observers viewed them with a mixture of bemusement and bewilderment. They have rapidly devolved into a source of disenchantment, disgust, and now fear.

At first, what little focus they had seem centered on the people President Barack Hussein Obama called the Wall Street “fat cats.” They’ve widened their scope beyond greed.

A LaLa Land demonstrator revealed that new vista when he announced at an Occupy Los Angeles rally that violence and bloodshed will become necessary components of the Left Coast occupation.

Rejecting Gandhian non-violence, the unidentified, heavily-accented speaker lectured his excited audience on his revolutionary model, the French Reign of Terror. He concluded, “So, ultimately, the bourgeoisie won’t go without violent means. Revolution! Yes, revolution that is led by the working class. Long live revolution! Long live socialism!”

See and hear his call for insurrection here:

The failure of the Occupiers to recognize that Washington, not bankers, was the primary cause of the sub-prime mortgage crisis which precipitated our Great Recession and most of the Occupiers’ grievances could be dismissed as merely pathetic. This new wrinkle is disturbing. . .

Bumbling Biden and Irate Iran

Bumbling Biden and Irate Iran

There’s a common thread running through two recent news developments. Interwoven through Vice President Joe Biden’s politically-exaggerated prediction of rapes and murders and Iran’s farcical anger over being implicated in terrorism is the spectre of the man who, in one way or another, emboldens them both, Barack Hussein Obama. featured two juxtaposed, starkly-contrasting pictures on Wednesday, one of candidate Obama’s October 27, 2008 rally in Pitttsburgh showing his wildly passionate supporters overflowing an arena, the other of his October 11, 2011 appearance in the same venue before mostly-empty seats. Drudge’s caption: “Enthusiasm Gap?”

The photos reflect more than an enthusiasm gap.

They reflect the reasons Joe Biden has gone off the deep end and why the equally-nutty Islamic Government of Iran is tempting fate: Both Biden and Iran know Obama is a one-termer. As a result, Biden has lost what was left of his mind and Iran is figuring it’s now or never to humiliate and terrorize the United States.

Pulling the bizarre card in Flint, Michigan, the always intemperate now totally screwy vice president was ostensibly making a pitch for Obama’s $447 billion American Jobs Act, which his own senate Democrats have effectively buried, when he predicted that more rapes and murders will occur if it isn’t passed.

As if that were not sufficient to scare politicians into backing another massive waste of money, after citing crime stats in lawless Flint, Biden aeemed to invoke the Almighty to attest to salvation granted by virtue of passage of his boss’s original boondoggle in 2009 with the line, “And God only knows what that number would have been had we not been able to get a little bit of help.

God only knows but what He knows mostly is that Joe Biden has reached the end of his tether and should resign himself to the inevitable or simply resign. Before he does, someone should remind him that people rape and murder not because there are fewer cops on the street but because they have no respect for law and other people.

Iran has little respect for much of anything unless it’s governed by sharia law or for anyone unless they adhere to the Islamic “faith.”

Over the last few years, Iran’s titular leader, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, its Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his fellow “holy men” have demonstrated a profound disrespect for international law, for fundamental human rights, and common decency as they prepare for the establishment of a worldwide Muslim caliphate.

Based on their provocation in vowing to send Iranian warships to within striking distance of America’s shores and now, allegedly, conspiring to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the U.S. and murder countless Americans in the process, they must think their conquest is at hand.

That, or they believe the American president is such a wishy-washy, indecisive, Muslim-loving leader who is on his way out and they might as well seize the opportunity before a real president takes his place. . .

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Abortion, in Russia and in Obamaland

Abortion, in Russia and in Obamaland

According to Reuters, last July Russia went where the Obama administration dares not go on the issue of abortion. With a declining birth rate and one of the highest abortion rates in the world, the Russians mandated that abortion providers carry warnings of health risks in their advertisements.

Ironically, the now-defunct Union of Soviet Socialists Republics under Vladimir Lenin’s Bolsheviks was one of the first nations on the planet to legalize aborting pre-born babies in 1920. Ninety one years later, Russia is finally coming to the realization that abortion can be almost as harmful to women as it is to fetuses.

The administration of Barack Hussein Obama can evidently learn a few things about the “procedure” from the administration of Dmitry Medvedev and Vlad Putin: Abortion not only has terminal effects on the pre-born, it can have deleterious effects on the mothers who abort them.

The most pro-abortion American president in history, a distinction preceded by his record as the most pro-abortion United States senator during his two-year stint in that august body and his history as an Illinois state senator where he voted in favor of requiring that babies born during botched abortions be left to die, Obama hasn’t done or said much lately regarding abortion.

(See “Obama Flips OFF Babies,

Election 2012 is less than thirteen months away so he prefers to have his henchmen do his dirty work.

With America’s predominant abortionist posing as a “family planner,” Planned Parenthood of America, exposed as a fraud and its taxpayer funding under scrutiny by House of Representative Republicans, Obama’s henchmen are duly stressed and forced to execute his policies surreptitiously and cunningly.

Thus, they quietly ended a five year agreement with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the USCCB.

Catholics, of course, are notorious for staunchly holding to the principles that human life is sacred from the moment of conception and that abortion is an abomination but the agreement in question was irrelevant to those beliefs. Rather, the rescinded $19 million grant related to comprehensive services provided by the USCCB to assist sex trafficking victims–2700 since 2006–with food, clothing and access to medical care . . .

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Obama's Zuccotti Gamble

Obama's Zuccotti Gamble

Perhaps feeling they have little to lose at this stage of his failed presidency, Barack Hussein Obama and his band of merry mutilators of the American Dream have decided to risk everything and throw their lot in with the people who most closely represent the president’s political and social philosophies.

No, it’s not the labor unions whose support is in the bag as long as this administration endorses salary and benefits in lieu of fiscal sanity. No, it’s not African-Americans who though outwardly disenchanted with the president will still cast over 70% of their ballots for him next year. And no, it’s not his other core constituencies, the homosexuals, hispanics, Jews, and the Wall Street moneybaggers.

Obama knows that gays are still giddy over the repeal of DADT, hispanics are aware his failure to put legalizing illegals on the front burner is a ploy to be remedied in his second term, many Jews think he doesn’t really hate Israel, and that enough of the people he called “fat cats” will open their fat wallets sufficiently wide to enable him to fill his billion dollar campaign war chest.

Still, the Dems are taking a terrific gamble.

It may be that the dogmatic Obama and his ideologically-driven advisers are so consumed by their arrogant sense of Alinskyite superiority that they have been blinded to the folly of offering tacit approval and advocating for the nihilism of America’s nouveau hippies, the twenty-first century’s version of Woodstock, the so-called “Occupy Wall Street” crowd.

Dems are so confused over the protestors that pols such as Vice President Biden have compared them to the conservative Tea Party movement. Such a comparison only holds water if they somehow see similarities between the slovenly, insurrectionist, nihilistic Occupiers and the clean, respectful, patriotic Tea Partiers who wave American flags while the protestors wave dirty underwear.

Nevertheless, I hope the Obamians hang in there with their support. Their backing of the anarchic groups who have infested Zuccotti Park in New York City for weeks and their compatriots throughout the country is a virtual endorsement of next year’s Republican ticket.

Tuesday’s march movin’ on uptown to the deluxe pads of the rich in the sky won’t get them a piece of George Jefferson’s pie but should provide further insight into the extremist motives of the protestors and another boost to GOP prospects.

To be sure, the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators have some valid gripes; no society is perfect and any conscious human being has at least a few complaints, valid grievances over something or other. In a democratic republic, bellyaching is properly addressed at the ballot box.

The illegitimacy of the Occupiers’ complaints is best illustrated . . .

Monday, October 10, 2011

Joe Biden and Cornell Belcher, Liberal Desperados

Joe Biden and Cornell Belcher, Liberal Desperados

Desperate people have a tendency to say desperate things to conceal their desperation but don’t tell the Obamians their desperation is showing. It’s becoming increasingly difficult, though, not to get exasperated over their disregard for truth and their ruthless invective.

Liberals are getting more anxious by the day as their hopes for four more years of Obamamania diminish with every downtick in their leader’s approval ratings, every uptick in the unemployment numbers, every news item revealing the multiple scandals and disarray enveloping their hero’s administration, and evidence the president is becoming isolated and withdrawn.

Still, the extremes to which liberals have been going lately and the outlandish rhetoric they employ suggest a serious disconnect from reality that should be disturbing to liberals and rational people alike.

Vice President Joe Biden and Obama adviser Cornell Belcher are two cases in point of liberals and their thought processes sliding into a dark hole of bleak desperation.

Never at a loss for words, always at a loss for rationality, Biden let slip another doozey last week during his ongoing push for passage of Obama’s ”jobs bill,” which even his Democrat Senate refuses to consider, as he trashed about for excuses for an economy in the toilet.

He is now blaming the Chinese.

More specifically, during an interview with NBC’s David Gregory, America’s clown prince attributed the nation’s worsening economy at least in part to Chinese real estate. He might just as well have blamed the price of tea in the Middle Kingdom. As Biden explained, “There are roughly, depending on the estimate, 30 to 50 million apartment units in China that are vacant and people are worried about the real estate bubble there.”

So, vacant apartments in China are hurting America’s economy? I’m no more an economist than Clueless Joe but attributing any degree of our mess to a Chinese bubble of any sort borders on madness, or Bidenness.

Biden went on to define the cure for what ails us: passage of Obama’s American Jobs Act which would add up to 2 million new jobs to America’s work force. If true and based on previous exaggerations it isn’t, points out they would be mostly government jobs, anyway, and the cost of the legislation would probably outweigh its benefits. (

For his part, interviewer Gregory showed a marked lack of inquisitiveness by letting Biden get away with his claims. Had the interviewee been G.W. Bush a few years ago, Gregory and his MSM coterie would have verbally beaten Bush over the head and shoulders for such outlandishness.

Last month, Obama lackey Cornell Belcher showed an even greater disregard for common sense than Biden when he, an African-American, charged GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain, an African-American, with being a racist bigot toward African-Americans. . .

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Muffingate and Cupcakes

Muffingate and Cupcakes

Bureaucrats at the Department of Justice deny hosting conferences featuring cupcakes for which the department paid $16. apiece–not to mention $10. for cookies, coffee at a buck an ounce and snacks at $32. a head–even after its own Inspector General rebuked them for excessive spending and the DoJ agreed to monitor such expenditures more closely.

As per Obamian protocol, the DoJ recovered its fumble, then punted–to the previous administration contending most of the conferences in question took place under George W. Bush’s watch. In effect, Attorney General Eric Holder’s department said, We didn’t do it, Bush did it, but we won’t do it again.

With all the charges of racism, gun running, and lying that have been lodged against Holder, $16. muffins and $10. cookies, etc. are the least of his, and our, problems but, still, it must be confer an extraordinary sense of entitlement to be able to waste precious tax monies when the nation is gasping.

Closely related to what CBS dubbed “Muffingate” is the allegedly-racist Berkeley cupcakes scandal; both muffins and cupcakes are baked goods.

NPR, which technically stands for National Public Radio but could more accurately be described as Nationally-susidized Public Radicals, took great umbrage at last month’s demonstration of racism in action at the extreme University of California at Berkeley. NPR’s Michel Martin felt the campus Republicans were unoriginal, intellectually dishonest, willfully ignorant of what minorities have endured in the past, and should “man up.”

What Martin didn’t say was that this was Obamatime, payback time, so suck it up, honkies!

The Berkeley College Republicans–yes, there are a few sane kids out on the Left Coast–had hosted a “diversity bake sale,” which seems innocuous enough. However, it was the dastardly right wing pricing structure for the cupcakes that got NPR’s collective shorts in a wad.

The goodies were offered for sale to white students at $2. each, to Asian-Americans at $1.50, to hispanics for $1.00, to women for $1.25, to African-Americans for seventy five cents, and to Native Americans for a quarter, quite the bargain for the ladies, Latinos, blacks, and Indians, not so much for Asians and Caucasians.

Staged as a protest against legislation to establish race as a factor in admissions by the University of California, to judge college applicants not on their qualifications–or character content–but by the color of their skin, . . .

People Say the Darndest Things, Part Two

People Say the Darndest Things, Part Two

. . . For example, with Steve Jobs’ body barely cold, punctured numerous holes in the popular conception of the legacy and the persona of the man whose genius has been compared with DaVinci, Edison, and Einstein.

In brief, Gawker delved into “the dark side of Steve Jobs and the company he founded.”

While praising his innovation and achievement in “What Everyone Is too Polite to Say about Steve Jobs,” Gawker rips virtually everything else about him and Apple Inc.

Gawker contends that the innovative achiever was a tyranical, mean-spirited employer who publicly humiliated underlings, that Apple unfairly repressed information and competition, was guilty of knowingly violating child labor laws and human rights by establishing ”sweat shops” in China, that Jobs’ personal life was something of a mess, and he and his company were stingy with their billions.

Those are some darned harsh things to say, even if they are true.

Americans are accustomed to politicians uttering the darndest things–cynics would call them lies–especially during an election campaign and the current re-election campaign which began the day Barack Hussein Obama was elected president is no exception.

Still, some utterances by the POTUS–the president–and the FLOTUS–his wife stagger the imagination as much for the repetitive nature of their truth-stretching as for the pair’s blithe disregard for honesty.

Call them falsehoods, fabrications, misstatements, or the less-politic lies, our president has accumulated legions of them, few if any of which have been reported by his mainstream media.

Obama’s most recent mendacity was obviously intended tug at the heartstrings of a major constituency, public school teachers, at the same time he was trying to pull at congressional purse strings to get more billions to waste on his “jobs bill.”

At a pseudo-White House press conference on Friday, pseudo since it was really just another campaign stop, Obama cited a well-credentialed but jobless teacher Robert Baroz whom the president said he had met. As pointed out by, the president fudged the whole thing. He never met Baroz and Baroz isn’t unemployed at all, unless Boston’s K-8 Curley School in Jamaica Plain is paying him in error.

Ever true to his union and to Obama, Baroz dismissed the fudging as a mere oversight and still fully supports the president. True to their dedication to his re-election, not a soul in the MSM called Obama on his misrepresentations at the presser and once again skated away from his lies.

No stranger to prevarications, First Lady Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama also pulled a swifty last week at a Rhode Island fundraiser raising funds for, what else, her hubby’s re-election, . . .

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wall Street, the Numbnuts Not the Movie

Wall Street, the Numbnuts Not the Movie

Egged on by a knowing wink from the president of the United States, other Democrat politicians, wealthy Hollywood celebs, and SEIU labor union goons, the children and grandchildren of sixties’ anarchists and probably not a few of those grizzled, old lefties themselves and the philosophical heirs of earlier radicals have discovered a new cause to occupy their time: trashing the capitalist system that has made America the richest, most powerful, nation on the planet.

There’s no point in staging massive demonstrations against the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya since George W. Bush is long gone and those unending conflicts are now their mentor’s wars so, what to do, where to go? Why, the epicenter of American capitalism, Wall Street, the place where over half of Americans invest for their future, of course!

The new hypocritical, insurrectionist crazies of the twenty first century have taken on the roles of the old twentieth century hypocritical, violent, insurrectionist crazies and titled their movement “Occupy Wall Street” as if titling their protest gives it some focus, a focus their forebears could boast of even if it involved defeatism, nihilism, and revolution.

To be sure, the Occupy Wall Street crowd and their fellow protestors in various other American cities share those same defeatist, nihilistic, revolutionary sentiments. However, unlike their predecessors who craved defeat and retreat in Viet Nam–and got their wish–who strove to reduce the American Dream to nothingness–and came close–whose deepest desire was the overthrow of our government–which failed–the Wall Street occupiers have no clear goals, no overriding doctrines, no logic or common sense to guide them.

They’re just generally malcontented with what they feel are societal inequities and angry over what they call “corporate greed” as they live in filth in Zuccotti Park with one of their slovenly number photographed defecating on an NYPD patrol car.

Consider that their cost-free encampment at Zuccotti is situated on private land owned by Brookfield Office properties; Brookfield is a multi-billion dollar commercial real estate corporation with offices worldwide which prides itself on its capitalistic successes.

Consider the anarchic and senseless and signs the Occupy Wall Streeters display; placards declaring, “Occupy Everything,” “Yo I Fucking Hate Cops,” “I Am Here Because of the Monsters on Wall Street” are just a few examples.

Consider the giddy chants of topless young white women . . .

Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs. May He R.I.P. and May FNC Continue to Celebrate His Life

Steve Jobs. May He R.I.P. and May FNC Continue to Celebrate His Life

The untimely death of Steven Paul “Steve” Jobs after a heroic battle against pancreatic cancer at the far too young age of 56 represents an incalculable loss for America and the world.

A technological, innovative genius who has been rightfully compared to Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, even to Leonardo DaVinci, Jobs deserves all those accolades. He transformed how we communicate, compute, and think. He and the technological marvels he would have introduced will be sorely missed.

What won’t be missed is the politicizing of the circumstances of his birth.

Almost as unfortunate as his passing is the media’s studied effort, not to imagine a world without Steve Jobs’ countless contributions which imagining has been explored in depth, but not to imagine a world without Steve Jobs. He came close to never being born.

Fox News was the only member of the media to dare mention the proximity he came to being aborted fifty six years before his life began and Fox has been pilloried for that mention.

In brief, Jobs’ biological parents, Joanne Schieble, an American grad student and Abdulfattah John Jandali, a Syrian Muslim immigrant, didn’t want a child for a variety of reasons and considered aborting the future genius. They scrapped that option, also for a variety of reasons, and chose instead to place their baby for adoption. He was adopted and reared by Paul and Clara Jobs who encouraged his ingenuity. The rest is history.

That history cannot be refuted anymore than it can be refuted that had Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah John Jandali decided aborting their baby wasn’t the proper path to follow. The extreme leftist organization,, differed, implicitly on the birth parents’ decision, explicitly on Fox News decision “to use his death to try to score political points.”

Two days after his death, in a snarky article titled, “In Steve Jobs Eulogy, Fox Tries to Score Political Points,” George Soros’ Media Matters didn’t precisely spell out which political points were scored on Fox’s “The Five” but presumably was suggesting that the contentious issue of abortion is a political issue.

Except to the left wing, abortion is no more a matter of politics than life itself. However, as conservative writer Ann Coulter has aptly pointed out, abortion is a virtual sacrament to liberals and anyone who disagrees with that disturbed view is an evil transgressor of political correctness.

“The Five” host Greg Gutfield evidently disagrees as does fellow panelist Kimberly Guilfoyle. Media Matters’ Solange Uwimana proceeded to score her own points . . .

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Persecution of Hank Williams Jr.

The Persecution of Hank Williams Jr.

He’s a Nazi! He hates white people and wants them dead! He’s a chimp!

Chill. Those repugnant charges haven’t been hurled against President Barack Hussein Obama over the past three years but they were repeatedly used to describe President George W. Bush for eight years by his virulent critics who substituted “black” for “white” and without the slightest objection from the mainstream media.

As Kathleen Parker pointed out on, Google “George W. Bush, Hitler” and you get almost 14 million links.

“Nazi” and “chimp” were the preferred Bush pejoratives on the blogosphere and elsewhere and the drug-addled Kanye West outrageously accused Bush of hating blacks because West, son of racist Black Panther, Ray West, thought Bush didn’t do enough for Hurricane Katrina victims. He and the MSM were strangely silent when President Obama ignored mostly white people suffering in the Midwest following the horrendous spring 2009 floods.

Then, again, I guess it’s not so strange. It all depends on whose ox is being gored and who’s doing the goring.

Virtually no one was silent, however, after Hank Williams, Jr. ventured into politics during an appearance on “Fox and Friends” Monday morning and undiplomatically voiced his opinions on the oddity of a Democrat president and vice president enjoying a golf outing with Republicans John Boehner and John Kasich last summer.

The fact Congress and Obama were embroiled in the critical national debt limit debate as they teed up struck Williams–and a number of other people–as weirdly anachronistic and he said so, though his choice of words was unfortunate for him.

Hank Jr.’s song “All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight,” which has opened ESPN’s “Monday Night Football” for 20 years, will be heard no more after the singer blurted out on Fox that the Republicans and the Democrats shooting a round of golf at that time was ”like Hitler playing golf with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu.”

Williams might have escaped opprobium had he stopped there but the obviously-dense “Fox and Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade said he didn’t understand what Williams meant. . .

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Radical Racists: Obama, Holder, and the NBPP

Radical Racists: Obama, Holder, and the NBPP

It’s turning out that the president of the United States, the Attorney General of the United States, and the New Black Panther Party have much more in common than race. Call it recompense, call it reparations, that commonality is almost as ugly and damnable as any crimes committed by the Ku Klux Klan.

Barack Hussein Obama has undertaken prodigious efforts to appear the president of all the people regardless of race and an even greater effort to conceal his radical, racist past. Eric Himpton Holder has been more forthcoming in his racism and active discrimination toward white Americans without conceding his bigotry. The New Black Panther Party, founded on black racism and distinguished from the old Black Panthers only by the fact most have not yet been tried and convicted, is more brazenly ingenuous about its radical racism.

No matter Obama’s attempts to hide who and what he is, no matter Holder’s accidental admissions, if nothing else, Obama and Holder could learn a great deal about forthrightness from the NBPP. Their learning curve aside, recent and past revelations have now linked all of them.

After his election, Obama told America he has been running for the presidency since kindergarten. Toward that end, he campaigned in Selma, Alabama in March, 2007. Nothing wrong with that; he campaigned in 57 of America’s 58 states so Alabama most likely was one of them.

What is very wrong is that photos depicting him marching and speaking with NBPP National Chief Malik Zulu Shabazz and other members of the New Black Panther Party were quashed and hidden from the American public for four years by Obama’s mainstream media.

That oversight could readily be attributable to journalistic negligence–or to a covert attempt to portray their hero, their anointed one, as Everyman, a universal man who represented all of America, black, white, yellow and everyone in between, who didn’t have a racist bone in his body. . .

Not unsurprisingly, like those damning 2007 photos, that evidence of “reverse racism” has been suppressed by Obama’s media.

Obama’s appointment of fellow African-American Eric Holder as attorney general should have provided the clue that neither Obama nor his new appointee were on the same page as the majority of Americans.

Eric Holder’s background of facilitating Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich, defending the terrorist Ejército Popular Boricua, negotiating a settlement in the case of Chiquita Brands paying off terrorists, his firm’s representation of Guantanomo accused terrorists, etc., were a dead giveaway that Holder was closer to being a terrorist himself than qualified to be the attorney general of the United States.

Obama’s MSM deftly hid those pretty damned relevant details on Holder’s résumé. . . (Read more at

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Violence of Intolerant Polarization

The Violence of Intolerant Polarization

Mohandas Gandhi said, “Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.” He was right on the mark with that observation, although he was only addressing transparent intolerance and physical violence, not the subtle intolerance and invitations to violence favored by the Obama administration.

It’s just too bad Gandhi isn’t around today advising America’s president.

Intolerance and violence have become hallmarks of life in Barack Hussein Obama’s America, our America, fueled by systematic administration policies of polarizing and dividing the nation for political-ideological purposes. What we are witnessing is a far cry from the civility and unity he preaches but in perfect harmony with what he and his Democrat Party have intentionally fostered.

Obama has repeatedly speechified on the need for civil discourse and actions, which, like so much of what he says, is contradicted by what he does. It boils down to all talk, talk, talk. This administration has talked the civil, tolerance talk and walked the walk of the most uncivil and intolerant administration in American history.

At the same time Obama mouths conciliatory words, his union minions–think Teamsters’ President Hoffa–his mainstream media lackeys–think MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow–his congressional cohorts–think Maxine Waters–have have intensified their vile, personal attacks on anyone who dares to disagree with him.

If anyone seriously believes that that gross, intolerant incivilty isn’t tacitly approved by Obama’s DNC, explanations of why such invective goes unchallenged and un-rebuked by the White House are invited. Objections to the contention that failure to censure scurrilous leftist vituperation has contributed to a pervasive violent atmosphere in the United States are invited as well.

Some of the most devious machinations of the Obamians have been their collective winks extended to rioters, insurrectionists, and to those who would reject constitutional mandates, our national law, in the name of expediency and ideology.

The marked increase in street violence and borderline chaos may be controllable by local authorities, assuming they are given permission to enforce laws in P.C. America. However, another, more sinister, force is in play in America, the manipulated polarization of the populace and the undermining of the very foundations of our Republic.

What really constitutes incivility? What really breeds violence? What really leads to polarization and divisiveness? Is it not a failure of political leadership, a refusal to rein in the uncivil and the criminal elements in a society, a tacit, or worse, an overt approval of incivility and criminality?

In a democratic republic, exceeding in gravity even the absence of a lack of moral leadership and condoning of wrongdoing, a blatant disregard for the law of the land, for the legal authority under which any people live, naturally results in the commission of every conceivable evil by malcontents and nihilists who interpret that disregard as a blank check issued by their leaders to do as they please.

In the United States of America, the guiding force and most basic principles which delineate the rights, privileges, and responsibities of Americans are contained in our Constitution, the same 224 year old document which President Barack Hussein Obama, his administration, and his supporters have repeatedly and consistently ignored, abused, and trashed.

Obama knows full well his constituency base will remain, if not rock-solid, reasonably supportive and must hope they will still carry him on to re-election while his opponents are intimidated into submission and defeat. Meanwhile, his henchmen and henchwomen labor on as his surrogates to conceal his leadership-challenged, intolerance-based administration.

We are witnessing the consequences of that disgrace . . .

People Say the Darndest Things

People Say the Darndest Things

The late, great American television personality, Art Linkletter, used to say, “Kids say the darndest things,” which was a truism to anyone who has ever had children.

The kids Linkletter featured on his TV show did indeed say some of the most amazing, insightful, and cute darned things. Still, they rarely matched what some people say today, “things” which are sometimes insightful, sometimes threatening, but which hardly qualify as ”cute.”

“Cheers’ ” Cliff Claven, the obnoxious yet lovable postman who wasn’t much into delivering mail but who did know just about everything about everything else has moved on from the Boston tavern and recently said some darned interesting things concerning America’s future.

Among other observations, the real Cliff Claven, John Ratzenberger, now a social-activist advocate for getting skilled workers in America back to work, thinks that our aging, untrained workforce may soon result in dire consequences.

In Clavenish rhetoric, Ratzenberger contends that, “If we don’t come to grips with this problem and teach our kids marketable skills, we’re going to end up like the Roman Empire. When we run out of plumbers, or people who maintain the water system, from the reservoir to the faucet in your house, and there’s no one around to fix it, we become a Third World country. . . [where] You turn the light switch on, and it may or may not work.”

I don’t know Ratzenberger’s politics but politics are irrelevant in this case because he’s right.

A much less affable Anthony K. Jones, who adopted the name “Van Jones” because it sounded better, served a brief stint as President Barack Hussein Obama’s “green czar” despite having as many “greenie” or czarist credentials as I do, was forced to resign his czarship in 2009 when his black racist history was outed.

Among other features of that history were his reference to Republicans “a**holes” in a speech at Berkeley, his background as an admitted “rowdy [black] nationalist . . . [converted to] a communist,” his attack on suburban white kids as mass murderers, and cutting an anti-American, anti-Semitic recording with convicted cop-killer, Mumia abu-Jamal. (

Jones, Obama’s nominee for the position of Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise, and Innovation, never exactly crawled back into the White House woodwork after being outed and has been ceaselessly spouting ever since following what would have be a humiliating rejection to normal people. . .

Monday, October 3, 2011

Un-blaming Bush

Un-blaming Bush

We all know that former President George W. Bush is the cause of all the ills plaguing America, right? After all, our current president, Barack Hussein Obama, has said so, repeatedly if sometimes indirectly.

However, are Americans aware that Vice President Joe Biden has exonerated Bush, casting considerable doubts on carefully-cultivated conventional liberal-Democrat wisdom?

VP Biden recently undercut his boss’s tired, old economic mantra of “Bush did it,” that GWB is responsible for everything from failed banks to high unemployment to the plunging stock market, as well as for chaos in American schools, rioting in the streets and, probably, for too many fat kids eating Twinkies instead of watercress wraps.

Loose lips may have sunk Allied ships in WWII and it may be too much to hope that loosey-goosey Biden sank Obama with his remarks last week that the albatross of America’s miserable economy should be removed from Bush 43 and hung around his boss’s neck.

More precisely, the vice president, known for speaking his mind even when there’s nothing in it, said, “Right now, understandably–totally legitimate–this [Election 2012] is a referendum on Obama and Biden and the nature of the state of the economy.”

He also termed as irrelevant . . .

Roseann Barr Scrapes the Incivility Bottom

Roseann Barr Scrapes the Incivility Bottom

President Barack Hussein Obama hasn’t said much about civility lately, and with good reason.

When fellow liberals mouth some of the most boorish diatribes heard this side of Iran, it’s a major challenge even for Obama to pretend the civility campaign he began following the Tucson shootings–by a “progressive”–last January hasn’t run aground, if it ever left the ground in the first place.

The latest lib to demonstrate how low liberals can go is television’s washed-up 58 year old Jewish-born comedienne Roseann Barr who must be an embarrassment even to her lesbian sister and gay brother.

Roseann long ago set the civil and taste bars as low as they could go with her toilet humor and crotch-grabbing rendition of the national anthem.

Another memorable excursion into gross incivility was her unprovoked attack on Tinseltown and two of Hollywood’s own when she blogged, “Your evil spawn Angelina Jolie and her vacuous hubby Brad Pitt make about $40 million a year in violent, psychopathic movies and give away three of it to starving children, trying to look as if they give a crap about humanity as they spit out more dunces that will consume more than their fair share and wreck the earth even more.”

Talk about vacuousness and wrecking the earth! Envy can be as ugly as Roseann, sometimes.

Doing her small thing for the president’s old share-the-wealth ambitions and for his new class warfare gambit, Roseann has now hit upon what she feels would be apt punishment for all those evil bankers and other rich people intent on wrecking her earth: Behead them. . . (Read more at

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Obamacare, the Stealth Abomination

Obamacare, the Stealth Abomination

A Democrat friend, (yes, I do have a few of them), said to me yesterday, “Well, I’ll at least be able to keep my own insurance when Obamacare kicks in, right?”

Her question demonstrated what is one of the slickest aspects of the intentionally-mislabeled Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 which few in Congress read before voting on it and passing it: Few Americans outside Congress know what’s in it, either.

The very questionable constitutionality of the PPACA will, hopefully, soon be settled by the United States Supreme Court. The issues on SCOTUS’ docket include but are not limited to whether our federal government can legally–forget morally–order citizens to purchase health insurance or be subjected to financial penalties.

Constitutionality aside, assuming Associate Justice Elena Kagan fails to recuse herself in the proceedings and the Court decides in favor of President Barack Hussein’s signature statute designed to seize control over one-sixth of the nation’s economy, another issue becomes almost as significant, my friend’s and millions of others’ ignorance of PPACA’s provisions.

Justice Kagan has as little integrity as the president and despite having labored on behalf of Obamacare during her employment as Solicitor General is unlikely to choose honor over Democrat loyalty by recusing herself.

To bolster her anticipated non-recusal and the unethical Obama administration, Democrats launched a smokescreen pre-emptive attack on the financial ethics of the lone African-American (conservative) member of the Supremes, Clarence Thomas, but that’s a whole other story.

Back to my friend.

She’s not a stupid person, despite being a Democrat . . . (Read more at