Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Occupiers: Pathetic Becomes Perilous

The Occupiers: Pathetic Becomes Perilous

Choose your variation: There’s nothing surer: The rich get richer and the poor get—poorer/children/laid off. Whatever you pick, the line may be considered one of the slogans of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators.

When those protests against everything began a month ago, most outside observers viewed them with a mixture of bemusement and bewilderment. They have rapidly devolved into a source of disenchantment, disgust, and now fear.

At first, what little focus they had seem centered on the people President Barack Hussein Obama called the Wall Street “fat cats.” They’ve widened their scope beyond greed.

A LaLa Land demonstrator revealed that new vista when he announced at an Occupy Los Angeles rally that violence and bloodshed will become necessary components of the Left Coast occupation.

Rejecting Gandhian non-violence, the unidentified, heavily-accented speaker lectured his excited audience on his revolutionary model, the French Reign of Terror. He concluded, “So, ultimately, the bourgeoisie won’t go without violent means. Revolution! Yes, revolution that is led by the working class. Long live revolution! Long live socialism!”

See and hear his call for insurrection here:

The failure of the Occupiers to recognize that Washington, not bankers, was the primary cause of the sub-prime mortgage crisis which precipitated our Great Recession and most of the Occupiers’ grievances could be dismissed as merely pathetic. This new wrinkle is disturbing. . .

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