Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Abortion, in Russia and in Obamaland

Abortion, in Russia and in Obamaland

According to Reuters, last July Russia went where the Obama administration dares not go on the issue of abortion. With a declining birth rate and one of the highest abortion rates in the world, the Russians mandated that abortion providers carry warnings of health risks in their advertisements.

Ironically, the now-defunct Union of Soviet Socialists Republics under Vladimir Lenin’s Bolsheviks was one of the first nations on the planet to legalize aborting pre-born babies in 1920. Ninety one years later, Russia is finally coming to the realization that abortion can be almost as harmful to women as it is to fetuses.

The administration of Barack Hussein Obama can evidently learn a few things about the “procedure” from the administration of Dmitry Medvedev and Vlad Putin: Abortion not only has terminal effects on the pre-born, it can have deleterious effects on the mothers who abort them.

The most pro-abortion American president in history, a distinction preceded by his record as the most pro-abortion United States senator during his two-year stint in that august body and his history as an Illinois state senator where he voted in favor of requiring that babies born during botched abortions be left to die, Obama hasn’t done or said much lately regarding abortion.

(See “Obama Flips OFF Babies,

Election 2012 is less than thirteen months away so he prefers to have his henchmen do his dirty work.

With America’s predominant abortionist posing as a “family planner,” Planned Parenthood of America, exposed as a fraud and its taxpayer funding under scrutiny by House of Representative Republicans, Obama’s henchmen are duly stressed and forced to execute his policies surreptitiously and cunningly.

Thus, they quietly ended a five year agreement with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the USCCB.

Catholics, of course, are notorious for staunchly holding to the principles that human life is sacred from the moment of conception and that abortion is an abomination but the agreement in question was irrelevant to those beliefs. Rather, the rescinded $19 million grant related to comprehensive services provided by the USCCB to assist sex trafficking victims–2700 since 2006–with food, clothing and access to medical care . . .

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