Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs. May He R.I.P. and May FNC Continue to Celebrate His Life

Steve Jobs. May He R.I.P. and May FNC Continue to Celebrate His Life

The untimely death of Steven Paul “Steve” Jobs after a heroic battle against pancreatic cancer at the far too young age of 56 represents an incalculable loss for America and the world.

A technological, innovative genius who has been rightfully compared to Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, even to Leonardo DaVinci, Jobs deserves all those accolades. He transformed how we communicate, compute, and think. He and the technological marvels he would have introduced will be sorely missed.

What won’t be missed is the politicizing of the circumstances of his birth.

Almost as unfortunate as his passing is the media’s studied effort, not to imagine a world without Steve Jobs’ countless contributions which imagining has been explored in depth, but not to imagine a world without Steve Jobs. He came close to never being born.

Fox News was the only member of the media to dare mention the proximity he came to being aborted fifty six years before his life began and Fox has been pilloried for that mention.

In brief, Jobs’ biological parents, Joanne Schieble, an American grad student and Abdulfattah John Jandali, a Syrian Muslim immigrant, didn’t want a child for a variety of reasons and considered aborting the future genius. They scrapped that option, also for a variety of reasons, and chose instead to place their baby for adoption. He was adopted and reared by Paul and Clara Jobs who encouraged his ingenuity. The rest is history.

That history cannot be refuted anymore than it can be refuted that had Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah John Jandali decided aborting their baby wasn’t the proper path to follow. The extreme leftist organization,, differed, implicitly on the birth parents’ decision, explicitly on Fox News decision “to use his death to try to score political points.”

Two days after his death, in a snarky article titled, “In Steve Jobs Eulogy, Fox Tries to Score Political Points,” George Soros’ Media Matters didn’t precisely spell out which political points were scored on Fox’s “The Five” but presumably was suggesting that the contentious issue of abortion is a political issue.

Except to the left wing, abortion is no more a matter of politics than life itself. However, as conservative writer Ann Coulter has aptly pointed out, abortion is a virtual sacrament to liberals and anyone who disagrees with that disturbed view is an evil transgressor of political correctness.

“The Five” host Greg Gutfield evidently disagrees as does fellow panelist Kimberly Guilfoyle. Media Matters’ Solange Uwimana proceeded to score her own points . . .

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