Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Things Liberals Get Away With!

The Things Liberals Get Away With!

No political party or philosophy has a monopoly on stupidity but with the stranglehold liberal Democrats have on the mainstream media most of the American public never gets to hear about ignorant, stupid, racist, and otherwise bigoted utterances and actions of Leftists and if and when they do become public knowledge, they are usually soon buried by the MSM and never resurrected again.

We heard fast and furiously when Ronald Reagan said trees caused more pollution than cars, when Dan Quayle misspelled “potatoes,” when George W. Bush committed his countless gaffes, when Sarah Palin swore she could see Russia from her porch, even when Jerry Falwell speculated that Tinky Winky must be gay because he was purple and triangulated.

We rarely if ever heard of Democrat Rep. John Conyers’ admission that he hadn’t a clue what the Obamacare bill contained before he voted for it, of Democrats Joe Biden’s or Nancy Pelosi’s numerous exercises in inserting feet into mouths, of liberal commentator Anderson Cooper slandering the Tea Party with a homosexual reference to “teabagging,” or of Democrat entertainer Sheryl Crow’s environmentalist advocacy of the one sheet of toilet paper rule.

One of President Barack Hussein Obama’s earliest gaffes, his claim to have visited 57 of America’s 58 states during the 2008 campaign, went unreported and unnoticed for almost two years before it was given grudging attention by the MSM after everyone else was aware of it thanks largely to Fox News and the conservative branch of the blogosphere.

Instances of vicious idiocy, the vile things America-hating, “freedom-loving,” diversity-plugging Leftists say, do, and get away with lately could fill volumes.

A select few:

. At Achieve Early College High School in McAllen, Texas, situated 10 miles from the Mexican border, students were required to stand and recite the Mexican national anthem and Mexican pledge of allegiance in a Spanish class.

To her enviably patriotic credit, 15 year old Brenda Brindson refused and said later, “I just thought it was out of hand, I didn’t think it was right. Reciting pledges to Mexico and being loyal to it has nothing to do with learning Spanish.”

Young Ms. Brindson deserves the Medal of Freedom. Repercussions for her Mexican native teacher? None.

. President Barack Hussein Obama, aptly characterized as “The Gaffe Machine” by Michelle Malkin, often ventures beyond mere mental and verbal lapses into the realm of downright venomous–and dumb–attacks.

Our perpetually-campaigning president on the non-campaign road again re-launched an ancient Dem canard when he said that the Republican jobs plan boiled down to “Dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance” as opposed to his plan to put people back to work.

Aside from our scholar-leader’s grammatical faux pas in saying “less” when “fewer” is the correct usage, that tired crowd-pleasing line presupposes Republicans revel in the idea of breathing foul air and drinking fetid water, want their kids and grandkids to do the same, and get off by depriving Americans of proper medical attention and unemployment lines.

Will the media rebuke Obama for his mud-slinging? That’s as likely as the MSM condemning Nancy Pelosi for saying “women can die on the floor” if House Republicans passed the Protect Life Act. (They did; no dead women on any floors, yet.)

. The full story of arch-Leftist actress Susan Sarandon may never be told although she recently displayed her extreme liberalism and bigoted anti-Catholic spleen in Long Island’s elitist Sag Harbor. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5741.)

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