Saturday, October 22, 2011

Deconstructing Marco Rubio

Deconstructing Marco Rubio

They’re done with Michelle Bachmann who was successfully painted as just another stupid, Republican woman like Sarah Palin despite her law degrees and stint as an IRS attorney.

They ignore Gary Johnson, Buddy Roemer, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, and Ron Paul because none of them stand a chance of snagging the GOP nomination. They buried Donald Trump under a still-suspect birth certificate and have labeled Herman Cain as nothing more than a token, a pizza store owner. They’re still in process of dismantling Rick Perry with charges of stupidity and blood lust and have made Mitt Romney an Obamacare accomplice.

However, Obama’s Democrats never feared any of them with the gut terror they experience with a 40 year old son of an immigrant, the newly-elected United States senator from the State of Florida, Marco Antonio Rubio.

Right now, Senator Rubio poses the major threat to President Barack Hussein Obama because he’s the anti-Obama, the embodiment of everything the president isn’t–pro-life, pro-balanced budget, pro-family and normal marriage, pro-charter schools, pro-drilling, pro-Second Amendment, pro-strong national defense, pro-real government and tax reform, and pro-border security.

If that were not sufficient to scare the pants off liberals, Rubio opposes Obamacare, amnesty for illegal aliens, phony economic stimuli, endless death row appeals, federal intrusions into public education, crippling cap and trade legislation, card check legislation, and punitive taxation.

Oh, and he loves his country, he’s an hispanic Catholic, and he doesn’t have Dumbo ears, a definite cosmetic plus in our looks-obsessed culture.

What Marco Rubio also has are credentials and credibility, features sorely lacking in the current White House resident.

Born in 1971 to Cuban immigrants–legal immigrants, not the kind Obama favors–graduate of the University of Florida, University of Miami School of Law (cum laude), 5-term member of the Florida House of Representatives, elected Speaker of that body in 2007, published author (without Bill Ayers’ ghostwriting), elected to the United States Senate in 2008, Rubio outshines Obama across the board but isn’t a candidate opposing him.

The reason then for the Obamian fear, terror, and loathing? . . .

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