Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Obamacare's Selective Waivers and Exemptions

Obamacare's Selective Waivers and Exemptions

There are hundreds, thousands, of problems with the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, hundreds of millions of problems, in fact, depending on America’s population at the moment.

Passed on Christmas Eve, 2009 by the Democrat Senate and by Democrats in the House on March 21, 2010 with zero Republican support in either body and signed by President Barack Hussein Obama two days later, Obamacare, as it has unaffectionately become known, was acclaimed by Vice President Joe Biden as “a big f*cking deal.”

With or without the asterisk Biden didn’t use, it was “a big f*cking deal,” and more.

Assuming the Supreme Court decrees PPACA constitutional, when it is fully implemented by 2014, Obamacare will be an even bigger deal as its tentacles reach into the lives of millions of Americans, into their homes, businessess, doctors, and hospitals with government bureaucrats sometimes literally making life or death decisions for most of us.

That’s the bad news. The good news for many is that Obamacare will have little if any impact on their lives or deaths.

Those lucking out? Democrat loyalists, principally labor unions but also certain health care providers and other entities who supported the passage of PPACA. They have been generously rewarded for their unwavering support with waivers, meaning they could maintain their own health plans and not be subject to the vagaries of Obamacare.

Understandably, the Obama administration has sought to minimize publicity surrounding those payoffs, totalling almost 1400 at last count.

The DailyCaller.com reported in June that the waiver-spigot was scheduled to be turned off by the Department of Health and Human Services as of September 22nd and speculated that low-key Friday afternoon announcement was intended to squelch the waiver controversy and protests against their inequities.

Based on how this administration operates, the waiver spigot is probably still dripping.

Unfortunately, political payoffs, aka bribery, have been a facet of politics since ancient Greek and Roman pols granted favors or slipped a few coppers into the grubby hands of commoners. With Obamacare waivers, Obamians greatly expanded and refined the corruption.

However, in the case of one particular group, bribes weren’t necessary. . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=5790.)

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