Sunday, October 9, 2011

Muffingate and Cupcakes

Muffingate and Cupcakes

Bureaucrats at the Department of Justice deny hosting conferences featuring cupcakes for which the department paid $16. apiece–not to mention $10. for cookies, coffee at a buck an ounce and snacks at $32. a head–even after its own Inspector General rebuked them for excessive spending and the DoJ agreed to monitor such expenditures more closely.

As per Obamian protocol, the DoJ recovered its fumble, then punted–to the previous administration contending most of the conferences in question took place under George W. Bush’s watch. In effect, Attorney General Eric Holder’s department said, We didn’t do it, Bush did it, but we won’t do it again.

With all the charges of racism, gun running, and lying that have been lodged against Holder, $16. muffins and $10. cookies, etc. are the least of his, and our, problems but, still, it must be confer an extraordinary sense of entitlement to be able to waste precious tax monies when the nation is gasping.

Closely related to what CBS dubbed “Muffingate” is the allegedly-racist Berkeley cupcakes scandal; both muffins and cupcakes are baked goods.

NPR, which technically stands for National Public Radio but could more accurately be described as Nationally-susidized Public Radicals, took great umbrage at last month’s demonstration of racism in action at the extreme University of California at Berkeley. NPR’s Michel Martin felt the campus Republicans were unoriginal, intellectually dishonest, willfully ignorant of what minorities have endured in the past, and should “man up.”

What Martin didn’t say was that this was Obamatime, payback time, so suck it up, honkies!

The Berkeley College Republicans–yes, there are a few sane kids out on the Left Coast–had hosted a “diversity bake sale,” which seems innocuous enough. However, it was the dastardly right wing pricing structure for the cupcakes that got NPR’s collective shorts in a wad.

The goodies were offered for sale to white students at $2. each, to Asian-Americans at $1.50, to hispanics for $1.00, to women for $1.25, to African-Americans for seventy five cents, and to Native Americans for a quarter, quite the bargain for the ladies, Latinos, blacks, and Indians, not so much for Asians and Caucasians.

Staged as a protest against legislation to establish race as a factor in admissions by the University of California, to judge college applicants not on their qualifications–or character content–but by the color of their skin, . . .

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