Saturday, October 15, 2011

Explicating Pat Buchanan's "Suicide"

Explicating Pat Buchanan's "Suicide"

Pat Buchanan, former presidential candidate, adviser to Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Reagan, prolific author, and paleoconservative political commentator, knows whereof he speaks and writes. He has written a new book, a book deeply-disturbing to anyone who loves the United States of America and fears for our future.

Titled, Suicide of a Superpower, its subtitle, the question, Will America Survive to 2025? is even more disconcerting.

Scheduled to be officially released by Macmillan on October 18th, obtained a pre-publication copy of Suicide and outlined its contents which are not for the fainthearted. Or, for those smugly confident that, since America is the only superpower now and since we are the richest, most potent force on the planet, we will always be.

To anyone who has closely followed international and national developments over the course of the past few decades and especially of the last three years or even to casual observers, what Buchanan coalesces in the 496 pages of Suicide will strike many chords.

All the chords lead to the inexorable conclusion that the days of America’s greatness, if not to our days of existence as a nation, are numbered with very few numbers.

The Muslim world, which at this juncture stands to inherit what remains of Western civilization, will love Buchanan’s book. So, too, will the Left, which has been working tirelessly for decades to destroy the foundations of that civilization.

A few of the points noted by Buchanan, with this writer’s bracketed observations:

. We have created an totally dependent underclass ”who cannot cope” and who rely on government to provide their daily necessities. [I would add that they also cannot think. Testimony to both is the burgeoning welfare and food stamp programs and the fact that over 40% of Americans still support President Barack Hussein Obama.]

. Successful efforts to “de-Christianize” America and Europe “will prove culturally and socially suicidal,” as will the disintegration of Catholic schools and the abandonment by Catholic colleges and universities of Catholic principles on such issues as abortion. [Buchanan, a Roman Catholic, is right on the mark, not because Christians or Catholics are flawless but because ours was a Christian nation from its inception and because Catholics have been the primary advocates for the central moral issue of our time, the sanctity of life.]

. “White America is an endangered species,” . . . (Read more at

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