Saturday, October 1, 2011

The President's Worn-Out Clothes

The President's Worn-Out Clothes

. . . Not that it will get any more attention from Obama’s MSM than any of his many previous gaffes and unrehearsed revelations of fallibility and stupidity but The Anointed One really lost his ointment when he was caught with his pants, that is, teleprompters, down in front of an audience at D.C.’s Benjamin Banneker High School.

He confessed not only that he was “not always the very best student” but that ethics “would not have made it on the list” of his favorite subjects. He elaborated by saying, “I did not love every class I took. I wasn’t always paying attention.”

Most school kids don’t pay an awful lot of attention to their teachers but at that point Obama dropped his Obamabomb by fessing up to what has been obvious thoughout his career: “I remember when I was in 8th grade I had to take a class called ethics. Now, ethics is about right and wrong, but if you’d ask me what my favorite subject was back in 8th grade, it was basketball. I don’t think ethics would have made it on the list.”

That admission was the equivalent of Ted Kennedy conceding he was an immoral rake and Jimmy Carter agreeing he was inept. Why bother mentioning what is self-evident? The man who announced a string of “ethics rules” after his election has led an administration that has breached more rules of ethics in just the last year than Richard Nixon could ever have dreamed of.

It was nice of Obama to reveal that his ethical shortcomings date back to his childhood. Now it’s time to get out of his imperial clothes and get out of the White House. (Read more at

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