Small Consolations
There’s some small consolation in the hackneyed truism that some things never change. A very small consolation.
On the eve of the president’s highly touted address to the nation on what he called during the campaign the “necessary” war, the Reid-ites are again crawling out of the Democratic woodwork.
By hearing the struggle in Afghanistan was “necessary,” the electorate may have foolishly assumed Obama must have meant it was an absolute requisite that we win it.
After months of conferencing and soul-searching (and weighing the political repercussions?), after months of diddling and dithering while our undermanned troops needlessly died, we should find out tomorrow whether Obama said what he meant and meant what he said.
Pre-empting the West Point speech with what has become typical Democrat sentiment, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee Rep. David Obey has already pulled a Harry Reid by announcing the anticipated troop surge is ”a fool’s errand.”
You may remember Harry, the soon-to-be-deposed Democrat Nevada senator who infamously and incorrectly denounced GWB’s Iraq surge as a failure before it began. That troop increase in 2007 proved to be the turning point in the Iraq War.
Now Obey has taken up the defeatist Dem line, but with a twist.
Feigning interest in winning in Afghanistan, the Wisconsin pol told CNN, “The problem is you can have the best policy in the world but if you don’t have the tools to implement it it isn’t worth a bean bag:”
Obey would purchase those tools . . .
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Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Amusing Paranoia, Goofy Silliness
Amusing Paranoia, Goofy Silliness
“Man doth not live by bread alone.” He also needs some laughs amidst all the dire warnings and true dangers in our world to make that bread more palatable.
Fortunately, mankind being what it is, someone is always out there who will temper the serious with some chuckles, intentionally or not.
Amusing Paranoia: Fidel’s Cuba has long thrived on keeping its slaves paralyzed with fear.
Ever since the Bay of Pigs fiasco when JFK made the mistake of listening to the dovish Adlai Stevenson and refused to furnish promised air support for the Cuban espatriates’ foiled invasion to take back their homeland, Castro’s Communist regime has employed the “fear weapon” to keep his subjects in line.
Why Cuba’s 11 million sheeple would be so terrified of becoming free people again is only explicable by 41 years of Communist brainwashing which has made them virtual automatons.
Che Guevara-less, they labor in state-owned sugar cane fields, sweat on state-owned Cuban tobacco leaves, and toil in state-owned factories, ever mindful that those damned Yanquis will somehow mess with their Utopia on Earth.
Things haven’t changed much since Fidel fell down, nearly broke his crown, developed diverticulitis, and passed the family dictator baton to baby bro, Raul.
Which Castro is responsible for the latest invocation of paranoia is debatable but it’s evident that old time Castroism is still alive and well: According to Reuters, Cuba has launched “war games” in anticipation of “a possible invasion by the United States.”
Designated “Bastion 2009,” the preparation is necessary because there “exists a real possibility of a military aggression against Cuba:”
Either Fidel and Raul should get a reality check, or at least buy a vowel.
With Obama residing in the White House and their residing in presidential palaces, the likelihood of an American-sponsored invasion of Castroland is on a par with Obama’s determination to bring about American solvency and to adequately protect the United States.
The Castro tag team should rest easy in their opulent surroundings content in the knowledge that they’re perfectly safe. Under their system of government, all Cubans are created equal although some are more equal than others. And they’re in the catbird seat.
Goofy Silliness: The grand ol’ dame of Democrat politics, Helen Thomas, has been a White House fixture since, I think, shortly after Grover Cleveland ran for his second term. . . .
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“Man doth not live by bread alone.” He also needs some laughs amidst all the dire warnings and true dangers in our world to make that bread more palatable.
Fortunately, mankind being what it is, someone is always out there who will temper the serious with some chuckles, intentionally or not.
Amusing Paranoia: Fidel’s Cuba has long thrived on keeping its slaves paralyzed with fear.
Ever since the Bay of Pigs fiasco when JFK made the mistake of listening to the dovish Adlai Stevenson and refused to furnish promised air support for the Cuban espatriates’ foiled invasion to take back their homeland, Castro’s Communist regime has employed the “fear weapon” to keep his subjects in line.
Why Cuba’s 11 million sheeple would be so terrified of becoming free people again is only explicable by 41 years of Communist brainwashing which has made them virtual automatons.
Che Guevara-less, they labor in state-owned sugar cane fields, sweat on state-owned Cuban tobacco leaves, and toil in state-owned factories, ever mindful that those damned Yanquis will somehow mess with their Utopia on Earth.
Things haven’t changed much since Fidel fell down, nearly broke his crown, developed diverticulitis, and passed the family dictator baton to baby bro, Raul.
Which Castro is responsible for the latest invocation of paranoia is debatable but it’s evident that old time Castroism is still alive and well: According to Reuters, Cuba has launched “war games” in anticipation of “a possible invasion by the United States.”
Designated “Bastion 2009,” the preparation is necessary because there “exists a real possibility of a military aggression against Cuba:”
Either Fidel and Raul should get a reality check, or at least buy a vowel.
With Obama residing in the White House and their residing in presidential palaces, the likelihood of an American-sponsored invasion of Castroland is on a par with Obama’s determination to bring about American solvency and to adequately protect the United States.
The Castro tag team should rest easy in their opulent surroundings content in the knowledge that they’re perfectly safe. Under their system of government, all Cubans are created equal although some are more equal than others. And they’re in the catbird seat.
Goofy Silliness: The grand ol’ dame of Democrat politics, Helen Thomas, has been a White House fixture since, I think, shortly after Grover Cleveland ran for his second term. . . .
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Rally Against NYC Terror Trials!
Rally Against NYC Terror Trials!
. . . Those opposed to this farcical show are planning a massive demonstration at noon next Saturday, December 5th in Foley Square, Manhattan.
The 9/11 Never Forget Coalition,, consisting “of 9/11 survivors, family members, first-responders, veterans, and active-duty and reserve military” in conjunction with its “partners, (a site maintained by New York firefighters remembering the fellows they lost on September 11, 2001), 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America, and Keep America Safe“ will stage the rally: .
Foley Square, in the heart of N.Y.C., is accessible by various bus and subway lines.
The rally will be the first, and maybe the last, chance for Americans to be heard in opposition to Holder’s asinine and dangerous call to give Khalid and al-Qaeda what they’ve wanted all along. Within weeks, this crew will be regurgitated on the doorstep of what once was the World Trade Center. . .
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. . . Those opposed to this farcical show are planning a massive demonstration at noon next Saturday, December 5th in Foley Square, Manhattan.
The 9/11 Never Forget Coalition,, consisting “of 9/11 survivors, family members, first-responders, veterans, and active-duty and reserve military” in conjunction with its “partners, (a site maintained by New York firefighters remembering the fellows they lost on September 11, 2001), 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America, and Keep America Safe“ will stage the rally: .
Foley Square, in the heart of N.Y.C., is accessible by various bus and subway lines.
The rally will be the first, and maybe the last, chance for Americans to be heard in opposition to Holder’s asinine and dangerous call to give Khalid and al-Qaeda what they’ve wanted all along. Within weeks, this crew will be regurgitated on the doorstep of what once was the World Trade Center. . .
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Adam Lambert and the Culture of Gay
Adam Lambert and the Culture of Gay
I previously posted an article titled, “Give Gays an Inch . . . ” primarily dealing with the gay exhibition by Adam Lambert on the telecast of the “American Music Awards.”
Since then, I have been accused of everything from being a bigot, a homophobe, and, the most unkindest cut of all, a closet homosexual.
I would like to enter a guilty plea to two of the above accusations, as long as we get our definitions correct.
If I am a bigot because I felt Lambert’s performance on the “AMA” went far beyond the pale of normal, public, human behavior–even for “entertainers”–and for that violation of common decency and propriety Adam Lambert should be denounced, then I am guilty of bigotry.
If I am a homophobe, a popular gay mistranslated euphemism for one who fears and/or despises those of the the gay persuasion, because I believe homosexuals have been running amok in America, then I am guilty of homophobia. And proud of it.
If I am in the closet, I just hope . . .
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I previously posted an article titled, “Give Gays an Inch . . . ” primarily dealing with the gay exhibition by Adam Lambert on the telecast of the “American Music Awards.”
Since then, I have been accused of everything from being a bigot, a homophobe, and, the most unkindest cut of all, a closet homosexual.
I would like to enter a guilty plea to two of the above accusations, as long as we get our definitions correct.
If I am a bigot because I felt Lambert’s performance on the “AMA” went far beyond the pale of normal, public, human behavior–even for “entertainers”–and for that violation of common decency and propriety Adam Lambert should be denounced, then I am guilty of bigotry.
If I am a homophobe, a popular gay mistranslated euphemism for one who fears and/or despises those of the the gay persuasion, because I believe homosexuals have been running amok in America, then I am guilty of homophobia. And proud of it.
If I am in the closet, I just hope . . .
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
Give Gays an Inch . . .
Give Gays an Inch . . .
It’s probably normal for people who feel they were oppressed to take advantage of situations to make their case at the first opportunity. The homosexual community has been cashing in and is gleeful in shoving its sick lifestyle in the face of America ever since it gained a modicum of acceptance.
Case in point is “American Idol” loser, self-outed gay boy, Adam Lambert.
Last Sunday, ill-content with a certain popularity, he chose to strut his gaiety before some 14 million television viewers, including countless children, on national television at the American Music Awards.
In classic exhibitionist fashion, “the gay, glam rocker” Lambert felt he was so free of the shackles of his closet that he could plant a big, wet one on a male keyboard player. He was so feeling his oats that he later went into “a pelvis thrusting” routine and pushed another male performer’s head deep into his crotch.
He must have thought he was doing his act in West Hollywood for a Perez Hilton review rather than on ABC.
He subsequently appeared on rival CBS’ . . .
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It’s probably normal for people who feel they were oppressed to take advantage of situations to make their case at the first opportunity. The homosexual community has been cashing in and is gleeful in shoving its sick lifestyle in the face of America ever since it gained a modicum of acceptance.
Case in point is “American Idol” loser, self-outed gay boy, Adam Lambert.
Last Sunday, ill-content with a certain popularity, he chose to strut his gaiety before some 14 million television viewers, including countless children, on national television at the American Music Awards.
In classic exhibitionist fashion, “the gay, glam rocker” Lambert felt he was so free of the shackles of his closet that he could plant a big, wet one on a male keyboard player. He was so feeling his oats that he later went into “a pelvis thrusting” routine and pushed another male performer’s head deep into his crotch.
He must have thought he was doing his act in West Hollywood for a Perez Hilton review rather than on ABC.
He subsequently appeared on rival CBS’ . . .
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Have an Obscene Christmas!
Have an Obscene Christmas!
Christmas may sometimes involve obscenities such as atheists’ continuing war against its celebration and its degradation to a greed fest and old Uncle Charlie getting looped and re-telling the dirty jokes of his youth but Christmas has never been called obscene by a clergyman. Until now.
The Right Reverend Humphrey Southern, Anglican Bishop of Repton, thinks that, “Wishing people a Happy Christmas could be seen as an ‘insult’ or even an ‘obscenity’ as not everyone is in a position to celebrate” the holy, Christian holiday.
Bishop Southern, a politically-correct prelate guiding his flock in a dying Anglican church, added a little strichnine to the sacramental wine by saying, “This is the ‘Happy Christmas’ month. Yet to many that greeting will be hollow, coming as an insult, or even an obscenity.”
Americans opt for “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year” but Southern’s admonition is presumably as applicable to us across the Pond as it is to Englishmen even if it is passe’ in contemporary America where the articulation of the words “merry” and “Christmas” can cause the dismissal of store clerks and correction by co-workers.
PC now dictates the use of the generic “Happy Holidays,” as if the mere mention of any reference to the reason for the season, namely the birth of Jesus Christ and, incidentally, a national holiday, is offensive.
Or, as Bishop Southern believes, it could be an insulting obscenity.
His rationale is that wishing a Happy or Merry Christmas to “a family whose father has been killed in a military operation in Afghanistan that fewer and fewer people understand (still less support)” is obscene and insulting. . .
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Christmas may sometimes involve obscenities such as atheists’ continuing war against its celebration and its degradation to a greed fest and old Uncle Charlie getting looped and re-telling the dirty jokes of his youth but Christmas has never been called obscene by a clergyman. Until now.
The Right Reverend Humphrey Southern, Anglican Bishop of Repton, thinks that, “Wishing people a Happy Christmas could be seen as an ‘insult’ or even an ‘obscenity’ as not everyone is in a position to celebrate” the holy, Christian holiday.
Bishop Southern, a politically-correct prelate guiding his flock in a dying Anglican church, added a little strichnine to the sacramental wine by saying, “This is the ‘Happy Christmas’ month. Yet to many that greeting will be hollow, coming as an insult, or even an obscenity.”
Americans opt for “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year” but Southern’s admonition is presumably as applicable to us across the Pond as it is to Englishmen even if it is passe’ in contemporary America where the articulation of the words “merry” and “Christmas” can cause the dismissal of store clerks and correction by co-workers.
PC now dictates the use of the generic “Happy Holidays,” as if the mere mention of any reference to the reason for the season, namely the birth of Jesus Christ and, incidentally, a national holiday, is offensive.
Or, as Bishop Southern believes, it could be an insulting obscenity.
His rationale is that wishing a Happy or Merry Christmas to “a family whose father has been killed in a military operation in Afghanistan that fewer and fewer people understand (still less support)” is obscene and insulting. . .
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Friday, November 27, 2009
Join the Sarah Palin Petition Drive!
Join the Sarah Palin Petition Drive!
It may be debated whether former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin is the best Republican candidate to oppose Barack Obama in 2012.
What’s far less debatable is that this very decent woman has been the object of unprecedented attacks by the Left and from the Left’s fellow travellers, everyone from women’s groups to atheists to gays to John McCain Republicans in Name Only, all of whom are united and supported under the liberal umbrella of the mainstream media.
NOW and other so-called feminists hate her for her maternalism, her unstinting love for her husband, her rejection of NOW’s ultimate sacrament, the bloody rite of abortion.
Atheists despise her for her deep sense of Christianity, . . .
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It may be debated whether former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin is the best Republican candidate to oppose Barack Obama in 2012.
What’s far less debatable is that this very decent woman has been the object of unprecedented attacks by the Left and from the Left’s fellow travellers, everyone from women’s groups to atheists to gays to John McCain Republicans in Name Only, all of whom are united and supported under the liberal umbrella of the mainstream media.
NOW and other so-called feminists hate her for her maternalism, her unstinting love for her husband, her rejection of NOW’s ultimate sacrament, the bloody rite of abortion.
Atheists despise her for her deep sense of Christianity, . . .
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Truth Will Out, and Other Lies
The Truth Will Out, and Other Lies
“The truth will out,” along with what seems a million other terms and phrases, is credited to Will Shakespeare and, as with so many other wise Bard aphorisms, is generally true. Except when it isn’t.
We’re bombarded daily with news reports, announcements, statements many of which, based on their sheer repetition, become chiseled in our brains as absolutes when they are absolutely false.
Fortunately, usually, the truth will out, will work its way through piles of faleshoods and be exposed for what it is.
Two examples follow:
The Global Warming Farce, aka The Big Lie: A prime instance of truth outed is the long-running charade that is anthropomorphic/anthropogenic climate change.
Those big words, simply a high fallutin’ multisyllabic way of saying mankind did it, is a baldfaced lie which is finally getting exposed.
We have been warned and lectured that man is responsible for global warming/cooling/climate changing for years now and that we had better stop being poor stewards of the planet before said planet eats us up and spits us out.
Environmental radicals . . .
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“The truth will out,” along with what seems a million other terms and phrases, is credited to Will Shakespeare and, as with so many other wise Bard aphorisms, is generally true. Except when it isn’t.
We’re bombarded daily with news reports, announcements, statements many of which, based on their sheer repetition, become chiseled in our brains as absolutes when they are absolutely false.
Fortunately, usually, the truth will out, will work its way through piles of faleshoods and be exposed for what it is.
Two examples follow:
The Global Warming Farce, aka The Big Lie: A prime instance of truth outed is the long-running charade that is anthropomorphic/anthropogenic climate change.
Those big words, simply a high fallutin’ multisyllabic way of saying mankind did it, is a baldfaced lie which is finally getting exposed.
We have been warned and lectured that man is responsible for global warming/cooling/climate changing for years now and that we had better stop being poor stewards of the planet before said planet eats us up and spits us out.
Environmental radicals . . .
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Sarah Palin in the Crosshairs
Sarah Palin in the Crosshairs
Ok, we’ve known since she was nominated as McCain’s pick for VP that the Left was salivating to get at Sarah Palin, in more ways than one.
They had a presumed Republican novice in their sights and they collectively zoned in on the governor of Alaska.
Even they felt uncomfortable trashing an American hero, John McCain, aside from saying he was an old fart who didn’t know the internet from a hairnet, much like Joe Biden who thought websites have phone numbers.
However, Palin was more than fair game and they proceeded with vicious ad hominem, family, and political attacks since, closet-sexists as Lefties are, they felt they could freely pummel her and she would roll over and play dead or roll over and let them have their figurative will with her.
They failed in both ambitions.
Sarah Palin proved to be the best choice McCain could have made, drawing far bigger and far more enthusiastic crowds of true Republicans, true conservatives than the wishy-washy war hero.
The so-called “women’s movement” became more a bowel movement when it came to supporting a conservative woman candidate.
Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses but don’t even think of giving us a woman who revels in her husband and her womanhood, despises abortion, and who professes conservative values.
Sarah Palin scared the Democratic Left to its rotten core in 2008. In 2009, with the publication of Going Rogue: An American Life, she has petrified them.
With the able assistance of fellow McCain RINOS who are still seeking a scapegoat for their ignominious loss and disastrous screw-ups, the campaign to destroy Sarah Palin, begun 15 months ago, has intensified.
McCain strategist Steve Schmidt joined the Left in lambasting Going Rogue.
With a history of masterfully strategizing defeat on state and national levels, (cf. Tim Leslie, Matt Fong, and Lamar Alexander), Schmidt should have slunk off to the Home for Loser Strategists last November 5th.
Instead, he chose to lie in wait and to snipe at Palin in an attempt to save his sorry rep.
“Total fiction” and disappointing, bleated Schmidt about Going Rogue. This from the same man who undermined Palin’s candidacy from the start by alleging she suffered from post-partum depression.
He went on to almost single-handedly guide the McCain-Palin ticket into a humiliating electoral nosedive last year. Sore loser extraordinaire Schmidt is now whining because Palin had the fortitude to out him and his failures.
Is it any wonder he would be p*ssed?
Schmidt’s getting his nose out of joint over Going Rogue is paled by the Left’s anticipated antipathy toward Palin and her book. It is as if it were a revised edition of Mein Kampf.
Epitomized by the rush to publication of Going Rouge: An American Nightmare, the lividity of the Left over Palin is as transparent as their hero, Obama, is opaque.
Palin may not snag . . .
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Ok, we’ve known since she was nominated as McCain’s pick for VP that the Left was salivating to get at Sarah Palin, in more ways than one.
They had a presumed Republican novice in their sights and they collectively zoned in on the governor of Alaska.
Even they felt uncomfortable trashing an American hero, John McCain, aside from saying he was an old fart who didn’t know the internet from a hairnet, much like Joe Biden who thought websites have phone numbers.
However, Palin was more than fair game and they proceeded with vicious ad hominem, family, and political attacks since, closet-sexists as Lefties are, they felt they could freely pummel her and she would roll over and play dead or roll over and let them have their figurative will with her.
They failed in both ambitions.
Sarah Palin proved to be the best choice McCain could have made, drawing far bigger and far more enthusiastic crowds of true Republicans, true conservatives than the wishy-washy war hero.
The so-called “women’s movement” became more a bowel movement when it came to supporting a conservative woman candidate.
Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses but don’t even think of giving us a woman who revels in her husband and her womanhood, despises abortion, and who professes conservative values.
Sarah Palin scared the Democratic Left to its rotten core in 2008. In 2009, with the publication of Going Rogue: An American Life, she has petrified them.
With the able assistance of fellow McCain RINOS who are still seeking a scapegoat for their ignominious loss and disastrous screw-ups, the campaign to destroy Sarah Palin, begun 15 months ago, has intensified.
McCain strategist Steve Schmidt joined the Left in lambasting Going Rogue.
With a history of masterfully strategizing defeat on state and national levels, (cf. Tim Leslie, Matt Fong, and Lamar Alexander), Schmidt should have slunk off to the Home for Loser Strategists last November 5th.
Instead, he chose to lie in wait and to snipe at Palin in an attempt to save his sorry rep.
“Total fiction” and disappointing, bleated Schmidt about Going Rogue. This from the same man who undermined Palin’s candidacy from the start by alleging she suffered from post-partum depression.
He went on to almost single-handedly guide the McCain-Palin ticket into a humiliating electoral nosedive last year. Sore loser extraordinaire Schmidt is now whining because Palin had the fortitude to out him and his failures.
Is it any wonder he would be p*ssed?
Schmidt’s getting his nose out of joint over Going Rogue is paled by the Left’s anticipated antipathy toward Palin and her book. It is as if it were a revised edition of Mein Kampf.
Epitomized by the rush to publication of Going Rouge: An American Nightmare, the lividity of the Left over Palin is as transparent as their hero, Obama, is opaque.
Palin may not snag . . .
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Monday, November 23, 2009
Obama's Honeymoon Interruptus
Obama’s Honeymoon Interruptus
After 34 years on NBC, the people at “Saturday Night Live” have come to believe their political skits carry a significant amount of weight. And they’re absolutely correct.
Whether it should be so or not, whether comedians should have the power to mold and sway political opinion, SNL has had millions of faithful viewers since 1974 who take its jokes very seriously.
Presidents Nixon and Ford took their satiric lumps before they left the stage and President Carter can attest to the fact that being skewered on SNL can be politically painful. That was during the early days, the time when the show’s “Not Ready for Prime Time Players” were, usually, more funny than caustic.
Presidents Reagan and Bush I also weren’t manhandled too badly and Bill “Teflon-Man” Clinton was virtually impervious.
See here for brief clips of those presidents being SNL-ed:
The gloves were off during GWB’s 8 years and he was regularly pilloried and abused on “SNL,” though not suffering any great harm since he was so regularly pilloried and abused by the mainstream media that it didn’t make much difference.
Barack Obama is a whole other story. (I’d say a horse of a different color but that could be misinterpreted.) Candidate Obama fit perfectly with “SNL’s” demographic–young, liberal, and impertinent, and he wasn’t very caricature-able.
That was then, this is now.
The first now moment struck in October . . .
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After 34 years on NBC, the people at “Saturday Night Live” have come to believe their political skits carry a significant amount of weight. And they’re absolutely correct.
Whether it should be so or not, whether comedians should have the power to mold and sway political opinion, SNL has had millions of faithful viewers since 1974 who take its jokes very seriously.
Presidents Nixon and Ford took their satiric lumps before they left the stage and President Carter can attest to the fact that being skewered on SNL can be politically painful. That was during the early days, the time when the show’s “Not Ready for Prime Time Players” were, usually, more funny than caustic.
Presidents Reagan and Bush I also weren’t manhandled too badly and Bill “Teflon-Man” Clinton was virtually impervious.
See here for brief clips of those presidents being SNL-ed:
The gloves were off during GWB’s 8 years and he was regularly pilloried and abused on “SNL,” though not suffering any great harm since he was so regularly pilloried and abused by the mainstream media that it didn’t make much difference.
Barack Obama is a whole other story. (I’d say a horse of a different color but that could be misinterpreted.) Candidate Obama fit perfectly with “SNL’s” demographic–young, liberal, and impertinent, and he wasn’t very caricature-able.
That was then, this is now.
The first now moment struck in October . . .
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The Democrat War on the Christian God, Part III
. . . To many on the Left, Barack Obama “is sort of God.” I didn’t manufacture that quote. They are the precise words articulated by noted Leftist, Evan Thomas, in an interview on Thrill-Up-His-Leg Matthews’ MSNBC.
To emphasize his skewed perspective, Thomas also dismisses Ronald Reagan as being “all about America,” as if that were a bad thing, at the same time he deifies Obama who shows “we are above all that now:”
Thomas added that Obama “is gonna bring us all together.” That view was not evidenced by the Tea Parties, the raucous town hall meetings in August, the massive conservative March on Washington on September 12th, and the national divisiveness not seen since the Viet Nam War.
Thomas failed to mention all those demonstrations of godly togetherness achieved by our “national healer,” as the AP described Obama on November 10th.
One has to wonder “upon what meat doth this our media feed,” as Shakespeare might say, that they are leading the charge against country and God?
The New York Times’ Nicholas D. Kristof, subbing for the insufferable Paul Krugman, provided a clue in his 2003 article, “God, Satan and the Media.”
He begins with the preposterous assertion that, “Claims that the news media form a vast liberal conspiracy strike me as utterly unconvincing.” He then concedes that ”nearly all of us in the news business are completely out of touch with a group that includes 46 percent of Americans. . . evangelical or born-again Christians.”
Kristof thereby reinforced . . .
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To emphasize his skewed perspective, Thomas also dismisses Ronald Reagan as being “all about America,” as if that were a bad thing, at the same time he deifies Obama who shows “we are above all that now:”
Thomas added that Obama “is gonna bring us all together.” That view was not evidenced by the Tea Parties, the raucous town hall meetings in August, the massive conservative March on Washington on September 12th, and the national divisiveness not seen since the Viet Nam War.
Thomas failed to mention all those demonstrations of godly togetherness achieved by our “national healer,” as the AP described Obama on November 10th.
One has to wonder “upon what meat doth this our media feed,” as Shakespeare might say, that they are leading the charge against country and God?
The New York Times’ Nicholas D. Kristof, subbing for the insufferable Paul Krugman, provided a clue in his 2003 article, “God, Satan and the Media.”
He begins with the preposterous assertion that, “Claims that the news media form a vast liberal conspiracy strike me as utterly unconvincing.” He then concedes that ”nearly all of us in the news business are completely out of touch with a group that includes 46 percent of Americans. . . evangelical or born-again Christians.”
Kristof thereby reinforced . . .
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Sunday, November 22, 2009
California Dreamin'
. . . Cases in point are future mamas and papas assiduously studying in the excellent and very reasonably-priced California university system. They have been advised they will face a 32% tuition increase next year and they’re livid.
The students reacted as if they had been told that free condoms would no longer be available at the student center or that free treatment for STD’s would be denied them.
As UCLA grad student Sonja Diaz said of the tuition hikes, ”We are bailing out the banks, we are bailing out Wall Street. Where is the bailout for public education?”
A less educated and presumably less-mature U.C. Irvine freshman economics major, Sara Bana, employed a more apocalyptic warning to the world, “You are jeopardizing California’s future:”
Give me a break, girls! . . .
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. . . Cases in point are future mamas and papas assiduously studying in the excellent and very reasonably-priced California university system. They have been advised they will face a 32% tuition increase next year and they’re livid.
The students reacted as if they had been told that free condoms would no longer be available at the student center or that free treatment for STD’s would be denied them.
As UCLA grad student Sonja Diaz said of the tuition hikes, ”We are bailing out the banks, we are bailing out Wall Street. Where is the bailout for public education?”
A less educated and presumably less-mature U.C. Irvine freshman economics major, Sara Bana, employed a more apocalyptic warning to the world, “You are jeopardizing California’s future:”
Give me a break, girls! . . .
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Saturday, November 21, 2009
Dear, Dirty Detroit
Dear, Dirty Detroit
In one of his greatest novels, Ulysses, the Irish writer James Joyce famously referred to his nation’s capital as “dear, dirty Dublin,” thereby expressing his love-hate ambivalence toward the city and land of his birth.
After many years in recovery from the repressive British yoke, Ireland, with Dublin as its centerpiece, would rise from Joyce’s dirt to become the vaunted Celtic Tiger of Europe with the Irish enjoying one of the most robust economies on the face of the planet.
James Joyce would be proud today.
Some of that luster has been lost in the current recession, due as much to the general downturn as to Ireland’s abandonment of proven successful, free enterprise, low taxation, fiscal policies.
Ireland could be an object lesson for the American city of Detroit were it not that Detroit were so far gone. It would be a real stretch for any Detroiter to find much Joycean love for that city.
Once the 4th largest city in America, Detroit is almost moribund. The most liberal big city in the nation has slipped to 11th largest as things became worse and worse and about a million of its citizens gave up and fled.
It has been suggested the best thing to do with this crime-ravaged and economically-destitute town is to bulldoze it and begin all over again.
Would that bulldozing were feasible.
As Rich Lowry wrote on, Detroit “stands as a stark statement of the failure of urban liberalism.”
Detroit’s decline and fall may have begun with the race riots stoked by MLK in 1968 but the election in 1974 of its first black mayor, Coleman Young, clearly greased the skids. The collapse and bailout of the auto industry merely iced the cake with rancid topping.
Young would reign for 20 years. . . .
(Read the rest at
In one of his greatest novels, Ulysses, the Irish writer James Joyce famously referred to his nation’s capital as “dear, dirty Dublin,” thereby expressing his love-hate ambivalence toward the city and land of his birth.
After many years in recovery from the repressive British yoke, Ireland, with Dublin as its centerpiece, would rise from Joyce’s dirt to become the vaunted Celtic Tiger of Europe with the Irish enjoying one of the most robust economies on the face of the planet.
James Joyce would be proud today.
Some of that luster has been lost in the current recession, due as much to the general downturn as to Ireland’s abandonment of proven successful, free enterprise, low taxation, fiscal policies.
Ireland could be an object lesson for the American city of Detroit were it not that Detroit were so far gone. It would be a real stretch for any Detroiter to find much Joycean love for that city.
Once the 4th largest city in America, Detroit is almost moribund. The most liberal big city in the nation has slipped to 11th largest as things became worse and worse and about a million of its citizens gave up and fled.
It has been suggested the best thing to do with this crime-ravaged and economically-destitute town is to bulldoze it and begin all over again.
Would that bulldozing were feasible.
As Rich Lowry wrote on, Detroit “stands as a stark statement of the failure of urban liberalism.”
Detroit’s decline and fall may have begun with the race riots stoked by MLK in 1968 but the election in 1974 of its first black mayor, Coleman Young, clearly greased the skids. The collapse and bailout of the auto industry merely iced the cake with rancid topping.
Young would reign for 20 years. . . .
(Read the rest at
Friday, November 20, 2009
Glenn Beck, Leftist Prey
Glenn Beck, Leftist Prey
Dave Letterman likes to spread out his venom.
His tiresome, vengeful attacks on Sarah Palin, his defense against her reaction to his calling her and her daughter virtual sluts and a reflection of his cockiness after skating through his own sex scandals, were getting old and his writers were getting stale in their digs.
They were rescued by the publication of her best seller, Going Rogue, which at once became an ancillary target with Letterman’s brief nightly skit, “Things Better than Reading Sarah Palin’s Book.”
Those film attacks show cars crashing into trees, having one’s head explode in a microvave, and other inane, tasteless disasters as preferable to reading Palin’s book.
They’re getting old as well so last night’s “Top 10″ list on Obama’s interview on FNC branched out by attacking another conservative subject: Coming in at Number One was, “Agreeing that Glenn Beck is a dump.”
Not much better can be expected from crass, dirty Dave and his foul abuse of Beck was not unanticipated given the obsession liberals have with destroying him.
Still, it reinforces an interesting phenomenon, namely that when conservatives becomes too threatening, Leftists like Letterman and others go into spasms in their efforts to bring them down into their own muck and mire.
Mrs. Palin, with her incredible popularity and crowd appeal still tops the Leftist Attack Charts. However, Glenn Beck has gotten way up in their craws, too.
Polls showing Beck’s topping Larry King, Anderson Cooper, Keith Olberman, and Chris Matthews’ combined scores just may be playing a factor in the Left’s angst and venom.
Dirty Dave’s lies and insinuations about Palin–he dare not abuse her daughters again– . . .
(Read the rest at
Dave Letterman likes to spread out his venom.
His tiresome, vengeful attacks on Sarah Palin, his defense against her reaction to his calling her and her daughter virtual sluts and a reflection of his cockiness after skating through his own sex scandals, were getting old and his writers were getting stale in their digs.
They were rescued by the publication of her best seller, Going Rogue, which at once became an ancillary target with Letterman’s brief nightly skit, “Things Better than Reading Sarah Palin’s Book.”
Those film attacks show cars crashing into trees, having one’s head explode in a microvave, and other inane, tasteless disasters as preferable to reading Palin’s book.
They’re getting old as well so last night’s “Top 10″ list on Obama’s interview on FNC branched out by attacking another conservative subject: Coming in at Number One was, “Agreeing that Glenn Beck is a dump.”
Not much better can be expected from crass, dirty Dave and his foul abuse of Beck was not unanticipated given the obsession liberals have with destroying him.
Still, it reinforces an interesting phenomenon, namely that when conservatives becomes too threatening, Leftists like Letterman and others go into spasms in their efforts to bring them down into their own muck and mire.
Mrs. Palin, with her incredible popularity and crowd appeal still tops the Leftist Attack Charts. However, Glenn Beck has gotten way up in their craws, too.
Polls showing Beck’s topping Larry King, Anderson Cooper, Keith Olberman, and Chris Matthews’ combined scores just may be playing a factor in the Left’s angst and venom.
Dirty Dave’s lies and insinuations about Palin–he dare not abuse her daughters again– . . .
(Read the rest at
Student Sex, Teachers, and Sex Ed
Student Sex, Teachers, and Sex Ed
We’ve all heard and/or read about secondary school teachers who are exemplars of the ancient Roman poet, Catullus. His most notable poem, “Odi et Amo” or, “I Hate and I Love,” expresses his ardent feelings toward his mistress, Lesbia, conflicted emotions due to the fact she dumped him.
Many, too many, of today’s teachers seem to have an equally-conflicting love, or lust, for some of their students which actually reflects a deep hatred for who and what they are, namely children.
If not totally innocent children, they are usually far less experienced, guileful, and worldly young people than the teachers and mentors who seduce and abuse them, whether they feel seduced and abused or not.
And classroom teachers are certainly not the only seducers and abusers of immature, “young adults,” a contemporary label which confers on kids an undeserved and misleading aura of adulthood. School administrators and supervisors at all levels of education are also complicit in the smarminess.
The latter contribute to the near-epidemic incidents of illicit teacher-student relationships by tolerating student garb which is often more appropriate to a streetwalker in Times Square than a classroom setting.
They design courses for high school kids more fitting for college-level students. They authorize and condone course material and readings one might expect in College English 101 but which only serve to stoke already-blazing teenage hormones. Then they express shock and indignation when wayward teachers hit on the kids.
Not often mentioned is the seductive behavior of the kids, behavior not offered as an excuse for lecherous teachers who should know better than become involved with children but, too often, don’t know better.
An Atlanta, Georgia teacher allegedly accented the “odi” rather than the “amo” part of Catullus’ poem: “Randolphe Forde, a teacher at Mundy’s Mill High School has been charged with making terroristic threats,” an extreme charge considering that all he did was try to hire a “hit student” to kill another student at his school.
Forde’s motive is not as yet known but it’s likely it went beyond chewing gum in class. The attorney for the target victim suggested it was because the 16 year old is gay and that Forde threatened to “hit him in his ‘effin mouth:” . . .
(Read the rest at
We’ve all heard and/or read about secondary school teachers who are exemplars of the ancient Roman poet, Catullus. His most notable poem, “Odi et Amo” or, “I Hate and I Love,” expresses his ardent feelings toward his mistress, Lesbia, conflicted emotions due to the fact she dumped him.
Many, too many, of today’s teachers seem to have an equally-conflicting love, or lust, for some of their students which actually reflects a deep hatred for who and what they are, namely children.
If not totally innocent children, they are usually far less experienced, guileful, and worldly young people than the teachers and mentors who seduce and abuse them, whether they feel seduced and abused or not.
And classroom teachers are certainly not the only seducers and abusers of immature, “young adults,” a contemporary label which confers on kids an undeserved and misleading aura of adulthood. School administrators and supervisors at all levels of education are also complicit in the smarminess.
The latter contribute to the near-epidemic incidents of illicit teacher-student relationships by tolerating student garb which is often more appropriate to a streetwalker in Times Square than a classroom setting.
They design courses for high school kids more fitting for college-level students. They authorize and condone course material and readings one might expect in College English 101 but which only serve to stoke already-blazing teenage hormones. Then they express shock and indignation when wayward teachers hit on the kids.
Not often mentioned is the seductive behavior of the kids, behavior not offered as an excuse for lecherous teachers who should know better than become involved with children but, too often, don’t know better.
An Atlanta, Georgia teacher allegedly accented the “odi” rather than the “amo” part of Catullus’ poem: “Randolphe Forde, a teacher at Mundy’s Mill High School has been charged with making terroristic threats,” an extreme charge considering that all he did was try to hire a “hit student” to kill another student at his school.
Forde’s motive is not as yet known but it’s likely it went beyond chewing gum in class. The attorney for the target victim suggested it was because the 16 year old is gay and that Forde threatened to “hit him in his ‘effin mouth:” . . .
(Read the rest at
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Democrat War on the Christian God: Part II
The Democrat War on the Christian God: Part II
Waging a successful war today usually requires establishing alliances and letting allies assume some of the burdens of the battles. That requisite holds true for the Democrat War on the Christian God as well.
The Democrat allies in their war are legion, ranging from ACORN, to pro-abortionist feminist groups to the leftist blogosphere, even to a few Republicans in Name Only, RINOS, quisling traitors to their party’s and to the nation’s deep-felt values.
All one has to do is read the papers, watch the news, or peruse a few blogs to see the extent of how the United States, a former democratic republic founded on timeless Christian principles, has been inexorably deteriorating into a secularist, godless cesspool of Saul Alinsky-inspired chaos.
(Better yet, for a quick overview of the corruption in progress, see “The Democrat War on the Christian God, (Part I):”
No significant political/social movements occur in vacuums and none fail to have ramifications that go beyond mere politics. In military terms, the Democrat war on the Christian God is in progress on many strategic fronts.
Those ramifications are varied and may be likened to pustules on the body politic, rotting the social structure from within even as those pustules gain favor in the general populace.
Two seditionist Democrat allies stand out from the others, one for the depth of its godless depravity, the other for its widespread capacity to control public thought.
The first is the homosexual, LGBT, movement, the second the mainstream media, the MSM. . . .
(Read the rest at
Waging a successful war today usually requires establishing alliances and letting allies assume some of the burdens of the battles. That requisite holds true for the Democrat War on the Christian God as well.
The Democrat allies in their war are legion, ranging from ACORN, to pro-abortionist feminist groups to the leftist blogosphere, even to a few Republicans in Name Only, RINOS, quisling traitors to their party’s and to the nation’s deep-felt values.
All one has to do is read the papers, watch the news, or peruse a few blogs to see the extent of how the United States, a former democratic republic founded on timeless Christian principles, has been inexorably deteriorating into a secularist, godless cesspool of Saul Alinsky-inspired chaos.
(Better yet, for a quick overview of the corruption in progress, see “The Democrat War on the Christian God, (Part I):”
No significant political/social movements occur in vacuums and none fail to have ramifications that go beyond mere politics. In military terms, the Democrat war on the Christian God is in progress on many strategic fronts.
Those ramifications are varied and may be likened to pustules on the body politic, rotting the social structure from within even as those pustules gain favor in the general populace.
Two seditionist Democrat allies stand out from the others, one for the depth of its godless depravity, the other for its widespread capacity to control public thought.
The first is the homosexual, LGBT, movement, the second the mainstream media, the MSM. . . .
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"I Know We Are at War," and Other DC Fables
“I Know We Are at War,” and Other DC Fables
As more and more cracks appear in the previously-impenetrable Wall of Obamian MSM Idolators, the president must be wondering if he could get away with bailouts for all of his driveby media whether they need it or not.
When “SNL” feels free to take potshots at Obama, the Times prints truthful news about him, and even no longer feels he is sacrosanct and beyond reproach, something may be a-brewing that could approach even-handed treatment of the president.
Some queasiness just might be settling in on the banks of the Potomac and within the White House walls as the administration gets a tad nervous.
In an appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Eric Holder attempted to defend his decision to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-conspirators in a federal civilian court in Manhattan, within virtual spitting distance from Ground Zero.
Committee Chairman Pat Leahy (D. VT) wasn’t able to shield Holder from some hard questions concerning his decision, a decision he has contended he alone made, which is as preposterous as it is damning.
Would the President of the United States have had absolutely no input in the matter of by-passing military tribunals? If so, he is more out of touch with reality than it has seemed and once more he has contradicted himself.
Holder surprisingly admitted something Obama has long avoided by saying: “I know that we are at war. I know that we are at war with a vicious enemy who targets our soldiers on the battlefield in Afghanistan and our civilians in the streets here at home:”
He held fast to the Obama position that the war is not against Islamic terrorism by never mentioning that abhorrent phrase. . . .
(Read the rest at
As more and more cracks appear in the previously-impenetrable Wall of Obamian MSM Idolators, the president must be wondering if he could get away with bailouts for all of his driveby media whether they need it or not.
When “SNL” feels free to take potshots at Obama, the Times prints truthful news about him, and even no longer feels he is sacrosanct and beyond reproach, something may be a-brewing that could approach even-handed treatment of the president.
Some queasiness just might be settling in on the banks of the Potomac and within the White House walls as the administration gets a tad nervous.
In an appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Eric Holder attempted to defend his decision to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-conspirators in a federal civilian court in Manhattan, within virtual spitting distance from Ground Zero.
Committee Chairman Pat Leahy (D. VT) wasn’t able to shield Holder from some hard questions concerning his decision, a decision he has contended he alone made, which is as preposterous as it is damning.
Would the President of the United States have had absolutely no input in the matter of by-passing military tribunals? If so, he is more out of touch with reality than it has seemed and once more he has contradicted himself.
Holder surprisingly admitted something Obama has long avoided by saying: “I know that we are at war. I know that we are at war with a vicious enemy who targets our soldiers on the battlefield in Afghanistan and our civilians in the streets here at home:”
He held fast to the Obama position that the war is not against Islamic terrorism by never mentioning that abhorrent phrase. . . .
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eric holder,
fort hood,
mayor daley,
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Democrat War on the Christian God
The Democrat War on the Christian God
“Christian God?” You mean there are other Gods?
Of course not, unless we include the multiple pagan gods, the god of Mammon, the god of Hollywood, Michael Jackson, et al.
We could say the Democratic Party is at war with the Judeo-Christian God, which is the same God, but that construct wouldn’t be precisely true either since their war rarely encompasses Judaism’s Yahweh–nor Islam’s Allah, nor polytheistic major and minor deities.
The reason for the Democrat’s war is fairly obvious: Having devolved into an irrelegious political party catering to a predominantly irrelegious and faithless consituency, Democrats must give that constituency its undivided attention.
Dominated by those who favor elimination of any mention of God in a nation founded on a belief in an Almighty Being, Democrats must ignore America’s history and focus on winning votes from the Great Unwashed.
America’s Left, Democrats, like to harp on the absence of the G-word, God, in the Constitution, suggesting that omission was deliberate and thereby implying the Founders planned on an atheistic nation.
What poppycock!
The issues of God’s “presence” in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and even in the Articles of Confederation are far too complex to be discussed here. I would instead refer the reader to “Where Is God in the Constitution, a article:”
Suffice to say, neither the Founders nor later lawmakers, and certainly not the mass of Americans, had any intent of excluding God from this nation, except in the minds of today’s Democrats. . .
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“Christian God?” You mean there are other Gods?
Of course not, unless we include the multiple pagan gods, the god of Mammon, the god of Hollywood, Michael Jackson, et al.
We could say the Democratic Party is at war with the Judeo-Christian God, which is the same God, but that construct wouldn’t be precisely true either since their war rarely encompasses Judaism’s Yahweh–nor Islam’s Allah, nor polytheistic major and minor deities.
The reason for the Democrat’s war is fairly obvious: Having devolved into an irrelegious political party catering to a predominantly irrelegious and faithless consituency, Democrats must give that constituency its undivided attention.
Dominated by those who favor elimination of any mention of God in a nation founded on a belief in an Almighty Being, Democrats must ignore America’s history and focus on winning votes from the Great Unwashed.
America’s Left, Democrats, like to harp on the absence of the G-word, God, in the Constitution, suggesting that omission was deliberate and thereby implying the Founders planned on an atheistic nation.
What poppycock!
The issues of God’s “presence” in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and even in the Articles of Confederation are far too complex to be discussed here. I would instead refer the reader to “Where Is God in the Constitution, a article:”
Suffice to say, neither the Founders nor later lawmakers, and certainly not the mass of Americans, had any intent of excluding God from this nation, except in the minds of today’s Democrats. . .
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Big Brother, Obama-Style
Big Brother, Obama-Style
That classic image of Uncle Sam forcefully advising draft-aged young men and all Americans to support the war effort actually dated back to the First World War.
It has been superseded in the Age of Obama with the Orwellian image of Big Obama Brother cautioning the citizens of Oceania to be on their toes because he’s watching every move they make.
Orwell’s Big Brother presided over Oceania’s unending wars with Eurasia and Eastasia but the Obama Big Bro isn’t concerned with war and certainly isn’t perturbed by any war on terrorism since terrorism doesn’t exist.
His designs involve waging battle against the minds, hearts, spirits, and freedoms of his subjects.
And Obama’s Big Brother isn’t kidding!
Cross Obama’s version of Big Bro or make the Obamassiah cross in any manner, shape, or form, and your arse will be grass and either the Executive Branch or one of its congressional minions will take you out.
Or, try to.
For example:
Papists, Beware! The Catholic Church had the impertinence to challenge Obama’s lies on the inclusion of abortion coverage in Obamacare. As a consequence of its insolence, it’s in the cross hairs of Obama’s Big Bro!
The Church was more politic than Rep. Joe Wilson and didn’t confront the president on national television by validly charging, “You lie!” and simply apprised Obama that it begged to disagree on what Obamacare included.
That was enough for congressional lackey, Lynn Woolsey, (D, CA), to threaten those insolent papists with revocation of the I.R.S. tax-exempt status of the Catholic Church.
It’s a toothless threat . . .
(Read the rest at
That classic image of Uncle Sam forcefully advising draft-aged young men and all Americans to support the war effort actually dated back to the First World War.
It has been superseded in the Age of Obama with the Orwellian image of Big Obama Brother cautioning the citizens of Oceania to be on their toes because he’s watching every move they make.
Orwell’s Big Brother presided over Oceania’s unending wars with Eurasia and Eastasia but the Obama Big Bro isn’t concerned with war and certainly isn’t perturbed by any war on terrorism since terrorism doesn’t exist.
His designs involve waging battle against the minds, hearts, spirits, and freedoms of his subjects.
And Obama’s Big Brother isn’t kidding!
Cross Obama’s version of Big Bro or make the Obamassiah cross in any manner, shape, or form, and your arse will be grass and either the Executive Branch or one of its congressional minions will take you out.
Or, try to.
For example:
Papists, Beware! The Catholic Church had the impertinence to challenge Obama’s lies on the inclusion of abortion coverage in Obamacare. As a consequence of its insolence, it’s in the cross hairs of Obama’s Big Bro!
The Church was more politic than Rep. Joe Wilson and didn’t confront the president on national television by validly charging, “You lie!” and simply apprised Obama that it begged to disagree on what Obamacare included.
That was enough for congressional lackey, Lynn Woolsey, (D, CA), to threaten those insolent papists with revocation of the I.R.S. tax-exempt status of the Catholic Church.
It’s a toothless threat . . .
(Read the rest at
big brother,
eric holder,
How the Mighty Have Fallen
How the Mighty Have Fallen
Dynasties, much like indigestion or honesty in the Obama administration, tend to come and go.
Egypt recorded no fewer than 31 dynasties, China a paltry 13, and even Somalia, Tonga, Myanmar, and dozens of other nations and regions have weighed in with their minimalist dynastic periods.
The United States, by virtue of our democratic republican form of government and sense of political values, has always looked askance at the concept of one family exercising prolonged rule, except maybe on the local level of late.
What some call America’s first family and others call America’s royalty, the Kennedys, epitomized by patriarch Joe and his three sons, are the closest we’ve come to anything approximating a national dynasty with various members in politics countrywide.
The Clintons would love to follow suit but needed more progeny, and more class, to get anywhere, dynastic-wise.
A local dynasty founded by former Democratic Congressman William Jennings Jefferson rose out out of the New Orleans Bayou to become a Jeffersonian dynasty which recently has met its Waterloo on the Bayou.
That Jeffersonian Dynasty was never much of a dynasty by Egyptian and Chinese standards, . . .
(Read the rest at
Dynasties, much like indigestion or honesty in the Obama administration, tend to come and go.
Egypt recorded no fewer than 31 dynasties, China a paltry 13, and even Somalia, Tonga, Myanmar, and dozens of other nations and regions have weighed in with their minimalist dynastic periods.
The United States, by virtue of our democratic republican form of government and sense of political values, has always looked askance at the concept of one family exercising prolonged rule, except maybe on the local level of late.
What some call America’s first family and others call America’s royalty, the Kennedys, epitomized by patriarch Joe and his three sons, are the closest we’ve come to anything approximating a national dynasty with various members in politics countrywide.
The Clintons would love to follow suit but needed more progeny, and more class, to get anywhere, dynastic-wise.
A local dynasty founded by former Democratic Congressman William Jennings Jefferson rose out out of the New Orleans Bayou to become a Jeffersonian dynasty which recently has met its Waterloo on the Bayou.
That Jeffersonian Dynasty was never much of a dynasty by Egyptian and Chinese standards, . . .
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Monday, November 16, 2009
Climate Change? Never Mind.
Climate Change? Never Mind.
When corrected after elaborating on such malapropisms as “Russian jewelry,” in lieu of “Russian Jewry,” SNL’s late, great Gilda Radner’s/Emily Litella’s standard rebuttal was always, “Never mind.”
Less than 4 weeks after British P.M. Gordon Brown issued his chilling warning of an imminent cataclysm “of floods, droughts, and killer heat waves” that would strike the planet if the climate change confab in Copenhagen didn’t save us in 50 days, the climate changeists have effectively said, “Never mind.”
It was funnier when Litella used the line.
There’s no rush after all despite Brown’s panic that Earthlings had less than 2 months to avoid catastrophe: ”U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders on Sunday supported delaying a legally binding climate pact until 2010 or even later, but European negotiators said the move did not imply weaker action:”
Danish P.M Lars Lokke Rasmussen added, “We are not aiming to let anyone off the hook.”
What “hook” he meant was left unclear. . .
(Read the rest at
When corrected after elaborating on such malapropisms as “Russian jewelry,” in lieu of “Russian Jewry,” SNL’s late, great Gilda Radner’s/Emily Litella’s standard rebuttal was always, “Never mind.”
Less than 4 weeks after British P.M. Gordon Brown issued his chilling warning of an imminent cataclysm “of floods, droughts, and killer heat waves” that would strike the planet if the climate change confab in Copenhagen didn’t save us in 50 days, the climate changeists have effectively said, “Never mind.”
It was funnier when Litella used the line.
There’s no rush after all despite Brown’s panic that Earthlings had less than 2 months to avoid catastrophe: ”U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders on Sunday supported delaying a legally binding climate pact until 2010 or even later, but European negotiators said the move did not imply weaker action:”
Danish P.M Lars Lokke Rasmussen added, “We are not aiming to let anyone off the hook.”
What “hook” he meant was left unclear. . .
(Read the rest at
Black Liberation Theology in Action?
Black Liberation Theology in Action?
“Black Liberation Theology,” is a term supposedly coined by James H. Cone who actually glommed it from the South American Marxist “Liberation Theology” movement of the fifties.
Cone synthesized his American meaning when he said, “The Christian faith has been interpreted largely by those who enslaved black people, and by the people who segregated them.” It goes far beyond a disaffection with Christianity.
As one observer wrote, it is “a product of the dreary, leftist politics of the twentieth century” to which “Militancy is important. It’s the sword dangled over the head of society. Either fork over more tax dollars, government services and patronage or else. . . [under threat of} Civil unrest. Disruptions in cities. Riot in the streets:”
Sound familiar? It should. We have witnessed that civil unrest, that militancy, those disruptions, those riots for decades. They are intrinsic to black liberation and civil rights movements. Ironically, they are often promulgated from the pulpits of supposedly Christian churches.
Two recent race-tinged stories may reflect a very feasible relationship to Black Liberation Theology follow:
ONE: The following dialogue is fabricated. The facts of the incident–involving 3 people in a Harlem bar, a black man, a white woman, and a white man–are not.
Black Man: “Don’t you think that white privilege has gone on long enough in this country?”
White woman: “What exactly do you mean by ‘white privilege?’ “
“You know goddamned well what I mean! Now I’ll show you some black privilege!”
With that, a 59 year old Columbia University prof hauled off and sucker-punched the white woman in the face and then for good measure took a swing at the white man who intervened.
As reported by the New York Post, the black man, Professor Lionel MacIntyre, and the white woman, Ms. Camille Davis, had been involved a racial disagreement a few weeks earlier. Last Friday, it ignited into a “fiery discussion” at the bar, Toast.
MacIntyre concluded that chat by shoving and punching Davis . . .
(Read the rest at
“Black Liberation Theology,” is a term supposedly coined by James H. Cone who actually glommed it from the South American Marxist “Liberation Theology” movement of the fifties.
Cone synthesized his American meaning when he said, “The Christian faith has been interpreted largely by those who enslaved black people, and by the people who segregated them.” It goes far beyond a disaffection with Christianity.
As one observer wrote, it is “a product of the dreary, leftist politics of the twentieth century” to which “Militancy is important. It’s the sword dangled over the head of society. Either fork over more tax dollars, government services and patronage or else. . . [under threat of} Civil unrest. Disruptions in cities. Riot in the streets:”
Sound familiar? It should. We have witnessed that civil unrest, that militancy, those disruptions, those riots for decades. They are intrinsic to black liberation and civil rights movements. Ironically, they are often promulgated from the pulpits of supposedly Christian churches.
Two recent race-tinged stories may reflect a very feasible relationship to Black Liberation Theology follow:
ONE: The following dialogue is fabricated. The facts of the incident–involving 3 people in a Harlem bar, a black man, a white woman, and a white man–are not.
Black Man: “Don’t you think that white privilege has gone on long enough in this country?”
White woman: “What exactly do you mean by ‘white privilege?’ “
“You know goddamned well what I mean! Now I’ll show you some black privilege!”
With that, a 59 year old Columbia University prof hauled off and sucker-punched the white woman in the face and then for good measure took a swing at the white man who intervened.
As reported by the New York Post, the black man, Professor Lionel MacIntyre, and the white woman, Ms. Camille Davis, had been involved a racial disagreement a few weeks earlier. Last Friday, it ignited into a “fiery discussion” at the bar, Toast.
MacIntyre concluded that chat by shoving and punching Davis . . .
(Read the rest at
Sunday, November 15, 2009
An Overview of an Overview on Palin's Book: Part II
An Overview of an Overview of Palin’s Book–Part II
You can always tell a Leftist. You can’t tell them much but you can always tell them.
Ok, that’s an old line but a line as true with regard to the Left as the day it was first uttered.
Sarah Palin’s book, Going Rogue: An American Life, due for public release on November 17th was probably targeted by the Forces of Darkness, the Left/liberals/mainstream media/Democratic Party, as soon as HarperCollins announced its publication.
Ever on the alert to discover conservative flaws and errors, the Associated Press assigned no less than eleven attack dogs to fact check the book and came up with little ammunition–6 alleged inaccuracies in the memoir’s 413 pages. Fact-checking the AP fact checkers, the revelations are exposed as mostly reporter opinions and misrepresentations.
For the outing of the outers, see
As illustrates, Sarah Palin is right on target:
Part One of Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg’s overview of the book’s six chapters was previously overviewed here. ( What follows are other tidbits gleaned from Trachtenberg’s commentary:
The Saturday Night Live Appearance: Palin bodaciously admits that as a teen, she snuck around under her parents’ radar to catch ”SNL” and jumped at the opportunity to appear on the show where Tina Fey had been surreally impersonating her. She was to experience “a nice mom moment” with Fey and Fey’s daughter. To her credit, she snubbed another guest on the show that night, director and re-interpreter of history, Oliver Stone, because of his hero-worship for Hugo Chavez. Why she didn’t also snub another guest, Alec Baldwin, is a mystery but I guess she figured she had to talk to someone on the SNL set.
Palin’s Wardrobe: . . .
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You can always tell a Leftist. You can’t tell them much but you can always tell them.
Ok, that’s an old line but a line as true with regard to the Left as the day it was first uttered.
Sarah Palin’s book, Going Rogue: An American Life, due for public release on November 17th was probably targeted by the Forces of Darkness, the Left/liberals/mainstream media/Democratic Party, as soon as HarperCollins announced its publication.
Ever on the alert to discover conservative flaws and errors, the Associated Press assigned no less than eleven attack dogs to fact check the book and came up with little ammunition–6 alleged inaccuracies in the memoir’s 413 pages. Fact-checking the AP fact checkers, the revelations are exposed as mostly reporter opinions and misrepresentations.
For the outing of the outers, see
As illustrates, Sarah Palin is right on target:
Part One of Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg’s overview of the book’s six chapters was previously overviewed here. ( What follows are other tidbits gleaned from Trachtenberg’s commentary:
The Saturday Night Live Appearance: Palin bodaciously admits that as a teen, she snuck around under her parents’ radar to catch ”SNL” and jumped at the opportunity to appear on the show where Tina Fey had been surreally impersonating her. She was to experience “a nice mom moment” with Fey and Fey’s daughter. To her credit, she snubbed another guest on the show that night, director and re-interpreter of history, Oliver Stone, because of his hero-worship for Hugo Chavez. Why she didn’t also snub another guest, Alec Baldwin, is a mystery but I guess she figured she had to talk to someone on the SNL set.
Palin’s Wardrobe: . . .
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Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Most Unsurprising News of the Day
The Most Unsurprising News of the Day
Before I could believe it, I had to re-read the news item covering our Homeland Security Chieftess Janet Napolitano’s announcement that illegal aliens in the United States would be given a “fair pathway to earned legal status:”
Good grief! Was that even worthy of a press conference since only ACORN and other brain dead Leftists ever thought otherwise?
(By the way, the above is sarcasm.)
Napolitano’s unsurprising announcement makes clear the long-established understanding of thinking Americans that this was the plan all along: Legalize illegals so that they will become eligible for Obamacare because they would then be legal and then give them the right to vote, for Democrats.
Voilà ! All bases covered!
It’s an insidious but efficient plot, one which Black Obama’s principal supporters, Blacks, will gleefully applaud, until they come to realize that they won’t still be America’s favorite minority.
Within a few years after Napolitano’s scheme achieves fruition, Hispanics will have supplanted African-Americans as a more productive and more reproductive minority.
Sec. Napolitano has just welcomed their illegal arses into the American fold.
Bottomline is Democrat votes, African-Americans.
Forget Obama’s mixed heritage . . .
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Before I could believe it, I had to re-read the news item covering our Homeland Security Chieftess Janet Napolitano’s announcement that illegal aliens in the United States would be given a “fair pathway to earned legal status:”
Good grief! Was that even worthy of a press conference since only ACORN and other brain dead Leftists ever thought otherwise?
(By the way, the above is sarcasm.)
Napolitano’s unsurprising announcement makes clear the long-established understanding of thinking Americans that this was the plan all along: Legalize illegals so that they will become eligible for Obamacare because they would then be legal and then give them the right to vote, for Democrats.
Voilà ! All bases covered!
It’s an insidious but efficient plot, one which Black Obama’s principal supporters, Blacks, will gleefully applaud, until they come to realize that they won’t still be America’s favorite minority.
Within a few years after Napolitano’s scheme achieves fruition, Hispanics will have supplanted African-Americans as a more productive and more reproductive minority.
Sec. Napolitano has just welcomed their illegal arses into the American fold.
Bottomline is Democrat votes, African-Americans.
Forget Obama’s mixed heritage . . .
Read the rest at
janet napolitano,
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Malaria vs. Death
Malaria and Death or DDT and Life: Pick Just One
Suppose we could save a million (human) lives a year, 85% of which were children’s lives, or lose the brown pelican forevermore. The vast majority of us would opt for the million humans over a bird, I would hope.
Sub-Saharan Africans don’t have much of a choice between people over birds. There the scourge of malaria kills one child every 30 seconds, according to the African Environmentalist Association:
Malaria is sometimes called “Africa’s common cold,” but it’s not quite the equivalent of a mild cough, sniffles, and a sore throat. The debilitating disease causes high fevers, severe headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, brain damage, and, often, death.
Chicken soup or Vick’s VapoRub have no salutary effect on its victims.
There is an effective remedy for the deaths and the billions spent on treating malaria in African nations where costs can exceed 40% of health allocations. Those countries can afford the deaths but can ill-afford the billions spent to treat malaria victims.
The catch? The remedy is frowned upon by the UN’s World Health Organization, WHO.
As a mosquito-borne disease, logically, malaria is best prevented by the eradication of ’skeeters but the best preventative, DDT, is verbotten by WHO . . .
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Suppose we could save a million (human) lives a year, 85% of which were children’s lives, or lose the brown pelican forevermore. The vast majority of us would opt for the million humans over a bird, I would hope.
Sub-Saharan Africans don’t have much of a choice between people over birds. There the scourge of malaria kills one child every 30 seconds, according to the African Environmentalist Association:
Malaria is sometimes called “Africa’s common cold,” but it’s not quite the equivalent of a mild cough, sniffles, and a sore throat. The debilitating disease causes high fevers, severe headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, brain damage, and, often, death.
Chicken soup or Vick’s VapoRub have no salutary effect on its victims.
There is an effective remedy for the deaths and the billions spent on treating malaria in African nations where costs can exceed 40% of health allocations. Those countries can afford the deaths but can ill-afford the billions spent to treat malaria victims.
The catch? The remedy is frowned upon by the UN’s World Health Organization, WHO.
As a mosquito-borne disease, logically, malaria is best prevented by the eradication of ’skeeters but the best preventative, DDT, is verbotten by WHO . . .
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Terrible Terror, Terrible Terrorist: Part Three
Terrible Terror, Terrible Terrorist: Part Three
This final installment of “Terrible Terror, Terrible Terrorist” was postponed in deference to the obsequies for the casualties conducted at Fort Hood and the commemoration of Veterans Day. I chose not to pollute either with the evolving, sickening details surrounding the senseless Muslim murders in Texas which made the Texas Chainsaw murders almost child play.
That evolution becomes more sickening by the day.
Our president, with wife Michelle in tow, made a duty-appearance at those services on Tuesday appearing very somber as he read the names of the 13 dead, declaring them heroes, promising “the killer will be met with justice–in this world and the next.”
Obama incorporated brief and touching biographical notes on each victim, including a newlywed and a pregnant mother, whose death brought the body count to fourteen.
He lamented “the twisted logic that led to this tragedy. But this much we do know: No faith justifies these murderous and craven acts.”
His very presidential speech omitted 2 significant references. There was no mention of the dreaded T-word, Terrorism, nor of the suspected perpetrator of those “murderous and craven acts:”
Obama out of pique had passed on attending the celebrations in Berlin remembering “the fall of the wall” and had postponed his jaunt to China in order to squeeze in his trip to Fort Hood but his omissions of the T-word and any reference to Hasan’s Islamic-terrorist connections were very telling.
They were in line with his efforts to play those connections down even as the facts continue to pile up. . . .
(Read the rest at
This final installment of “Terrible Terror, Terrible Terrorist” was postponed in deference to the obsequies for the casualties conducted at Fort Hood and the commemoration of Veterans Day. I chose not to pollute either with the evolving, sickening details surrounding the senseless Muslim murders in Texas which made the Texas Chainsaw murders almost child play.
That evolution becomes more sickening by the day.
Our president, with wife Michelle in tow, made a duty-appearance at those services on Tuesday appearing very somber as he read the names of the 13 dead, declaring them heroes, promising “the killer will be met with justice–in this world and the next.”
Obama incorporated brief and touching biographical notes on each victim, including a newlywed and a pregnant mother, whose death brought the body count to fourteen.
He lamented “the twisted logic that led to this tragedy. But this much we do know: No faith justifies these murderous and craven acts.”
His very presidential speech omitted 2 significant references. There was no mention of the dreaded T-word, Terrorism, nor of the suspected perpetrator of those “murderous and craven acts:”
Obama out of pique had passed on attending the celebrations in Berlin remembering “the fall of the wall” and had postponed his jaunt to China in order to squeeze in his trip to Fort Hood but his omissions of the T-word and any reference to Hasan’s Islamic-terrorist connections were very telling.
They were in line with his efforts to play those connections down even as the facts continue to pile up. . . .
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Muhammed Bites the Dust
Muhammed Bites the Dust
The “Beltway Sniper” is no longer with us. Nor are the 10 innocent people John Allen Muhammed chose to eliminate from the face of the Earth seven years ago.
As has been pointed out, Muhammed had the opportunity to bid his final farewells to those near and dear to him.
His slain victims, at best, were able to say things like, “Bye, I’m going out shopping/to work/to visit Aunt Milly,” and that was about it. They never returned. The three who survived the shootings were luckier and only have to live the rest of their lives with the memories.
Just over 24 hours ago, denied a final mercy and as hand-wringers over capital punishment were in full force . . .
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The “Beltway Sniper” is no longer with us. Nor are the 10 innocent people John Allen Muhammed chose to eliminate from the face of the Earth seven years ago.
As has been pointed out, Muhammed had the opportunity to bid his final farewells to those near and dear to him.
His slain victims, at best, were able to say things like, “Bye, I’m going out shopping/to work/to visit Aunt Milly,” and that was about it. They never returned. The three who survived the shootings were luckier and only have to live the rest of their lives with the memories.
Just over 24 hours ago, denied a final mercy and as hand-wringers over capital punishment were in full force . . .
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Jim Carrey and the Politics of Astigmatic Hypocrisy
Jim Carrey and the Politics of Astigmatic Hypocrisy
Actor Jim Carrey is not unlike any number of his comrades and comradettes in Hollywood: He operates under the delusion that stardom confers wisdom and that wealth bestows insight.
And Carrey, like George Clooney and Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon, is flush with celebrity wisdom and insight when it comes to political observations. Even as he rakes in $20 million a picture, he sees fit to rip “personal greed and ambition” and the capitalistic system that made him a very rich man.
Such an outlandish display of astigmatic hypocrisy!
Canadian Carrey, stand-up-comic-turned-movie-star, has made it big time via the capitalist-world of Hollywood yet feels free to attack the very economic system that made his success possible.
Compounding his muddled thought processes, Carrey’s newest flick, Disney’s PC version and “Digital Dickens” production of A Christmas Carol, had a lackluster opening.
In a decidedly negative review of Carrey and his Scrooge, S.T. Karnick wrote of Carrey’s ”political flatulence.”
He quoted the actor: . .
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Actor Jim Carrey is not unlike any number of his comrades and comradettes in Hollywood: He operates under the delusion that stardom confers wisdom and that wealth bestows insight.
And Carrey, like George Clooney and Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon, is flush with celebrity wisdom and insight when it comes to political observations. Even as he rakes in $20 million a picture, he sees fit to rip “personal greed and ambition” and the capitalistic system that made him a very rich man.
Such an outlandish display of astigmatic hypocrisy!
Canadian Carrey, stand-up-comic-turned-movie-star, has made it big time via the capitalist-world of Hollywood yet feels free to attack the very economic system that made his success possible.
Compounding his muddled thought processes, Carrey’s newest flick, Disney’s PC version and “Digital Dickens” production of A Christmas Carol, had a lackluster opening.
In a decidedly negative review of Carrey and his Scrooge, S.T. Karnick wrote of Carrey’s ”political flatulence.”
He quoted the actor: . .
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Veterans Day, 2009
Once again, we honor today those brave millions who have served and fought for our country over its history. Without them, we would not have a history.
We especially pay tribute to those now fighting in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. May they all come home healthy.
Remember to fly our flag!
I proudly reprint here last year’s two Veterans Day salutes:
It was the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month when the ”War to End All Wars,” “the Great War,” ended in 1918 with the declaration of an armistice.
The fighting was over between the Allies and Germany, the bloodletting was finished, even though the politicians took another seven months to declare an official end to what would become known as World War I with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles:
Ironically, the punitive and shortsighted nature of that treaty . . .
We especially pay tribute to those now fighting in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. May they all come home healthy.
Remember to fly our flag!
I proudly reprint here last year’s two Veterans Day salutes:
It was the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month when the ”War to End All Wars,” “the Great War,” ended in 1918 with the declaration of an armistice.
The fighting was over between the Allies and Germany, the bloodletting was finished, even though the politicians took another seven months to declare an official end to what would become known as World War I with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles:
Ironically, the punitive and shortsighted nature of that treaty . . .
Lies, Lying Lies, and Letterman
Who to believe?
Dirty Dave Letterman, the teflon-coated comedian/late night talk show host is being beseiged once again.
Not that any of it mattered to CBS or its president Les Moonves.
However, since he wed long-time live in, Regina Lasko, mother of his now 6 year old Harry, in March, poor Dave has repeatedly been run through a mill of his own making and always comes out well, smelling like Dave.
CBS’ meal ticket can apparently do no harm.
His reference to Sarah Palin as a slut and to her daughter, Bristol, as not much better didn’t even stir the ire of the NOLW, the National Organization of Leftist Women and other defenders of the fair sex because he is philosophically one of them.
Rather than offer a true apology for those nasty slurs, he gave a feigned contrite pro forma on-air speech and to demonstrate his heart-felt sincerity compensated by relentless ridicule of Palin and, lately, of her best-selling book, Going Rogue.
For those who’ve forgotten that contretemps, including either Bristol’s or 14 year old sister, Willow’s bumping the uglies with A-Rod out in right field of Yankee Stadium, do see
Then came yet another tear-jerker, his disclosure in September, also in front of his adoring, applauding audience, that he had been the object of an extortion plot by Joe-Bob Halderman, a CBS producer.
Not wanting to cough up a two million dollar ransom for his reputation, Letterman instead called in the cops and Halderman was arrested.
And the crowd applauded more.
That mess related to Dave’s promoting his former, young and perky intern, Stephanie Birkitt, . . .
(Read the rest at
Dirty Dave Letterman, the teflon-coated comedian/late night talk show host is being beseiged once again.
Not that any of it mattered to CBS or its president Les Moonves.
However, since he wed long-time live in, Regina Lasko, mother of his now 6 year old Harry, in March, poor Dave has repeatedly been run through a mill of his own making and always comes out well, smelling like Dave.
CBS’ meal ticket can apparently do no harm.
His reference to Sarah Palin as a slut and to her daughter, Bristol, as not much better didn’t even stir the ire of the NOLW, the National Organization of Leftist Women and other defenders of the fair sex because he is philosophically one of them.
Rather than offer a true apology for those nasty slurs, he gave a feigned contrite pro forma on-air speech and to demonstrate his heart-felt sincerity compensated by relentless ridicule of Palin and, lately, of her best-selling book, Going Rogue.
For those who’ve forgotten that contretemps, including either Bristol’s or 14 year old sister, Willow’s bumping the uglies with A-Rod out in right field of Yankee Stadium, do see
Then came yet another tear-jerker, his disclosure in September, also in front of his adoring, applauding audience, that he had been the object of an extortion plot by Joe-Bob Halderman, a CBS producer.
Not wanting to cough up a two million dollar ransom for his reputation, Letterman instead called in the cops and Halderman was arrested.
And the crowd applauded more.
That mess related to Dave’s promoting his former, young and perky intern, Stephanie Birkitt, . . .
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Terrible Terror, Terrible Terrorist: Part Two
Terrible Terror, Terrible Terrorist: Part Two
Amid new allegations that the Obama administration is withholding “critical information” concerning the murders at Fort Hood, ranking Republican Pete Hoekstra is demanding the CIA and the FBI release full details on what he calls “a terrorism attack” at our military facility in Texas.
Why a congressman would have to insist the government inform the governed of such information is beyond me. It smacks of Whitewater–and whitewash:
However, there’s much more about those murders.
Todd Huston on outed something the Obama administration would very much like to keep under wraps, the connection between the alleged murderer, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, and the Obamians.
Handwriting on a wall is one thing, often equivalent to scrawled grafitti. Messages chiseled into a wall by a dedicated terrorist are something else again. . .
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Amid new allegations that the Obama administration is withholding “critical information” concerning the murders at Fort Hood, ranking Republican Pete Hoekstra is demanding the CIA and the FBI release full details on what he calls “a terrorism attack” at our military facility in Texas.
Why a congressman would have to insist the government inform the governed of such information is beyond me. It smacks of Whitewater–and whitewash:
However, there’s much more about those murders.
Todd Huston on outed something the Obama administration would very much like to keep under wraps, the connection between the alleged murderer, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, and the Obamians.
Handwriting on a wall is one thing, often equivalent to scrawled grafitti. Messages chiseled into a wall by a dedicated terrorist are something else again. . .
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Monday, November 9, 2009
Terrible Terror, Terrible Terrorist: Part One
Terrible Terror, Terrible Terrorist: Part One
Though it was in full swing prior to 9/11/2001, few Americans paid much attention to the reality of terroristic activity around the globe.
In the intervening 8 years, after a flurry of outrage and alarm, and two ongoing wars, many of us–too many of us–have retreated into a comfortable cocoon of terrorism-denial.
With mushrooming unemployment and with so many other personal and domestic problems on our plates, why bother worrying ourselves over something we can’t individually do anything about?
That denial, that gut refusal to come to terms with the truth that America is engaged in a worldwide struggle against the Islamic jihad, is almost as dangerous as the terrorism itself.
One individual who has adopted a blase’ demeanor toward the all-important issue is our terrorism-averse president who also happens to be the Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces, our chief line of defense from enemy attack.
Obama campaigned against the Iraq War, banned “harsh” interrogation techniques to elicit life-saving information from prisoners, promised to shutter GITMO, and banned the use of the term War on Terror.
Mr. President, point of information: Ignoring the threat of continuing terrorism and, worse, minimizing it to the point of absurdity, won’t make it go away.
I’ve long suspected the motivations of President Obama . . .
(Read the rest at
Though it was in full swing prior to 9/11/2001, few Americans paid much attention to the reality of terroristic activity around the globe.
In the intervening 8 years, after a flurry of outrage and alarm, and two ongoing wars, many of us–too many of us–have retreated into a comfortable cocoon of terrorism-denial.
With mushrooming unemployment and with so many other personal and domestic problems on our plates, why bother worrying ourselves over something we can’t individually do anything about?
That denial, that gut refusal to come to terms with the truth that America is engaged in a worldwide struggle against the Islamic jihad, is almost as dangerous as the terrorism itself.
One individual who has adopted a blase’ demeanor toward the all-important issue is our terrorism-averse president who also happens to be the Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces, our chief line of defense from enemy attack.
Obama campaigned against the Iraq War, banned “harsh” interrogation techniques to elicit life-saving information from prisoners, promised to shutter GITMO, and banned the use of the term War on Terror.
Mr. President, point of information: Ignoring the threat of continuing terrorism and, worse, minimizing it to the point of absurdity, won’t make it go away.
I’ve long suspected the motivations of President Obama . . .
(Read the rest at
News You May Have Missed, Or Wanted To
News You May Have Missed, or Wanted To
Rev. Al’s (Ex-)Wife and Daughter Arrested! It’s true, the Very Reverend Blowhard Al Sharpton’s former blushing bride, Kathy Jordan, 53, and their daughter, Dominique, 23, were arrested after running a red light in Harlem.
The NYPD doesn’t customarily incarcerate red-light violators, especially in Harlem, but this situation was unique.
According to the Houston Chronicle, Al was fuming and shocked, I tell you, over the incident, twittering in not just his usual twitter but on Twitter.
In high dudgeon he twitted, “I cannot imagine how two unarmed women with no record could be taken in cuffs from a traffic dispute with NO personal or property damage involved.”
Without literally invoking his usual charges of racism, he merely insinuated it: “Well this is what we deal with every day. We will never accept unfairness. (There was) no drugs or drinking at all.”
Now, the last thing NYC cops would want to do would be to offend Rev. Al and his constituency so one must suspect there was more to the matter that met the eye, including an exhibition of “blackitude,” that attitude expressed in oppressed indignation long synonymous with northern African-Americans.
After speeding though the light past a police car, the pair were cuffed and arrested for resisting arrest and after arguing over a traffic summons:
Although the Chronicle failed to report details as to the disposition of the charges or the argument content, the retort may very well have gone something like this: “Whatcha mean, yo racist, honkie, mutherf*cker? We be related to the mutherf*cking Al Sharpton and we has our own as president! Yo can jest shove that ticket!”
Let’s have a shout-out for the NYPD!
Pee-Wee Is Still Pee-Wee! On a note much lighter than Sharpton, that scamp Pee-Wee Herman, aka, Paul Reubens, has announced he is still the beloved Pee-Wee and that, after a 19 year absence, “he was bringing his brilliant Pee-Wee character back to the stage.”
His fans “went into a tizzy:”. . .
(Read the rest at
Rev. Al’s (Ex-)Wife and Daughter Arrested! It’s true, the Very Reverend Blowhard Al Sharpton’s former blushing bride, Kathy Jordan, 53, and their daughter, Dominique, 23, were arrested after running a red light in Harlem.
The NYPD doesn’t customarily incarcerate red-light violators, especially in Harlem, but this situation was unique.
According to the Houston Chronicle, Al was fuming and shocked, I tell you, over the incident, twittering in not just his usual twitter but on Twitter.
In high dudgeon he twitted, “I cannot imagine how two unarmed women with no record could be taken in cuffs from a traffic dispute with NO personal or property damage involved.”
Without literally invoking his usual charges of racism, he merely insinuated it: “Well this is what we deal with every day. We will never accept unfairness. (There was) no drugs or drinking at all.”
Now, the last thing NYC cops would want to do would be to offend Rev. Al and his constituency so one must suspect there was more to the matter that met the eye, including an exhibition of “blackitude,” that attitude expressed in oppressed indignation long synonymous with northern African-Americans.
After speeding though the light past a police car, the pair were cuffed and arrested for resisting arrest and after arguing over a traffic summons:
Although the Chronicle failed to report details as to the disposition of the charges or the argument content, the retort may very well have gone something like this: “Whatcha mean, yo racist, honkie, mutherf*cker? We be related to the mutherf*cking Al Sharpton and we has our own as president! Yo can jest shove that ticket!”
Let’s have a shout-out for the NYPD!
Pee-Wee Is Still Pee-Wee! On a note much lighter than Sharpton, that scamp Pee-Wee Herman, aka, Paul Reubens, has announced he is still the beloved Pee-Wee and that, after a 19 year absence, “he was bringing his brilliant Pee-Wee character back to the stage.”
His fans “went into a tizzy:”. . .
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Sunday, November 8, 2009
Pelosi's Stink Bomb
. . . As gross as it it is, the thought that comes to mind with this latest Democrat insult to the soul of America is this old rhyme:
“In days of old, when knights were bold, and toilets weren’t invented, they dropped their loads in the middle of the road and went away contented.”
Speaker Pelosi last night dropped the most massive load of her life. . .
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“In days of old, when knights were bold, and toilets weren’t invented, they dropped their loads in the middle of the road and went away contented.”
Speaker Pelosi last night dropped the most massive load of her life. . .
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Saturday, November 7, 2009
The Good, Bad, Ugly--and the Funny, Stupid, and Sad
The Good, Bad, Ugly–and the Funny, Stupid, and Sad
. . . The nouns “ethics” and “congress” rarely appear in the same sentence but Black Voices claims that legislators such as Maxine Waters, Charles Rangel, Bennie Thompson, et al. are being targeted not for any ethical/criminal lapses nor the content of their character but simply due to the color of their skin.
Another possibility offered for the unfairness of it all is that all 7 supported the “Fairness in Cocaine Sentencing Act” and repeal of mandatory minimum sentencing:
The third possibility is that they’re all guilty as charged.
THE FUNNY: I’ve never seen ventriloquist, Jeff Dunham, . . .
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. . . The nouns “ethics” and “congress” rarely appear in the same sentence but Black Voices claims that legislators such as Maxine Waters, Charles Rangel, Bennie Thompson, et al. are being targeted not for any ethical/criminal lapses nor the content of their character but simply due to the color of their skin.
Another possibility offered for the unfairness of it all is that all 7 supported the “Fairness in Cocaine Sentencing Act” and repeal of mandatory minimum sentencing:
The third possibility is that they’re all guilty as charged.
THE FUNNY: I’ve never seen ventriloquist, Jeff Dunham, . . .
(Read the rest at
Senator Burris' Conflict with the Constitution
Senator Burris’ Conflict with the Constitution
Democratic Party hack Roland Burris, (D-Il) who got his job as a United States senator as a result of disgraced governor Blago’s greed and because of the color of his skin, made a profound observation on Obamacare’s mandated health insurance.
Sen. Burris, a constitutional ignoramus, “pointed to the part of the Constitution that he says authorizes the federal government ‘to provide for the health, welfare and the defense of the country.’ “
Advised in an October 21st interview with CNS that the word “health” appears nowhere in the Constitution, Bumbling Burris, an over-achiever if there ever was one, blustered, “That’s under the Constitution. We’re not even dealing with any constitutionality here.”
Excuse me?
Burris then rambled on about private options, yada, yada, yada, and resorted to the Democrat default position by dredging up a number constantly in flux: ”We’ve got the 48 million people who are without it. [health insurance]”
Disregarding the fact that his number is baloney . . .
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Democratic Party hack Roland Burris, (D-Il) who got his job as a United States senator as a result of disgraced governor Blago’s greed and because of the color of his skin, made a profound observation on Obamacare’s mandated health insurance.
Sen. Burris, a constitutional ignoramus, “pointed to the part of the Constitution that he says authorizes the federal government ‘to provide for the health, welfare and the defense of the country.’ “
Advised in an October 21st interview with CNS that the word “health” appears nowhere in the Constitution, Bumbling Burris, an over-achiever if there ever was one, blustered, “That’s under the Constitution. We’re not even dealing with any constitutionality here.”
Excuse me?
Burris then rambled on about private options, yada, yada, yada, and resorted to the Democrat default position by dredging up a number constantly in flux: ”We’ve got the 48 million people who are without it. [health insurance]”
Disregarding the fact that his number is baloney . . .
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Friday, November 6, 2009
Tea-Bagging Anderson Cooper Outed?
Tea-Bagging Anderson Cooper Outed?
Who the hell would name a kid “Anderson,” aside from an artist and heir to the Vandebilt fortune?
Anderson Hays Cooper began life as a child model, presumably not because his mom, Gloria Vanderbilt, needed the bucks. His 23 year old brother, Carter, took a flying leap to his death from the family’s NYC penthouse but Andy eventually blossomed into the anchorman of CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360.”
His show title was quite apt since I’ve always thought Andy was more than a tad light in the loafers and more than a few degrees off compass.
Now Anderson and the truth have been outed, sort of, though Mr. Cooper has yet to admit that he swings the gay way. The Blog Universe has been clamoring for him to confirm the many rumors:
As Seinfeld said, “Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” except that there’s a load wrong with that when it comes to a CNN anchor who, the public usually assumes, maintains a modicum of objectivity.
Andy Cooper proved that assumption wrong when back in April he let slip a slab of gay jargon on “teabaggers” in his attempt to demean the anti-Obama, anti-tax TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party Movement. Specifically, he quipped, “It’s hard to talk when you’re tea-bagging:”
Andy must have been day-dreaming of his hidden life when he said it.
For the unitiated normals out there, “tea-bagging” has nothing . . .
(Read the rest at
Who the hell would name a kid “Anderson,” aside from an artist and heir to the Vandebilt fortune?
Anderson Hays Cooper began life as a child model, presumably not because his mom, Gloria Vanderbilt, needed the bucks. His 23 year old brother, Carter, took a flying leap to his death from the family’s NYC penthouse but Andy eventually blossomed into the anchorman of CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360.”
His show title was quite apt since I’ve always thought Andy was more than a tad light in the loafers and more than a few degrees off compass.
Now Anderson and the truth have been outed, sort of, though Mr. Cooper has yet to admit that he swings the gay way. The Blog Universe has been clamoring for him to confirm the many rumors:
As Seinfeld said, “Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” except that there’s a load wrong with that when it comes to a CNN anchor who, the public usually assumes, maintains a modicum of objectivity.
Andy Cooper proved that assumption wrong when back in April he let slip a slab of gay jargon on “teabaggers” in his attempt to demean the anti-Obama, anti-tax TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party Movement. Specifically, he quipped, “It’s hard to talk when you’re tea-bagging:”
Andy must have been day-dreaming of his hidden life when he said it.
For the unitiated normals out there, “tea-bagging” has nothing . . .
(Read the rest at
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Maine, SEIU, and Bob Casey
Noteworthy News Items: Maine, SEIU, Bob Casey
The great state of Maine made a collective decision on Tuesday to buck the trend of its New England neighbors and to effectively make an announcement to its resident and non-resident homosexuals.
The Pine Tree State announced that it doesn’t necessarily condemn their lifestyle but it emphatically rejects their agitation for state-approval of what Christians call Holy Matrimony.
The vote to overturn the state legislature’s bid to extend Maine’s imprimatur to gay marriage stood at 53-47% at last count adding Maine to the 30 other states which have voted against same-sex weddings.
By judicial fiat, in five New England states plus Iowa such marriages have been legalized.
That vote is only relatively newsworthy compared to the reactions of one prominent homosexual.
According to the Bangor, ME Daily News, Jesse Connolly ”pledged” after their defeat “In a defiant speech to several hundred lingering supporters, . . . that his side ‘will not quit until we know where every single one of these votes lives.’ “ (
For some reason, that threat was omitted in most other mainstream news reports.
Just why Connolly is so committed to learning the addresses of “these votes” is unclear but it sure smacks of an effort at intimidation against those who voted to oppose gay marriage.
Could Connolly and fellow gays be planning to attack their opponents with their purses and feather boas?
Next, and lest we disregard the dedication and vicious nature of Obama supporters such as the Service Employees International Union, SEIU, take a look at this reaction to a rara avis, that rare bird, a conservative African-American.
Kenneth Gladney had come to demonstrate his rights to free speech at Rep. Russ McClanahan’s town hall meeting by distributing free “Don’t Tread on Me” flags when he was attacked by SEIU thugs.
“Gladney said he was giving out the “Don’t Tread on Me” flags when someone walked up to him and asked, ‘Who in the (expletive) is selling this (expletive) here?’
“Gladney said he asked him if he wanted one of his flags, and the man (who was also black) asked Gladney, “What kind of n_____ are you to be giving out this kind of stuff?” (
One of those arrested in the unprovoked August assault on Gladney was Elston K. McCowan, Baptist minister, community organizer, former local SEIU director, and Green Party candidate for the mayoralty of St. Louis who had accused the mayor of racism:
See the attack and the more civil protest which followed here:
(Read the rest at
The great state of Maine made a collective decision on Tuesday to buck the trend of its New England neighbors and to effectively make an announcement to its resident and non-resident homosexuals.
The Pine Tree State announced that it doesn’t necessarily condemn their lifestyle but it emphatically rejects their agitation for state-approval of what Christians call Holy Matrimony.
The vote to overturn the state legislature’s bid to extend Maine’s imprimatur to gay marriage stood at 53-47% at last count adding Maine to the 30 other states which have voted against same-sex weddings.
By judicial fiat, in five New England states plus Iowa such marriages have been legalized.
That vote is only relatively newsworthy compared to the reactions of one prominent homosexual.
According to the Bangor, ME Daily News, Jesse Connolly ”pledged” after their defeat “In a defiant speech to several hundred lingering supporters, . . . that his side ‘will not quit until we know where every single one of these votes lives.’ “ (
For some reason, that threat was omitted in most other mainstream news reports.
Just why Connolly is so committed to learning the addresses of “these votes” is unclear but it sure smacks of an effort at intimidation against those who voted to oppose gay marriage.
Could Connolly and fellow gays be planning to attack their opponents with their purses and feather boas?
Next, and lest we disregard the dedication and vicious nature of Obama supporters such as the Service Employees International Union, SEIU, take a look at this reaction to a rara avis, that rare bird, a conservative African-American.
Kenneth Gladney had come to demonstrate his rights to free speech at Rep. Russ McClanahan’s town hall meeting by distributing free “Don’t Tread on Me” flags when he was attacked by SEIU thugs.
“Gladney said he was giving out the “Don’t Tread on Me” flags when someone walked up to him and asked, ‘Who in the (expletive) is selling this (expletive) here?’
“Gladney said he asked him if he wanted one of his flags, and the man (who was also black) asked Gladney, “What kind of n_____ are you to be giving out this kind of stuff?” (
One of those arrested in the unprovoked August assault on Gladney was Elston K. McCowan, Baptist minister, community organizer, former local SEIU director, and Green Party candidate for the mayoralty of St. Louis who had accused the mayor of racism:
See the attack and the more civil protest which followed here:
(Read the rest at
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Pregnant Decisions and Personal Reflections
. . . Let’s say you’re a woman who abandoned discretion, or a young girl who got carried away one steamy night with that month’s true love, or a college kid who conferred more benefits on her friend than either of you anticipated and as a result you got pregnant.
Where do you go? What do you do?
Ghostbusters are not an option since you haven’t conceived some phantom but a precious human child.
And, let’s say you have an innate antipathy toward the thought of murdering a sentient being who, by no choice of his or her own, happens to be comfortably nestled within your body.
What do you do?
Well, there’s always the latest craze, the “morning after” pill. Also termed “Plan B” or “Emergency Contraception,” it’s relatively inexpensive but must be prescribed by a doctor if you’re under 17.
However, Plan B is actually a two-step abortafacient, that is, an abortion remedy which will kill the tiny product of your indiscretion, your baby, and may cause severe short- and long-term emotional and physical repercussions.
Then there’s the more traditional method of killing your baby, . . .
(Read the rest at
Where do you go? What do you do?
Ghostbusters are not an option since you haven’t conceived some phantom but a precious human child.
And, let’s say you have an innate antipathy toward the thought of murdering a sentient being who, by no choice of his or her own, happens to be comfortably nestled within your body.
What do you do?
Well, there’s always the latest craze, the “morning after” pill. Also termed “Plan B” or “Emergency Contraception,” it’s relatively inexpensive but must be prescribed by a doctor if you’re under 17.
However, Plan B is actually a two-step abortafacient, that is, an abortion remedy which will kill the tiny product of your indiscretion, your baby, and may cause severe short- and long-term emotional and physical repercussions.
Then there’s the more traditional method of killing your baby, . . .
(Read the rest at
Monday, November 2, 2009
Two Firings: Two Sad Signs of Our Times
Two Firings: Two Sad Signs of Our Times
As a cocky college kid working part time, I once told a supervisor at Met Life who was letting a bunch of us go that I’d been fired from better jobs than this, which may or may not have been true.
Getting fired, canned, dismissed, discharged, terminated, let go from a job, part or full time, is often a shot to the ego and and the wallet. Today, especially, it’s no joking matter since decent positions are hard to come by.
Getting fired, etc. for your religious beliefs at any time is even less a subject for jocularity.
Even if you’re working at Home Depot, not the ultimate career for most people, but, hey, a job is a job and a buck is a buck, a guy shouldn’t expect to be sent packing for wearing a pin.
However, college kid/cashier Trevor Keezor was canned for his pin which read, “One nation under God, indivisible,” which happen to be words excerpted from the Pledge of Allegiance. Said pin also featured the American flag, which may have offended some illegals at his Okeechobee, Florida Home Depot.
He merely wanted to express his sense of patriotism and support for his brother, a National Guardsman who was scheduled for his second tour in Iraq next month.
No, no, no, said Home Depot. We will tolerate none of that folderol! We may (or may not) concur with your sentiments but trash the pin or you’re gone to the unemployment line!
Trevor chose unemployment over surrendering his constitutional rights and love of country, and his support for his brother.
Company spokesman Craig Fishel contended Keezor had violated company policy and the Home Depot dress code by sporting the pin, which Keezor had worn for a year and a half before anyone noticed, or cared, or complained.
Perhaps what really precipitated the kid’s dismissal was his recent habit of toting his Bible to work and reading it on his lunch hour.
Either way, Trevor’s gone and won’t be able to ever again pollute Home Depot with his patriotic and God-loving fervor.
The good news is that he plans to sue on the basis of religious discrimination. The bad news is that the ACLU effectively said, “Fat chance” since a private corporation such as Home Depot is within its rights to disregard an American’s right to free speech and worship:
Another notable canning occurred up in Barney Frank-land.
Peter Vidala’s infraction? Failure to comply with political correctness . . .
(Read the rest at
As a cocky college kid working part time, I once told a supervisor at Met Life who was letting a bunch of us go that I’d been fired from better jobs than this, which may or may not have been true.
Getting fired, canned, dismissed, discharged, terminated, let go from a job, part or full time, is often a shot to the ego and and the wallet. Today, especially, it’s no joking matter since decent positions are hard to come by.
Getting fired, etc. for your religious beliefs at any time is even less a subject for jocularity.
Even if you’re working at Home Depot, not the ultimate career for most people, but, hey, a job is a job and a buck is a buck, a guy shouldn’t expect to be sent packing for wearing a pin.
However, college kid/cashier Trevor Keezor was canned for his pin which read, “One nation under God, indivisible,” which happen to be words excerpted from the Pledge of Allegiance. Said pin also featured the American flag, which may have offended some illegals at his Okeechobee, Florida Home Depot.
He merely wanted to express his sense of patriotism and support for his brother, a National Guardsman who was scheduled for his second tour in Iraq next month.
No, no, no, said Home Depot. We will tolerate none of that folderol! We may (or may not) concur with your sentiments but trash the pin or you’re gone to the unemployment line!
Trevor chose unemployment over surrendering his constitutional rights and love of country, and his support for his brother.
Company spokesman Craig Fishel contended Keezor had violated company policy and the Home Depot dress code by sporting the pin, which Keezor had worn for a year and a half before anyone noticed, or cared, or complained.
Perhaps what really precipitated the kid’s dismissal was his recent habit of toting his Bible to work and reading it on his lunch hour.
Either way, Trevor’s gone and won’t be able to ever again pollute Home Depot with his patriotic and God-loving fervor.
The good news is that he plans to sue on the basis of religious discrimination. The bad news is that the ACLU effectively said, “Fat chance” since a private corporation such as Home Depot is within its rights to disregard an American’s right to free speech and worship:
Another notable canning occurred up in Barney Frank-land.
Peter Vidala’s infraction? Failure to comply with political correctness . . .
(Read the rest at
Sunday, November 1, 2009
"Queering American Education"
“Queering American Education,” and Other Edifying Thoughts
“Nowhere is this failure [of education] more evident than when it comes to antigay prejudice, and nowhere is that particular failure more manifest than it is in our elementary schools.”
“Acknowledging children as sexual beings or allowing males (particularly homosexuals) to teach in elementary grades dislodges the classroom from the ‘safe haven’ of heteronormativity.”
“Boys don’t have to stand to urinate (nor do girls have to sit–they could squat), that’s just how they got conditioned.”
“Assumptions about children’s ‘innocence’ regarding sexuality are outdated.”
All of the above quotations are taken from Queering Elementary Education: Advancing the Dialogue about Sexualities and Schooling, a 1999 book for which Obama’s “safe schools czar,” Kevin Jennings, assistant deputy secretary for education who heads the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, wrote a foreword.
Jennings “called for elementary school children to explore their sexual identities, for teachers to incorporate homosexual themes in grades K-5, for discarding a ‘hetero-normative’ approach to education and for ‘acknowledging children as sexual beings:’ ”
Jennings is the founder and president of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.
The lead quotation above is also taken from his foreword, the other three from contributors to Queering . . .
If I may be so presumptuous as to summarize the contents of a book I’ve never read, it’s a work intended to subvert the innocence of children in the interests of furthering the agenda of the homosexual lobby.
I base that presumption on a passing acquaintance with Jennings in the sense of knowing his history. See previous articles about this gem of an Obamaczar, and
Not on his resume’ is his advising a 15 year old boy to wear a condom during his assignations with an adult, male pervert while Jennings was a teacher in Barney Frank’s Massachusetts. . .
(Read the rest at
“Nowhere is this failure [of education] more evident than when it comes to antigay prejudice, and nowhere is that particular failure more manifest than it is in our elementary schools.”
“Acknowledging children as sexual beings or allowing males (particularly homosexuals) to teach in elementary grades dislodges the classroom from the ‘safe haven’ of heteronormativity.”
“Boys don’t have to stand to urinate (nor do girls have to sit–they could squat), that’s just how they got conditioned.”
“Assumptions about children’s ‘innocence’ regarding sexuality are outdated.”
All of the above quotations are taken from Queering Elementary Education: Advancing the Dialogue about Sexualities and Schooling, a 1999 book for which Obama’s “safe schools czar,” Kevin Jennings, assistant deputy secretary for education who heads the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, wrote a foreword.
Jennings “called for elementary school children to explore their sexual identities, for teachers to incorporate homosexual themes in grades K-5, for discarding a ‘hetero-normative’ approach to education and for ‘acknowledging children as sexual beings:’ ”
Jennings is the founder and president of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.
The lead quotation above is also taken from his foreword, the other three from contributors to Queering . . .
If I may be so presumptuous as to summarize the contents of a book I’ve never read, it’s a work intended to subvert the innocence of children in the interests of furthering the agenda of the homosexual lobby.
I base that presumption on a passing acquaintance with Jennings in the sense of knowing his history. See previous articles about this gem of an Obamaczar, and
Not on his resume’ is his advising a 15 year old boy to wear a condom during his assignations with an adult, male pervert while Jennings was a teacher in Barney Frank’s Massachusetts. . .
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Oh, Brave New Babies!
Oh, Brave New Babies!
Aldous Huxley’s unintended prophecies in his darkly satirical novel, Brave New World, (1932), had one major flaw: He missed the mark by at least 531 years.
He described his new world as a “nightmare” in Brave New World Reisited twenty-six years later. He evidently knew whereof he spoke since by then he had become an aficionado of Timothy Leary’s favorite brand of euphoria, LSD.
Set in the year A.D. 2540 in England–632 A.F., (After [Henry] Ford)– Huxley’s vision of the future was characterized by a societal-condoned hedonism, unrestricted drug use, loveless sex, and universal “happiness” in a tightly-controlled structure designed and manipulated by an all-powerful yet benevolent government.
It was indeed a nightmare even if it was a drug-induced pleasant nightmare devoid of withdrawal symptoms or hangovers, a genetically-engineered Utopia where life began in test tubes.
Much like millions now pop a Valium when regrets or sadness threaten to overwhelm the psyche, Huxley’s New Worlders popped a soma and drifted off to a blissful neverland.
We still have a few years to go before reaching Huxley’s nightmarish eugenics, but a major step in that direction was recently taken in an American research lab.
A report published in the scientific journal Nature details “a cure for infertility [which] could help those left sterile by cancer treatment to have children who are biologically their own,” a boon for infertile males by coaxing “cells into becoming eggs and sperm.”
Another plus is that the research findings may postpone menopause.
Minuses include the fact that stem cells are used in the procedures which would probably involve even more destruction of embryos, that the practice of aborting unwanted babies would mushroom, and that homosexuals could seek out practioners who could grow their children.
Other bad news is that the test tube breakthrough by Stanford scientists accomplishes that cure by creating ”the possibility of children being born through entirely artificial means, and men and women being sidelined from the process of making babies.” . . .
(Read the rest at
Aldous Huxley’s unintended prophecies in his darkly satirical novel, Brave New World, (1932), had one major flaw: He missed the mark by at least 531 years.
He described his new world as a “nightmare” in Brave New World Reisited twenty-six years later. He evidently knew whereof he spoke since by then he had become an aficionado of Timothy Leary’s favorite brand of euphoria, LSD.
Set in the year A.D. 2540 in England–632 A.F., (After [Henry] Ford)– Huxley’s vision of the future was characterized by a societal-condoned hedonism, unrestricted drug use, loveless sex, and universal “happiness” in a tightly-controlled structure designed and manipulated by an all-powerful yet benevolent government.
It was indeed a nightmare even if it was a drug-induced pleasant nightmare devoid of withdrawal symptoms or hangovers, a genetically-engineered Utopia where life began in test tubes.
Much like millions now pop a Valium when regrets or sadness threaten to overwhelm the psyche, Huxley’s New Worlders popped a soma and drifted off to a blissful neverland.
We still have a few years to go before reaching Huxley’s nightmarish eugenics, but a major step in that direction was recently taken in an American research lab.
A report published in the scientific journal Nature details “a cure for infertility [which] could help those left sterile by cancer treatment to have children who are biologically their own,” a boon for infertile males by coaxing “cells into becoming eggs and sperm.”
Another plus is that the research findings may postpone menopause.
Minuses include the fact that stem cells are used in the procedures which would probably involve even more destruction of embryos, that the practice of aborting unwanted babies would mushroom, and that homosexuals could seek out practioners who could grow their children.
Other bad news is that the test tube breakthrough by Stanford scientists accomplishes that cure by creating ”the possibility of children being born through entirely artificial means, and men and women being sidelined from the process of making babies.” . . .
(Read the rest at
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