Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Truth about Black Crime, Part II

Taboo! The Truth about Black Crime, Part II
As long as mankind is imperfect, human societies will be imperfect and one glaring imperfection is the prevalence of criminal activities. When we ignore or deny the truth concerning the perpetrators of crime we not only perpetuate but encourage such activities.

Such is the prevailing wisdom today in America where political correctness–and fear–dictate domestic policy with regard to law enforcement, such as with profiling, and media reports regarding Black on Black and Black on White crimes.

The motivation for the PC element is obvious: Suck up.

The fear element is rooted in the terror politicians feel should they speak the truth and thereby incur the wrath of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and their ACORN minions at election time.

As noted in the first of this “Taboo!” series, “It’s one thing if Blacks choose to maim and murder other Blacks. When they choose to visit mayhem on others, they should take into account that they are a minority,”, point being that neither the majority of a people and certainly not a minority are permitted to get away with murder.

And murder, as well as every other crime imaginable, is rampant in Black communities.

Ta-Nahisi Coates, a Black woman, contends in an expletive-laden article on, of all websites,, that Blacks deeply care about the violence epidemic among their own.

She concludes, based on her close observation, that “the sentiment that black people are unconcerned about black on black crime is simply wrong:”

If Coates is correct, it’s difficult to comprehend why the mayhem continues unabated, even with Black idol, Bill Cosby, preaching values, restraint and personal responsibility.

Another observer draws a parallel between abortions and Black crime, sugesting that if abortion were not legalized in 1973 Black criminal rates would be even more astronomical. See the charts and data for pre- and post- Roe v Wade crime here:

One oft-heard, simplistic defense for Black crime stats is that they aren’t true, that more Whites are evil-doers, and more Whites are serving prison time. It’s a simplistic argument since Whites outnumber Blacks in America by a ratio of 5 to 1 that more Caucasian reprobates would be reasonable.

We also hear that so great a percentage of Blacks, principally, young, male Blacks, are imprisoned in America’s jails not due to their crimes but because of racial discrimination.

That’s tantamount to saying that a much lower percentage of White people who should be in prison are comfortably ensconced in their homes watching the boob tube and swilling Budweisers simply because of their race.

In other words, murders, robberies, assaults, rapes, burglaries, etc. have absolutely nothing to do with rates of incarceration. It all goes back to racism, as does the sad inability of swine to fly.

Then we come to the issue of interracial crimes. . . .

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Roman Way: The Case for and against Polanski

The Roman Way: The Case for and against Polanski

God forbid we get France miffed at us! Next time they get invaded, they may not call for a rescue!

The French are indeed miffed, and not just because being miffed at one thing or another is a national trait. They’re annoyed now since the U.S. decided to have the Swiss arrest a child rapist, one Roman Polanski, and for trying to have him extradited back to the States to face some discordant music.

Some Americans, even outside Hollywood, have also taken up Polanski’s cause giving rise to a debate as to what should be done with Roman, to either release him and send him on his merry way or hang him by his privates.

The Case for Roman:

This faction is impassioned. Look, they say, the guy’s old now, 76, his so-called “crime” happened 31 years ago, and his victim, Samantha Geimer, nee’ Gailey, has forgiven him and favors cutting him loose.

And, besides, he’s famous and suffered enough from the Nazis, with the Manson murder of his third wife, Sharon Tate, and he’s already been punished by being shut out of American movie making!

As a typical defender of this reprobate writes, “Polanski didn’t violate his victim by having sex with her without her consent, he violated American notions of childhood purity:”

All that amounts to nil. Polanski was 44 at the time of the crime, Samantha was 13, he pled guilty to having “unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor,” aka, rape, his fame is irrelevant, and he fled the country to avoid a stiff sentence.

The only substantive basis for freeing him from his Zurich confinement is, . . .

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Taboo! The Truth About Black Crime Part One

Taboo! The Truth About Black Crime: Part I

With news that 4 youths have been arrested in the brutal murder of a student at Fenger High in Chicago which follows by a week an attack on student aboard a school bus in Missouri, the issue of crime in America has once again been moved to the top of the page.

The horrendous Chicago act involved a Black boy, Derrion Albert, an innocent bystander to a wild ruckus, who was set upon by fellow Blacks for no apparent reason and beaten, kicked, and pummeled to death.

Derrion happened to be in a very wrong place at an extremely wrong time and died because of it.

That story and video, not intended for the faint of heart, can be seen here:

The earlier St. Louis incident involved a White boy in search of a seat on the bus who was furiously beaten by a Black boy for that impertinence. Fortunately, with no thanks to the school bus driver, the unidentified White boy wasn’t murdered and his assailants were later arrested.

That incident was first cited as a hate crime but after police authorities reviewed the tape, and consulted with their superiors, that charge was dropped in favor of simple assault and a charge of bullying.

I really doubt that assault would be described as mere bullying by the assaulted, especially during his vicious pummeling, but on reconsideration of his survival probabilities had he pushed for hate crime charges, he didn’t push.

That story and video can be viewed here:

The chief parallels between those 2 stories are senseless violence and that subject which has been relegated to non-PC status, Black crime in America.

Not too many years ago, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports Program, UCR, broke down crime stats according to race. That ended even before the logical, reasonable practice of racial profiling was technically banned because pressure groups protested against the stats and profiling.

And a law enforcement deterrent logic was flushed.

Bill Cosby is one Black who has spoken out against the rampant violence in Black communities thoughout America. . . .

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Reflections on Polanski, Bubba, and Schultz

Reflections on Polanski, Bubba, and Schultz

Three separate tales of disillusionment:

Polanski Finally Arrested; Frogs, Poles and Lefties Lament:

Poor Roman Polanski, the aging Hollywood darling who for good reason hasn’t visited the Left Coast in decades, is the object of major angst and indignant protests in Poland, France, and of course, Hollywood.

His Hollywood buddies, accustomed as they are to weirdos, are also defending Polanski as one of their own.

The old lecher was arrested in Switzerland when his ego got the better of him and he ignored warnings not to go there since he was scheduled to get an award in Zurich.

Who would think that, after he had hidden out in France for decades and after admitting he drugged and raped a little girl in 1977, that a renouned Academy Award winner would be arrested?

Does an Oscar count for nothing nowadays?

The international protests are punctuated by reminders that the guy is 76 years old so why the big hulabaloo now? His victim, now 45, long ago forgave him for violating her and wants the whole matter dropped.

That Samantha Geimer sued the director and was paid off to keep her mouth shut about her rape is totally inconsequential.

Of far more consequence is the testimony by Polanski’s then main squeeze, Anjelica Huston, that the kid was “sullen.”

Using the she-had-it-coming-to-her defense, Huston testified that Samantha, “appeared to be one of those kind of little chicks between–could be any age up to 25. She did not look like a 13-year-old scared little thing:”

Of no import is the fact that at least 90% of 13 year old American girls are “sullen” at one point or another and strive to look older, but 25? Anjelica’s perceptions may have been clouded by her affections for Roman and/or by overly imbibing in adult beverages.

Since Anjelica was at the scene of the crime and able to size up Samantha, the question is whether she condoned the rape since the kid was sullen and looked older than 13.

I can sort of understand that facet of the case but I can’t fully understand the consternation in both France and Poland.

France tends to swoon over anyone who signs up for citizenship, even unrepentant reprobates. When its new citizen is Roman Polanski, French authorities get positively livid and would defend him to the death, except, of course, against German invaders.

In Poland’s case, though, advocating for Polanski is much more of a sticky wicket.

Roman Polanski is often referred to as a Polish movie director. In point of fact, Polanski is as Polish as Regis Philbin.

The Jewish-born Roman “Romek” Liebling emigrated to France as a child just before WWII. One would think that being saved from almost certain extinction in the Holocaust would have inspired him to exult in his salvation and turn out films reflecting that exultation.

Instead, Roman Polanski directed Rosemary’s Baby and raped a 13 year old child.

Yet the Poles are up in arms over his arrest so many years after the act, supporting their famous “native son” since there aren’t an awful lot of famous “Polish” movie directors.

The Polish people would be better served by a government more interested in improving their lives and their economy than by a government involved in misplaced hero worship.

Polanski and the planet would be best served if he spent his remaining years in prison.

Bubba Resurrects an Old Canard:

Bubba, Bubba, Bubba. We can understand your envy over the bride’s basking in the limelight but maybe you could exercise some discretion and allow Hillary her moments in the sun?

When you dredge up Hillary’s bizarre “vast right wing conspiracy” theory, you make Americans think you’re either irredeemably mired in your guilt over Monica or that you’ve totally lost your mind.

You may recall that your loving wife invoked that theory way back in 1998 when it was already old; she used it to defend you against charges you were using the Oval Office as a virtual Oral Orifice bordello.

Work on getting some new lines, Billy Boy, instead of rehashing old tripe. . .

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ominous Handwriting on America's Wall

Ominous Handwriting on America's Wall

I suspect that I’m either totally nuts or a prophet in my own land. Either way, we all know that such prophets are usually consigned to the loony bin.

Cassandra, the hot daughter of Troy’s Priam and Hecuba, was no exception. She angered Apollo by rejecting his lusty advances so, in a fit, after giving her the gift of prophecy, he cursed her with the bane of prophecy without acceptance.

In other words, she would be able to see the future vividly; at the same time, her fellow Trojans would deem her a fruitcake and view her prophecies as lunacies. Then came the Trojan Horse which she anticipated and the rest is history.

I’m neither hot nor female nor endowed with special Appolonian or God-given gifts. I just think that America’s future is so obvious that only idiots and Democrats, if that’s not redundant, can’t see it.

Or, to be somewhat gracious, they refuse to accept it.

As preface to those contentions, please see “Is Drudge Hinting Another 9/11 Is Imminent?”

Although one day does not a trend make, in that article I referenced a slew of single-day headlines on which, taken cumulatively, suggest the United States of America is under attack by Islamic terrorists even if those attacks had been thwarted.

(More difficult to thwart may be attacks from “within,” people and forces which will remain unidentified since identification here would provoke rabid charges of vile prejudice. In any event, it doesn’t require deep insight to discover what they share in common.)

Like cockroaches and other vermin, if jihadists are rooted out in a few venues, it’s as certain as God created maggots that probably many more are still luking in their ratholes.

If nothing else, terrorists are a patient and determined lot as evidenced by the years of planning leading up to September 11th, 2001.

In the “Is Drudge . . .” article, I also pointed out some of the profusion of contemporaneous evidence of social, political, and international events which signify growing sea changes in the philosophical thinking throughout America and the rest of Western civilization.

I barely scratched the surface in that regard.

So, what’s it all mean? Specifically and conclusively, it’s impossible to say.

Generally, it’s not a good thing.

That is, unless one accepts the disturbed notion that abandoning American and Western European touchstone values and traditions developed over centuries should be discarded, from national independence to accepted moral understandings of the value of human life, to de-valuing cherished principles, is a good thing.

Nations, societies, and peoples naturally evolve over time. If not, they fail to thrive and fail to survive. History has shown, repeatedly, that when nations, societies, and peoples evolve into amoral, subservient, and weak entities they also perish.

Cassandra’s Troy, Hellenic Greece, the Byzantine Empire, the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire and almost all great civilizations . . .

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Kevin Jennings: Safe Schools???

What if, say, Karl Rove a year ago got up at a gay pride event and said something akin to, “Queers should all just drop dead,” and added just for effect, “F**k them all!”

Aside from the fact many homosexuals would be positively thrilled at the latter prospect, few would be enamored of the former. Then again, some of them may wish for the former as well, those with a death wish as a consequence of their regretted lifestyle.

In any event, neither Rove nor anyone else associated with GWB would have spoken such words. If Rove or any other Bush-ite had dared even think such dastardly thoughts, they would have been found out and crucified upon the media cross of political correctness.

In the case of Kevin Jennings, Obama’s appointed “Safe Schools Czar,” officially, Assistant Deputy Secretary at the Department of Education for the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools (OSDFS), he’s a whole other thing.

He can do and be and say anything he damned well pleases with not a peep out of the gay-friendly mainstream media crowd.

He may also have a death wish or, worse, a wish for millions of American kids to join him in his quest for damnation in his death spiral.

Unofficially, Jennings is another Obamian avowed homosexual appointee committed to advocating the spread of gay thinking and gay life in the nation’s schools, as sick and perverted as that thinking and life are.

He gets a free ride.

What Jennings’, a former teacher, concept of a safe school or even of the nature of civil discourse is eludes me given his background of articulated bile and outright, spoken hatred of all things decent.

Did I mention he’s homosexual?

One has to wonder just whom is being made safe by this safe schools czar. It may be the gay kids he sees as born in his own image but he sure isn’t planning to protect the mass of heterosexual kids under his domain.

Jennings is on record as having said what Karl Rove dared not say, in a church, no less, and to laughter, no less: ”We have to quit being afraid of the religious right. We also have to quit–I’m trying to find a way to say this. I’m trying not to say, ‘[F—] ‘em!’ which is what I want to say, because I don’t care what they think! [audience laughter] Drop dead!” (

(Incidentally, he didn’t use brackets in his 2002 speech.)

He has “advocated promoting homosexuality in schools, written about his past drug abuse, expressed his contempt for religion and detailed an incident in which he did not report an underage student who told him he was having sex with older men:”


Jennings in his role as a Massachusetts teacher and model to his students would think nothing of older pervs buggering young boys, so why report it, and why put it on his resume’?

Let’s review parts of the rest of that resume’ which so impressed Obama that he would appoint Jennings to be, in effect, the safety director of the nation’s public schools.

Part of the job description is battling the drug infestation in schools but his only qualification in that regard is being a former druggie so one would think he must possess other “assets.”
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Is Drudge Hinting Another 9/11 Is Imminent?

Is Drudge Hinting Another 9/11 Is Imminent?

“Imminent” can mean all sorts of things, like in the next few minutes, the next hour, the next day, next week but it always means pretty damned soon.

With this president’s abject and repetitive demonstrations of weakness, servitude, and remorse for America’s history, could another, or far worse, 9/11 be in the relatively immediate offing?

No one would dare attack a confident, powerful, and united nation.

Knowing that retribution would be timid or non-existent, even the most cowardly, most inept, and weakest of enemies would be encouraged to assault a country in disarray, confusion, and under domestic assault.

Such chaos furnishes an added dollop of motivation to extra-national terrorists, especially jihadists inspired by Allah.

Before terrorism in America devolved into an insignificant issue under the Obama administration, we used to hear about color-coded warning levels and “chatter,” i.e., heightened activity among potential Islamic enemies detected by elements of our national security agencies.

No more.

Instead today we hear not chatter but of overt activity, not through government channels but rather from independent news agencies such as

Consider just one day’s worth of headlines on Drudge: . . .
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Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Umm, Umm, Umm, Barack Hussein Obama," the Song

“Umm, Umm, Umm, Barack Hussein Obama:” The Song

Isn’t it just great hearing kids sing? I mean, there’s nothing like innocent, young voices joined in chorus singing their lil hearts out, is there?

Well, yes there is, when their sweet voices are being directed and joined together in an elementary school as part of an orchestrated attempt to indoctrinate the kidlets via song to praise of Barack Hussein Obama.

That, in fact, is part of the refrain being taught them in at least one school: “Umm, Umm, Umm, Barack Hussein Obama!” Hear it for yourself here on YouTube,

The 2 boys on the right in that video would have been better served by a lesson teaching them how to overcome their ADHD rather than participating in this brainwashing session.

Funny, I can’t recall any other president being the subject of a school song, but maybe I missed “Umm, Umm, Umm, George Dubya Bush,” although I can imagine “Umm, Umm, Umm, Great Joe Stalin ” being a popular ditty in the Gulag.

“The Barack Song” is all part of this administration’s pattern of indoctrinating America’s youth according to the precepts of anarchist, Saul Alinsky, and is even a facet of Obamacare.

Chuck Norris points out in a article that brainwashing youngsters is one of the many “dirty little secrets” secreted in Obamacare: “Obamacare is about the government’s coming into homes and usurping parental rights over child care and development.

“It’s outlined in sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (Page 838), under the heading ‘home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children.’

“The programs . . . would educate parents on child behavior and parenting skills: ‘well-trained and competent staff’ would ‘provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor domains . . . modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices.’ ” (

Well, isn’t that just peachy!

Hillary previously set the stage for this development with her ghost-written tome, It Takes a Village . . .

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Slavery Reparations Part Two

Waiting in the Wings: Slavery “Reparations,” Part Two

Look, I’m as reasonable and equitable as the next guy.

I think everyone in the United States of America deserves an equal chance, at success in life, access to opportunities, and fair treatment by everyone else.

I even think the Chicago Cubs should win a pennant and a World Series, that is, if they ever again deserve to win a pennant and a Series. If not, Cubbie fans should switch to the Yankees.

That same thinking applies to Black, Yellow, Green, and Purple Americans: When they merit success, a win, based on their abilities, talents and exertions, then I wish them the absolute best.

However, no matter your race, I have an odd thought quirk. I think that if you expect a free ride, if you’re a Black expecting to suckle on a White breast, call it reparations, and thereby prosper in American society, you’re suckling the wrong breast and humping the wrong dog.

That mistaken suckling/humping is the chief fallacy of so-called slavery reparations.

Rep. John Conyers has been tooting the slavery reparations horn for 40 years. (See “Waiting . . . Part one:”

Let’s assume Conyers gets his heart’s desire with the minefield of reparations and White Americans are penalized/taxed/punished for a crime they didn’t commit, unless, of course, they are at least 146 years old and as infants trained under Simon Legree.

Other minefield issues:

Shouldn’t only 146 year old, or older, Black Americans be eligible for reparations?

Wouldn’t it also be fair that Blacks would be taxed since many freed Blacks were known to be slave owners themselves? See and

Since it was mostly African chieftains who sold their brothers and sisters into slavery, should not a measure of responsibility be assigned to the descendants of those tribal leaders in various nations throughout Africa?

Those little known and ignored truths would make things a tad confusing for the reparationists, that is, Blacks taxed to pay reparations to Blacks and asking people yet living in huts with no running water, such as our president’s half brother, to pay up so that African Americans could have a second wide-screen tv.

Maybe Conyers could figure a scheme whereby only a certain percentage would be penalized?

Another dilemma would be what to do for the descendants of the thousands of Irish, Scots, and Germans imported to our shores as indentured servants, a euphemism for slaves. Do they get a share of the reparation pie?

Then there’s . . .

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Slavery Reparations, Part One

Waiting in the Wings, Slavery “Reparations:” Part One

With all the sturm und drang, in a word, the uproar sweeping the nation over health care, national defense, taxes, illegals, make no mistake that another storm and more stress are a-brewing and will be visited on Americans if and when the current storms subside: reparations for slavery.

Reparations are the raison d’être for powerful Michigan Democrat, Rep. John Conyers, second longest-serving House member and currently Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

For the inquisitive, such posts are awarded on the basis of seniority and longevity and Black pols who bring home the chittlins tend to be re-elected ad infinitum.

Think Reps. John Dingell, (D. MI), and Charley Rangel, (D. NY).

One has to wonder if that system should be changed when career minority politicians are effectively governing the majority of Americans, but that’s just an aside.

Rep. Conyers has dedicated his life to seeking reparations and was un-deterred in that goal even after his wife, Monica, pled guilty to conspiracy to commit bribery in June.

Monica may be facing 5 years in the slammer,, but there are some things more important in life than bribery convictions or various charges of unethical activities against hubby, John.

Foremost is forcing White Americans in the twenty-first century to compensate Black Americans living in this century for cultural sins committed by White, and Black, Americans in the form of slavery, from the sixteenth though the nineteenth centuries. . . .

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dirty Dave Sucks Up to Blathering Barack

Dirty Dave Sucks Up to Phony ObamaPublished in September 23rd, 2009 | EditPosted by Berlet98 in AMERICAN CULTURE TODAY, MEDIA, OBAMA, POLITICS, obamacareDave Letterman, best known of late for his lascivious comments about Sarah Palin and her underage daughters, hosted President Obama Monday night.

He provided a fawning, unfettered forum, devoid of substantive challenges with an audience selectively stuffed to the brim with Obama worshippers for the president to ramble on with his usual, misleading tripe about Obamacare and his deep concern for the billions of poor, (at last count), uninsured amongst us.

As an interview, it failed miserably. Dirty Dave, who still constantly lashes out at Sarah Palin for exposing his latent pedophilia, played a pale Ed McMahon to Obama’s Johnny Carson, with Dave skillfully setting up Obama up for his lines as if it was all unrehearsed.

At a loss for what to say without appearing to criticize Obama, Letterman’s patented “Top Ten List of Reasons Why President Obama Agreed to Appear on the Show” included just one overt, political jibe: “2. Said yes, without thinking, like Bush did with Iraq.”

Poor Dave is suffering with George Bush out of office and no opportune moments to present more slanted “Great Moments in Presidential History” so he and his writers are reduced to outdated potshots.

He could always ridicule any of Obama’s multiple and regular screw-ups, such as his claim to have campaigned in all 57 states or his most recent flub of confusing his daughter, Malia, with his African step-sister, Maya, but let’s get real.

Satire must be P.C. selective. Bush was fair game, Obama is sacrosanct.

I thought I would offer my own “Top Ten Reasons Why President Obama Agreed to Appear on the Show:”

10. He knew Dave would throw only softball questions probably approved in advance.

9. He knew Letterman idolizes him and has never tossed snide remarks in his direction.

8. He knew he wouldn’t be asked any questions that required thought, such as George Stephanopoulis’ Sunday query on what constitutes a tax.

7. He knew Dave was well-insured and wasn’t likely to hit him up for a loan to pay medical bills.
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25 Pics of the 9/12 March on D.C.

Twenty five pictures taken by a photog in attendance that put the lie to liberal claims the 9/12 March on Washington was a bust:

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wars and Rumors of War

Wars and Rumors of War

The handwriting is all over White House walls: The U.S. will cut and run out of Afghanistan, and probably out of Iraq, if things get dicey there too.

In a repeat of our sorry experiences in Korea in the 50’s and in Viet Nam in the 70’s, President Obama will soon declare victory in Afghanistan and pack up all our cares and woes and retreat under fire from that chaotic nation, the same nation that was the breeding ground for the 9/11 maniacs.

Iraq may follow as Obama tries to placate the multitude of defeatists in the Democratic Party.

“Resources will not win this war, but under-resourcing could lose it,” [Lt. General Stanley] McChrystal wrote in a five-page Commander’s Summary. His 66-page report, sent to Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Aug. 30, is now under review by President Barack Obama.”

“Under-resourcing”=an inadequate number of boots on the ground.

He has asked for 60,000 additional troops to insure the defeat of the growing strength of the Taliban, a surge, if you will, the same tactic that Democrats scorned when Bush supplemented the boots in Iraq and which resulted in a tentative victory in that country.

“McChrystal warned that unless the U.S. and its allies gain the initiative and reverse the momentum of the militants within the next year the U.S. ‘risks an outcome where defeating the insurgency is no longer possible.’ ”

Obama’s response? ”I’m not interested in just being in Afghanistan for the sake of being in Afghanistan or saving face or, in some way, you know, sending a message that America is here for the duration:”

That says it all, folks. In the recent tradition of the new Democratic Party, Obama will deftly tuck America’s tail between its legs and scurry off in failure and ignominy.

In related news, another retreat, this time from close allies and supporters Poland and Czechoslovakia, Obama has cancelled plans for a missile defense/radar system in those countries.

Rather than negotiate a tit-for-tat deal with the Russians, the president unilaterally undercut two valuable friends in Eastern Europe. Interviewed on “Face the Nation,” he explained, “My task here was not to negotiate with the Russians. The Russians don’t make determinations about what our defense posture is.”

Oh, really, Mr. Obama?

So, “our defense posture” has no bearing on strategic moves in Moscow? Are you saying . . .
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Sunday, September 20, 2009

John Edwards, Modern Icarus

A Modern Icarus Burning and Crashing
Icarus: Mythical Greek who disregarded common sense, flew too far and too high, melted his waxen wings in the heat of the sun, lost altitude rapidly, and plunged into the Icarian Sea.

Icarus, despite his great promise and future, was a dumbass or, as Obama might call him, a jackass. Those terms fit the former Democratic Senator John Edwards as well, maybe moreso. Narcissus might be another apt comparison.

The latest news on one of the country’s foremost fungi, reveals that he is not only a committed liar but an egomaniacal cad as well.

You may remember Johnny, the erstwhile politician, the po’ boy from North Carolina who rose to fame and riches thanks to his rhetorical skills in beating on various corporations on behalf of his law clients, from whom he milked a third of their legal settlements.

Johnny went on to use his wealth to buy a U.S. senate seat in 2000 then, seeing all that negative Edwards graffiti on N.C. walls, sucked up to John Kerry in 2004 and became the beauty element of the Kerry-Edwards beauty and the beast ticket.

They lost, thanks in small part to Johnny being caught so narcissistically infatuated with his coiffure that he made a future Republican VP candidate’s infatuation with shooting wolves from helicopters seem macho in comparison.

So, Johnny withdrew, not into obscurity but into his Two Americas which he hoped would serve as a springboard into the presidency in 2008.

Talk about presumption! That bid was almost as presumptive as some guy thinking he was qualified and should be president after all of 4 years as a senator!

Well, Johnny avoided any barber travesties during that failed campaign. He may not have withdrawn into obscurity but may wish he had withdrawn in other ways.

However, he was caught almost literally with his pants down in the Beverly Hilton in August, 2008 by the Enquirer.

Even hiding in a basement men’s room was of no avail and he eventually fessed up then compounded the mess he was in with yet another lie: He admitted to having an affair with a campaign aide but denied he had fathered her baby, thereby rendering his mistress not just an adulteress but a slut.

For more detail on Johnny’s Great Adventures, see and

His dalliance with Rielle Hunter resulted in a failed effort for the presidency, as if he ever had a chance aside from his ego-promptings, but it did produce a love child.

Now it’s been revealed, if we can believe the printed words of a close aide who says he was importuned by Edwards to take responsibility and admit paternity, that it was all a carefully-plotted charade by the Carolina wonder boy to save his sorry arse.

It wouldn’t go over well for the political career of a good Carolina Christian to fess up that he had dallied in Rielle’s valley, a campaign staff videographer, as his wife lay dying back home, so close aide Andrew Young agreed to take the paternity bullet.

Young’s charges for said fib has now come due in the form of his yet to be released, untitled book.

Ms. Hunter is not yet on record identifying the true daddy. . . .

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The Persecution of Glenn Beck, Conservative--Part Two

Glenn Beck has led an interesting, tumultuous life to date and will no doubt have interesting tumult over his remaining years. Unfortunately for the left wingers in this country, he’s only 45 so he should be around to confound lefties for many years.

Please God!

Like Rush Limbaugh, Beck started out as a DJ, moved around a lot until he found his niche as a wildly popular radio political/social commentator at WFLA in Tampa in 2000.

Syndicated by 2002, it was then he may have caught the leftist ear. The left was definitely paying attention by 2008 when Beck’s show ranked 4th in the country with 6 1/2 million regular listeners. Glenn was sitting in the catbird seat.

While continuing his nationally sydicated radio program, he moved on to his own successful CNN show, spots on ABC, and last January hooked up with Fox News.

Truly in his element now, with 5 best selling books under his belt, Beck had reached stardom and capitalized on that status by organizing The 9/12 Project and the Taxpayer March on Washington last Saturday. . .
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Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Persecution of Glenn Beck, Conservative: Part I

I must be an ignoramus. Many people would comment, “Well, isn’t that obvious?”

I don’t really think it is that obvious since I usually try to deftly conceal my duncehood but I do admit to being ignorant about Glenn Beck until a few years ago.

I was acquainted with his name in, of all places, an AOL political chat room when a leftist impolitely and derogatively told me I could shove my views where the sun don’t shine, where “Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck hide.” The leftist didn’t use the sun metaphor but you get the point.

I got the point that I should find out more about this Beck guy. After all, if he aroused such bile and venom in a lefty, America-hating bed wetter, he just had to be my kind of guy.

Hold off, gay boys, I don’t mean my kind of guy in your sense.

I discovered a great deal about this perceived conservative devil, this Glenn Beck originally from the state of Washington, of his family background which included suicides, his own addictions, his own dealings with the dark side of life, his eventual conversion to Mormonism.

Other details of his life are available all over the internet so I won’t bore the reader with them. Suffice to say, Beck evolved into a conservative, libertarian talk show host and Fox News commentator, prima facie evidence that he was a nutcase. . .
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Friday, September 18, 2009

The Sexual Evolution of Tweens to Teens

The Sexual Evolution of Tweens to Teens

Ever wonder what effect the disintegration of society’s moral fiber is having on kids?

I mean, how does the unremitting barrage of gay-themed tv shows, bed-hopping celebs trading partners and flaunting their baby bumps sans wedding rings, and movies, MTV videos, rap music verily bubbling with sex episodes influence young children?

This is hardly a revelation but that influence isn’t a good one and bodes ill for the physical, emotional, and psychological future of the next generation. Both teens and tweens are members of that generation.

For those who don’t keep up with such things, “tween” is a relatively new term in the sociological lexicon.

Generally, it designates kids aged 9-12 who haven’t quite made it to the mad, mad world of teenagery, yet, in their own minds, at least, are close enough and some are crazed enough to join in the antics of some of their older peers.

To date, no word has surfaced that tweens are into the dangerous worlds of sexting, although that too is possible for the more physically mature, less discreet types, as is the phenomenon of “rainbow parties.” For the terminally curious, that term is graphically defined by

Michelle Malkin has described an “educational” book on the latter subject, giggled over by adults on Oprah, as just plain “smut:”

The trickle down effect of our super-infused sex culture has now reached kids as young as 11, as evidenced by the latest socially-rebellious tween fad.

Striving above all else to be cool, accepted, and “with it,” the in-crowd of tweenies is now sporting bling, multi-colored bracelets, to advertise their proclivities and what they agree to do sexually.

As one website,, explains it, “For years, teens have been playing a game called Snap, in which boys try to break bracelets off girls. Different colored bracelets represent different sexual acts, which if broken, are supposed to be performed by the girls:”

I’m guessing that playing the once daring game of Spin the Bottle is no longer a popular indoor sport among the tweenie set.

Over in England, where sex scandals are as common as tea and crumpets, it’s not too uncommon for 15 year olds to get pregnant and for 13 year olds to impregnate them, (remember Alfie?), the Brits are now permitting 12 year olds to choose their gender.

The presumptive heir to England’s throne, Bonnie Prince Charlie, set the standard for his future subjects when he professed an unquenchable desire some years back to be his paramour’s tampon.

They’re now allowing, if not encouraging, lads to become lassies and vice versa. . .

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gays Not Much in the News

Distracted by more momentous events, I’ve been neglectful of our gay community in the past month. Gays haven’t been cooperating by providing their usual newsworthy stories, at least stories of national import or of noteworthy garish and sociopathic behaviors, aside from Perez Hilton, of course.

I began to wonder why.

Turns out, since June’s Gay Pride weeks throughout the nation, they’ve been busy little beavers all along, not as much on the national stage where they seem content that they now have their man in the White House, but in various states and localities.

On the federal level, they know their empathic president is moving to dump the offensive Defense of Marriage Act, end Clinton’s misguided “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy for the military, and generally grease the skids, ultimately for full incorporation of homosexuals into the societal mainstream.

Don’t ever say that diligent hard work and determination don’t pay off. In the last three and a half decades, homosexual efforts to convince heteros that homos are normal too have achieved enormous successes, even though the whole gay movement is predicated on a lie.

As I’ve written before, ”After decades of describing homosexuality as ‘an abnormal mental disorder’ and those afflicted with that disorder as ’sexual deviants,’ under severe pressure and threats from gays, [the American Psychiatric Association] amazingly flipflopped beginning in 1973 and ultimately concluded that, Nah, it’s all very normal.”

See, et al.

Since that flipping 36 years ago, emboldened by their victory over common sense with the APA, gays–dare I say queers?–have been running roughshod advocating their agenda and largely seeing that agenda adopted into law and, their coup de grâce, mandating that agenda in our public schools.

Those busy beavers have also: . . .
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When One Lies Down with Dogs, Expect Fleas

When One Lies Down with Dogs, Expect Fleas

We’ve seen it before, countless times before, when rapacious governments seize control of a nation’s media outlets–the daily press, television, radio, periodicals.

It’s SOP for repressive regimes such as those in the U.S.S.R., Nazi Germany, and most recently in Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela, to seize media outlets to insure they pump out only state-sponsored propaganda.

It’s a very effective tactic for totalitarians. It keeps supporters content, it squelches opponents, and it makes things quite comfy for despots with the rabble kept in the dark over what’s really going on in their countries.

The United States has never had the misfortune of suffering a state-controlled, state-run media. Until now.

I should qualify that statement.

America’s mass media is not actually controlled by the leftist government of Barack Hussein Obama and his cohorts.

Rather, in a unique, historical twist, our media have willingly surrendered their journalistic integrity and abandoned their moral, ethical responsibility to objectively report the news. They have of their own volition become the lackeys of Obama.

In a sense, that’s even worse than government seizures.

One problem is, our mass media is no pretty woman anymore. The poor things are just being used and they crave attention and recognition, in addition to appreciating the opportunity to spout their own bile. Fewer and fewer people are buying their papers and magazines, or buying into the slanted tripe served up on television “news.”

And with good reason. Examples of the media surrender are innumerable.

They range from the failure to report on Obama’s numerous flubs during his campaign for the presidency, to the overkill of dozens of Newsweek covers over the course of a year, to the conscious misrepresentations of recent events, to not pointing out that when Rep. Joe Wilson called Obama a liar Obama was lying, to the New York Times burying a story showing is hero’s close ties with the radical ACORN:

Other recent instances of journalistic prostitution include:

. The failure of the print media such as the Times and the Washington Post to review Mark Levin’s best seller, Liberty and Tyranny, even after it sold over a million copies,,

. The Post ignoring its own poll since it showed that the more Americans understood Obamacare the more they disliked it,

. ABC and NBC refusing to air an ad criticizing that reform while falling all over themselves to give Obama airtime to pitch his plot:

. And the mass of the mass media vastly undercounting the turnout for last Saturday’s huge anti-Obama march in Washington:

It’s gut wrenching, sort of, to watch former stalwarts of American culture, such as the “old, grey lady,” fall by the wayside. Then, again, when journalistic ho’s, just like other ho’s, surrender their integrity, well, they get their due comeuppance.

By the grace of God, . . .

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AG Holder and the Black Panthers

It seems that lodging charges of racism is the prime modus operandi of the Obama administration and its fellow travelers when it comes to defending the indefensible, such as the entire Obama administration.

Latest to jump into the act is the semi-senile former President James Earl Carter, the sludge-brained legacy-seeker who again contends that ”racism is an issue for President Obama in trying to lead the country.”

I don’t get Jimmah.

After heading the most ineffectual and bumbling government since Harding, you’d think he’d be itching to see Obama fail so that Obama would supplant him as the worst president in almost a century. With or without Carter’s help, I think Obama will capture that prize.

Or, is that racist to say?

I also don’t get Attorney General Eric Himpton Holder. At least I didn’t until I heard him speak and checked his record.

Barely wet behind the ears as the nation’s chief law enforcer, he tipped his racial hand when he said in February, “Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards:”

Ok, so we knew from the get-go that Holder had, let’s say, “racial issues,” as many such issues as Harvard’s Prof. Louis Henry Gates, Van Jones, and many others in Obama’s employ.

We also knew from Holder’s background that he had helped gain the pardon of Marc Rich, had negotiated protection money from Chiquita Brands to a terrorist organization, had opposed the Patriot Act, had endorsed gun bans in D.C., had supported clemency for members of the terrorist Boricua Popular Army, and wanted GITMO shuttered asap.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009



Parts I and II of “Obama’s ACORN” dealt with our president’s pre-presidency, unseemly associations with the smarmy Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now and the group’s excursion into tax evasion, cop evasion, pimping, prostitution, and Latina pedophilia.

There’s more on ACORN’s rap sheet, much more, including its involvement in the sub-prime mortgage debacle and subsequent implosion of the banking industry.

As the waters roil around ACORN–being dumped as 2010 Census volunteers, the Senate voting 83-7 to defund the organization, and a fourth ”pimp video” surfacing,– there’s a glimmer of hope that, finally, a full-scale congressional investigation will be launched to look into just how corrupt ACORN is.

It’s only a glimmer given Obama’s long association with the group and given the fact ACORN serves as a virtual sub-section of the ruling Democratic Party, but hope springs eternal.

One area of the group’s activities has been overshadowed by recent developments even though its involvement has cost the American taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars.

Among its various other enterprises, ACORN maintains its own mortgage company, AHC, which touts its affiliations with the largest banks in the country. It was thanks to those affiliations, and pressures exerted on those banks that AHC contributed mightily to the collapse of the mortgage industry. . . .

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Just Don't Call Them Racial Hate Crimes!

Just Don’t Call Them Racial Hate Crimes!Published in September 15th, 2009 | EditPosted by Berlet98 in AMERICAN CULTURE TODAY, MEDIA, OBAMA, POLITICSWe all know kids, especially boy kids, fight.

It’s part of the maturation process for the male of the species comparable to big horn sheep butting heads and young wolves biting their siblings, all in the cause of determining the dominant big horns and the alpha males.

Sometimes, however, kid fights become something else entirely, such as brutal assaults on one kid by multiple other kids as a child audience looks on and rabidly cheers the assault.

When the assailants and audience are of a different race from the assailed, the spectre of racism and racial hate crime unavoidably rears its ugly head and may be undeniable.

Now, Jesse Jackson has assured us that Blacks can’t be racists by virtue of the fact they are not “empowered” in America. The logic of that thinking has long eluded me but most of what the Rev. Jackson preaches eludes my simple mind.

In any event, take a look at this video which appears to show a number of unempowered Black boys on the way to or fro school beating the living hell out of a White boy:

An Open Letter to President Obama II

An Open Letter to President Obama, re: Terrorism (Part II)

Dear Mr. President:

I trust you had the opportunity to read Part I of my letter which detailed some of my concerns over your administration’s handling of what President Bush termed the War on Terror:

I’m aware you don’t take kindly to either the word “war” or the word “terror” but that doesn’t make war and terror any less a reality.

We are, regrettably, engaged in that undeclared, worldwide war and have been so engaged for decades. September 11th, 2001 was merely the day it arrived in all its sickening glory on our shores but it dates back, at least, to 1972.

Should you have any doubts as to the worldwide nature of the Islamic threat, for your edification, here is a list of previous “battles:”

• 1972 The massacre of Israeli Olympic athletes–Germany

• 1974 The bombing of TWA Flight 841–over the Ionian Sea

• 1977 Subway bombing–U.S.S.R.

• 1981 Assassination of Anwar Sadat–Egypt

• 1983 Bombing of the American Embassy–Lebanon

• 1983 Bombing of Gulf Air Flight 771–United Arab Emirates

• 1983 Bombing of our Marine Barracks–Lebanon . . .

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An Open Letter to President Obama

An Open Letter to President Obama, re: Terrorism

Dear President Obama:

The eighth anniversary of 9/11 recently passed, with little recognition from your White House. You prefer to honor that awful day by calling it “A National Day of Service and Remembrance,” with the remembrance part almost as an afterthought.

Your Democratic congress has now rubber-stamped your wish. Now 9/11 will be equated with a day to pick up trash on city streets and volunteering to work as ACORN militants rather than as a day for commemorating a vicious, mindless, unprovoked attack on our national soil by Islamic fanatics which resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people.

Demonstrating the absurdity of that designation, Sen. Charles Schumer (D. N.Y.) fully supports it:

With all due respect, Mr. President, I firmly believe that you and your fellow Democrats are either living in a fantasy world or, and I hesitate to write this, that you yearn for another 9/11 thinking that the popularity that accrued to President Bush in 2001 will somehow accrue to you after the next massacre.

Frankly, I don’t think that will happen and if the next attack is as ugly as 9/11, you and your Democratic Party will, rightfully, be seen as culpable due to years of minimizing and/or ignoring the threat that has never diminished, has never disappeared.

With any luck, following that assault–which will inevitably come and which very well may be far more devastating to our country–the Democratic Party may not survive as a viable political institution.

I honestly hope it does survive, despite its stupidity and iniquity.

More importantly, I hope we survive as a nation.

I’ve heard that you are a constitutional scholar, Mr. President, so I wouldn’t presume to suggest I could offer any insights into your consitutional scholarship. I will therefore only present my admittedly ignorant observations.

The Founding Fathers, based on my limited understanding, understood that this new country needed checks and balances on the various powers and therefore sculpted into the Constitution the counterbalancing executive, legislative, and judicial branches. We need opposing parties to keep the party in power in check.

One essential requisite for any American political party, however, is that its fundamental interest be the well being, . . .

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Obama's ACORN II

Obama’s ACORN II
(Please see “Obama’s ACORN, the Early Days,”, which reviewed the history of the president’s involvement with that extremist, revolutionary, anti-American organization and ACORN’s inspirations, smarmy affiliations, and misuse of millions of taxpayer dollars.)

The most recent scandal surrounding ACORN represents profound testimony to the group’s hypocrisy and utter contempt for law.

By now most people have heard of its advice and instructions to two Fox News Channel investigative reporters posing as a pimp and his girlfriend/prostitute.

In brief, the poseurs, James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles, went to two ACORN offices where they were given helpful advice on avoiding taxes, evading the cops and, most reprehensibly, instructed on how to get away with trafficking in Latina child slavery.

(See videos below.)

ACORN’s “chief organizer,” Bertha Lewis, elected the best-defense-is-a-good-offense strategy and Ms. Lewis was very offensive indeed, accusing Fox of “relentless attacks,” perpetrating a “scam” and even charging the investigators with what “our lawyers believe a felony–and we will be taking legal action against Fox and their co-conspirators.”

The only attacks have been ACORN’s assaults on truth and honesty; the only scam has been ACORN’s pretense of being committed to empowerment whereas its actual purpose has been to undermine law and societal values; the chief crime has been ACORN’s very existence.

Ms. Lewis went on in her statement to comically and indignantly write, “I am appalled and angry; I cannot and I will not defend the actions of the workers depicted in the video, who have since been terminated. But it is clear that the videos are doctored, edited, and in no way the result of the fabricated story being portrayed:”

If I correctly follow her argument, the whole mess is a scam, the videos in question are fraudulent, yet innocent ACORN victims were nevertheless fired? . . .

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Black Racism or Inferiority Complexes?

Black Racism or Inferiority Complexes?

It seems some people have been energized, validated, if you will, by the election of the first Black president of the United States to the extent that they feel free to make asses of themselves.

The markedly un-serene Serena Williams, bred by her father-coach to win at all costs, had already announced she was the greatest tennis player on the face of the Earth and on all other known inhabited planets.

She threw a hissy fit at the semi-finals of the U.S. Open in Flushing Meadows, N.Y., demonstrating not just a distinct lack of sportsmanship but a total lack of class.

One especially unsympathetic observer commented that Serena “is a quitter. Yes, we saw the temper tantrum, saw her drop the f-bombs and tell the lines judge that she could take ‘this (bleeping) ball’ and stuff ‘it down your (bleeping) throat.’ “

The same commentator accused Williams of being a coward since she knew she had already lost and chose to be bounced from the match rather than be shown up as the consummate loser that she is:

Later Saturday night, “entertainer” Kanye West showed a similar lack of innate class at the Video Music Awards, also in N.Y.C.

West, best known for his insane vitriol about George W. Bush, accusing GWB of hating Black people and wanting them dead because he didn’t work a miracle after Katrina, vaulted onto the stage at the VMA when a White girl won the “Best Female Video” award and wrested the mic from the winner.

Songstress Taylor Swift was about to sing “You Belong to Me” when the always articulate West grabbed the microphone and yelled to a chorus of boos, “Yo Taylor, I’m really happy for you, I’m a [sic] let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time:”

Ms. Swift, a true, unflustered trooper, went on with the show as Kenye West slunk off into his cave. To their credit, even Black entertainers were embarrassed by his behavior.

For those interested in viewing West’s gross exhibition of classlessness, the video is available at that link.

I just wonder what’s going on with Blacks in this country,. . .
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Obama's ACORN, the Early Years

Obama’s ACORN: The Early Days
Mighty oaks naturally grow from tiny acorns and mighty empires can grow from little acorns as well. Those oaks may be mighty and those little acorns can foretell the disintegration of the empires they supplant.

The empire in immediate question is the Obamian Empire which was largely founded on the group known as ACORN, the Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now. ACORN’s pretentious name is actually a euphemism for an organization dedicated to destroying the American way of life as we have long known it.

Hyperbole? Read on.

Its website grandiosly declares its reputed aims: “The Real ACORN [as opposed to the false ACORN?] is a showcase for ACORN’s consistent presence as a voice for working families since 1970. It is a hub for ACORN members, leaders, and the general public to learn more about the dynamic work the organization is undertaking to win victories on issues like living wage jobs, affordable housing, health care, education, and confronting the global financial crisis.”

Grand, indeed. Showcase, indeed. Dynamic, indeed. Those adjectives only apply if one considers sedition, lies, fraud, and other criminal activities to be grand, dynamic, showcases.

Whoever wrote that ACORN blurb had either a great sense of humor or possessed a diabolic ability to malign and distort the truth.

It’s how ACORN has gone about achieving those aims that has repeatedly gotten the group into the hot waters of election fraud and voter misrepresentations, and into various criminal and civil courts in some 13 states.

In brief, ACORN stops at nothing to effect the changes in America that candidate Obama preached in very general, vague terminology. ACORN was and is Obama’s primary instrument of specificity, a specificity that reveals more about our president than he has ever revealed about himself.

Obama has had a virtual love affair with ACORN literally for decades. His reward for his romantic efforts in that affair was the presidency of the United States. Miss ACORN’s reward has been awards of Spitzer-like payments of hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer funding over the course of the liaison.

The only ones really screwed in the Obama-ACORN relationship have been those self-same taxpayers unless, that is, they were direct financial beneficiaries of the liaison in a sick sort of menage a trois with Obama and Miss ACORN.

Beneficiaries of ACORN, i.e. of taxpayer monies, include this sampling: AARP, to finance more abortion efforts; the National Urban League, to agitate for Obamacare; La Raza, to aid Mexicans in re-claiming American lands; Chicago’s Project Vote, organized by Obama to sway elections; and ACORN’s own mortgage company, to allow it to work to bring down the banking industry by pressuring banks to lend to unqualified, sub-prime mortgagors:

After graduating from Columbia, Obama fished around for a venue in which he would be accepted and which would afford him the opportunity to properly exercise and execute his father’s Marxist precepts he had learned from his mother and which had been certified by his Columbia professors.

Voila! In 1984, he settled where else but in Chicago where corrupt politicians were notorious and where dead and non-existent people had miraculously been known to vote. . .

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Two Murders, Selective Outrage

Tiller and Pouillan: Two Murders, Selective Outrage

When abortionist Dr. George Tiller was murdered in May because the good doctor practiced infanticide by aborting full-term babies, the abortion lobby went ballistic, the president issued a statement of his shock and outrage, and Attorney General Holder called out the National Guard to protect abortionists nationwide.

Ok, that last is hyperbolic; Holder merely dispatched federal marshalls to protect abortionists nationwide. The point is that there was an uproar.

Called “Tiller the Killer” by some pro-life activists, Dr. Tiller had maintained one of only two practices in the nation dedicated to performing “late term abortions.” His senseless murder evoked widespread horror from groups which concurred with such infanticide as well as from the president of the United States.

(See “A Postscript for Dr. George Tiller,”, and “Murder in the Church,” for more detail on Tiller’s murder.)

Last Friday, 63 year old James Lawrence Pouillan was murdered outside Owasso (Michigan) High School.

Google his name and you get all of one story, a brief Facebook statement by the American Family Association: “A peaceful prolife activist, James Pouillon, was murdered this morning as he peacefully displayed a sign depicting a smiling child below the word ‘Life.’ Mr. Pouillan, 63, was by all accounts a friendly and likeable man who was dedicated to protecting the lives of the unborn through peaceful demonstration. Please pray for Mr. Pouillan’s family.”

From the White House, no expression of shock and outrage, not a peep in a week. From AG Holder, no National Guard and no federal marshalls dispatched to protect Right to Lifers nationwide. . . .

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Friday, September 11, 2009

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

During the president’s Wednesday address to a joint session of congress, Rep. Joe Wilson (R. SC) could have yelled Fabricator! or Dissembler! or Fibber! or Prevaricator! or Falsifier!

However, none of those alternatives would have had quite the impact of what Wilson did blurt out, namely the fine old, straightforward, Middle English word, ”Liar!” although all the above synonyms are applicable.

What provoked his outburst was Obama’s lie that Obamacare wouldn’t be offered to illegal aliens when he knew, or should have known, that yes, indeed, illegals would be covered.

Was it boorish, rude, impolite to accuse the president of the United States a liar in such a forum and on national television? Yep, I guess, but it was right on target.

Then, too, Obama calling those who believe that “death panels” lurk in the bowels of Obamacare “liars” during that same address was equally boorish, rude, and impolite, but we haven’t heard any uproar over that even though those people are correct.

(Nor was there an uproar over Democrats calling GWB a liar for 8 years nor over their nasty treatment of President George H.W. Bush during his address to a joint session on October 1st, 1989.)

They won’t be called “death panels,” especially since Sarah Palin was one of the first to use that term and has been ridiculed and abused. The Obamians wouldn’t give her the credit.

The administration’s PC description is “end of life counseling” and “advanced care planning consultations” wherein elderly and/or gravely ill patients will be required to sit down with their government doctors and said doctors will “counsel” them.

Those consults will cover such topics as living wills, durable powers of attorney, health proxies, all of which would be better covered by lawyers rather than physicians.

Then, what other purpose could those consults serve?

To say they would serve to shuffle the very ill off to the Great Beyond may seem insensitive, but let’s call a spade a spade.

Over in the UK where the Brit version of Obamacare has been in place for decades, the NHS has “progressed” to the point that it “encourages doctors and other health care staff to consider removing medication, fluids and other treatments that no longer benefit the patient:”

In other words, to use a bad word for Obamacare-Mengeles, the NHS euthanizes those deemed too expensive to treat as decided by panels of “doctors and other health care staff.” Under penalty of being put on a death track, don’t dare call them death panels!

Will Obamacare follow that same path? Do ducks swim and do politicians lie? Is it a great leap from end of life counselling to pulling the plug on grandma when Obama has pledged to reduce the costs of our health care?

“Liar” is a pejorative and pungent word which should be understood in its context. Sarah Palin didn’t lie about death panels, Obama did.

Rep. Joe Wilson was also accurate in his description of the president as a liar and there was no need for his apology. Obama promised, in typical Chicago street thug fashion, to “call out” his opponents. Wilson simply did the same.

Shortly after THE SPEECH, House Democrats scurried off . . .

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9/11 Footnotes: Paranoiacs Have Enemies Too!

Lest anyone be misled by my previous column on 9/11, let’s be clear about the threats and dangers faced by the United States today: The perpetrators of the attacks on September 11th, 2001, the Islamic crazies, are only the most obvious of our enemies.

We have a slew of others.

Always reliable entrants on our enemies list is the former U.S.S.R. under the semi-detached leadership of Vlad Putin, former head of the KGB. Still chafing after the dissolution of its empire–thanks to Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II–and infused with oil revenues, Russia is doing its damnedest to regain a semblance of international power.

Its latest gambits include a secret meeting with Israel’s PM Netanyahu, Israel knows it no longer has a friend in the White House. What transpired at that meeting or meetings is unknown but we can be certain the subject was not America’s national security.

Practicing Bill Clinton’s triangulating, Putin also held a kissy-fest with Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez,, and Russia announced it wants to make nicer to a potentially-nuclear Iran:

Then there’s the inscrutable Chinese. With our nation in hock to China up to and beyond our elbows, Washington knows China is in the catbird seat and is just waiting to pounce. It won’t necessarily pounce literally. China need only bide its time, wait for our economy to collapse under our debt burden, and call in its chits.

Meanwhile, China agitates “for the creation of a new currency to eventually replace the dollar as the world’s standard, proposing a sweeping overhaul of global finance that reflects developing nations’ growing unhappiness with the U.S. role in the world economy:”

Put more simply, China wants to bail on the dying corpse that is the U.S. dollar.

Out on the periphery of America’s enemies are Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela, all of whom would salivate at the thought of the end of the United States as a world power, an end achieved via violence or national or economic implosion.

Whatever works.

Further out on the periphery are too many nations and semi-nations to count, . . .
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Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/11 Footnotes

Lest anyone be misled by my previous column on 9/11, let’s be clear about the threats and dangers faced by the United States today: The perpetrators of the attacks on September 11th, 2001, the Islamic crazies, are only the most obvious of our enemies.

We have a slew of others.

Always reliable entrants on our enemies list is the former U.S.S.R. under the semi-detached leadership of Vlad Putin, former head of the KGB. Still chafing after the dissolution of its empire–thanks to Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II–and infused with oil revenues, Russia is doing its damnedest to regain a semblance of international power.

Its latest gambits include a secret meeting with Israel’s PM Netanyahu, Israel knows it no longer has a friend in the White House. What transpired at that meeting or meetings is unknown but we can be certain the subject was not America’s national security.

Practicing Bill Clinton’s triangulating, Putin also held a kissy-fest with Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez,, and Russia announced it wants to make nicer to a potentially-nuclear Iran:

Then there’s the inscrutable Chinese. . .(Read the rest at


“Another story concerned a friend of a friend, a married immigrant from Poland who jumped to his death from one of the World Trade Center towers. His young wife spoke little English and was still grieving when she hurled herself off her Brooklyn apartment building roof a few weeks later. Her husband is included among the two-thousand nine hundred and seventy-four fatalities in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania on 9/11. That distraught woman and countless others like her are not included in that tally. She deserves mention because she and her fellow ancillary victims should be remembered. Their stories accentuate the misery that resulted from our failure to prevent those unprovoked assaults on the United States. They also should serve as reminders, warnings of what could happen again.” (Excerpted from An Immodest Proposal for Ending and Winning the War on Terrorism,p. 11.)

Eight years ago tomorrow, on September 11th, 2001, America was attacked. There’s no need to recount the details of that attack by mostly Saudi Arabian Islamic terrorists.

Or, is there?

It’s very normal for people to try to forget horrific events in their lives or to shift them onto the backburners of our consciousness. That’s probably beneficial for our mental health, especially if those people witnessed the horrors first hand.

It’s also very dangerous.

Our president was probably busily organizing communities in Chicago on September 11th, 2001 and/or preparing for the next session of the Illinois State Senate. He was far removed from New York City, Washington, D.C., and Shanksville, PA and perhaps that distance from the scenes of destruction accounts for his blase’ attitude toward the very present danger that is terrorism today.

Out of duty, no doubt President Obama will say a few words tomorrow commemorating the eighth anniversary of the worst assault on America in our history, but only out of duty.

It seems our president, one, fails to perceive the ongoing and possibly imminent threat of Islamic terrorists and, two, wants Americans to honor that day although not in remembrance of what happened.

President Obama may or may not be a Muslim in his heart but he definitely discounts the terrorist threat from rabid Muslims and has abandoned the use of the word “terrorism,” as if ignoring it will make it go away. It doesn’t work that way, Mr. President.

Obama has also minimized the sacred nature of 9/11 by declaring the day should be recognized as a “day of service,” suggesting that serving our communities would be tantamount to honoring the thousands of innocents who died.

Please take a few moments to visit That website, (with which I am not affiliated in any way), features photos, videos, and other other pertinent information on 9/11/2001. None of it is cheery, all of it is important to remember.

To paraphrase George Santayana, those who forget the past may rue the day when it re-occurs. And maybe it will re-occur closer to home.

Fly the flag tomorrow!

Soap Operas and Gay Supremacy

Soap Operas and Gay Supremacy

I’m not much of an aficionado of soap operas. My mom was a virtual addict of “General Hospital” for decades but, then again, I guess TV shows like “ER” weren’t all that distinct from soaps.

They were termed “soaps” because they initially were promoted by soap companies and designed to appeal to that group most closely connected with soap products, women. That was when “stay at home moms” were the norm rather than the exception.

Soap operas go back over 70 years in the States, starting with “Guiding Light” on radio and they have now evolved into instruments of social indoctrination.

They have also evolved into programs committed not just to racy story plots of desperate women, indiscreet sex, wild abandon, and now into social and religious arbiters when it comes to themes of homosexuality.

Patricia Mauceri had been a regular on the popular soap, “One Life to Live” for 14 years. She pretty much played herself as Carlotta Vega, a devout Christian character she helped create.

Enter a homosexual theme. Patricia/Carlotta objected since it conflicted with both her beliefs and character.

“The 59-year-old Mauceri says that she ‘did not object to being in a gay storyline. I objected to speaking the truth of what that person, how that person would live and breathe and act in that storyline . . . And this goes against everything I am, my belief system, . . .

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Health Care News and Horrors

Health Care News and Horrors

The BIG Push is on! The obamanetworks, the obamamedia, and the obamablogosphere are all out there “explaining” and exposing the “myths” of Obamacare to the ignorant peasantry to save national healthcare and Obama’s presidency and legacy.
AARP is into the fray big time and its September issue of the AARP Bulletin features no less than 5 articles on Obamacare, including a 4000 word, 3 page spread entitled, “The Hype, the Lies, the Facts,” according to the AARP.

As we wait expectantly on the eve of Obama’s much-anticipated, prime time Obamacare address to both houses of congress and to the nation, it’s worthwhile to review some recent healthcare news.

The underlying precept of any socialist society or socialistic enterprise is that government knows best. When it comes to Obamacare, a young, healthy, and independent sort who, for whatever reason, feels he or she doesn’t want health insurance, tough!

In a free society one should be free to make that call, no? Well, yes and no.

Implicit in Obamacare is the philosophy that we’re too ignorant to make that decision. Therefore, you would be “free” to opt out but you’ll have to pay for that privilege, pay up to $3800 in fines, per annum, to Washington to be precise:

Those charges would be contrary to candidate Obama’s pledge not to impose fines on recalcitrants. However, what’s a pledge when the nation’s well-being is at stake?

It’s understandably a healthcare newsy kind of time.

House GOP Leader John Boehner puts the lie to Obama’s expressed wish for bi-partisanship in passing the most significant legislation in decades. is reporting that Boehner says the president hasn’t met with GOP leaders in over 4 months to discuss “common ground” on healthcare:

The fix is obviously in. The ploy of “reconciliation,” a misnomer for shoving a bill through congress without debate or opposition input, will undoubtedly be invoked in order to pass Obamacare with 51 rather that 60 votes in the Senate.

Meanwhile, Obama’s numbers continue their freefall into oblivion. Disapproval on his handling of the health issue has risen from 43% to 52% since July, a figure complemented by a fall of 7 percent in his overall approval rating in that same period:

His only chance to apply the skids is to get some form of Obamacare passed and fast and then move on to trying his hand at governing rather than campaigning. Regrettably, Americans have short memories and people won’t wake up to the full impact until after the 2010 and, hopefully, the 2012 elections.

Across the Pond in Merry Ol’ England, they’ve been waking up for a good while now as to the horrors of their vaunted NHS, the UK’s National Health Service. . . .

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Perez Hilton: Pedophile or Just Perez Hilton?

Gays are all in a dither, but what else is new?

They fear that Obama is retreating on another promise, this one to his LGBT constituency that he would work to repeal the Clinton and the military’s, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. So, the president is breaking another promise. What else is new? (

That’s all inconsequential compared to the rush of Hollywood twittering.

Perez Hilton, who defines dithering and other things, has his panties in a wad over charges that he’s a pedophile.

Perez is no more a pedo than Michael Jackson was! Oh, wait, the King of Pop was a child molestor. Poor example, sorry.

Anyway, poor, thweet Perez is in the national news again. Last time was when he was socked in the eye after calling a Black Eyed Pea in Toronto a “faggot.” Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

The guy punched him out and Perez did what all good homosexuals would do. No, he didn’t strike back. Well, he did, sort of, by literally “twittering,” in 145 characters or less: “I am bleeding. Please, I need to file a police report. No joke:”

I don’t know whatever came of that little contretemps, that knockdown in Toronto, nor do I care. Perez evidently survived with his life, if not his dignity.

Prior to that, of course, was Perez’ exhibitionism on The Donald’s Miss America Contest when he gained national and not just Left Coast fame for torpedoing Miss California, Carrie Prejean.

She dared to speak up for her non-PC religious beliefs and say the obvious, that marriage should be reserved for one man and one woman:

Carrie didn’t precisely put it this way but homosexuals, transgenders, and gerbils need not apply.

That set off Perez Hilton who, for some inexplicable reason was a judge in a contest evaluating the pulchritude and talents of young women. He’d be much better qualified to evaluate the beauty and talents of young gay men.

When the homosexual heat,. . .
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Saul, Saul, Why Did You Persecute Us?

Saul, Saul, Why Did You Persecute Us?

And the risen Jesus spoke to Saul of Tarsus, later St. Paul, and asked, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?”

The primary subject of this article is a different Saul, one Saul of Chicago, Saul Alinsky. Before his untimely but fortunate death in 1972, Saul Alinsky closely resembled the much earlier, pre-conversion Saul.

Our president is as much a long-term student of the Saul Alinsky slash and burn, destroy and maim political philosophy as he is an adherent of his former pastor’s, Rev. Jeremiah “God damn America” Wright’s, vile anti-American bile.

Saul of Tarsus was a hateful individual who persecuted early Christians, imprisoned them, and sought to have them put to death for their beliefs.

I don’t know if Saul Alinsky despised Christians but his hatefulness toward Americans and all that is good in America is suggestive of vile venom.

If Alinsky didn’t hate Christians, he sure as hell hated the most fundamental Christian principles.

Who Was Saul Alinsky? He was many things to many people: radical liberal, pseudo-mobster, brilliant academic, noted agitator, community organizer, committed atheist, closet Communist, successful author.

He was also the inspiration for the young Hillary Rodham and Barack Hussein Obama. As such, with Hillary Clinton now serving as Secretary of State and Barack Obama as president, Alinsky is more influential now than he was in his lifetime.

That’s not to say he didn’t have a great deal of influence when he was alive.

Born in Chicago to immigrant, Russian Jewish parents, Alinsky shared his religious heritage with Hungarian immigrant, George Soros, of fame, another America-hater.

Instead of actively persecuting Christians, Saul Alinsky, like Soros, unashamedly spent most of his adult life engaged in a concerted effort to undermine America’s democratic republic traditions and our way of life.

He appropriately dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, to “the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom–Lucifer.”

It’s ironic that both Clinton and Obama were devoted students of the “Alinsky Method” and went head to head in their quests for the presidency. From an Alinsky point of view, it would have been more productive to have a Clinton-Obama or Obama-Clinton Democratic ticket.

Either way, they would have beaten McCain-Palin, given the state of the economy, given McCain’s ineptitude, and given the idolatrous state media.

It turned out that Obama was a more astute student and effectively out-Alinskyed Clinton in the Democratic campaign for president, as pointed out in an article on AmericanThinker,com, “Obama’s Alinsky Jujitsu:”
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The Czar Watch

Czar Watch: Van Jones, John Holdren, Cass Sunstein
With President Obama surrounding himself with at least 32 czars, (at last count), those public servants immune from public and congressional scrutiny, he has set a new record.

In actuality, these czars who revel in an absolutist authority and power are not public servants as much as they are dedicated Obama servants answerable only to their master.

As Obama might say, Allah only knows how much they are costing the taxpayers of our cash-strapped nation!

The most recent czar in the news, a sputtered, dethroned czar, Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Van Jones, recently resigned in the middle of the night.

The timing of that “green czar’s” departure was fitting considering that this neo-conservationist’s brief tenure in that lofty position was as clandestine as was his background in such roles as racial agitator, admitted Communist, and 9/11 conspiratorialist.

Jones was toppled not because of those items on his resume’ but only because he shot his mouth off when stuck for something to say when he had no clue what to say.

He reverted to form and called all Republicans a**holes which got some of those a**holes to delve into his record:

So, Jonesy is gone, but not really. He’s still on the government payroll, advising the president, just absent his title.

Remember, when you get rid of a roach you can be certain that many more roaches are hidden away and will re-emerge when darkness falls. Some squished roaches, (think Van Jones), are even capable of phoenix-like revivification.

Yet-to-be-squished-czar-vermin include John P. Holdren and Cass Sunstein.

Holdren, Director of Obama’s White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, also holds the unofficial title of the Josef Mengele of Obama’s staff. . . .

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Teachable Moment or an Alinsky Seduction?

On the surface, there’s nothing really inappropriate for the president of the United States to address America’s children on their first day of school, Tuesday, September 8th. After all, he is the president, a role demanding leadership of all citizens, including kids.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan in his letter to the principals of every school in the country writes that the speech represents an ”historic moment” and that its primary purpose “is to challenge students to set goals, work hard and stay in school. This isn’t a policy speech:”

All well and good, so far, but here the problems start.

First Problem: The text of the 15-20 minute address won’t be released until Monday, September 7th, which just happens to be Labor Day, a national holiday.

That release date smacks of the tactics near and dear to the hearts of this “transparent” administration, . . .
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Chickies vs. Babies

I’d like to say that I’m bemused at stories of animal cruelty but such stories are abhorrent to me and so bemusement is not an option.

Nevertheless, I’m always entertained by the writers and producers of animal cruelty tales and videos and by groups such as PETA who get livid over videos like this on chicken farmers who apparently routinely grind up millions of live male chicks because they are useless:

It’s a pretty ugly sight whether one is an animal lover or not. Causing such excruciating pain to any living creature has to warp the minds of the perpetrators who tell themselves it is instant euthanasia.

No doubt many women’s libbers delight in the poetic justice of any male being chopped and diced but I think it’s nothing short of disgustingly brutal even if male chicks are not economically viable: They can’t lay eggs and don’t fatten up fast enough.

We usually think of pictures like these when we think chicken:

There’s more to a chicken than meets the eye or the palate.

On the other hand, we don’t consume human babies–yet–but we have the more popular practice of abortion.

In some ways, aborted, pre-born babies have it worse than post-born male chickens. PETA and other animal lovers have no empathy for the human animal since there are so-called valid reasons for abortion–just as there are valid reasons for grinding male chicks into pulp.

Various parallels can be drawn between chick-grinding and baby murder: . . .
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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Affirmative Action, Anal Cavities, and Van Jones

Affirmative Action, Anal Cavities, and Van Jones

The whole notion of affirmative action is both racist and discriminatory. Giving preference to any individuals on the basis of the color of their skin rather than on the content of their character is patently un-American.

Now, where have we heard that before?

When affirmative action is applied by the White House to reward cronies with a plum job it becomes patently ridiculous, as in the case of “green czar,” Van Jones. His appointment had to have been an instance of AA. There’s no way he actually earned even a spot as liaison to the White House shoeshine boy.

Jones is a hack of the highest order, a racial agitator and a Vanny-come-lately to the green world. He latched onto the conservationist platform as a way to ingratiate himself to a wider audience and then was anointed by President Obama to be Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation.

That grand mouthful of a title doesn’t come close to matching the mouthful of radical, racist invective and conspiratorial ravings that have been spewed by Mr. Jones over the years, culminating in his recent attack on Republicans as a**holes.

An obvious over-achiever, Jones has a history of vicious racial stupidity. That history must have caught Obama’s eye and convinced him that Jones would fit very comfortably in an administration jam packed with other turkeys, from Joe Biden to Janet Napolitano to John Holdren.

Much is now being made of Jones’ involvement in the “truther movement.” In 2004, as one of 100 “prominent Americans,” he signed a petition on behalf of that movement.

The petition called for a congressional investigation, an ”immediate inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur,” according to the group’s website which also cited various “incriminating evidence,”

All of it is poppycock, long dismissed by rational people but dear to the hearts of rabid Bush-haters who still haven’t given up on the inane, insane charge that, “Bush knew!”

Jones may have signed the petition but now denies he ever agreed with its position and that “it certainly does not reflect my views, now or ever.” After all, he said, that was years ago.

Yeah, 5 years is ancient history.

So, here we have an Obama czar so detached from reality that he signs radical petitions with which he doesn’t agree, then dismisses the matter as occurring “years ago.”

How stupid is this guy to believe he can get away with that asinine defense? Does he think we’re all a**holes?

Well, actually he does. You can catch Jones’ reference to the anal cavity here: Incidentally, the crowd in Berkeley just loved it although his vulgarity was a non-sequitur which he threw out in lieu of an intelligent response to a question.

He followed it up with an equally senseless comment: . . .

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The Obamamedia and Home-Schooling

Last week, I said to a liberal friend that, “Well, you won’t see that picture on ABC, CBS, or NBC.”

I was referring to that shot of Obama rushing out of the White House to greet the media after his conciliatory beer fest with Sgt. James Crowley and Harvard prof, Henry Louis Gates.

It was left to Crowley to assist the disabled Gates down the White House steps while Gates’ good buddy sprinted ahead to meet the press.

The friend seemed dubious, wondering why I would think the Obamamedia would censor such pictures. The answer is as obvious as those ears on Obama’s head: Nothing gets publicized by the drive-by, liberal, Obama-idolizing media that could in any way be interpreted as casting a negative light on their hero.

The media don’t, they can’t, admit to censoring such stories and pictures; they prefer to call it selectivity as to what is deemed newsworthy.

GWB, along with former VP Dick Cheney, even after 8 months in Obamaland, considered Nirvanaland by much of the media, continues to be a favorite liberal pinata.

Shots of Bush bumping into a door or flubbing his lines are favorites while Obama bragging about campaigning in all of America’s states never see the light of the drive-by media day.

When a story such as this erupts, “Home-schooler Ordered to Attend Public School,, we can be certain the mass media will initially ignore it as the disturbed rantings of nutty conservatives.

They said the same thing about Monica Lewinsky until her blue dress became too public to ignore and Bill’s spill, so to speak, hit the fan.

As reported by the Washington Times, the tale of 10 year old, New Hampshire 5th grader, Amanda Kuroski may have tipped the balance on the issue of who “owns” our kids. Actually, no one owns kids, least of all any governments.

Amanda, however, is being treated as if she is the ward of the State of New Hampshire, that former bastion of Republicanism and conservatism, which in its infinite wisdom has decreed that her mom’s religious “rigidity” is a negative influence on the child.

No allegations are being made that her mother was teaching her the Flat Earth Theory or that only white people will be entered into the Kingdom of Heaven.

It’s just that District Court Judge Lucinda V. Sadler felt in her heart of hearts that the poor kid’s “vigorous defense of her [Christian] religious beliefs . . . suggests strongly that she has not had the opportunity to seriously consider any other point of view.”

If I interpret that sentiment correctly, Judge Sadler feels Amanda is more than a tad “vigorous” in her religion, therefore she needs other points of views in her young life, and, ergo, she should be torn from home and hearth and tossed into the maw of the Laconia, N.H. public school system.

Who the hell is this jurist to think she has any judicial or constitutional basis to pass judgment on a parent’s right to do what’s in the best interests of her child? . . .
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Friday, September 4, 2009

Next Weekend II: Friday, a Day Of Remembrance

Next Weekend, Part Two: Friday, a Day of Remembrance

(Part One reminded America that a massive march on Washington is scheduled for next Friday, a march designed to once again ignite the sleeping giant, the too-silent majority, to rise up and take back our country from the radical Leftists now running it–into the ground.

Part Two represents another reminder–of what could happen, again, if we fail to take our country back.)

The day preceding the March on Washington, Friday, September 11th, 2009, is a day that should forever be commemorated as the day on which America and all Americans were subjected to a horror exceeding any other horror visited on our nation in its 220 year history: September 11th, 2001.

That late summer day dawned with all that was good and true and beautiful in its clear skies in New York City, in Washington, D.C., and in Shanksville, PA. Regrettably, rarely can the good, the true, and the beautiful endure long on our fragile planet.

Collective memories tend to fade over years as the human psyche relegates to its recesses that which is disturbing, that which we would rather forget, that which we hope will not re-occur, and certainly not occur near us.

Unfortunately or not, that psychic tactic only affords a temporary, and perilous, self-delusion.

President Obama, America’s Delusionist in Chief, was still a lowly Illinois state senator in 2001, still a parishioner seated in a pew in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church.

He may even have heard Jeremiah’s jeremiad concerning 9/11, you know, the one when he ranted that we deserved what we got that day, when he screamed, “God damn America!” and “America’s chickens have come home to roost.”

Obama may have skipped church that day or surely he would have stormed out, Michelle and the kids in tow.

And maybe not.

Suggestive of Barack/Barry’s missing the point of 9/11 and buying into Wright’s thesis, he now absurdly wants that date to be celebrated as some vague “day of service,” more aptly called, “Obama’s Plan to Desecrate 9/11:”

That desecration, that violation of the sanctity of September 11th, is repugnant beyond imagining, except by those who consciously or unconsciously have already forgotten its meaning.

A scant eight years in our past, 9/11/2001 should not require reminders . . .

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

A D.C. Tea Party

. . . September 12th will mark a different rally and march, a much different expression of our God-given and constitutional rights.

It will be a demonstration not of narrow demands but, essentially, of an American call to arms, not to literal weaponry but of people concerned over the future of our country. That future is being clouded and threatened by a radical administration bent on destroying all that this nation has ever been and all that we could be.

The lowlights:

. Agreeing to voluntarily cripple what’s left of our industrial base with the suicidal Cap and Trade agreement, in the interests of boosting the future of the Third World;. . .

The Obamacare Shuffle

The Obamacare Shuffle

As smarmy David Letterboy continues his nightly snide attacks on Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney and in his inimitable lackey fashion defends all things Obama, his hero president is in the process of performing a political imitation of a Step ‘n Fetchit dance routine.

Obama, with the scent of ignominious defeat in his nostrils and the unmistakable sound of a splattering legacy in those ears of his, has apparently decided that since his first set of lies didn’t work, in desperation he’s chosen a new set of Obamacare falsehoods.

With his administration in disarray over the intentional vagaries of “health care reform,” Obama has now, allegedly, taken the capstone of Obamacare, the “public option,” off the table and tossed it into the sewer where it belongs.

Since he would no sooner really abandon that socialistic requisite, which he has long and fervently esposed, than he would admit his affinity for Islam, one suspects that it will be surreptitiously slipped under the table.

Obama, despite his protestations of transparency in government, has often shown that he just loves surreptition.

The chosen tactic? A nationally-televised press conference? Nah, the electorate is already onto the planted questions and questioners and his trusty teleprompter, without which he devolves into a babbling, meandering Joe Biden.

Well, how’s about an address to a joint session of Congress? Hey! That might work what with the gravitas that such an event confers, compounded by national TV coverage! And, said trusty teleprompter would still be on hand to protect against nationally televised flubs.

How to pull it off, though, without making it seem like, well, like just another sleazey tactic?

The following is an exclusive, confidential, verbatim account of recent contacts between the Oval Office and the congressional offices of Speaker Pelosi and Senate Leader Reid. We were able to tap into their phone lines, with the help of 16 year old who has also hacked into their computers.

Under no circumstances will I divulge my source, so don’t even try, FBI!

The following is the transcript. “O” is the president, “P” the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, “R” the Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid.

O: Hey, Nance!

P: Who is this?

O: It’s Barry, the president, dammit!

P: Oh, sorry. I just had a Botox shot and my brain is a bit numb.

O: No problemo, Nance. We’re used to that over here. (sounds of shuffling and whispering) I mean, I understand Mrs. Speaker.

P: Oh.

O: Ok, look, I want to use a new approach to get the people to accept my health care proposals.

P: Yes?

O: Well, . . . I want you and Harry to pretend you want me to address a joint session.

P: A joint session?

O: I mean a joint session of congress!

P: Yeah, sure, we can do that. Could you also address the benefits of Botox? I mean, my hubby thinks I look 40 and last night he even . . .

O: Umm, Nance, no . . .

P: Well, fine! But he actually . . .

O: Switch me over to Harry, please.

P: Sure! (muffled sounds and what seems to be the N-word) . . .

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