Monday, January 31, 2011

Obamacare Unconstitutional! The Gaffe Machine Gets His Comeuppance

Obamacare Unconstitutional! The Gaffe Machine Gets His Comeuppance

Now that Senior Federal Judge Clyde Roger Vinson of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida has thrown out as unconstitutional Obama’s historic gaffe, the Patient Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, less than affectionately known as Obamacare, it may be time to review what Michelle Malkin calls “The Gaffe Machine.”

Preliminary reports as of noon EST, January 31, 2011 are that Judge Vinson ”ruled the individual mandate that requires all Americans to purchase health insurance invalid and, according to the decision, ‘because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void:’ “

That determination comes as no surprise to many observers, lawyers and non-lawyers alike, who knew from the outset that Obamacare was both an abominable and unconstitutional federal power grab. However, Democrats rushed for passage of the 2309 page bill, were so hell-bent on ramming the monstrosity down the throats of Americans, were so busy that no one bothered even to read it before voting on it. Too bad. The nation and the president might have been spared the debacle that is the PPPACA.

It will be difficult for Obama to sluff off the significance of Vinson’s ruling and impossible for his mainstream media to provide its usual cover with this president’s mistakes and misstatements. All his previous screwups pale by comparison with the monumental gaffe of Obamacare which should be hung around his neck like a dead albatross, the ultimate symbol of a failed presidency.

It’s not so much that President makes mistakes, uses solecisms, and just says stupid things, such as confusing Iraq with Afghanistan the other day. We all make mistakes. It’s that they have either been totally ignored by most of his mainstream media or, if mentioned at all when they somehow become public knowledge, were quickly buried and forgotten as if they never happened or were never spoken.

That same MSM seems to possess a preternatural ability to publicize, retain, and enshrine in its archives to be dredged up on command any slip by Republicans such as George W. Bush or, more lately, by Sarah Palin, but they have done Barack Hussein Obama a major disservice: They made him think and believe his pre-and post-election press, that he was flawless, that he was a modern messiah, that he could virtually walk on water, was real and true.

Had the MSM humanized him, . . .

Chick-fil-A and Homosexual Intolerance

Chick-fil-A and Homosexual Intolerance

When is a chicken not just a food? When it’s sold by a homophobic, hateful, discriminatory, vile (Christian) vendor, of course!

I’ve only had the gastronomical delight of indulging in Chick-fil-A chicken once or twice during a brief sojourn in North Carolina some years ago. Had I known then the philosophy of the owner of that fast-but-excellent-food chain, I would have indulged more often. Chick-fil-A, unfortunately, has no outlets in my Long Island, New York vicinity although it does currently have some 1501 restaurants nationwide in 39 states plus D.C.

Unfortunate, too, is the current campaign being staged by homosexuals against the privately-held chain because one of its Pennsylvania stores had the unmitigated gall to feed a group of individuals who oppose gay marriage. Apparently, in PA it’s fine to scarf down all the Chick-fil-A chicken you wish, but if an outlet dares to serve people who disagree with you and believe in the sanctity of marriage, as most Americans do, you run afoul, or afowl, of homosexuals.

The immediate cause of that most recent gay uproar may have been one Pennsylvania store, which story the New York Times oddly and gaily headlined as, “If you’re eating Chick-fil-A, you’re eating anti-gay,” but the story goes far beyond PA. Pennsylvania was just a skirmish in a long gay war against true diversity and against Chick-fil-A.

As one observer noted, “If they [gays] don’t like Chick-fil-A and what it stands for, they are not required to eat there. Chick-fil-A has done nothing wrong here, and yet they want to damage them. I believe some people want to damage the company simply because it is a Christian based corporation,” Therein lies the homosexual intent.

Chick-fil-A has done something wrong here; it dared to depart from the homosexual agenda of universal agreement on gay marriage and is a Christian enterprise to boot, even though the chain welcomes any customers who enjoy chicken whether they be Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, or practitioners of voodoo. Gays are nevertheless committed to damaging Chick-fil-A because the chain isn’t PC, adheres to Christian principles, and doesn’t conform to the minority American view on same-sex marriage.

The founder of Chick-fil-A, Sunday school teacher S. Truett Cathy, and its current president, his son Dan Cathy, are devout Christians who conduct their 67 year old business on the bases of those Christian principles. Not only do both franchised and company-owned stores close on Sundays but the chain endeavors to treat its employees well and fairly and is widely-known for supporting the communities it serves by providing local scholarships, contributing to charities, etc.

That service and support go for nought with gays. . .

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cass Sunstein, Machination Czar

Cass Sunstein, Machination Czar

Keeping up with leftist hypocrisy and machinations is a challenge. It’s also challenging to sanity. As with the little engine that could, I think I can keep up with the former but the latter becomes more difficult by the day.

The latest in a long list of hypocrisies involves Cass R. Sunstein, a “legal scholar” on the short list for next next Obama nominee for the Supreme Court, is one of the multitude of Obama czars. Now ensconced as grand poobah in charge of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, by virtue of the powers vested in that office and his core values as a human being, Sunstein is poised to wreak more damage to the nation’s values than almost any other Obamaczar.

Sunstein’s OIRA, a division of the OMB, “carries out several important functions, including reviewing Federal regulations, reducing paperwork burdens, and overseeing policies relating to privacy, information quality, and statistical programs,” according to its website. published an article, “Nudge on Trial,” bemoaning the “inquisition” of the “iconoclast,” Sunstein. Last I heard, “iconoclast” describes a person who attacks cherished but erroneous beliefs. Sunstein is indeed an attacker but the subjects of his attacks are anything but erroneous, that is, unless one believes the right to privacy is readily violable by government or that government is entitled to subvert dissension by infiltrating and destroying dissenters.

Salon depicts Sunstein as something of a martyr forced to submit to overbearing Republicans by making his “umpteenth appearance before a congressional committee.” I’m not quite sure how many “umpteenth” amounts to but the article amounted to a hatchet job on Republicans whose new House majority wants to rid the nation of the administration’s job-crippling industry regulations.

Sunstein made that umpteenth appearance before the House Energy and Commerce Committee and proceeded to engage in evasions and semantical word games rather than attempting to clarify the administration’s efforts to create jobs by eliminating regulatory roadblocks.

In a bow to House Republican majority, at the same time a masterful stroke in the fine art of deceit, Obama pledged to explore ways to limit government regulations on business, a group as foreign to the community organizer as the concept of a real job. At the same time he said that new regulations will be necessary in order to eliminate old regulations since we all know the best route to deregulation is more regulation, right?

And, who will be in charge of all that regulatory re-shuffling? None other than the man for whom the job of chief government regulator is a virtual Nirvana, Cass Sunstein.

With his ethically-suspect background, it’s no wonder the Republicans don’t trust him.

Sunstein is the same guy . . .

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tracy Morgan and the Hypocrisy of the Ignorant Left

Tracy Morgan and the Hypocrisy of the Ignorant Left

. . . Not only was the “comedian” not rebuked or censored for his witticism by the “NBA on TNT” commentators, among whom was NBA great, Charles Barkley, made on a sports show yet, but the liberal National Organization for Women has uttered nary a peep about Morgan snidely reducing a woman to a sick, sex object.

Nor has the NOW crowd peeped even after Morgan reinforced his sexual slur by adding, “the glasses and all of that . . . great masturbation material,” which evoked rollicking guffaws at his crude one-liner from Barkley and his buddies.

I re-posted the article on various websites and received the following verbatim critique:

“SharonH wrote, in response to Gene Lalor:

people ‘attack’ her (as you say) because she is ignorant!!!! Tracy Morgan is apparently ignorant as well, but you are not going to convince people to vote for Palin because some liberals are stupid. . . There is enough of that to go around for sure. . . but Palin can’t be your candidate, no matter how much you want it.

Link to comment:“

It was a curious response, to say the least, curious for various reasons among which is that I wasn’t trying “to convince people to vote for Palin because some liberals are stupid” or “ignorant.” I was simply trying to demonstrate the depths to which liberals stoop to denigrate her. Secondly, Palin is not my candidate and hasn’t declared her candidacy for any office, anyway.

Presumed and obviously very angry liberal “SharonH” did lead me to wonder why a liberal would defensively assume I felt those on the Left were either stupid or ignorant. After a little research, I came to understand “SharonH’s” defensiveness and I can now conclude that libs are both stupid and ignorant. They may have more advanced degrees than the average conservative in flyover country which does not mean they are smarter; it just means they go to school more.

Witness the article on the ultra-liberal referring to Morgan’s masturbation observation titled, “Tracy Morgan: Loose Cannon Hero.” It leads with, “The comic’s latest riff on Sarah Palin sparked outrage–but it’s what makes him great. . .

Friday, January 28, 2011

"My Motherland" or, How America Was Shafted

"My Motherland" or, How America Was Shafted

“Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.” Sometimes.

Chinese concert pianist Lang Lang didn’t do much in the way of soothing or softening or bending a few weeks ago. In fact, he raised a firestorm. Lang Lang is either a fool or an inscrutably devious propagandist for the People’s Republic of China.

Lang Lang, 郎朗, you may recall, was the 28 year old Chinese piano player who wowed the crowd at the White House State Dinner for China’s Paramount Leader, Hu Jintao, on January 19th by tickling the keyboard with ”My Motherland,” 我的祖國, the theme song from the Battle on Shangganling Mountain which coincidentally was an anti-American Chinese war film lauding ChiCom efforts to kill American soldiers, “jackals,” during the Korean War.

Lang Lang, a highly-acclaimed artist, doesn’t seem to be a stupid man but, when the source of his selection became known, he said he chose the piece “because it has been a favorite of mine since I was a child. It was selected for no other reason but for the beauty of its melody” and he was totally ignorant of the origins of the music. The White House readily lapped up his explanation.

So, too, did Raymond Zhou, a writer for China Daily, dismiss the “hoopla” created by a Chinese citizen playing an anti-American song of war in America’s White House. As Zhou said, “It is quite possible Lang Lang was attracted to the melody and oblivious to the hidden meaning of the lyrics.” It is also quite possible that either Lang Lang is an absolute ignoramus since the song and melody have long topped the Chinese hit list or Mr. Zhou is an absolute liar. . .

Outrages and Something Else

Outrages and Something Else

There are outrages and then there are outrages.

If you want outrage, more specifically cause for outrage, then take former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin who has been the subject of incessant attacks ever since Sen. John McCain chose her for his VP running mate in 2008.

Demonstrating its gut fear of Palin and what she represents, decency and Christian values, America’s left has been on a media-supported vendetta against her from Day One with charges of ineptitude, stupidity, and worse. Those charges have been led by such proven inept and stupid MSM commentators as Keith Olbermann, Katie Couric, and Chris Matthews and have been supplemented by snide comments from White House operatives.

Eager to let the Left know they’re in the fold, Leno and Letterman also rarely let a night go by without Palin jabs which titillate their audiences into paroxysms of laughter.

Still, sometimes, indeed often, liberals go beyond the pale in their attempts to derogate and demean Sarah Palin.

“30 Rock” actor Tracy Morgan went there on national television. With Alec Baldwin as a co-star on that show, it’s almost understandable that Morgan would be repulsive but he even exceeded that low standard when he said Sarah Palin was “good masturbation material:”

I wonder how the MSM and the White House would have reacted to that line had it referred to Michelle Obama instead of to Sarah Palin.

On a different note which relates to Tracy Morgan, the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision of the United States Supreme Court upholding segregation under the separate but equal premise was overturned by the another landmark decision fifty eight years later, Brown v. Board of Education. “Brown” ruled that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal,” the ruling which launched the civil rights movement in America.

Fifty seven years down the line, McCaskey East High School in Lancaster, PA effectively threw out “Brown” and reinstituted a limited form of racial segregation. . .

Thursday, January 27, 2011

2 Zealous Moms, 2 Education Travesties

2 Zealous Moms, 2 Education Travesties

A frustrated Ohio mom and a religious New Hampshire mother have discovered that educating kids isn’t as easy as it may seem.

Kelley Williams-Bolar was sent to jail by a judge because she wanted her kids to get a decent education and Brenda Voydatch’s child was sent to public school by a judge because she wanted to instill her faith in her daughter and home-teach her.

Aspiring teacher and current teacher aide Williams-Bolar was fed up with the atrocity which passes for public education in America and she did something about it: She cheated, lied and was caught.

Four years ago, frustrated with the poor education her daughters were receiving in her Akron neighborhood schools and fearful for their safety in her crime-plagued area after their home was burglarized, Williams-Bolar tried to scam the system. With the complicity of her father, she registered the girls in the nearby, highly-regarded Copley-Fairlawn School District.

The district hired a private investigator to look into her actual residence and determined that Williams-Bolar’s kids lived in Akron. After refusing to compensate Copley-Fairlawn by paying $30,000. in retroactive tuition, their mother was accused of falsifying records and filing false court papers and jailed for 10 days.

Few would fault Williams-Bolar for her motivations, protecting and educating her daughters. As she said, “It’s overwhelming. I’m exhausted. I did this for them, so there it is. I did this for them.” As Copley-Fairlawn officials said, she was cheating because her daughters received a quality education without paying taxes to fund it: “Those dollars need to stay home with our students.”

See the story and an ABC News clip here:

There’s a larger issue in all this, and that issue does not involve discrimination against Williams-Bolar and her daughters because they are black. Without specifically alleging bias, that implication was made by Williams-Bolar who claims she was “singled out,” a claim reinforced by a supporter and by the empathetic ABC News commentators.

In point of fact, some hundred other students were investigated and found to reside in other districts. Three families agreed to pay tuition to Copley-Fairlawn, others withdrew their kids, Williams-Bolar fought back and went to jail because of it.

The larger issue is the sorry state of Akron schools as well as many other inner-city schools which are so atrocious that parents resort to subterfuges and illegalities in order to get their children safely educated.

Brenda Voydatch encountered an entirely different, combined educational-judicial travesty. She didn’t want another school for eleven year old Amanda. She wanted to insure her daughter not only received an education but that it was a faith-based, Christian education . . .

No Sex, But Lies and Audiotape

No Sex, But Lies and Audiotape

In a remarkable instance of forgetfulness, a close friend of Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie retracted his previous statements concerning a conversation he had with the governor concerning the increasingly-concerning issue of President Barack “Barry” Hussein Obama’s birth certificate and location of his birth.

So-called “Birthers” have been derided as partisan freaks for two years now by the White House and Democrat minions such as Abercrombie and “celebrity journalist” Mike Evans sought to clear the air last week on Minnesota’s KQRS radio. At that time, good buddy Evans “said he’d been told by the governor himself that Obama’s birth certificate was nowhere to be found.”

Speaking without an audioprompter, Evans specifically said on January 20th: “Yesterday, talking to Neil’s office. Neil says that he searched everywhere using his powers as governor . . . there is no Barack Obama birth certificate in Hawaii. Absolutely no proof at all that he was born in Hawaii.”

Listen to that blockbuster revelation here:

Less than six days later, Evans went public with his retraction. He was truly sorry for telling that whopper, if indeed it was a whopper, and was “remorseful and embarrassed that he appeared to have given the impression that he had discussed the search for Obama’s birth certificate with Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie:”

Appeared to give the impression? Evans had forthrightly and unequivocably stated he had called Abercrombie, “an Obama-lover,” as Evans described him, and the governor had admitted no such certificate existed.

With no suggestion of intimidation by either Abercrombie’s office or the White House, the celebrity reporter now says he misspoke, which is either a euphemism for having told a baldfaced lie, a CYA moment, backtracking to conceal the truth which neither the governor nor the president want revealed, or all of the above.

It’s odd, amusing, and pathetic how this inept administration keeps getting deeper and deeper into the Birther hole.

Another lie related to the administration is in process of being outed although the presidency isn’t immediately at stake in this one, just the president’s and Congress’ credibility.

Despite pledges that Obamacare would be administered fairly and equitably, in fact, . . .

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Various Obscenities

Various Obscenities

The legal definition of obscenity relates to prurient appeal but obscenity, like beauty, has been decreed to be in the eye of the beholder. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once famously said of obscenity that, “I know it when I see it,” a comment which also applies to other strata of the obscene such as that which is patently offensive and repulsive.

The offensive and repulsive black racist Van Jones, anointed by President Obama to be Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, (Obama’s Black Green Jobs Czar), slunk into the woodwork after his Communist background and rabid racism became public. He was slated for that plum position and could have joined Obama’s resident deviant, homosexual Safe Schools Czar, Kevin Jennings.

However, fate and truth intervened and Jones was exposed for what he is when his various beliefs became known. His reference to Republicans as a**holes, calling suburban White kids mass murderers, and recording a diatribe against Jews and America with convicted cop-killer, Mumia abu-Jamal, resulted in his ignominious departure:

Regrettably, Jones periodically emerges into the light to blight the world around him, most recently preaching about “social justice” and asking, “Would you be willing to take your life, write it on a card, throw it in a big pot with everybody else, reach in at random and pull out another life with total confidence that it would be a good life?” He didn’t quite explain how one goes about writing one’s life on a card.

As Van Helsing clarifies Jones on “If so, society has achieved social justice. Note that the individual has been eradicated; one life is more or less the same as another. You can get up at 5:00 AM and work your fingers to the bone or you can roll out of bed at noon and eat cookies in front of the TV: no difference in outcome.”

Van Helsing draws Jones’ conclusion for him: “Don’t bother working hard to give your kids an advantage; under social justice, all advantages are passed out by the government. If the kids are black or Muslim or grow up to have psychosexual identity problems, good for them. Otherwise they go to the back of the bus, and there is nothing you or they can do about it.”

Witness Jones’ Communist rant on the futility of effort in a capitalistic society here:

Jones is merely one variety of obscenity infesting the planet today. Another is Kristal Violet Norby.

Graphic details of Norby’s kinky obscenity have been mercifully withheld by Toronto police but which the 25 year old Minneapolis resident Kristal evidently felt were worth sharing on Facebook.

​”Detectives in Toronto’s Child Exploitation Unit first noticed the woman on a pedophile file sharing network. She had uploaded photos of herself having sex with two small children and a dog . . .

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Right to Life March?

What Right to Life March?

In a sane world, there would be no need for an annual Right to Life March on Washington.

The God-given right to life in Natural Law was declared in the Declaration of Independence as among the 3 most basic tenets of that document: “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” It was reinforced in the Fourteenth Amendment to our Constitution: “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”

The fact that abortion was legalized thirty eight years ago by the Supreme Court in no way negates Natural Law nor the clear intent in the Declaration or in the Constitution. As with the Dred Scott Decision, Roe v. Wade merely reflected the climate of the times and the agitation of certain elements in society which succeeded in using the subterfuge of questioning personhood as the basis for overturning a fundamental right.

Scott was determined to be a non-person in Dred Scott v. Sandford in 1857 and pre-born human beings were deprived of their status as persons by Roe v. Wade in 1973. Both judgements represented indelible and shameful stains on the integrity of the Supreme Court. The 1857 decision resulted in the Civil War, the 1973 decision necessitated the annual Right to Life March.

Braving bitter cold, that march of tens of thousands took place in Washington on January 24th but unless careful attention was paid, few Americans aside from the marchers would have noticed. Demonstrating the continuing power of pro-abortionists, the national media, with the exception of Fox News, all but totally ignored it.

If the march were a protest by tens of thousands against Pro-Lifers, it would have been front page news and the lead story on every television network in the land.

Nevertheless, the Right to Life Movement continues the good, the just and moral fight against a grave wrong in our country which has already claimed in excess of 52,000,000 innocent lives with 1,200,000 abortions still being performed every year, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a semi-autonomous division of Planned Parenthood.

Fortunately for the pre-born and for the nation’s soul, that battle has been bolstered by the presence and support of some very good people . . .

Proofs that God Is Good

Proofs that God Is Good

Sometimes in the topsy-turvy world in which we live it becomes easy to believe in a Prime Mover, a Creator Who set the universe in motion and Who then sat back, detached from it all, and let us do our thing. That may be the case but recent political developments may suggest He had His hand in the mix.

(That’s a vast overstatement since He also gave us Obama but it’s nice to think, anyway.)

What happened to Rahm Emanuel in Chicago on Monday was even worse than what happened to Chicago on Sunday when the Packers beat the Bears 21-14. For the Bears, there’s always next year for another shot at the Super Bowl. For Rahm, he was left stewing in his fish heads and regretting he ever left the cozy confines of his Chief of Staff office in the White House.

On Monday, the Cook County Appellate Court by a vote of 2-1 threw Emanuel off the ballot for the upcoming Chicago mayoralty election for failure to meet residency requirements for the office. Later, adding an exclamation mark to that decision, the Chicago Board of Elections ordered two million Rahm-less ballots for Election Day.

Team Emanuel immediately announced an intent to appeal the Appellates to get their boy back in contention for that big chunk of Chicago pie that is the mayor’s office with all its perks and patronage and corruption:

God’s hand or no, what made the Rahm-dump even sweeter was that it followed by less than 3 months Illinois voters turning over the old senate seat of their adopted son, Barack, to Republicans.

Also recently sweet was MSNBC’s finally counting out Keith Olbermann’s “Countdown.” . . .

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Skinny on "Skins"

The Skinny on "Skins"

I recall visiting England in 1978. Even then, although located only about 3,500 miles to our east, England was light years ahead of the United States in terms of its oh-so- advanced, progressive culture.

As “All in the Family,” based on a Brit sitcom, was nearing the end of its run here after years of controversy over the show’s then-shocking sex references and such never-before-heard sounds on television as Archie flushing an upstairs toilet, Britain’s BBC featured what would have shocked the socks off American TV censors, full-frontal nudity.

Today we have another export from across the Pond which is anything but a sitcom, the award-winning–in Britain which loves conferring awards–teen drama, ”Skins.” That telly gem gave birth this month to the Viacom-MTV series of the same name which deals with similar themes of teenage angst in the twenty-first century.

Both the Brit and American “Skins” are a far cry from “Ozzie and Harriet” or even “Friends.” The website for the U.S. version,, gives a bare inkling as to the essence of the show although it does clearly demonstrate the meaning of the title. “Skins” features lots of skin, teenage skin.

The 5 episodes of Series One include dysfunctional characters aged 15-19 involved with and engaged in everything from a few common and normal situations to significantly dysfunctional interests and activities.

Eating disorders, violence, illicit drugs, alcohol, hallucinations, abandonment, divorce, suicide, over-dosing, masturbation, sexual assault and seduction earned “Skins” an TV-MA rating. Dollops of underage nudity were added to insure that enough young people would ignore that restriction and tune in to make “Skins” a hit.

It’s that nudity, child pornography, set to air January 31st in the third episode, which will insure the show will bomb in its American venue. . .

Bargain Basement Medicine in Massachusetts

Bargain Basement Medicine in Massachusetts

Patient: ”Doctor, it hurts when I do this.” Doctor: ”Well, don’t do that!” (old medicine, simplified)

Patient: “Doctor, it hurts when I do this.” Doctor: “Well, if you do that, I can’t do much for you since you’ve already cost too much this month. Maybe come back next month and I’ll see what I can do. And, if you must be hospitalized, I know this nice, cheap hospital I can send you to.” (new Massachusetts medicine, simplified)

Fear not, though, it’s all good in the Bay State: “Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Massachusetts says its new system of paying doctors a fixed amount per patient improved care during the first year, contrary to critics’ fears that patients would be harmed.”

Its “new system” is saving BC/BS of MA a ton of money but that fact has absolutely no bearing on the results of its 2009 new system evaluation. The aim of the pilot program was to cut the annual rate of medical cost increases from 10-12% to 5-6% and, Eureka, it’s working!

The proof is in the paying: “Doctors at Signature Healthcare in Brockton reduced avoidable emergency room visits 25 percent, from 2,249 in 2008 to 1,685 in 2009, saving $300,000 in payments to hospitals. . . Doctors in the alternative contract also reduced hospital readmissions, saving $1.8 million, while readmissions among patients of other doctors grew,” according to Blue Cross calculations.

That’s the good news, good news for BC/BS of MA. The bad news is reserved for doctors and patients: “Doctors who have agreed to the ‘alternative quality contract’ are paid a set monthly fee per patient, adjusted for how healthy the patient is, regardless of how many tests, appointments, and procedures the patient gets.” In other words, physicians are compensated with that set fee for the care they render no matter how much care is necessary or rendered. . .

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fostering Gender Confusion in Canada

Fostering Gender Confusion in Canada

There’s little consolation for normal American parents of normal American schoolchildren that bizarre school ideas are also in full, sick bloom north of the border but our northern neighbors afford a degree of hope.

There’s no word, yet, that teachers in Canadian public schools are present when second graders are cavorting au natural in their classrooms and performing oral sex on one another, as one teacher was last week in Oakland, CA, but maybe it just hasn’t been made public. (See “Premature Sex-Ed for Second Graders,”, for the sketchy, kitschy, kinky details on that abomination.)

Canuck educators are evidently very eager to demonstrate that they, too, are very much on their “progressive” game, the same game American teachers and administrators have been practicing for some time now under the aegis of the diversity-obsessed National Education Association.

However, officials at King City Public Schools north of Toronto had bad news for their students. Cross-Dressing Day, aka Opposite Gender Day, was canceled last Friday after King City parents told them what to do with that planned perversion. York Region District School Board spokesman explained the board’s change of heart by saying, “Opposite Gender Day has been canceled in the wake of concerns of parents. The idea of [students] experiencing being people of the opposite gender has offended some people in the community, and the school does not want to do that.”

Go figure! After all, don’t all little girls want to be like little boys and vice-versa? . . .

Premature Sex-ed for Second Graders

Premature Sex-ed for Second Graders

. . . In point of fact and based on preliminary reports, a still-unnamed male teacher at Markham didn’t actually sexually abuse any of the seven and eight year olds in his charge. He, allegedly, was simply ”present” as “two of his second-grade students engaged in oral sex in the classroom and that some ran around without their clothes on.”

As they say, you couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried and only the most deranged child predators would try.

However, unfortunately but still allegedly, that nightmare in the second grade apparently did happen at least twice last week.

Oakland Unified School District spokesman Troy Flint now says, “Acting on early findings, the investigation is leading us to believe that these details have merit.” He added, “Young children have a natural curiosity about the human body, and they’re prone to exploration. But, of course, we have to work with children to make sure they understand that there’s a proper time, place and manner to do so.”

But, of course. However, Flint failed to make clear the “proper, time, place and manner” for second graders to strip naked and explore one another in every possible way.

Markham Principal Pam Booker, with an exceptional degree of self-serving understatement, also defensively weighed in, asserting that her school “prides itself on providing a ‘safe learning environment for all of our children, and the events as reported represent an unacceptable lack of supervision.’ “

She did not clarify precisely who did not acceptably supervise: the unnamed teacher, who was said to have had a heretofore spotless record, his immediate supervisor, or Ms. Booker herself. Her 435 student, K-5 school was far from so huge that she was incapable of personal involvement in what went on in Markham classrooms.

And what did go on, allegedly, boggles the mind and stretches credulity even if the uncle of a student in the sodomy classroom defended the teacher. . .

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Celebrating Roe v. Wade

Celebrating Roe v. Wade

What better way could there be to perk up a frigid day in January than to celebrate a fun birthday or anniversary? A gaggle of unidentified, mindless women responded to the question, “What does Roe v. Wade mean to you?” and termed it a “birthday.”

With broad smiles, excited laughter, and even colorful balloons, they were filmed speaking glowingly of the anniversary of the day on which the United States Supreme Court condemned to death millions of innocent, pre-born babies, January 22nd, 1973:

“Birthday?” The day should instead be a day of national disgrace and mourning.

The Disunited State of the Union

The Disunited State of the Union

. . . A good question is, Why are members of SCOTUS even expected to attend SotU addresses? The justices may very well be asked to pass judgement on the constitutionality of what the president and congress do. Should they be in attendance when those political plans are outlined? Should they be expected to acquiesce to that with which they disagree? Should they just stay home?

The president, the vice president, and, of course, congress en masse, will be in attendance but this year, in another unprecedented–and politically-inspired–move, Democrat Senator Mark Udall has proposed a SotU innovation:

Rather than have congresspeople seated as usual in the House chamber helter skelter but according to political party, Udall has suggested that everyone be integrated into one, big, unified group, a proposal never brought to the fore when Democrats dominated both houses but which now strikes Democrat Udall as an outstanding change. The potential impact on the television audience of witnessing the loyal Republican opposition seated united in that opposition is an absolute irrelevancy to the senator.

In the wake of the president’s call for national healing and an end to divisiveness and vicious invective following the Tucson massacre, a plea that has yet to reach either the hearts or ears of his supporters, the idea of that demonstration of non-partisanship has attracted a number of Republicans such as Sen. John McCain who are forgetful that when they have reached across the aisle in the past to Democrats the Dems have devoured their arms up to the armpit.

However, things have changed and all is good now. Everything is beautiful and everyone is happy, joyful, and non-partisan–until a Republican president next delivers a State of the Union message or Democrats next control both houses of congress.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Barbarity of Chinese Mothers

The Barbarity of Chinese Mothers

As the Paramount Leader of China, Hu Jintao, the Chinese Tiger Father, wings it back to the homeland after eating alive the American dove, there’s a new the talk of the town, the Chinese Tiger Mother, Amy Chua.

The Yale Law School professor and author of The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, Chua doesn’t pull many punches on what she believes is the proper upbringing of children in America. In a Wall Street Journal article, “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior,” Chinese-American mother Chua unequivocably outlines her, and the Oriental philosophy, on why they are superior. In essence, they care far more about their kids’ academic lives than their social lives.

That parenting approach results in successful and accomplished kids but at a cost, some say, which raises the question of what America and Americans want most from and for our kids–success and accomplishment or happy-go-lucky dolts.

That Chinese kids almost always outshine their non-Oriental counterparts shouldn’t be a revelation to any parent with children in American public schools. Unless those parents are totally ignorant, they must have noticed that the kids who invariably excel academically, win awards–and not for Athlete of the Year– and get scholarships to the best colleges and universities in the land are children of Chinese, (and Indian), heritages.

While not disparaging other parents, although she very reasonably looks askance at the American obsession with inculcating a sense of self-esteem in their kids above all else and with education experts who insist that learning has to be fun, Chua has other priorities. Some of those priorities and do’s and don’ts would cause busybody self-esteemers to grab the phone and notify Child Protection Services of abuse.

While millions of other kids are watching child porn on MTV’s “Skins,” her kids are being subjected to what American, Western ”progressives” might charge is parental abuse. The true abusers is a matter of debate.

For example, Mrs. Chua forbids her two daughters . . .

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Sad, Smarmy Saga of John Edwards

The Sad, Smarmy Saga of John Edwards

With the news that a federal grand jury in Raleigh, N.C. is investigating former ambulance-chasing lawyer, United States senator from the state of North Carolina, John Kerry’s pick for VP in 2004, and presidential candidate in 2008, Johnny Reid “John” Edwards, the whole smarmy story of the John Edwards-Rielle Hunter affair may finally be exposed along with the true character of Mr. Edwards.

Edwards may find there’s a third America to add to his “Two Americas” theme song–life inside a federal prison. As with all scandals involving liberals, the mainstream media has played this one down, after totally ignoring it for as long as it could, but, try as it will, even the MSM won’t be able to ignore Edwards’ indictment, trial, and possible incarceration.

The Edwards’ saga is now two and a half years old, and the product of his illicit and oft-denied liaison, his love child with Rielle, Baby Frances Quinn, almost three. It’s long past time for some light of day. . .

The Fine Art of Obamacare Obfuscation

The Fine Art of Obamacare Obfuscation

Even though it’s the best on the planet, an excellent case can be made for the existence of weaknesses in America’s health care system. When everyone from potentates to average joes still travel to the U.S. for state of the art treatment, we must be doing something very right, which is not to say the system is flawless.

It’s expensive, overloaded with paperwork and fraught with serious issues but few sick people go out of their way to go to places such as Great Britain to seek treatment in that country’s bankrupt, socialistic National Health Service, the Obamacare model.

It was those issues, a cooperative press, and majorities in both houses of congress that enabled Democrats to ramrod a basically dishonest, 2309 page monstrosity which no legislators read and which the majority of Americans opposed through to law.

The fact that federal employees, including those same congresspersons who voted in favor of it, kept their existing and generous medical plan, their Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, and were exempted from Obamacare is perhaps the most telling factor indicative of how farcical the “Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act” truly is. The PPAHCA was deemed good enough for the rabble, the hoi polloi, but the very people who brought us Obamacare wanted no part of it.

Its most glaring omission, tort reform, is testimony both to the plethora of lawyers in congress and the act’s lack of serious interest in controlling costs.

One of the prime arguments used to foist Obamacare on the public was the sensitive issue of pre-existing medical conditions and how to cover, and pay, for them: Insurers don’t want to cover them and the public is not inclined to shoulder what could be the astronomical costs of paying for them.

After the House passed a bill to repeal Obamacare, as Republicans had promised, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid vowed to block even a senate vote on the measure, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebellius jumped into the fray to pound home the administration line on the invaluability of the existing law and the perils associated with repealing or even altering it.

Sebellius’ press release is a perfect example of the administration’s ongoing duplicity . . .

In Semi-Defense of an Abortionist

In Semi-Defense of an Abortionist

As Pro-Life Republicans and one Democrat in the House of Representatives prepare to introduce HR 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, designed “to prevent federal funding for abortion procedures by codifying the Hyde Amendment, which has long barred federal agencies from paying for abortions,” the pro-abortion lobby is equally prepared to defeat it.

NARAL, which regularly changes the meaning of that acronym, (National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws, National Abortion Rights Action League, National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League), predictably attacked the measure as astoundingly hypocritical.

Nancy Keenan, NARAL president, claimed “It seems that they’re fine with government intrusion, as long as it involves interfering in women’s personal, private decisions.” Her logic is that, “These same lawmakers voted to repeal a health-care law that provides prenatal care and the promise of no-cost birth control to women. Now, they want to make it even harder for women to purchase private health insurance that includes abortion coverage with their own money:”

Keenan’s statement is incorrect and is a misrepresentation for a number of reasons. First, Right to Lifers opposed Obamacare provisions to clandestinely use taxpayer funding, not for prenatal care and birth control but to pay for abortions. Secondly, whether taxpayer-funded or individually-funded, whatever the source of monies to pay for it, abortion is still an abomination.

It’s also interesting to note that NARAL rarely uses the term, “abortion,” opting instead to refer to “reproductive rights” and other less honest euphemisms to describe the taking of a pre-born human being’s rights.

However, lies and euphemisms aside, West Philadelphia, PA abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell is getting a bad rap simply because he used a scissors to complete seven abortions rather than the far more politically correct scalpel, suction aspiration, chemical burning, or other legally and socially-approved methods of terminating life in utero. If Dr. Gosnell had done the grisly job right in the first place, he wouldn’t have had to resort to scissors in the second place but whether he should now be charged with murder is debatable.

Gosnell, whose “abortion clinic was described as a filthy, foul-smelling ‘house of horrors,’ ” according to one account, was also charged with an eighth murder for overdosing a pregnant mother with pain killers, but that’s a whole other story. So, too, are the facts he lacked any obstetrical or gynecological training or credentials and that he became a millionaire from his butchery.

Pennsylvania authorities were shocked . . .

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Obama's Catch-22's

Obama's Catch-22's

The essence of the inescapably insane logic confronted by Capt. Joseph Yossarian in Catch-22 was that if he didn’t want to be killed he had to be sane and since he was technically sane he had to continue to insanely risk his life. Catch-22′s in the Obama administration may not necessarily involve life and death situations but they are nevertheless comparably insane.

Under duress from the new, business-friendly Republican majority in the House and from one of his nemeses, the United States Chamber of Commerce, the business-unfriendly president has ordered a review of regulations that place “unreasonable burdens on business,” regulatory burdens the USCC has labeled a “tsunami.”

So far, so good. Less government always means better government, as Jefferson believed.

Then, lest he erode his leftist support which would much prefer the government control and conduct all business in America, the president dropped his catch-22 executive order bombshell which seeks “the right balance.” That balance between the tsunami of government regulations and a free market would necessitate more government regulations. . .

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The New Reality of Rape--and Porn

The New Reality of Rape--and Porn

Every grade schooler knows, or should know, that under the Western world’s systems of justice, everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

It matters not whether the court of public opinion has already condemned an accused as, for example, in the instance of Jared Loughner who was seen by dozens to have unleashed a mad, homicidal barrage of gunfire in Tucson 10 days ago. He is still an alleged assailant until and unless he is convicted.

So, too, is Julian Assange, the infamous and admitted WikiLeak leaker of hundreds of thousands of classified American government documents, still an alleged terrorist and will be “alleged” to have committed crimes until he has his day in court and is convicted.

Assange has also been accused of other crimes, vicious crimes of raping and sexually assaulting two women in Sweden.

Regardless of the merits of the case against him, and the details are in dispute, the reactions and lack of reactions of America’s Left, and especially of liberal women, to the charges have been very telling and indicative of their brazen hypocrisy. To many such women, if the accused is a fellow liberal, particularly an America-hater like Assange, any sexual offenses can readily be forgiven as peccadillos, if that.

Assange was arrested in Britain and is currently free on bail. His attorney and the liberal Brit press have taken to referring to the victims by the quaint and derogatory British term, “moneytrappers,” what we would “golddiggers,” and his supporters are dismissing the allegations as nothing more than that and as a politically-motivated conspiracy by grasping females to smear Assange. . .

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tales of American Miseducamation

Tales of American Miseducamation

There’s nothing wrong with America’s schools that a healthy infusion of common sense mixed with a little patriotism and honesty wouldn’t cure.

The idea of patriotism, of course, has long been passe’ if not considered outright sedition in the liberal establishment that pretends to educate America’s children under the aegis of the ultra-liberal National Education Association which values self-esteem and such policies as diversity and multi-culturalism over actual learning.

Back in November, school officials at the Denair Middle School in California determined that 13 year old Cody Alicea could no longer fly the American flag on his bike which he had been doing to demonstrate his love of country and his appreciation of his grandfather’s service to the nation. Their reasoning? Other students complained and Cody’s showing of the colors could inflame them.

You see, as Denair school superintendent Edward Parraz explained, he was concerned about student safety. He “asked the boy to remove the flag to avoid ‘racial tension’ that he felt would inevitably result from Hispanic students responding to the American flag with their own Mexican flags” which could result in, horror of horrors, “other students bringing even more American flags:”

Before you knew it, students could actually join young Cody in his patriotic fervor!

The good news is that Superintendant Parraz got his comeuppance, along with a reminder of what country he lived in, when protests hit the fan and a horde of flag-bedecked bikers escorted Cody to school. See a video of Cody and his biker supporters here:

Parraz soon rescinded his flag prohibition under duress. He may get an NEA letter in his file.

Would that all American “miseducamation” horrors ended on such a positive note. . .

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Two Rebellious Republican Governors

Two Rebellious Republican Governors

Politicians are known to be many things among which is having an ingrained tendency to be, well, political in the diplomatic sense, not speaking their minds, not going out of their way to be overly honest by possibly offending people and certainly not insulting their constituents. It’s what makes them politicians.

It’s also what makes them phonies.

Therefore, when a pol departs from that norm and dumps the typical script in favor of straightforward, honest frankness, it’s refreshing.

On the eve of Martin Luther King Day 2011, newly-elected Republican Governor Paul LePage of Maine added just such a touch of refreshment when he announced in Sanford, ME to the displeasure of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People why he wouldn’t be attending the upcoming MLK festivities.

The governor, born into an impoverished, French-speaking Lewiston family of 18 kids who is a self-made man, said, “They are a special interest. End of story . . . and I’m not going to be held hostage by special interests.” He added when asked if this was part of a pattern, “Tell ‘em to kiss my butt. If they want to play the race card, come to dinner and my [adopted, black Jamaican] son will talk to them.”

Not attending MLK festivities? The NAACP a special interest playing the race card? Telling them to kiss his butt if they didn’t like it? What is this guy, anyway, an honest man or a politician?

The answer is obvious and his honesty should have been just as obvious since he didn’t pull any punches as a candidate, either. Then he had said that if he were elected governor, headlines would read, “Governor LePage tells Obama to go to hell.“ He later said he regretted his choice of words but stood behind their intent:

Another new Republican governor, Chris Christie of New Jersey, hasn’t yet taken on the president with such blunt language but give it time. What he has taken on during his brief, one-year tenure in Jersey is Obama’s most highly-favored groups, public service and especially teacher unions, whose benefits, salaries, and pensions are in process of bankrupting over half the states in America. . .

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Reflections on the Greatest Individual Who Ever Lived in America

Reflections on the Greatest Individual Who Ever Lived In America

It’s only a matter of time before politicians and sculptors figure out a way to squeeze in Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s visage somewhere between Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt on Mount Rushmore or to chisel away one of those presidents and substitute Dr. King’s face in his stead. And, why not?

Dr. King is the greatest individual who has ever graced America’s history, right? No other person has a national holiday solely dedicated in his name and he has more streets, avenues, highways, by-ways, cul-de-sacs, lanes, alleyways, and dead-ends named after him than any other personage who has ever lived in America. We were blessed by his presence among us.

No one else has ever accomplished so much in so little time in America except, perhaps, Barack Hussein Obama, next in the PC line to have a day if not a month named in his honor.

King exemplified Winston Churchill’s claim that, “Never was so much owed by so many to so few,” in the sense that Britain’s Royal Air Force was incomparable, but King’s accomplishments were even more profound. Never was so much attention paid and so little owed, except to blacks, in America. Nevertheless, Dr. King is honored annually with a national holiday denied to every president in our history who are rewarded for their contributions to the nation by a generic “Presidents’ Day.”

MLK 2011 is a time for great celebration and remembrance, although certain facets of King’s life won’t be remembered or made public until 2027. In 1977, his wife, Coretta Scott King, persuaded a federal court to seal 845 pages of his FBI record for 50 years “because its release would destroy his reputation.” For now, and for the next 16 years, one can only imagine the content of that file and what it contained that could have destroyed his legacy.

However, America and the world have been able to learn some interesting tidbits about her hubby, . . .

Friday, January 14, 2011

Your Governments in Action, Part Two

Your Governments in Action, Part Two

. . . It’s admirable Christian charity to feed the hungry and poor, no? Jesus Christ said as much on his Sermon on the Mount, no? Well, no, at least not in Houston.

There, ”Bobby and Amanda Herring spent more than a year providing food to homeless people in downtown Houston every day. They fed them, left behind no trash and doled out warm meals peacefully without a single crime being committed, Bobby Herring said.”

The Houston city fathers and mothers not only ”shut down their ‘Feed a Friend’ effort for lack of a permit. To rub salt into poor wounds, “city officials say the couple most likely will not be able to obtain one because “To get that permit, the food must be prepared in a certified kitchen with a certified food manager:”

Lesson learned: As per Marie Antonette, Let them eat cake! as long as the cake is baked in a Houston-approved bakery.

Not to be outdone in the Texas idiocy department, the Dallas and other Texas school districts have effectively and cravenly abnegated their responsibility to enforce discipline by converting recalcitrant elementary school kids into criminals.

A study has shown that, aided and abetted by the legal system, ”Young students, including a six year old in Dallas, received class C misdemeanor tickets for things like disrupting class, leaving school early and school yard brawls that didn’t include weapons. . . Over the course of five years, more than 1200 elementary students in DISD received a ticket:”

Even worse, . . .

Mayhem in Tucson VI: Sarah Palin and Bloody Libel

Mayhem in Tucson VI: Sarah Palin and Bloody Libel

As a relatively literate and informed person, I was initially mystified, and annoyed, at the latest brickbat tossed Sarah Palin’s way, until it all started to make devious, sick sense.

It wasn’t nearly sufficient to continue to accuse the former Alaska governor of the canard of almost singlehandedly causing fruitcake Jared Loughner to go berserk in Tucson. She now is being accused of anti-Semitism because she used the common term “blood libel,” a charge as patently ridiculous and baseless as the allegation that she in any way influenced Loughner or his rampage.

Historically, the term was applied against Jews and related to the ancient myth that they murdered innocents, usually children, for the purpose of ritualistically drinking their blood and making matzohs. However, it’s not unusual today to employ the term to mean a degrading falsehood as Palin used it in saying her detractors “manufactured a blood libel” against her.

A more sane reaction to the “blood libel” insanity came from none other than Jewish activist and arch-liberal attorney, Alan Dershowitz, who asserted Palin used the term correctly.

It’s relevant to quote Dershowitz at some length on the subject: “The term ‘blood libel’ has taken on a broad metaphorical meaning in public discourse . . . its current use has become part of the English parlance to refer to anyone being falsely accused.” Dershowitz added, “I myself have used it . . .

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Your Governments in Action

Your Governments in Action

Anyone who thinks that governments, whether federal, state, or local, have become albatrosses around the necks of the citizenry need only consider some recent news items which prove that governments aren’t albatrosses at all. We shouldn’t insult the poor endangered albatross which was given a bad name by S.T. Coleridge two centuries ago.

Governments are much more akin to venomous vipers, blood and money-sucking leeches, and all-devouring vultures. The chief trouble with governments is that in democracies the bureaucrats and functionaries tend to forget who put them where they are, in totalitarian regimes they begin as lowlives. Sometimes in America it’s a challenge to distinguish the forgetful from the low.

Take, for example, Darby Township, PA. where township fathers have hit on a revenue-producing scheme.

It’s bad enough that Darbyites have to live in proximity to Philadelphia and have to try to survive a brutal winter in our global warming world but now, when Darbyites do the township’s job of snow removal and disinter their vehicles from a ton of the white stuff, they can’t claim the space they cleared as their own–unless they want to be fined $300 for the privilege.

Long a tradition in Darby, . . .

Mayhem in Tucson V: Obama Talks the Talk

Mayhem in Tucson V: Obama Talks the Talk

On Wednesday, President Obama visited gravely wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in her hospital room and later revealed during his address at a memorial service for the slain and injured in Tucsonthe very good news that Giffords had opened her eyes for the first time since she was shot.

In his speech, he called for America’s healing even as his Secretary of State was preaching more divisiveness.

Obama pleaded for national healing in the aftermath of the tragedy which resulted in 6 deaths and 13 wounded, allegedly by Jared Loughner wielding a Glock 19. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton speaking in faraway Dubai was wielding her own weapon, her inflammatory rhetoric, by condemning ”an extremist in our country” and comparing Loughner to Islamic terrorists:

Mrs. Clinton is as out of touch as she is out of the country: Loughner is a certifiable nutcase not a terrorist and to compare him to Muslims committed to worldwide chaos and destruction is as absurd as thinking Obama truly wants “healing” or believing the MSM is onboard in any process of harmonious conciliation. . .

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mayhem in Tucson IV: Liberal Hypocrisy

Mayhem in Tucson IV: Liberal Hypocrisy

What in part distinguishes human beings from the beasts of the jungle is a certain empathy, the capacity to vicariously, compassionately, experience and relate to the feelings of another human being, particularly to that person’s sadness and grief. What in part distinguishes liberals from empathetic human beings is their mindless fixation on scoring political points in times of mourning and grief.

‘Twas ever thus. Possibly, to be generous, a lack of empathy may be rooted in their genetic makeup.

From Day One of the Tucson tragedy, with no regard for the emotional upheaval of the victims and their families, with no thought extended to a troubled and grieving nation, with few exceptions the leftist-liberal tribe has sought to capitalize–and make some bucks–on the murdered and wounded with distortions, innuendo, and outright lies.

In a word, that tribe has been nothing short of a disgrace. . .

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Musings on Denationalizing, Toilets, and Fighting Obama

Musings on De-nationalizing, Toilets, and Fighting Obama

Random thoughts on totally unrelated news items also unrelated to Tucson:

HAITI: Some nations just shouldn’t be nations and Haiti is at the top of that list. . .

TOILETS: I had always thought toilets, potties, loos, water closets were just places to do your business and begone. Not anymore, at least not in Brazil where they have become a cause of great contention . . .

FIGHTING OBAMA: Ultimate Fighting Champion Jacob Volkmann wasn’t serious when he said after a New Year’s Day victory that he would like to fight Obama next. ”He’s not too bright,” Volkmann opined . . .

The Coming Collapse of Liberalism in America

The Coming Collapse of Liberalism in America

Liberalism in America has been in a state of collapse ever since it was born. Most liberals just never knew it and those few who did refused to publicly acknowledge or personally accept it.

Of course, the terms “liberalism” and “liberals” would have to be defined but if modern liberalism began with FDR’s New Deal, reached its glorious fruition under LBJ’s Great Society, and achieved its nadir with BHO’s Obamacare, it would have to be judged an abject failure, as much a failure as its philosophical cousins, Marxism and socialism, which have failed repeatedly and ignominiously.

Such grand designs sometimes take a while to expire, especially when bolstered by repressive political regimes in control of obsequious media–such as in the U.S.S.R., Cuba, North Korea, et al.–but fail they do, eventually. Less competent dictators–think Latin America–come and go like tortillas at a Mexican festival. Still others are in process of failing miserably, as in Venezuela, but fail they will. They always do.

Here at home, Roosevelt’s foundational social initiative, Social Security, is on its last tottery legs, Johnson’s socialized salvation for medical care for elders, Medicare, is even worse off, and Obama’s Obamacare, though not still-born, is hopefully, thankfully, soon to be strangled in its cradle.

With the exception of those who are born and bred to be dependent and subservient, those devoid of ambition and self-worth, and those who are truly needy, Americans, indeed, any free people, tend to reject government imposition. . .

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mayhem in Tucson III: The Truth about Jared Loughner

Mayhem in Tucson III: The Truth about Jared Loughner

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

Those words were not spoken by alleged Tucson shooter Jared Loughner nor by Sarah Palin nor by Glenn Beck but by presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama at a town hall meeting at Radnor Middle School in Wayne, PA on June 14, 2008: “That’s exactly what Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks . . . Because [as Obama said] ‘from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl.’ “

Then, to show he found humor in using guns, Obama added, ”I’ve seen Eagles fans:” His comments evoked laughter and applause since, after all, isn’t the use of guns amusing?

If not amused by the massacre at Fort Hood by Nidal Malik Hasan on November 5,2009 then President Obama cautioned the nation not “to jump to conclusions” over that mass murder by a Muslim since, after all, he was a Muslim.

Obama’s mass mainstream media quickly jumped to a slew of conclusions and accusations in the Tucson aftermath blaming everyone from Palin to Beck to Fox News. Virtually all of the MSM conclusions and accusations have been defamatory and premature–and erroneous.

The president’s MSM never lets facts stand in the way of a good smearing interlaced with good lying. That media can be forgetful, though, as with Obama’s gun joke or as with ousted Arizona Democrat Rep. Harry Mitchell’s 2006 campaign ad depicting Republican J.D. Hayworth in the crosshairs of a rifle sight or as with the 2008 display of Sarah Palin hanging on a noose in front of a West Hollywood house.

They can be so very forgetful, so intentionally, demonically forgetful.

Not that the MSM will feature, or even cover, it but the truth about Jared Loughner is beginning to seep out. Why report truth when partisan fiction is so much more productive and satisfying?

Loughner’s fellow students at Pima Community College know that truth well, know well that he was expelled and recommended for a mental examination for causing a variety of disturbances. Classmate Caitie Parker tweeted that he was “left wing, quite liberal” in 2007 and known to be a reclusive “anti-flag pothead” who liked Jimi Hendrix and . . .

Mayhem in Tucson I: When Libs Trip Out

Mayhem in Tucson: When Libs Trip Out

. . . It’s not a pretty picture, especially for anyone who still naively believes the mainstream media and public officials are in any way objective, and do keep in mind that what follows is merely a smattering of distorted leftist propaganda.

Former sportscaster and current MSNBC political commentator Keith Olbermann, who was caught and very temporarily suspended, for all of two days in November for violating MSNBC’s minimal standards of professional conduct, weighed in with his usual feigned profundity on the daytime nightmare in Tucson.

Being the professional that he still thinks he is, Olbermann pleaded with his paltry audience of ”Countdown” viewers not to seek “payback or revenge” against conservatives ”who have so irresponsibly brought us to this time of domestic terrorism” and “put the guns down.” He also called for the banishment of Sarah Palin from the Republican Party, banishment being the more PC sunbstitute for execution.

See Olbermann’s dripping-with-sincerity, moronically presumptuous and fatuous commentary, here:

Drippy Olbermann makes reference in that commentary to a supporter of his point of view, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, the unofficial anti-Sheriff Joe Arpaio Arizona official.

Unlike Sheriff Joe, the self-proclaimed and duly worthy “toughest sheriff in America,” which rep has earned Arpaio the enmity of the Obama administration and illegal aliens everywhere, Sheriff Dupnik may be said to have earned the title of the “wimpiest sheriff in America.” . . .
(Read more at . . .

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Reality Checks for the Left on Blacks and Abortion

Reality Checks for the Left on Blacks and Abortion

You may remember Screamin’ Howie Dean.

He’s the doctor-turned-pol who made a fool of himself when he lost the 2004 Democrat Iowa caucuses to two other schleps, John Kerry and John Edwards, then bellowed his “Dean Scream” which effectively ended his campaign for the presidency. Rewarded for bailing out with the chairmanship of the Democrat National Committee, during his 4-year tenure in that job he became so embarrassing to the Dems that he was virtually ignored and was then snubbed by the Obama administration.

Undismayed, Ol’ Howie has been keeping busy the last few years by making speeches hither, thither, and yon on a variety of topics including one to the Christian Science Monitor last week in which he betrayed both his ingrained ignorance and his latent racism.

Echoing the Dem mantra, Dean called the Tea Party the “last gasp” of a 55-year-old generation, a gasping movement in which Tea Partiers are “entirely over 55 and white.” He elaborated on his race card/hate card by adding that they have “trouble with diversity, and the new generation doesn’t. As I am fond of telling college audiences, you all have friends of different races, different religions and different sexual orientations and you all date each other. That’s not how I grew up and not how the Tea Party grew up.”

All I know about how Dean grew up is that he did it as a wealthy East Hamptonite who attended exclusive schools. The liberal guilt factor over that heady upbringing may have resulted in his mind-numbing liberalism.

In any event, black conservatives gave Howie his comeuppance over his Tea Party insults. Project 21, the National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives, called them a “simplistic interpretation” which opens “the new year on a hateful note by playing the race card against ‘tea party’ supporters of limited government.”

“Simplistic” has long been a Howard Dean trademark but Howie outdid himself this time. . .

Mayhem in Tucson I: Liberals Attack, Conservatives Pray

Mayhem in Tucson I: Liberals Attack, Conservatives Pray

Before the dust had settled in the Tucson, Arizona parking lot, the professional leftists were hard at work trying to pin responsibility for the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords on everyone from the Tea Party to Sarah Palan to defenders of the Second Amendment to anyone who even vaguely supported conservative principles.

Giffords was severely wounded by a pistol shot through the brain. U.S. District Court Judge John Roll and five others, including a 9 year old girl, Christina Taylor Green, were senselessly murdered and 12 others were injured in the mayhem, allegedly by 22 year old Jared Loughner.

Americans’ prayers should go out to the families of the dead and for the prompt recovery of the wounded, including Rep. Giffords who initially was believed to have died in the shootings and now seems to have a fighting chance to survive.

Leftists aren’t much into prayer or anything else positive and, as in the aftermath of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing which they ignorantly blamed on Rush Limbaugh, all but literally fell all over themselves to get, not to their knees but to their keyboards to launch anticipated but nevertheless despicable attacks.

An Arizona blogger on had perhaps presciently commented on that notoriously liberal website two days earlier that his congresswoman, Giffords, was “dead to me.” Her crime? He had worked tirelessly for his “Gabby” in the past but she died to him because he discovered she must be a conservative Democrat since she had voted against Nancy Pelosi for House Minority Leader.

DailyKos quickly took down “BoyBlue’s” death notice following the shootings:

Leftists may not be into prayer but they’re expert at blind recrimination.

Highly acclaimed economist, Paul Krugman, long deceived, like Al Gore, into believing that if he gets a Nobel Prize he’s not still a nitwit, is the left wing’s star when it comes to cockeyed societal observations. He lived up to that rep even as the Tucson scene was still being cleaned up because, of course, he had it all figured out. . .

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The War on Catholics

The War on Catholics

. . . Perhaps the worst was the witless, masculinity-challenged Bill Maher “joking how the Catholic Church should ‘go gay’ and chant ‘We’re here, we’re queer, get Eucharist’ and . . . ‘Jerry Springer: The Opera’ that mocked the ‘little biscuit’ of a genital-fondling Jesus character who admitted he was ‘a little bit gay:’ ”

The consequences of comparable desecrations committed against Mohammed or insults directed at Islam and Muslims are almost beyond imagining. For that matter, abusing the sacred tenets of Jews or Buddhists or Hindus is not just beyond imagining, it’s unheard of.

Maybe it’s time for Catholics to declare their own version of a fatwā. (Read more at

"Hello, Muddah, Hello, Fadder" Becomes "Hello, Parent One, Hello, Parent Two," Etc

"Hello, Muddah, Hello, Fadder" Becomes "Hello, Parent One, Hello, Parent Two," Etc.

If the late comedian Allan Sherman went to Camp Grenada today, he could still write home to his “muddah” and “fadder” but if he went overseas his passport wouldn’t refer to his mother and father but rather to his ”Parent One” and “Parent Two.”

Such is the state of things in Obamaland 2011.

It’s all very explicable, however. “A statement on the State Department website noted: ‘These improvements [sic] are being made to provide a gender neutral description of a child’s parents and in recognition of different types of families.”

State Dept. spokesman spokeswoman spokesperson Brenda Sprague hastened to clear up any misconceptions over the change saying that, “the decision to remove the traditional parenting names was not an act of political correctness,” as if any fool would think that!

“We find, Sprague said, ”that with changes in medical science and reproductive technology that we are confronting situations now that we would not have anticipated 10 or 15 years ago.”

Or even two years ago, pre-Obama.

Understandably, although there has been no Islamic reaction, conservative Christians are repulsed at the change and ”Gay rights groups are applauding the decision:” No comments have yet been made public by other liberal groups. Animal rights advocates who have long felt that orangutans, et al. were people, too, and vegetation rights advocates who favor full rights of citizenship for plants and shrubs have remained silent.

Ridiculous? Absurd? Nuts? What, that animal rights and vegetation silliness or the Obama State Department silliness, and VERY PC passport change? Or, all of the above?

Our Obamian State Department may have earned the Absurdity of the Month Award but there are other contenders hot on its tail.

Inspired, motivated, and pressured by the same agitators who won that passport gender neutrality change, the most powerful agitators in America, the homosexual lobby, agitated in the former “Live Free or Die” state of New Hampshire. Its new motto may some day become, ”Free Sex But No Candy for You!" . . .

Friday, January 7, 2011

That New Black Panther Party Holds AG Holder in its Spell

That New Black Panther Party Holds AG Holder in its Spell

. . . Which brings us full circle, to the ideological successors of the old Black Panthers, the New Black Panther Party and its spell over AG Holder. The NBPP may never be tried and convicted of breaking any federal laws mainly because the Holder-Obama DoJ sees them as exempt from prosecution.

There has been widespread, smoldering resentment against the attorney general for his Department of Justice’s dismissal of the open and shut case against the NBPP’s videotaped voter intimidation by uniformed, armed thugs in Philadelphia on Election Day, 2008.

That resentment was deeply exacerbated last summer when former DoJ attorney J. Christian Adams and current Justice attorney Chris Coates exposed the culture of black racism that prevailed at America’s DoJ which was reflected in its gutting of the intimidation case strictly on racial grounds.

Not surprisingly, the mainstream media largely ignored Adams’ charges and Coates’ sworn testimony to that effect, blockbuster charges and testimony substantiated by numerous others at Justice that should have brought down the attorney general, if not the entire Obama administration.

For more detail on what happened last summer, since it can’t be read in the MSM, see “The MSM, the DoJ, and the Death of Integrity,”, and similar articles in this space.

J. Christian Adams has now revealed how Holder is utilizing–pimping might be a better word–the Democrat Party’s Paper of Record, the New York Times, to push his misleading propaganda about the DoJ’s breach of duty with regard to the NBPP case and other issues. . .

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Edwardsian Dirt: Elizabeth and John Edwards

Edwardsian Dirt: Elizabeth and John Edwards

. . . All that said, allowing that Elizabeth Edwards may only be dead three weeks, it may not be awfully premature to set Elizabeth’s record straight. She is already buried and I come not to praise her.

Acclaimed a champion of health care reform, championing it only after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004, Mrs. Edwards was an accomplished lawyer in her own right who had campaigned tirelelessly for the two Johns, Edwards and Kerry, that year. She was also a vocal advocate for gay marriage and abortion rights.

If there were two America’s in JJE’s universe, there were also two Elizabeths.

If not a confirmed atheist or agnostic, she reacted with perhaps understandable bitterness following her diagnosis saying that “she couldn’t see how she could believe in a god who would blow her 16-year-old son off the road and kill him in an auto accident in 1996 and that any god who could do that was a god that she was not going to be praying to to cure her cancer because if he wouldn’t save her son, he wasn’t going to save her:”

According to, Mrs. Edwards, separated but not yet divorced from her husband of 30 years, threatened JJE’s former aide, Andrew Young, with an alienation of affection lawsuit for having helped cause the dissolution of her marriage and attempted to extort money from him. The threat was both irrational and ironic since Edwards had tapped his long-time aide to be his fall guy to take the heat for impregnating Rielle and Young had, temporarily, agreed out of deference to his boss:

When the burden of that outrageous lie became too much for Young and his wife to bear, he spilled his guts on JJE and the outrage as well as on Elizabeth’s threats and vicious name-calling in his 2010 tell-all book, The Politician.

Those are all sufficient references to get the picture. There’s no need to recount the many corroborated stories of an insatiably ambitious Elizabeth Edwards, an apparent vile shrew who browbeat her weak and weepy husband, treatment that in no way excuses John Edwards’ caddish, corrupt behavior but which does give reason to remember Elizabeth as nothing more than a loving mother.

May she rest in peace, along with John Edwards’ career. And may God pity 12 year old Emma Claire Edwards, 10 year old Jack Edwards and, especially, little Frances Quinn.
(Read the rest at

Dave Letterman, Hatchet Man for the Democrat Party

Dave Letterman, Hatchet Man for the Democrat Party

CBS’ late night clown David Letterman was reportedly so distraught over 9/11 that he contemplated discontinuing the “Late Show with David Letterman,” reportedly. It would have been a good move.

Nevertheless, Dave braved on.

He eventually married his long-time live-in and mother of his son, Regina Lasko, when son Harry was around six. He evidently didn’t want Harry going through life with that bastard label etched on his back.

He managed well enough to forget his grief, as well as his wife and son, and squeeze in multiple assignations in his coop at the Ed Sullivan Theater, including a long-term affair with his perky intern, Stephanie Birkitt, who was young enough to be his granddaughter.

He seemed to forget his upset over 9/11 when he slandered former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin as a slut and her daughters as little slut-ettes, for which he caught some flak but for which he was summarily forgiven by the feminist set which only takes offense if abnormal females are maligned.

Since skating on that slander, Letterman has been on a vendetta against Mrs. Palin and her kin ever since Palin told him what to do with his phony apologies. That vengeful blood feud intensified and became a “comic” staple of his show. More so even than he attacks his nemesis, Jay Leno, who beat him out, twice, for Dave’s nirvana, The Tonight Show, Letterman reviles Palin’s appearance, her books, her television show, and her family, all in good fun, of course.

Maybe he feels women are an easier target and/or that she won’t run him over with one of Leno’s classic cars?

Letterman does have an advantage over Leno in one respect. This is not to suggest that Leno is a Republican lackey but Dave, apparently, has been assigned the semi-exclusive right, assignment, and duty to rip the GOP and all its members which duty he fulfills incessantly and redundantly. . .

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Story of the N-Word

The Story of the N-Word

Shakespeare’s Juliet rhetorically asked, “What’s in a name?” We may all ask, and not rhetorically, What’s in a word, especially a certain word?

Words have meanings and have different meanings for different people. That’s not a very profound statement, I know, but it’s more relevant today than it ever used to be although it depends on the nature of the word.

President Bill Clinton notoriously played with words back in 1998 during his grand jury testimony. He veered into existentialism by painstakingly parsing the third person singular, president indicative of the verb “be:” “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If the–if he–if ‘is’ means is and never has been, that is not–that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement. . . Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true.”

Amazingly, he wasn’t thrown out of office on the basis of that gobbledegook alone!

Since then, others have fared much worse, not for their misuse of the word “is” but because of their use of another word deemed not merely offensive but damned as so vile it no longer qualified for inclusion in either the spoken or written English language.

Wikipedia provides the history of “nigger:” “The variants neger and negar, derive from the Spanish and Portuguese word negro (black), and from the pejorative French nègre (nigger). Etymologically, negro, noir, nègre, and nigger ultimately derive from nigrum, the stem of the Latin niger (black) (pronounced [niɡer]“

In the last decade, that emotionally-charged word has taken on a life, and death, of its own.

To my knowledge, “nigger” is the only word ever to be consigned to language oblivion–except for black rappers and for any other blacks of a mind to use it–and is widely regarded as so offensive that even usage of words that sound like “nigger” have earned the users eternal ignominy.

Also, to my admittedly limited knowledge, “nigger” is the only word ever buried–by the Philadelphia NAACP Youth Council in 2007– and is one of the few words that can in and of itself constitute a hate crime.

Back in 1999, white staffer David Howard of black Washington, D.C. mayor Anthony Williams learned the message of word associations the hard way when, in his ignorance, Williams demanded Howard’s resignation because Howard had used the word “niggardly” in a staff meeting. It didn’t matter that “niggardly” meant “stingily” and had nothing to do with race or color.

Meanings and common sense aside, niggardly sounded like a racial slur . . .

Unreal and Real Momentous News

Unreal and Real Momentous News

Thanks to,–and the repeal of the Pentagon’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy–rumor has it that “the United States First Homosexual Division, the Fighting Sodomites,” will soon be deploying to Afghanistan.

No word yet on what will be the uniform of the day or the nature of their battle gear but Spooftimes does report that “the ‘Fighting Sodomite Division,’ . . . will be tasked with failed ordnance, or dud bomb inspections, mine clearing, and bomb disposal operations:”

In related and actual news, it’s been discovered in George Washington’s papers on file at the Library of Congress that, long before DADT and long before homosexuals became “gay,” someone must have asked about or someone told on a queer guy and a probably straight guy in the Continental Army.

While Washington’s troops were encamped at frigid Valley Forge on March 10, 1778, “Washington approved the dismissal from service of Lt. Frederick Gotthold Enslin for ‘attempting to commit sodomy’ with another soldier,” an act the future commander-in-chief regarded with “abhorrence and detestation.”

It’s not clear how Gotthold got hold of the other soldier but “Enslin’s dismissal came less than two weeks after another soldier, Ensign Anthony Maxwell, was acquitted of the charge of ‘propagating a scandalous report prejudicial to the character of Lt. Enslin. ‘ “ Apparently, that charge was true and verifiable.

Times, they really do change.

Two hundred thirty-two years later at the signing ceremony for repeal of DADT, Vice President Joe Biden didn’t quite say it was “a big f*cking deal” but he was no less efusive: “It’s a good day. It’s a real good day. . . Mr. President, by signing this bill, you will be linking military might with an abiding sense of justice. You’ll be projecting power by promoting fairness, and making the United States military as strong as they can be at a time we need it to be the strongest:”

Biden might call it, “power and strength through gaiety.” The Father of our country would call it abhorrent and detestable. . .

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kathy Griffin, Age 50, Takes on Willow Palin, Age 16

Kathy Griffin, Age 50, Takes on Willow Palin, Age 16

Anyone who has ever doubted the depths to which liberals willingly sink should have all doubts expunged after the most recent plunge.

Alleged comedienne Kathy Griffin, “star” of the aptly-titled, fortunately-canceled reality show, “My Life on the D-List,” who went to Afghanistan to “entertain” the troops by joking about deformities, who ripped Bristol Palin for being “Precious fat” on Dancing with the Stars, who has made a cottage industry of attacking the Palin family, has decided to focus now on child abuse, namely by going after 16 year old Willow Palin.

Griffin proudly told The Hollywood Reporter, “I’ve already gone for Sarah, Todd and Bristol obviously. But I think it’s Willow’s year to go down. In 2011, I want to offend a new Palin.”

Willow Palin’s crimes meriting such offense? Who knows?

Defender of all things gay, Griffin said her New Year’s resolution was to go after Willow because the teen reportedly used homophobic slurs on Facebook. “She’s called people a fa—t [faggot] on Facebook a couple of times.” [Oh, no, not another F-word!] You don’t throw around the f-word without hearing from me about it:”

It could also be because Willow is young and pretty and Griffin is neither . . .

Visual Perceptions and Racial Realities

Visual Perceptions and Racial Realities

Okay, I admit that I don’t see nearly as well as I’d like to, especially at night in the car when those damned approaching headlights look more like halos than halogens.

Still, visual perceptions aside, my declining vision tells me that either youngun reporters and reporterettes out there are either more blind than I or they refuse to report on what they see, or that they censor or are forced by politically correct editors to censor what they witness.

That PC myopia also extends to police departments, some of which seem to suffer from an inability to stick with just the facts, ma’am and trust the perceptions of their own officers.

A case in point involved a racial explosion last August in and around the Iowa State Fair grounds in Des Moines where chants of “Beat whitey night!” filled the air and bands of marauding teens and young adults of both sexes wreaked havoc, were involved in stabbings, injured two cops, and three were arrested.

Initial DMPD reports referred to “racial overtones.” The Des Moines Register headlined its 8-26-2010 story, “Police Say It’s ‘Very Possible’ Attacks Near Fairgrounds Had Racial Overtones.” That description soon became “unconfirmed” and it was subsequently reported by another source that, “Des Moines police said Wednesday that they do not believe fights near the state fairgrounds were racially motivated or connected,”

Stabbings + marauding teens and young adults + on-duty officers + “Beat whitey night.” It seems pretty cut and dried, no? Blacks would seem to have engaged in violent hate crime attacks against whites, no?

Apparently, no. . .

Monday, January 3, 2011

Some Political People What-Ifs

Some Political People What-Ifs

Some random 2011 thoughts on various administration personages and on what might have been:

WHAT IF Barack Hussein Obama had never met and wed Michelle Lavaughn Robinson? Would he have settled for a white girl like his mother and devoted his life to promoting Marxist principles like his father? Or would he have devoted his life to becoming president of the United States, promoting–and implementing–Marxist principles?

WHAT IF the president’s parents had never met, copulated, and wed, or if his mother had rejected his advances and marriage proposal because he was already a bigamist? Since she did seem to have a thing for Muslim men, what if Stanley Ann Dunham had married a Muslim other than Barack Hussein Obama Senior and never conceived Barry?

WHAT IF Hillary Clinton actually suffered from PMDD, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, . . .

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Co-ed Dorms and Other Fun College Experiences

Co-ed Dorms and Other Fun College Experiences

How would you like to shower with that hot freshman who just moved into your dorm?

That’s not just a random voyeuristic fantasy question but rather a serious query faced by many college kids today in a milieu that has brought new meaning to the old hippie mantra, “If it feels good, do it!”

Back in the olden days–like a few generations ago–colleges and universities were expected to act in loco parentis, serving as parental surrogates and enforcing what was then considered the norms of societal views on interpersonal relationships and often took that responsibility to the extreme. Instead of simply mandating that doors be left open when boys visited girls’ rooms, suitors were stopped at front entrances to girls’ dormitories by gestapo-trained guards who sternly sent them on their merry, horny ways, curfews were strictly enforced, and behavior was rigidly dictated.

On the distaff side, females would no sooner approach a male dorm than they would pick up a phone and call a guy.

Times have changed, which may be the understatement of the twenty first century when applied to our institutions of somewhat higher learning where most real learning takes place not in classrooms but behind closed dorm doors, where calculus and theoretical geophysics take a back seat behind personal anatomical exploration and applied sexuality.

The relatively new phenomenon and serious ramifications for females of the human species of “hooking up”–a collegiate euphemism for sharing one’s intimate wealth with either “friends with benefits” or with guys girls met that night at a keg or frat party, or a frat, keg party–has already been discussed in this space.

(See “Hooking Up,” Parts One and Two,, in which it is shown that girls are by far the principal victims of the new and rampant promiscuity. Males never have to stride ”the tart walk.” If anything, they regard hooking up, and the occasional orgy, as the greatest advancements in collegiality since the invention of The Pill.)

The companion phenomenon to hooking up, co-ed dormitories, are another worst dream of many parents who naively send their young Janies off to college to get an education and grow into full adulthood and will make parental heads spin. Their young Janies may have much less lofty visions than education and maturation. They may have visions of quarterbacks dancing in their heads . . .

Algorean Warming, Cooling, Changing, Whatevering

Algorean Warming, Cooling, Changing, Whatevering

Rational people should feel a deep sense of pity for Albert Arnold ”Al” Gore Jr.

Not that he minds but not only is he Albert Arnold “Al” Gore Jr. but on top of that burden the poor soul has been so humiliated for being so wrong, so reduced to a caricature, so humiliated by reality, so devolved into what he is as opposed to what he once thought he was or may have thought he may have been, that he is now a laughing stock to those rational people.

The poor thing is so self-besotted that he must think that his borderline obscene embrace and liplock with Tipper at the DNC national convention in 2000, his alleged inability to control his sexual urges with massage therapists in 2006, 2007, and 2008, and his wife of 40+ years jettisoning his sorry ass in 2010 all somehow endear him to the public or, more likely, he doesn’t give a damn what the public thinks.

He has his resume’ to keep him all warm and fuzzy.

The guy was an Ivy Leaguer, as is Elena Kagan, he served in Vietnam, as a protected species, he won a Nobel Peace Prize, as did Yassir Arafat, and an Oscar, as did Michael Moore. Why not cut him some slack?

Poor AlGore is to be pitied mainly but not exclusively for his championing and rapacious enrichment beyond his wildest imagining from the pathetic, long-running, long-disproven joke and insidious charade known popularly as global warming, global cooling, climate changing, and now by the all-encompassing creation of John Holdren, global climate disruption.

That last covers just about any and everything that can happen climatologically from record rains to the driest droughts, from blizzards to heat waves, probably even the size and shapes of snow flakes, to the incidents of bedbugs in New York City which, we all know, is caused by the little buggers looking for safe havens from the heat, or the cold, or that general disruption.

Nevertheless, Algore keeps plugging along like those postmen of old whose rounds continued through snow, rain, heat, and gloom of night even if the last postman to deliver mail during the gloom of night actually doubled as a cat burglar. Undismayed by the mutiple changes in climatological nomenclature or by Climategate or by the coldest winter in a century, Big Al still likes ye olde global warming, avid advocacy for which has made him famous and rich.

Gore surely endorses the latest deception borne of the minds of fellow Democrat warmists in Washington, the warmists’ version of death panels decreed by regulatory fiat, greenhouse gas regulations. The obvious federal rationale for both is the theory that, if they can’t get a law to do it, bypassing Congress and the Constitution with some administrative regulations will.

Gore would be very much in favor. . .

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What We Hope They Say in 2011

What We Hope They Say in 2011

“What They Said in 2010,”, featured “an annotated melange of ignorance and arrogance, of wisdom and stupidity, of betrayal and allegiance” in the words uttered by mostly American political figures. “What We Hope They Say in 2011″ deals mostly with wishful thinking about what some of those notables might say.

Nancy Pelosi: “Okay, I admit the whole Obamacare debacle was a mistake from beginning to end but what was I to do after the president declared it his top priority and since it became the signature issue, the legacy issue of his presidency? Notice we Democrat congresspeople and senators made certain Obamacare didn’t apply to us, though. Pretty clever, I think, although I have to resign my seat since I feel so guilty over duping the American people.

VP Joe Biden: I don’t think it was that stupid whisper to Barack that passing Obamacare was “a big f*cking deal!” After all, it was a big f*cking deal and nobody was supposed to be listening anyway! It wasn’t any dumber than saying, ”the number one job facing the middle class [is]: jobs. J-O-B-S” or saying that FDR described the cause of the stock market crash on television, or telling crippled Missouri State Senator, Chuck Graham, to stand up or saying that “In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent” or any of the many other stupid things I’ve said! It’s no f*cking big deal but I’m quitting!

Imam Rauf: All Americans suck pork. My Ground Zero mosque won’t be built and it’s all their fault that Muslims won’t be able to celebrate our great 9/11 victory and stick it in their infidel faces when we opened that great edifice this September. Don’t say I didn’t warn you that Muslims are madder than a Muslim at a pig roast. I am going home to Egypt where I can wage jihad against you pig eaters and, by the way, I was only kidding about being a bridge builder so, there, joke on all infidels! Ha, ha.

Rep. Charley Rangel: Ethics, schmethics! . . .