Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bristol Palin Meets Liberal Incivility

Bristol Balin Meets Liberal Incivility

Okay, so a 20 year old girl went out with some friends last Thursday to the Saddle Ranch Restaurant in West Hollywood and, being an adventurous as well as pretty young lady, she took a ride on one of those horn-less mechanical bulls intended by management to provide some rocky entertainment for the clientele.

Bodacious but innocent enough, right?

Wrong, when the rider was Bristol Palin, eldest daughter of Sarah Palin, conservative former governor of Alaska and Republican candidate for the vice presidency of the United States three years ago and when members of her audience were foul-mouthed liberals.

Subsequently identified as Stephen Hanks, a Hollywood talent agent with little talent but with a remarkably-obscene vocabulary to his credit, the liberal proceeded to verbally attack Ms. Palin after her engagement with the mechanical bull, clearly demonstrating that stuffed bulls have more brains, class, and civility than Stephen Hanks.

The rocking, twisting bull eventually threw Bristol but Hanks didn’t.

The 47 year old Hanks, seated with his buddies at the Saddle Ranch bar, courageously peppered a 20 year old girl with the most vile, vicious invective this side of Hollywood after she got up to the applause and high-fives of the crowd. She then directly confronted the talentless talent agent.

Greeted by the bald-headed Hanks with, “Your mother is the f*cking devil,” . . .

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