Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Gay Seduction of 10 Year Olds

The Gay Seduction of 10 Year Olds

Some things are better left unsaid and unelucidated. Among them are details on which Hollywood starlet is sleeping with which director, why Ashton Kutcher married Demi Moore–and sensationalized tripe on the sex lives of 10 year old girls.

The Gay Lobby, however, wants everything elucidated and out there when it comes to what segment of the population it is in process of seducing lately in hopes that more kids will do it, try it, because, as per the newest homosexual catchphrase, “It gets better.”

(See for further information on the import of how life allegedly “gets better” for youngsters who are hit on by gay adult predators– as told from the vantage point of degenerate homosexual activist, Dan Savage.)

Now 10 year old tomboyish girls come to the realization, at least in the unhinged perceptions of some film writers and producers, that “it gets better.” And thus we have the multi-award-winning “Tomboys,” a French film by Parisian Celine Sciamma.
Dispense with the antiquated idea that tomboys are only young girls who reject dolls and frilly dresses in favor of footballs and dirt encrusted Levis which, nowadays, isn’t all that unusual anyway. Based on the trailers, Sciamma’s movie incorporates scenes of similar, innocuous gender-blending but merely as background for more salacious content.

Sciamma also features in her seamy yet critically-acclaimed cinematic excursion into predatory child exploitation is the story of a confused, re-located child who finds comfort and sexual release in lesbianism and a self-constructed Play-Doh dildo.

A convicted serial deviate couldn’t make this stuff up! . . .

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