Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Slime, Sleaze, and Levi Johnston

Slime, Sleaze, and Levi Johnston

Levi Johnston is the kind of guy a girl should bring home to meet the family–but only if the family would beat the living daylights out of him. The reader may recall Levi, the handsome, young high school student who transformed himself into a vile snake to gain fame and make a buck.

Todd and Sarah Palin of Wasilla, Alaska and their young daughter, Bristol, were evidently taken in by Johnston in more ways than one. The Levi-Bristol relationship has become common knowledge: pre-marital teen sex, pregnancy, Baby Tripp, and two engagements, both of which Bristol broke off.

Following Tripp’s birth, Bristol worked, attended school, took care of their child, became a spokeswoman for teen sexual abstinence, advocated against abortion, wrote a “memoir,” Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far, and finished as a finalist on “Dancing with the Stars.”

Johnston decided he didn’t want to get his hands dirty in the Alaskan oil fields and opted for a career as a male model/actor and, since that objective wasn’t panning out too well, embarked on a mission to smear the Palin family. He, too, wrote a book, a yet-to-be-released tome with the slanderously-loaded title, Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs.

It was hardly his first excursion into smearing, . . .

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