Thursday, October 7, 2010

Two Instances of Democrat Perfidy: Lame Ducks and Phony "Witches"

Two Instances of Democrat Perfidy: Lame Congresses and Phony "Witches"

Let’s face it. Democrats have no soul and no conscience. Two instances:

Lame Ducks: In an announcement that will go down alongside the announcement that Barack Obama is the most liberal-leftist-fraudulent president in American history, Nancy Pelosi’s House of Misrepresentatives and Harry Reid’s Pusillanimous Senate will meet in a lame duck session two weeks after the midterm elections to perpetrate more damage to the Republic and to the American people.

Knowing this Democrat Congress’ proven commitment to foisting unwanted, unneeded, and harmful legislation on the country, it’s no surprise that Pelosi and Reid plan to use the seven weeks from November 15th, 2010 until the next Congress is seated on January 3rd, 2011 to push through laws they weren’t able to pass before Election Day.

As preposterous as it may sound four weeks out, Dick Morris is predicting ”the obliteration of a generation of Democrats” come November. As he wrote, ”Thanks to the leadership of President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid, the Democratic Party is facing the biggest defeat in midterm elections in the past 110 years, perhaps surpassing the modern record of a 74-seat gain set in 1922. They will also lose control of the Senate:”

From your mouth to God’s ears, Dick.

Whether that literal political revolution comes to pass or not, Pelosi and Reid are taking no chances that they will not be obliterated and are looking to pass S.3815, the Natural Gas and Electric Vehicles Bill, S.3772, the Paycheck Fairness Bill S.510, the Food Safety Bill as well as any other bills they can sneak though Congress as the lamest ducks in history.

Lame “Witches:” Aside from the very valid question as to whether Delaware’s Republican candidate for the United States Senate, Christine O’Donnell, should have even dignified the charge that she is a witch by denying that absurdity . . .

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