Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ROCPAC and Abortion

ROCPAC and Abortion

Anyone recall Bart Stupak? He’s one of the many reasons ROCPAC, the Repeal Obamacare PAC, http://repealobamacarepac.com/about-rocpac/, is advocating for dumping Obamacare.

He’s also the congressman who tried to pretend he was a pro-life Democrat in his pro-life Michigan neck-of-the-woods and then tried to defend his cowardly retreat from that position after the U.S. House of Representatives rammed through the Obamacare bill last March on a squeaker vote of 219-212.
Texas Rep. Randy Neugebauer interrupted Stupak’s exercise in sophistry by shouting, “Baby killer!” at his colleague, later changed for CYA purposes to, “It’s a baby killer!” in reference to the abortion provisions hidden in the bowels of HR 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, PPAHCA.

Neugebauer was right on both counts.

He “rejected a demand by Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), the House Democratic whip, that he apologize to the full House. ’For what?’ Neugebauer asked. ‘I was out just speaking the truth, and my constituents know that I was out speaking the truth . . . because their outpouring has been overwhelming.’ He added: ‘I won’t apologize for doing the right thing. Not gonna do it. I will apologize when they repeal this bill.’ “ (http://tiny.cc/hopykzgcj1)

Randy Neugebauer did do the right thing by righteously re-affirming his belief that Obamacare is indeed “a baby killer” but needlessly spared Stupak from the same label and couldn’t have been serious in thinking “they,” Pelosi-Reid Democrats, would ever repeal it.

Perhaps no other feature of Obamacare has aroused such passion as its abortion provisions, at the same time it barely registers on the repugnancy scale of many Independent voters who seem little concerned with so-called “social issues” as opposed to economic issues. That’s regrettable since abortion goes to the heart of what’s wrong with Obamacare, and to what’s wrong with President Obama. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=2121)

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